Monday, November 26, 2007



Saturday, November 24, 2007

cheating . . .

Why do you think people roam outside their relationship for sex or companionship with someone else? Sometimes even when a person claims to be in love with a spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend, he or she still can't stay faithful. Why is that?

Do you think cheating is sufficient cause for divorce? Do you think most couples can work things out after one of them has cheated? How could the cheater regain trust?

Have you ever been cheated on in a relationship? Why did it happen? What was your experience, and what did you learn from it?

Thank you for your help!

LesLee Watkins (7:00)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


-Does the nation today encourage activities that cause obesity? If yes, how so? If not, what causes obesity in most Americans today?

Please refer to this website before answering:

Brianna Bugbee (noon)

smoking ban

As of jan 1 2008 the state will be smoke free, all businesses will be smoke free and all government buildings and vehicles. do you think its right that the government can tell a privately owned business that they can't allow their customers to smoke in their place of business? Do you think it should be up to the business to decide what they allow patrons and employees to do on their premisis? Tell me how you feel about the smoking ban.
Thomas Wood (7:00am)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Deadbeat Parents

How do you feel about parents who don't support their children financially? Do you think tougher consequences should be implemented? If jail time were a penalty for non-compliance to pay, would they be more inclined to support their children? Does the custodial parent have the right to deny visitation if the other parent doesn't take responsibility for their children? Are the majority of non-compliant parents absent from their children's lives altogether? Why? Is their ever a good reason for not paying child support? What negative effects do deadbeat parents have on their children's lives? Do you know someone who chooses not to support their kids? If so, how do you feel about their choice? Are the child support enforcement agencies doing enough to collect payments? Is the system flawed? What more can be done?
Jennifer Wilson (9:00)

Adolescent Adderall Usage

Adolescent Adderall Usage

The U.S. has inevitably fallen to the pescription drug trend. Whatever your complication may be the doctors always have the answer, usually in the form of a tiny colored pill. This statement could not be more true when it comes to kids with "ADD" and/or "ADHD". If any child, teenager, or young adult is acting up in school or recieving bad grades they will without a doubt be prescribed to adderall. Although adderall has proved to help people no one truly knows the affects. Is adderall just another "quick fix" drug? Does it contain unwanted prolonged side affects? Will people prescribed to it be able to function without it? Does anyone really know what complications it can create since our generation is the first to take it? What will you take after you build an unhealthy tolerance to the drug? Is there another drug on the market that can take its place? How many kids are taking adderall who don't really need it? Why does adderall contain meth like substances? Is adderall dangerous? Is adderall just a scam to make money by the drug companies? Do these companies really care about our youth's well-being or do they just want another dollar at our expense? Are the tests to determine if you need adderall even reliable? Is it addictive? Is it being used more recreationally then for its true purpose? What do you think about adderall?

Blake Eakes (noon)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Animal testing . . .

Should animal testing be banned?
Animal testing has provided us with the immunizations against polio, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, hepatitis, pertussis (whooping cough), measles, tetanus, pneumococcal pneumonia, and influenza. The flu vaccine people will be going out to get soon is even injected and incubated in a fertilized chicken egg.
Vaccines discovered are also used for our companion animals and food animals.
We would not have pacemakers, organ transplants, artificial joints, and other breakthroughs used in Veterinary medicine for our companion animals either.
Without these discoveries the human race would not be living as long as we are now.
Laparoscopic surgeries were advanced on pigs instead of humans.
Many animals have suffered due to the testing done in many research facilities, but times are changing and research facilities are practicing using more humane procedures, including sedating, giving treats, and following the welfare act by providing environmental supplements. Diabetes sufferers are another group of people who thanks to animal testing are dealing with much less painful treatments, i.e. no more insulin injections. They can now use patches, inhalants, and sprays that have all been tested on animals.
Thank you to everyone who has already answered. This is just a few examples to show the other side to animal testing since someone else has already gone for the opposite view. Any comments or insights to the other side are of course welcome.

Bobbi (9:00)

Smoking or drinking?

Is smoking marijuana safer than drinking alcohol? If so, why do you think weed is illegal and alcohol is legal? Do you think the side effects are the same or different?

Tiffany Fields 9:00

Underage Drinking?

Why is there so much underage drinking?
Is underage drinking a problem in our society? Why/why not?
What would be the advantages and disadvantages to changing the legal drinking age?
If you were in charge, what would you make the legal drinking age?

Justin Henrichs (9:00)

"To be or not to be Abstinent? That is the question!"

The world is ever changing, but should our morals change with the times? Have the morals of past generations been discarded or overlooked? With sex before marriage, does the good outweigh the bad? Should we wait until marriage to have sex?
Miranda Wilson (9:00)

Cell phones and cars. Do they really go together?

Is talking on a cell phone and driving really all that dangerous? Should talking on your cell phone be banned while a person is driving? What about the hands-free devices that still can allow people to talk on the phone while driving, does that still affect their ability to drive focused? Should talking on cell phones and driving become illegal such as drinking and driving? What type of punishment should it receive if it does become illegal and what should the punishment be? Do you really think that talking on a cell phone is really that much of a distraction? Any other comments would be greatly appreciated.
Frankie Gaskill (9:00)

Is child obesity out of control?

Is child obesity out of control?
The number of children who are overweight has doubled in the last decade. Currently one child in five is overweight. There are many causes of obesity. Even though genetics plays a big part, genes alone can't account for the huge increase in rates over the past few decades. The main reasons are the same as adult obesity: eating too much and moving around too little. Almost half of children aged 8-16 years watch three to five hours of television a day. Kids who watch the most hours of television have the highest incidence of obesity.
So how do we prevent this from happening?
Should their be mandatory p.e. classes every day or should our children be on strict diets?
What do you know about child obesity?
How do we encourage activity?
What are the effects on the child?
What causes it?

Abby Dillingham (9:00)

Gender equality . . .

What are some of the common associations made with the female gender? How about the male gender? Do you see these as overall accurate in your experience? Are most men really less emotional and more rational? Are women truly more sensitive than men? Are men more influenced than women by visual stimuli? If so, is this part of why porn attracts more men than women?

What other comments do you have about the genders? Do male and female brains work differently?

If you could start over again, knowing what you think you know now about men and women, which gender would you choose to be and why?


Dave Cassout (7:00)

Are American's Unhealthy?

With the obesity rate constatly rising, more and more people are getting diagnosed with deadly diseases. People need to stop eating unhealthy and kick start their exercise regimen. How do you think body image marketing has an affect on teens? What do you think causes teens to have eating disorders? What do you think are some ways to control body image marketing? Do you think that you must have the "perfect" body in order to be accepted in society? If so why or why not? What are the negative effects celebrities have on teeneagers when it comes to their body image? Thanks for taking your time to comment....

Haley Stewart (7:00)

Worldwide School Shootings

Did you know that from 1996 to 2007 there have been fifty worldwide school shootings? Why have school shootings become so common over the past eleven years? What are the causes of school shootings in your opinion? What can we do to prevent future school shootings worldwide?

Demaris Winston 7:00am

Music:The end of the World as we Know it?

Music is diverse. Rap, R&B, Rock, Metal, Country, Folk, Classical, Christian, etc. Name your favorite artist, and why. How did you get into it? Did a sibling influence you? Friends? Schoolmates? Why do you like it, and Do you apreciate other styles? Can music corrupt youth, and if you say yes, why and what kind?

Michael Logue(7:00)

marijuana ???

Why do you think marijuana is bad? Do you think that marijuana is addictive ? What about the side effects--are there any? Should it be made legal to use for medical purposes? Does marijuana have any medical value? Should it be legal for general use like alcohol? Is it a gateway or stepping-stone drug? Should the people selling the drug be punished? If so, how severe?

Ben (7:00 am)

Too Many Drunken Athletes?

The past few years have brought many controversies about athletes drinking in high school or in college. Even though some athletes are of age to drink, it does not change the fact that they have signed training rules saying that they will oblige to certain rules. Should athletic training rules be more strongly enforced when it comes to athletes drinking underage or of age? What should the consequences be if they are caught? Even if they are the star of the team, should they still be tried as equally as everyone else or should they be given a free pass?

Thanks for your help!

--Tim Swan (7:00)

The Death Penalty

What are your views on the death penalty? Do you support it? Do you think it is a form of cruel and unusual punishment? Should it be a life for a life? Does it violate human right? Which is worse, life in prison or the death penalty? Does the death penalty act as a deterance and stop people from committing other crimes?

Ryan Lowry (7:00)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Global Warming Controversy

The Global Warming Controversy is a dispute about nature and consequences of global warming. The biggest issue is whether or not humans have anything to do with this increase in global temperature, or if this is something the Earth regularly goes through. What are your views on global warming? Why is global warming a problem? What can we do about global warming? Is it really a problem, or are we just in between ice ages? Earth has always warmed and cooled, so why do scientists think that humans are causing global warming? 

Please visit these sites to get different views on the controversy if  you are unfamiliar with the subject. Thank you.

Chris Bohnhoff (Noon Class)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Global Poverty

Did you know?
In America: According to the National Coalition for the Homeless, 1.2 million children are homeless on any given night. Supporting this figure are estimates from the U.S. Department of Education that report almost 400,000 homeless children were served by the nation's public schools last year. Since more than half of all homeless children are under the age of 6 and not yet in school, a minimum of 800,000 children can be presumed to be homeless.
In other countries: Sub-Saharan Africa is home to some 45 million orphaned children. That’s more than the total number of all children under the age of 18 living in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Norway and Sweden combined. Nearly a third of these children have lost their parents to AIDS. AIDS is particularly brutal to children because it often wipes out the entire family network. Since the extended family is typically the only safety net these children have, AIDS orphans are critically vulnerable. Without family members to care for them, these children will almost always end up on the streets – where they face terrible odds for survival. They will eat other peoples garbage, drink water that is dirty and full of disease, and have no safe place to sleep.
Do you think Americans are concerned enough about the problem of poverty?
Are they more concerned with one over the other, and should they be?
Is the government trying to hide poverty that exists in the United States?
Do you feel that the homeless in America are to blame for their condition because at one point in time they had opportunity, whereas in ‘undeveloped’ countries they “were born into their condition” ?
Are those living in poverty in ‘undeveloped’ countries more important to feed than Americans living in poverty?
Since America is the wealthiest country in the world, do you think Americans and non-profit organizations are doing their part in helping this situation? Should they do more or less?
With so many children around the world living in poverty and the holiday shopping season fast approaching, how can we as wealthy Americans be less selfish during this time and do something for these children who would be thankful to just have a meal? How can we learn to be generous? How can we use our abundance for the betterment of others?

Hannah Dodd (9:00)


How do you feel about mercy killing, otherwise known as Euthanasia? Doctors use this method to kill humans and animals that are otherwise dead to the world, or defective. Do you feel that this form of killing is ethical, or right in any way? In what cases would you approve in using the Euthanasia methods, if any?
Cameron Brown (7:00)

truth about immigration

Is immigration hurting our country, helping it, or having no effect on it at all. How does it make us as a country who represents freedom and democracy look, if we turn our back on the poor and poverty stricken who come here for a chance at a better life for them and their family? Does the phrase on the statue of liberty not say we are a country who welcomes the tired, hungry, and poor? Would you as an American raise your children in a home with only brick walls, no ceiling, no clean water, as bug and roach infested as a place can be, fully equipped with earth floors and no ceiling, because it's what you are born in to, or would you take the first chance you had to get your family somewhere safer and better where they may have opportunities they deserve as humans?

Brett Hall 12:00 pm

Is Abortion Murder?

Abortion has been a highly argumentive subject for many years. While some feel it is acceptable, others argue that it's murder to an innocent life. When is abortion acceptable and when is it not? Or is it acceptible at all?

Thank you for your honest opinion!
-Jill Reinhart (12:00)

Should the legal drinking age be lowered?

Do you think the legal alcohol consumption age of 21 is right or should it be lowered to 18 or 19? Why? Do you think the penalty for drinking underage is too harsh or is it too lenient? Have you ever drank illegaly underage? Why did you do it or why haven't you done it? If so do you really think people that are 18 or 19 can't handle the resposibily of drinking responsibly? Why?

Jimmy Gourdier (noon class)

Death: The Unknown Fear?

How often do you think of dying? After death are you going to heaven or hell? Do you believe in reincarnation? Will being a good person while alive assure you a ticket into heaven after death? Do you believe in HELL? Are there roaming Spirits that refuse to die or don't know they are DEAD? Should there be a fear of death?

Theresa Newman (noon)

Health Care

Do you think America's health care system is as effective as it could be?

--Does it cater to the needs of all?

--How does it compare with the health care systems of other modernized nations?
•Various nations in Europe?
•Various nations in Asia?

--In general, are the majority of American hospitals adequately staffed? (Concerning not only quantity, but also quality)

--In general, are the majority of American hospitals adequately equipped?

--Do you see insurance companies as anything less than "ideal"?

Tristan Cogswell (Noon)

Sexual Assault Crimes and Punishments

Sexual Predators who are put in prison for rape get out after only serving half of their sentence because they are “well-behaved” prisoners and end up repeating the same crime. Should rapists and pedophiles get harsher prison sentences when convicted? If so what type of punishments should they receive? Should the punishment be different if the victim is 20 years or older compared to a baby? Or should the punishment be the same because all rape is wrong no matter the age or sex of the victim? Should a sexual assault attempt result in the same punishment has a conviction in sexual assault?

Nick Hanke Eng 101 noon time

Tasers-Should They Be Allowed?

Should police officers be allowed to use tasers? Why do you think the use of tasers is so controversial? Should civilians be able to use tasers? Why or why not? Do you believe that people need a license in order to use them? What form of taser should be allowed? Why do you think they have different types of tasers?
Liz Doty (12:53pm)

Chief Illiniwek; Icon or Mockery?

Why should the chief be completely banned from association with the University of Illinois? Why would the tribe that totally annialated the tribe that the chief was from be the ones to protest against him? Are we respecting the chief or making a mockery of him? How can these protestors be able to make us forget the chief? Why are we not allowed to purchase chief appearal or celebrate him in parades? How can people speak out to bring the chief back? Is there hope that the chief will one day return and input spirt into our hearts?

Christopher L. Cole (12:00)

Michael Vick's Punishment

Does Michael Vick's punishment seem fair for his crimes? Should the sentence be longer or shorter? Considering his celebrity, should he be given preferential treatment, or be charged as a regular criminal? If you were the judge/jury, how would you have handled the case? What if you were Vick's lawyer--how would you have handled it? If anyone has any input, please don't hesitate to put your two cents in. Thanks.

Jarett Crump (12:00 class)

Check out this link for more info or google michael vick dog fighting..

Domestic abuse: more common than you think.

Do you think that domestic violence is a common occurrence? Do you think that you would ever find yourself in an abusive relationship? Are you the kind of person who had always said you would never be in an abusive relationship, and then found yourself in one with no way out? What would you tell your friend if she were in an abusive relationship? Do you think that abuse is a learned behavior from your youth? Is there a lot of abuse in your family?

Kassi Royalty(12:00)

Body Image

Do people place too much emphasis on the way they look?
Are society's expectations too high?
Are the stars of today a good representation of what we should model ourselves after?
Do you feel the media is to blame-showing advertisements or commercials of thin models and built celebrities?
Should there be more supportive websites to encourage healthy body image?
Are there too many commercials and advertisments on weight loss programs and workout pills?
Who placed the so called requirements of what size is the perfect body image?
What do you think is the ideal body image? Why?

Why do people feel so self conscious about their bodies?
Are men not considered masculine if they are not built and are women not feminine if they are not thin?

Zach Burnett (12:00)


Do you believe that money can't buy happiness? Do you think that America is too materialistic? Do you think that people judge others on what materialistic possessions they have? Do you shop to make yourself happy? What do you think about poorer countries? Do you think that they are happier? Why do you think that poor kids in Africa are happy? Would you rather be poor or rich? What if you had to choose to be rich and miserable or poor and happy? Why?

Dani (12 o'clock)

Sports Back Then vs Sports Today

Sports Today vs Sports Back Then. Are sports today exciting as they were back in the 90's? If not, which ones? Did the athletes care about the game more back then? I personally think athletes back then played for the game, not endorsement deals and money. Sure everybody wants money, but the athletes today just seem like they only care about that, and themselves. Some sports today just aren't as fun t0 watch anymore. Why though? Is it because they all want fame? Advertising? Think about some of the athletes in the 90's, tons of them were and still are recognized as the greatest athletes of our time. Michael Jordan, John Elway, Barry Sanders, Deon Sanders, Jerry Rice, Karl Malone, Reggie Miller, Shawn Kemp, Wayne Gretzky, John Daley, and so much more. What do you think? Were sports back then more exciting than sports today?

Trevor Kohlrus (12:00)

Under God?

U.S. District Judge Lawrence Karlton ruled that the pledge's reference to one nation "under God" violates school children's right to be "free from a coercive requirement to affirm God."

Should "under god" be taken out of the pledge of Allegience?

why or why not?

Should students be allowed to sit while the pledge is being said in class?

Please explain why you feel this way. For more information, see this site:

Lindsay Brooks (noon)


Is discrimination a problem in our society? Why or why not?
Have you ever discriminated against someone for how they look?
Why do you think people make these judgments?
Do you think anyone discriminates or labels you? What do they say about you?
How do you decide on how to label someone?
Do you tend to label for more positive or negative reasons?
What makes a label positive or negative?
How do you think these people would feel if they knew what you labeled them?
How many of these labels do you think are just/true?

Rachel Edwards (Noon Class)

same sex partnership

should people of the same sex be allowed to get married?

Should they be allowed to adopt children?

What are your views in general about same sex partnership?

Do you think it is ok? Why or why not.

April Higgens Eng 101-9am

Tattoos -- Agree or Disagree?

Are you aware that 36% of 18 to 25 year olds have tattoos and 40% of 26 to 40 years olds have some as well. Today tattoos are common although some still disagree with them. What are your thoughts on tattoos? Do you have any tattoos? Why did you get a tattoo? Or have you ever considered getting one? What changed your mind? Do you think there is a certain sterotype if you place the tattoo on a certain part of the body i.e tramp stamp? If you disgree with tattoos, why? Do you judge individuals with tattoos?

Thanks, Kristin Knowles (9:00)


Is it ok for a female to have an abortion?
Under what circumstances is an abortion ok?
If you are a girl and you get pregnant, would you have an abortion?
If you are a boy, and you get someone pregnant, would you want them to get an abortion?

Janyce Burks (9:00)

Is it your choice?

"...even assuming that circumcision could help to protect against HIV infection, it would not be necessary to carry it out on unconsenting infants. One could wait until the person was about to become sexually active and could decide for himself. " -Dr Margaret Somerville-
Do you believe that parents have the right to choose circumcision for a newborn?

If you consider that the statistics for women developing breast cancer (12.7%) are considerably higher than males developing penile cancer (.09%), do you think we should perform routine mastectomy on teenage girls?

What do you know about the procedure of circumcision?
What do you think are the pros and cons?

(Renee Hart) 9am class

Video Game Violence

Do you think that aggression and violence in children are the result of playing video games? Do you think that when children do play video games, it makes them want to act out the characters in them? Or is the media just blaming video games for children's violent actions? Should parents be buying their young children these video games? Please voice your opinion. Thanks.

Alyssa Surber (9:00)

To Kill Or Not To Kill, That Is The Question...

What are your views on the death penalty? Do you think that certain criminals should be put to death and others shouldn't? Do you think it is up to a jury to decide whether or not someone lives or dies because of their actions? Should it be made illegal to put someone to death because they killed someone? I would just like to know your overall thoughts about this subject. Thank you!
Morgan MacFarlane (9:00)

Global War on Terror

Do you feel that the U.S. is safer since the inception of the global war on terrorism? Should we be in Iraq? Afganistan? Are these operations worth the lives of our service members? Should the government have the extended powers that have been granted to it by the PATRIOT Act (i. e. warantless survailance or indefinite detention of non-U.S. citizens)? Is the world safer? Is the world on our side? How long should should we keep this up?

Scott Kimball( 9:00)

Homeschool or Public School?

Two million of the children in the United State are homeschooled. What are your opinions or views on home schooling? Public school? Do you think one is better than the other? Why? Are homeschoolers really "socially impaired"? Do public-schoolers have more friends? Do homeschoolers seem smarter than kids who go to public school? Are children who are homeschooled closer to their parents and siblings? What do you say the pros and cons of both are? Academically speaking, are public schools not teaching enough higher education or do you see homeschooling as "the easy" button and being able to blow school off?


Elizabeth Kerns (9:00)

Prison Conditions

What do you think about the conditions that criminals endure at the prisons? Do you think that the conditions are too harsh or too lenient? I recently visited the Champaign County Jail on a class trip and saw that all the prisoners were free to do whatever they wanted. They were allowed to watch TV, play games and cards, work out and play basketball at any time. Some of these prisoners were convicted of rape, murder, and child molestation. Do you think that these criminals should be given the same treatment as other criminals that have committed lesser crimes? Should our tax money be going to a place that lets murderers and rapists watch
TV and play cards any time they feel like it?

Kirby Reifsteck (9:00)

Plastic Surgery

What are your views on plastic surgery?

When do you think it's a good idea for someone to have plastic surgery?

When do you consider plastic surgery to be wrong?

Under what circumstances is it okay to get plastic surgery?

Things to think about . . .

What age is it okay to get plastic surgery?

Do you think it's okay for someone who is young and beautiful to alter themselves?

Is botox considered plastic surgery?

Is it okay for someone who was in an auto accident to receive plastic surgery?

Is plastic surgery worth the risk?

Is plastic surgery too costly?

Thank you for your opinions!

Chelse Lindenbaum (9:00 class)

Sex. Is it that important?

Should we wait to have sex?

Should we rush into it or wait until we are married?
What do you see as the advantages to having premarital sex? The disadvantages? Do you think more marriages would last longer if couples showed their faithfulness to one another by abstaining from sex until after marriage? Would it make the relationship stronger if you wait?

Jaime Carpenter 9:00

Should we have Compassion International(ly)?

What do you think about helping and supporting children through Compassion International or other ministries of the same kind?
(here is Compassion International's website, if you'd like to read about them:

Should we donate to that kind of program? Why?
Should we not donate? Why not?

Do you support a child from another country? If not, would you?

Thanks so much for your time. I greatly appreciate it!

~Megan Mercier (9:00)

Americans--Unhealthy or Not?

Are Americans unhealthy? How do we compare with other countries in how we eat, how much we eat, and how often we eat. If we are unhealthy, is it because we eat unhealthy foods or just too much food? Are Americans more dependent on fast food than other countries are? How does this affect obesity rates? Are Americans more inclined to have high cholesterol, and at higher risk for things such as heart disease. Are Americans more inclined to develop eating disorders in comparison to people of other countries? Bottom line--why are we so unhealthy?
Dustin Piercy


Should smoking marijuana be legalized?
What are your feelings on this?
Do you think weed is bad for your health?
Do you think that marijuana can be used as medicinal purposes ?
Is weed beneficial? If yes ,why? if no, why?
Why are so many Americans against smoking weed?

Kelly Martinez (7:00 a.m.)
Here are a few sites to view on the subject.
Thank you for all your comments!

Alcohol Abuse

Are you aware that 65% of kids get their alcohol from friends and family?
Would you ever consider supplying a younger sibling, or child with alcohol if they asked you?
Do you believe that the earlier a child/teen starts consuming alcohol, the more likely they are to become dependent on it?
Do you think that alcoholism is a disease?
Have you ever known anyone who is an alcoholic?
If so, what type of behavior did they display when they were intoxicated?
Why do you think that person turned to alcohol instead of a family member or friend?

Thanks for your opinions!
Brittney (7:00)

What are your views on euthanasia?

Should euthanasia (physician-assisted) suicide be legal?
Should a person have the right to decide when to die?
Have you ever watched a person, or an animal die slowly and painfully?
Have you ever watched a loved-one waste away, when they didn't know what was going on around them, with a bag attached to them for food, until they finally died?
Should a person have the right to die to save their family from huge medical bills, when
when they know they are going to die?
If you believe in euthanasia, what restrictions do you think should be placed on it?
Euthanasia: (Greek, "good death") is the practice of killing a person or animal, in a painless or minimally painful way, for merciful reasons, usually to end their suffering.
Thank you for your thoughtful responses.
Steve Kidd (07:00)


Should the U.S. become more isolated? ( Improve our sovereignty, restrict imports and immigration, stay out of foreign affairs, drop out of the United Nations, and focus on our country only)
Do you think isolation would improve or hinder our economy and national security? How isolated should we become, as far as an "iron curtain"?
Should we open our borders and enter more international trade agreements?
Should we protect our sovereignty or should we give in to the United Nations and let them tax us and decide our laws?
What are some advantages and disadvantages of isolation?
Thanks for your input--
Daniel Hooker (7:00)

Your view on Child Molesters

Should there be a harsher punishment for Child Molesters?

Should they be branded for the rest of their lifes by putting their picture on the internet and all over the place viewing them as a child molester?

Should they be killed or should they live?

Do you think that Child Molesters have mental problems or is it genetics?

Should we do more to bring justice to the children they molest?

Thank you for your views.....

Shawn Harshbarger (7:00)

Michelle's questions about Tattoos

What are your likes and dislikes about tattoos?
Have you ever thought about getting a tattoo?
If so, what where your thoughts, where would you place it, what motived you to think about getting a tattoo?
If you don't like tattoos, why?
What do you think of when you see people with tattoos?
How many tattoos are ok and what is too much?
If you don't like tattoos, do you judge people with tattoos?
Do you link all people with tattoos together?
Michelle Frischkorn (7:00)

Sunday, November 11, 2007



Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Why are there so many Divorces today? Do you think divorce is a problem in our society? If so, in what way?

When is a divorce a good idea? Right now in this country it is easier for many couples to get maried than it is for them to get divorced. Is this backwards, you think, or the way it should be?

Any other thoughts you have on divorce would be greatly appreciated. If you're willing to tell me about your own personal experience with divorce, I'd appreciate that too.

Thank you.
Caleb Prosser

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Are prisons these days fair?

You have read of prisons or heard of them. The most famous is Alcatraz prison in san francisco. the official escapes is zero, but there is a rumor that a couple of guys escape. Was prison that bad that these guys escape? Prisons have changed in hundred years. Are they as fair as they were in the past?
Are they getting too much freedom/ or not getting enough freedom?

are they overcrowded/or do they have plenty of room to add more prisoners?

what do you think of prisoner having free cable?

How do you think prisoners should spend their time in prison?

Do you think they are there mainly for punishment or for rehablitation?

What do you think of chain gangs or having prisoners work outside as a part of their sentence?

Are the 4x8 cells big enough? should they be bigger or small? If so by how much?

Do the prison get enough state aid to operate right or are they short staff?

How do the prisons today differ from prisons in the 1930's?
Thank you,
Simon Auth

funny laws

How do laws need to be changed in our country? Which laws stand in the way of our personal freedom? For instance, do you think everyone should have to show an ID before purchasing alcohol- even if you're 65? This is a law in some states already, and other states are tryingto get it passed.
Other examples: Do you think it shoul be a law to wear you seat belt? Should there be a law to wear you helmet while on your motorcyle? Why not then while on your bicycle? What do you think about the state -wide smoking law that will go into effect next year?
Please tell me what you think of some the laws in our country or state and how they need to be changed. Thank you!
jennifer chounard

Is hunting wrong?

Is hunting ethical or unethical? Why do you think so? What about people who only hunt for sport and not for food? If you are a hunter, please explain your reasons for hunting. If you're not a hunter, why aren't you? Are you against it? Do you think others shouldn't hunt or is it just a personal preference for you?

Thanks for taking the time to give me your input!
Emily Bown

Organic vs Chemicals

Is the lawn care industry endangering the environment, or are the environmentalists endangering the lawn care industry? Or do you think both are true? What changes should be made? Should the lawn care industry be looking into more organic alternatives? Does the consumer want an organic alternative? Are the environmentalists making a big stink about nothing? Please visit the web sites below and give me your most educated opinion as time allows.
Thank you!
Jason Gordon

Chief Illiniwek

Why do you think the chief was retired by the university? Who put the most pressure on to ban him? Do you think the university should have succumbed to this pressure? The chief had been the Illini mascot since 1926. Should the U of I have tried harder to keep him? Do you think it was too politically correct to remove the chief?

Here are some sites to visit if you do not know much about this issue:
Why is eletroshock therapy (also called electroconvulsive therapy) used as a form of treatment for depression and other conditions? Is it effective or cruel? Do you think Illinois should ban the use of eletroshock therapy? Why or why not?

To learn more about electroshock therapy, please visit these sites:

Lena Fatheree


What do you think of the immigrants who are in this country and who are entering this country? Do you think we need tougher immigration laws? Do you think we issue too many green cards and visas? Do you have an idea how many illegal immigrants there are in the United States? (Please take a guess.) Do you know how many illegal immigrants cross our borders each month? (Again, please guess.)

Please visit these websites for more information on immigration:

Brian Siscoe

Jenna's question on the effect of t.v. and video games on children.

Do you think t.v. and video games are affecting children today? If so, in what ways? Do you think that children are seeing too much violence in video games and on t.v.? How do you think this will affect their lives later on in life?

Here are some interesting websites about this topic:

Thanks for your imput!

Jenna Kirts

Global Warming

Do you think Global Warming is a real issue? Do you think Earth will look different and feel different in 30 years? Some people think scientists are creating theories and throwing out numbers to scare people. Others feel those theories are real. If you do think global warming is real do you think you are making an effort to fight it? Give examples.

Please visit these sites before responding (and if possible please refer to lines in these articles in your response). Thank you.

Cory's question on Barry Bonds and performance enhancing drugs

Henry Aaron owns the career homerun record of 755, but his record is in jeopardy of being broken by Barry Bonds. Bonds is currently 4 homeruns shy of tying, and 5 homeruns shy of breaking Hank Aaron's record. However, Bonds was recently found guilty of using Human Growth Hormones, an illegal performance enhancing substance that helps athletes to gain muscle, strength, speed, and can basically reverse the eging process. Do you think that their should be a seperate record if/when Barry Bonds breaks Hank Aaron's record for career homeruns? If not, should there at least be an asterisk by Bonds' name in the record books to show that he used performance enhancing drugs? Should Bonds be banned from Major League Baseball? In your opinion, should professional athletes be able to legally use performance enhancing drugs?

Hammerin' Hank Aaron Bonds in 1998 Bonds today

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


In light of what happened at Virginia Tech last week, what do you think of the gun laws in the United States? Should it be harder for some people to buy a gun than it is now? For instance, it was technically illegal for the VT killer to buy firearms because he had been diagnosed as emotionally troubled by a psychologist, and yet he still managed to easily purchase two guns and ammunition. What good are laws if they are easy to break without being caught? Do you believe laws should be changed to make it much tougher for potential killers to buy weapons? If so, how could the laws be better regulated and enforced?

Kelby Hausman


depleting our natural resources

Are our children and children's children going to pay the price of our neglect and abuse of our natural resources?
-How much of our energy resources do we have left?
-Is there enough for generations to come?
-Is pollution of our natural resources affecting out environment?
-What is causing the changes?
-What can we do as individuals to change or reduce the impact on our natural resources?
-Did we already know some of the technology being introduced today that may have changed the course in which our environment is heading toward permanent damage?
-Does our environment today changethe DNA makeup of future children?

Linda Francis (12:00)

Sports Today Vs. Sports Back Then

Are some sports today as exciting as they were back in the 90s? If not, which ones do you think are less exciting? Why have these posrts become boring? Have our lives became so busy we don't have time for sports anymore? Why? Are sports just not fun to watch anymore? Is it because of the money? Fame? Advertising? Too much focus on the individual over the team?

Thanks for your thoughts.

Lance (12:00 class)

Does probation really serve its purpose?

In todays justice system probation is the most commonly used type of punishment. Many people argue that probation is just a mild slap on the wrist. Others think that this is very good for the offenders as well as the government in that the government isnt losing money sending people to jail for small crime. How do you think probation stands?

Monday, April 23, 2007


Does sexism actually exist, or is it a myth? If sexism does exist, who or what is to blame? What are the effects of sexism on society and on individuals? Do you think society or the media have any effect on sexism? How does sexism block opportunities for females?

Thank you for your comments.
Bahaa Abu Salim (11:00)

The Idea of Religion

Do you feel that religion is an important part of faith?

Reminder: Faith by "The trust in God and in His promises."Religion: "The practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith."

Please don't be discouraged if you don't believe in any God figure. Use what you know about faith, religion, and your own ideas to answer the questions. Do you believe that being a good person is enough to the point that religion is not relevant?Do you think the world would be a better place without the idea of religion but rather based solely on faith?

Thanks for your help!

Ryan Bales (12:00)

Will racism ever die?

Do you think racism remains a serious problem in the United States? In Illinois? In Champaign-Urbana? What do you base your views on? Please give me your thoughts on this subject. If you have any personal experience with racism, I'd like to hear that, too. Thanks for your help!

Jericka Tiger (9:00)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Too Much TV ?

What's wrong with watching TV?
Do you think TV is bad for kids? Why or why not? How much TV should kids be allowed to watch in one day?Is playing video games on TV or on a computer about the same as watching TV, or is one worse than the other? Is it okay for kids to watch several hours of TV a day if they are watching good shows, like PBS, AE, the Nature channel, and the History channel? Do you have any other comments on the influence of TV on kids in the United States?

Okay, now, help me out with this . . .

Willie Tanner

(12:00 class)

Domestic Abuse

Do you know of anyone who has been a victim of domestic abuse or family violence? If so, what in your view were the consequences of the abuse? How common do you think domestic abuse is in our society? What are the possible causes and effects of domestic abuse? How can this problem be dealt with better in our society?If you need more information on this subject, you might have a quick look at this site: you for your time.

Cristobal Gonzalez (9:00 class)

Corrupt police force

Why are the Chicago Police among the most corrupt in the nation? What are your views and thoughts pertaining to a possible solution to this problem?

Thanks for your comments--

Nick (11:00)

Are Americans too sensitive and politically correct?

The recent controversy over what Don Imus said on his radio show made me wonder if people sometimes overreact to what others say. You might or might not agree about the result of this controversy (Imus was fired), but in general do you think people are too sensitive or too eager to be offended? If everyone was worried about saying something that might be offensive to someone else, wouldn't that mean a lot of things that should be said would not be said, simply because of political correctness? Do you think some people take political correctness too far? Also, do you think Imus should not have been fired for a single mistake, even if it was a big one? Everyone makes mistakes, and he said he was sorry and that he was misunderstood--should he have been fired?
Any other comments you have on this topic would be appreciated!

A.J. Monroy (11:00)

Global Warming and The Greenhouse Effect

Do you think global warming is a serious problem that needs to be dealt with urgently? What do you think the biggest cause of global warming is? How can we effectively stop or reduce the amount of pollution we put into the atmosphere? Could there be a solution to take some of these gases back out of the air? Are we really worried about the climate we will leave behind for our children? And will there ever be a total global flood because of the ice caps melting?

Jimmy Butler (12:00)

Are people too materialistic?

What’s your opinion on people today being more and more materialistic, and less humble?

If your have no comment on that, please try to answer some of these questions.

Can a person be judged to be materialistic by how he spends his resources?
Is collecting material goods an important concern?
Are you materialistic if you pursue wealth and luxury?
Are you concerned more about money than people?
How far would you go for money?
How much do you care about your external validation?
Is material success the highest purpose/goal?
What are we here for?
Does it matter how I treat others as long as I get/have what I want?
If life is about materialism why should I live a moral life?
If you are not distinguished, why do people look at you as if you are inferior to them?

Thanks for your help!

Nolberto (11:00)

Learning Disorders

Do too many people these days use learning disorders as excuses for poor effort or poor attitude in school? Learning disorders such as dyslexia, dysgraphia (a learning disability resulting from the difficulty in expressing thoughts in writing and graphing), and dyscalculia (math dyslexia) are real conditions and cause real problems for many people, but it seems that in recent years you hear more and more about people who have even light cases of these disorders and other conditions such as ADHD who use them as excuses not to try their hardest. Instead they take the easy way out and let their disorder limit or define them. Do you think this is a problem in our society or educational system? Do you have any other thoughts on this subject?

Thanks for your comments!

Travis Lambasio (9:00)

Drinking Age

What should the legal drinking age be? Would reducing the drinking age to 18 or 19 really cause that many problems, especially since college students will pretty much drink no matter what? Many people suspect that drinking alcohol before the age of 21 can cause developmental problems. Do you agree or disagree with that statement? Do Young adults under the age of 21 experiment with alcohol because it is dangerous and illegal, or another reason?

Thanks for your comments,

Chad Peters 9:00A.M.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Affirmative Action

Is affirmative action justified? Affirmative action allows people from minority groups a step up in university admissions, job opportunities, etc. because of the applicant's race, but it does this by disadvantaging another applicant. Is it fair to balance one disadvantage with another? Is affirmative action a good solution or a solution that is the same as the problem it is intended to solve?

If you don't know much about AA, you can check out the basics at this site:

Megan Qualls (11:00)

Eating Disorders to better Society's Ideal Body Image

In today's society are young girls and women obsessed with their body image?
Do you feel there is too much pressure on women to become model thin?

Are you aware of websites offering advice on how to become anorexic or bulimic?

  • Do you think this is a growing problem in young girls? Why or Why not?
  • Do you feel the media is to blame-showing advertisements or commercials of thin models and celebrities?
  • Why do you think young girls and women want to be thin?
  • Do young girls or women think we have to be thin, in order to be considered beautiful?
  • Should there be more supportive websites to encourage healthy body image?
  • Are there too many commercials and advertisments on weight loss programs and pills?
  • Are you aware that Dove has a new commercial supporting less than perfect women (not model thin, but average)?
  • Are young girls developing eating disorders to stay thin?
  • Who placed the so called requirements of what size is the perfect body image?
  • What do you think is the ideal body image? Why?
  • Do you think Marilyn Monroe/Anna Nicole Smith had the ideal body image (size 14)?
  • Should there be more preventative action on eating disorders? More support groups, advertisments, counseling at the schools and colleges?
Thanks, Cheri Adkins

When does spanking our children go too far? Why do we feel that spanking our children is the right thing to do? Will it really help our children grow if we do not spank them? How would you be able to punish our children without hitting them? Does it really go too far in the eyes of the law? When does physical punishment become just too much?When DCFS steps in, is it really necassary for them to interfere in your life in certain situations?

Here is good link to more information
Thank you for your comments

Jennifer Jocelyn (11:00)
What is the most important lesson you would like to teach your children? Are their life lesson's you were raised with that you would like to pass on? If so, what are they? And what about life lessons or siutations you were raised in that you would do everything in your power so that your children would not have to experience the same thing?

Christie Johnson (11:00)

Is the United States winning the war on terrorism?

It seems that every day we hear more protests and threats towards our country. We also hear about soldiers and civilians being killed en masse. Are we conducting this fight the correct way?

Douglas King (9:00)

MLG, and the future of competitive gaming.

The 2007 MLG (Major League Gaming) completed their first tournament of the season just recently, thus insuring the gaming community a competitive season. MLG and other competitive video gaming leagues are very popular these days due to the increase in video game publicity and new technology. But should we recognize the MLG and other video gaming leagues as main stream sports. Should MLG have the same publicity as basketball or football or is competitive video gaming just a waste of your time, you decide.

Isaac Mitchell (9:00)