Monday, November 12, 2007


How do you feel about mercy killing, otherwise known as Euthanasia? Doctors use this method to kill humans and animals that are otherwise dead to the world, or defective. Do you feel that this form of killing is ethical, or right in any way? In what cases would you approve in using the Euthanasia methods, if any?
Cameron Brown (7:00)


English student said...
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English student said...

I feel that it is right to kill humans who have committed heinous crime such as rap, murder, child molestations. As far as killing unwanted animals I believe that there isn't much that these animal shelters can do.I really am against this though! There are to many unwanted dogs and cats to feed. If people would just learn to spade and neutered their animals this would be much lower. As for the the people that are breeding all these animals just to make money need to stop immediately..

Kelly Martinez

English student said...

somthing such a person in such poor health they are litterally waiting to die and in so much pain and agony every second of everyday should have the choice of euthanasia. i was really young when my grandfather had gotten ganegrene and it spread quickly all over his body, and he wanted to see Dr. Korvorkian, but my grandmother refused to take him. My grandfather knew he was pretty much rotting from the inside out and wanted to end his suffering, but wanted to do it in a repectable manner. He suffered for 8 more months before he finally passed. even as young as i was i understood what my grandfather wanted.i wish my grandmother would have taken him so he didnt have to suffer for so long.
april higgens~9AM

English student said...

I believe in mercy killing 100% if the "victim" wants it. There is no point in people wasting away in a bed, unable to do anything. Although, I think that if a patient wants to end their life they should do it theirself if able to. Euthanasia is a fine approach to this end because it allows for a more peaceful and timely death.
Daniel Hooker (7:00)

English student said...

I would aprove euthanasia when the person or animal is suffering and there is nothing that will help them. I do not apove it when an animal is not getting adopted for some reason.
I have a friend who has an organization called SAFE (Save Animals From Euthanasia. Em has this organization because she is tired of seeing animals put to sleep because no one will adopt them. The main animal that she helps is cats. The most unadoptable cat is the black cat. Em has done her research and has found out that there is no peer black cat. If you look through the hair on a black cat, you will find another color.
Once you have done everything to help the person or animal, and there is NOTHING you can do to help the animal's health, then it is ok.
Michelle Frischkorn

English student said...

I don't really agree with the killing of people but putting animals out of their misery seems okay. I mean we used to have a dog and she got really sick and to keep her from feeling so much pain, we put her down. But then again, we have this horse that was born premature. She didn't even stand up for a week. Doctors told us that she wouldn't live, but rather than listen to them, my parents nursed her back to health and saved her life. So, I think there is a time and a place for it but that's each person's choice of when and where. As for people,I kind of think that they are in horrific pain, then do it, but even if alll hope seems lost, I believe in miracles and would hold on till the end.
Dustin Piercy (9:00)

English student said...

I believe that euthanasia is acceptable to a certain extent, such as withholding special treatments or medication when a person is certain to die. Also, I feel that it is acceptable for a person to be taken off of life support when the family knows that that person is about to pass. I do not think that voluntary euthanasia, such as what Dr. Kevorkian was doing. If the person is about to die, it is okay to keep him off of machines, but assisted killing is still murder.

Chris Bohnhoff (Noon)

English student said...

I really do not think a person should have the right to decide when to die, maybe in some cases yes maybe they could decide when to die. I do not think that just because of huge medical bills that a person should be able to die to save the family the pain and the stress of the huge bill. Yes i have watched my dog die a slow pain full death and my grandpa suffered a lot of pain for about a year before he passed and i saw my uncle on a mechine that helped me breathe and if he didnt have it he would die, my aunt thought she would have to pull the plug on his life because he was only going to have a one percent chance of talking or basically anything. I think that God should make the decision most of the time when people should die. I feel that it is his job to do that not another humans job. At the begining i said maybe in some cases should the person be able to kill his/her self is when maybe that they are suffering from so much pain and have no chance of making it than they can decide to kill themselves to save themselves from the pain and the suffering. I think that would be it. Not just because you know you are racking up a big bill that you will leave with your family. So i really do not believe in euthanasia.

Shawn Harshbarger

English student said...

Euthanasia you not be lagalized in the U.S. or even anywhere in the world. No one should ever have the opportunity to use Euthanasia on a human being. I see the point of using it on animals, but not human beings. I went to catholic school and in no way do I see Euthanasia ethical. The only way I would ever see Euthanasia as acceptable is if the human will just become a vegetable. It is a controversial subject and hard to take a stance on this subject because circumstances are verything.

English student said...

I do think that Euthanasia is not ok when it comes to vegetable humans, unless there is some form of consent from the actual person. I personally, would not want to be suffering, dying. I don't think that killing animals that have not done anything is ethical however. If someone did something such as murder, I would approve of Euthanasia.

Your Love--
Brittney 7:00

English student said...

I think that it's ok as long as they get permission of the family or if the individual signed a legal document that said it was ok. If a person had no chance of becoming better, I'd use Euthanasia. It's better to be dead, then in pain for the rest of your life. As to the animals, there's no way that shelters could fit all of them. If shelters returned the animals to the streets they'd suffer more before they died. At least the animal would have a last meal and wouldn't feel pain.

Liz Doty

English student said...

I believe it is usefull to rid of defective or aggressive animals. However, not for the use of people. Say someone try to pay a doctor to kill them, this is still considered murder to me. God has ten commandments, one is "thou shalt not kill." He commanded us to not do this, so this is a form of murder. The bible also states "an eye for an eye." So if a mass murderer is convicted and sentenced to death is that murder again? I don't think so. The bible also atated "there is a time to kill." So once you have the facts straight, you will be able to know the difference and make a decision based on what the facts are.
Theresa Newman(noon)

English student said...

Are we really doing this to humans? If anything people make a decision on their own to end their lives. Or are we talking about "pulling the plug" b/c that's different too. As for animals, fundamentally it seems wrong but it's not any different than killing animals for food. Hopefully an animal in a shelter lived a better life than most of our cattle or foul do.
Renee Hart

English student said...

Yes I think that euthanasia is moral. Doctors don't just go around killing helpless animals or people. They have plenty of paperwork to go through. The family always makes the decision on what they want done. If they can't afford to keep somone on life support because they are in a coma then what else are they supposed to do??

English student said...

Personally I think that Euthanasia is for the most part alright. I know it isn't anyone's place to play God, or whoever their higher power may be, but if someone is terminally ill and in a constant state of pain why should you force them to live? I would never help someone die (Euthanize them? hmm..) but I certainly wouldn't disagree with someone else helping them. I would be understanding. If I was ready to die and got to choose my Who, What, When, Where, Why and How.. I probably would.
LesLee Watkins(7:00)

English student said...

Life is precious and each human life should be respected from conception to natural death.

English student said...

Euthanasia can be a good thing and a bad thing depending on how you think about the situation. Some poeple have people in the hospital that they know are not going to make it anyway, they just don't want to let that person go. I feel we do need it in some cases.If i was in the hospital and dying of cancer i would just have them kill me to stop all of the pain and suffering. It is ethicla in some cases. Some people are going to die rather youl ike it or not so just let them go to god earlier than later. In a case like someone is burned severly wher there whole body is completely covered in burns and there not going to ever recover from that it wolud be a good time to sue it. I would not let a loved one sit there in the hospital and suffer i would rather let them die in peace.

Demaris Winston(7:00)

English student said...

Mercy kiling should be allowed. It is better than having a person live off of tubes alone. It is ethical, and the decesion should be made by the family of the person that is dead to the world. In general, i approve of Euthanasia.

Zach Burnett

English student said...

I think Euthanasia is acceptible in some cases. It should be up the the person that is dieing if they are able to decide. If not then they should put it in their will whether they want to be put out of their misery if they are just lifeless. It should also be acceptable if a person is dieing of a deadly disease such as cancer and they are just suffering and they want to just die already then they should be able to sign the papers for the doctors to just give the the Euthanasia.

Jimmy Gourdier (12:00 Class)

English student said...

Actually euthenasia and physician-assisted suicide are illegal everywhere, with the exception of the Netherlands I believe. However, if it were legal, I wouldn't agree with it. I think that would be too much power in the hands of medical doctors. Besides, with all the advancements in hospice care, such a drastic step is almost absolete nowadays. Ninety-five percent of the time, people are able to die fairly painless deaths. As far as putting stray animals to sleep, it sucks, but what are animal shelters supposed to do when there are hundreds of animals showing up every day, and there is only so much space. People need to spade and neuter their pets.

Tristan Cogswell

English student said...

No, I don't think it's right. I understand people get old and sick, but I dont think this is the answer.

--Jill Reinhart (noon)

English student said...

I am going into the animal field and I have already had to witness some horrible euthanasias. I feel sad and angry, every time euthanasia is the only option or the easiest option chosen. I wish owners were not allowed to euthanize their pets just because, for example, they don't want them anymore or don't have proper housing for them in cold months. Don't buy the animal. I do really feel for the owners though, when there pet is obviously suffering. I am all for euthanasia when it will end the suffering of a pet's life when nothing else can be done. I don't know about humans though. Is it murder or suicide then? Someone in my life committed suicide last year. She had been suffering from Multiple Sclerosis for many years. Throughout this time she lost her job, ability to drive, energy to do many things, and suffered from horrible pain off and on. The last 5 or 6 months she had horrible sores in her mouth that hurt all the time. She sucked on ice cubes all day. No doctor could find a treatment for these. On her last day alive, she even tried to reach to medical specialists in a cry for help, but did not get to speak to either. I couldn't imagine always being in pain, and having to live on the couch, because you did not have the energy to go upstairs to your bedroom anymore. After this happened, my views on euthanasia have changed. Sorry I rambled on. This is such a hard subject to think about for humans. Elective death.
Bobbi (9:00)

English student said...

I do not believe humans have the right to decide when someone dies. That is up to God.

Brianna Bugbee

English student said...

It’s like the old saying ,you can’t do it for one person without doing it for all people. That is why I feel that it should not be allowed. That aside, there are some cases, where people are in a serious amount of pain. This is where the mercy part comes in, throughout history it has been considered merciful to put something or someone out of its misery, if it is suffering. Still, all that aside it is my belief as an individual, that it is up to God and God alone to decide who lives and dies. I do believe in putting an animal to sleep if it is suffering.
Jennifer Wilson

English student said...

from personal experience of having to see family members suffer until the family decided to have them taken off of life support, i believe that euthanasia isnt a bad thing. no one wants to see a loved one suffer day after day with no hope insight.
Thomas Wood