Thursday, March 30, 2006

Mary Moore wants to know ......

If you had the time to write a short note to your child that you would give him or her just before you died, what would the note say?

Please give me more than just a one-liner! I want to know what you would really write (or say) to your child.


Should weed be legalized?

why or why not? advantages? disadvantages?

know a good connection?

please respond!

Tonia Jones
Do you believe in the Christian God? Do you have faith and practice a christian lifestyle? What is your opinion on why God allows evil in our lives? Do you believe you will be rewarded for all you've been through once you reach heaven?

Christie Johnson
This is my question.

Are Americans unhealthy? Why or Why not.
Why are there so many Americans who resist exercise and live sedentary lifestyles? Why are so many Americans overweight?

Thanks for your answers.

Nancy Byard
What is your definition of a successful life? how are you working toward success? do you have any role models for success?

Thanks for answering!

Phil Gould

Survey question-do u believe inmates can be rehabilitated?

Do you believe inmates can be rehabilitated back into society? Why or why not? Do you believe in the penal system?.......Thanks Leah Perdue

Survey question from Tiffany Badgley

Please respond to my question, either here on the blog or to my e-mail address. (To respond here click on "comments" below.)

My e-mail address:

thank you!

Tiffany B.

Should parents spank their children? Why or why not? Please give examples and explain your reasoning.

Thanks so much for answering!


Is being in a same sex relationship okay? By: Derrick Moore

Is being in a same sex relationship okay? What is your opinion? Also: Are people born gay or is it something they grow into? Why do you think so?

Thanks for responding!

Derrick Moore

Hi! I am asking a few questions about smoking and raising the smoking age. I would really appreciate your input/opinions!!!

Thank you, Katrina Schoonover

Studies show that 90% of smokers start smoking before age 21. Do you think the legal smoking age should be raised to 21? Do you think that would make a difference?

Doctors know that smoking causes lung cancer (the leading cancer killer in both men and women), other illnesses, raises healthcare costs drastically, and many believe it's as addictive as harder drugs. From those statistics alone, why isn't tobacco illegal? Simply because it's not a hallucinogenic/intoxicating? Or is it the "powerful" and greedy tobacco companies? Should it be illegal?
Lastly, if you smoke, what age did you start? Did your parents smoke and did that affect your decision?