Thursday, March 30, 2006

What is your definition of a successful life? how are you working toward success? do you have any role models for success?

Thanks for answering!

Phil Gould


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

The more one works for success, the further away from it one becomes. Search for contentment and success you will find

vix said...

Success is only a point of view.

English student said...

A successful life is one in which a person experiences being loved and loving in return.
I work toward being successful by meeting people, getting to know them, and doing what I can to make a difference in thier lives.
My greatest role model for success is anyone who makes helping people thier buisness.

Matt D.

English student said...

It really depends on how one would define stress. Look at our current president: as a businessman he was a pure and utter failure in every venture he attempted, but now he's the president of the United States. That's pretty successful I think. On the flip side of the coin you have figures such as Mahatma Ghandi who was instrumental in revolutionary changes in India without really making any financial gains in his life, but we could call him pretty successful, couldn't we? Success is essentailly accomplishing the goals you have set for yourself, wether it's becoming president, changing your world for the better, or just being whoever you want to be.

James Koltz

English student said...

I am working for a successful life. I am going back to school, working towards a Nursing degree. As well as satisfying myself in the work field, I am a mom trying to make my son's life as fullfilling as my parents have raised me. I already feel as if I have been successful by all the love I share with my family. And the fact that my husband and I have decent jobs. I guess you could say that I am already satisfied with my life and I'm just conditioning the rest of my journey.
Tiffany Badgley

English student said...

I feel I will be successful if my kids treat people with respect and dignity. If my children graduate college get a job and stay out of trouble. Also if I hear them repeating some of the stuff we used to talk about and remember what we used to do together.
David S.

English student said...

My definition of a successful life is if my family is happy and healthy and we can spend time together. The amount of money and material things a person has does not define a successful life. I feel that my life is already successful. I have raised two wonderful kids they both attend college and work and would do anything in the world for me.
WeTona Houtzel

English student said...

A successful life is one who has acomplished all of the necessary. People set reasonable goals, and unreachable goals, the person knows which are which. I'm working on having successful life by getting a bach. in computer science, the first thing i want to do is pay my parents back for all they have done for me, then start a family and raise 2 me that would be my success in my life

britt miller