Thursday, November 13, 2008

Torture in U.S prisions

In the United States when people go to prision you do not (usually) get tortured or beat, but if you go to prision in Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo, you get dressed like a girl, put on a leash, and dogs are set after you. These two prisions are under United States Military control and get away with these sorts of cruel acts because they claim these two prisons are not on U.S soil. So does that give them the right to torture someone?
Please let me know your opinion on this. Thanks.
Jossy Rivera (1:00)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

America After Obama

What do you think will happen to America after Obama? Do you think America will be better or worse than we are today? Based on all the changes that Obama wants to make (gay marriage, pulling troops out of Iraq, Partial-birth abortion), will they help our nation, or make things worse?

Kevin Dozier (9:00 am)

Cloning--a good idea?

Should human cloning be legal? If so, why? If not, why not? What are the ethical implications of human cloning? How are these different for animal cloning, and why? What are the religious implications of human cloning?

Considering the controversy of this issue, do you think cloning should simply be banned in all cases? Or do you think it's acceptable in some instances? If so, when is human cloning acceptable, and why?

Derek Diesburg (9:00)

is she too young?

My wife and I are ten years apart in age. Does this difference matter? Would it be preferable somehow if she were ten years older than me? When dating or choosing a spouse, how much should age matter? Why? Have you ever dated someone significantly older or younger than you? If so, how did that go? Thanks for your time--
Daniel Dubson (9:00a.m.)

How far is too far?

In the days of our grandparents, people with tattoos were something of an oddity. Today, men with piercing and women with tattoos are not really that big of a deal. A new subculture has arisen, one far more extreme than has ever been seen. Gauges and other odd piercings, subdermal implants, and in some extreme cases amputation of certain limbs. What do you think is going on? Are people going crazy or should people be allowed to truly do what they want with their bodies?


Jesse Meyer (9:00)

Gay adoption . . .

Do you feel that gay couples should be able to adopt? Does it really matter as long as they give the child what they need as far as attention, care, and love in the household? Do you think it’s better for a child to be raised in a gay household over a heterosexual household that’s dysfunctional ?
Thanks for your help--
Joy McNeal (9:00)

War on Drugs. BUST?!

Does the war on drugs work? In 2005 it was estimated that the government spent 12.1 billion dollars on drug control alone. They spent an addition 30.1 billion incarcerating drug law offenders. Is this a waste of our tax money? Could they better be spending it on our economy? Do you think marijuana should be legal? What actions do you think the government could take to help the war on drugs actually work?
Carter Boyce (9:00)

Cardinal Sins?

As Americans, do we need to learn and do a better job of not breaking the cardinal sins? (Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride)

Do you think this will make the United States a stronger and more unified country?

If everyone did follow them, do you think the stereotypes of Americans would change? and how?

What would the United States be like if everyone did follow the Cardinal Sins and didnt break them so offten?

Steve Roberts (9:00)

Are judges in family courts always correct?

You are in the middle of a child custody battle--the ex-husband and his girlfriend decide to fight for custody after having nothing to do with the child for 2 1/2 years. The mother has done nothing wrong except to try and bring up her child. The ex-husband and girlfriend lie and pull in their friends to lie, the judge buys their story, and the child is taken away from its mother. You can appeal but no new evidence is permissible. What do you do?

Do you think that judges are fair and impartial? You find out after the battle that this particular judge always goes with his favorite attorney, his friend so to speak. What do you do? Where do you turn? If you know that people are lying in a case, what can you do? Should our judges have the final say? What can we do as citizens to prevent this from happening?

Pam Boatz 9:00 a.m.

Fine arts

1. Were you any part of the arts in high school? Which ones and why?
2. How did being a part of it affect other aspects of your life?
3. Are you a part of any now? Why or why not?
4. If you could be a part of any one… which one would you pick?
5. When you see someone who is passionate about one art or another, how does that make you feel?
6. Do you believe kids these days are getting enough of the art in their schooling as opposed to sports?


Megan Bozada (9:00)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sound Violations

Should our local governments have control over the noise we make?

Most cities have no way of accurately measuring noise levels at a party, your stereo or the exhaust system on your car. Its all done by rule of thumb and they leave the judgement up to officers to say if its too loud or not. That being said, Officer A and B may have 2 completely different opinions on what's loud, and that can be the difference between whether or not you get a ticket and/or a fine.

Should we have these laws?

If so, should they be different for weekends as opposed to week days? or Night and day? When should the laws be applied? Music? Parties? Cars? Motorcycles? Construction zones? Children outside early on weekend mornings when some neighbors are trying to sleep?

David Gagen (1:00)

The Speed Limit

I have gotten two tickets since I have been driving--one was a speeding ticket when it wasn't me who was speeding. Although I was able to take traffic school so these tickets would not affect my insurance payments, I have to worry about speeding for the next year because any more violations will go on my record.
What does everyone think of the fact that Illnois is trying to cut down on speeders on the highway by sending tickets in the mail or even tracking your average speed from toll both to the next toll both? Nearly everyone speeds sometimes, and many people speed all the time, so doesn't that mean most people think it's okay to speed, at least in some cases? This being the case, should speeding laws be made tougher or lighter in your opinion?
Naveed Somani

Obama For President?

How do you feel about Barack Obama being our next president?

Do you think President-Elect Obama would have won the election if he were a white guy?

Do you think that a large percentage of African-American voters would have voted for Obama in the election if he were white?

Or do you believe that some people voted for him just because of race?

(P.S. I'm not trying to start a racial issue here--I just would like to hear other opinions on this.)

--Clint Knox (1:00)

Smokin' Ban

What is your opinion on the smoking fifteen feet from any building entrance? I can understand around parks or family places but, what is wrong with people smoking in a shop or where there aren't that many people around?

Ben Legner (1:00)

How do you feel about illegal immigration in the U.S?

How do you feel about illegal immigration in the United States? Do you think it affects everyone, and if so, how?

What do you think our goverment should do about it?

How would you handle this type of situation?

Nick Warstler (1:00)

Outlawing Firearms

The current President-elect is proposing to ban firearms. How do you feel about this situation??

Do you think that the ban will come into effect??

How do you think this will impact the US??

Adam Baron (1:00)

Should seatbelts be mandatory, with penalty of law?!

I have been confused by this since the day I first heard of the law being able to punish us for not doing anything wrong. If anyone out there can give me a good explanation on how you can cause damage to anyone else but yourself by not wearing seatbelt, please comment in.
Do you think the seatbelt law is a bad law? Why or why not?
Randy Bustle (1:00)

Should you be able to spank your Children?

In my opinion, if my child was misbehaving I have the right to spank him/her. But is there a "right" and a "wrong" place to punish a child? What are your views on public punishment, physical and verbal? Which is morally correct? If either? Are society's current views on this subject the reason for increasing cases of parent abuse?


Jordan Lynn (1:00)

taxes and more taxes

Why do some people believe that if they can they will screw Uncle Sam and not pay taxes? They believe that they should not have to pay taxes for something they don't believe in. They think, Why give the government more money and take away from my family?

But why do we pay taxes in the first place? Well, for a lot of reasons, such as to keep me and my family safe by putting cops on the street. In my opinion, the fact that I can go to sleep every night knowing that I am safe is worth paying taxes. When I drive on paved roads every day to work, I know the roads are paved with tax dollars, as are the street lights that guide me home every night.

So, should people who want to screw over the government go live somewhere where they don't have a government or pay taxes? Or should we take all these people, drop them in the middle of North Dakota, and tell them not to pay taxes and govern themselves? Or do you think sometimes it's legitimate for people to refuse to pay their taxes?

thanks for your thoughts--

the great blogger, Steven Lobur (1:00)

Monday, November 10, 2008

In the U.S. millions of families live on welfare, some feel as though people are taking advantage of the system and the government. Working people argue that it is not fair that they work and their money goes to people who do not work and sit around and do nothing. Others argue that it is not fair to the kids, that just because the parents have no money the kids shouldnt have to suffer and go with out on things that they need to survive, and that is where welfare is a must in the U.S.

When should families receive welfare?

Should single adults with no kids receive welfare?

How broke does someone need to be before they receive welfare?

If some one does not have a job and is not trying to get a job should they still receive welfare?

Is it fair to the people who work that they should have to pay for the people who do not work?

Should people on welfare have to do some sort of job or service for the government, something like community service?

What things should welfare cover; medical, food, home, heat, etc.....?
Holly Harms 9:00

same-sex marriage--make it legal everywhere?

How do you feel about Proposition 8? Do you feel the state of California has the right to make a marriage between same sexes illegal in their state? Who gives you the right to choose who you love and want to marry? How do you feel about same-sex marriages? Do you think we need to add proposition 8 to the US Consitution for everyone? Or do you think individual states should continue to be in control of legalizing same-sex marriage?

Thanks for your help-- Capri Winston (4:30)

Should there be a laws about dog and cat breeding and spaying/neutering?

Every year millions of dogs, puppies, cats and kittens are euthanized simply because there is no home for them. Every hour in the U.S., more than 2,000 dogs and 3,500 cats are born, compared to 415 humans. Many of these wonderful animals are euthanized. It is estimated that at least 61% of dogs and 75% of cats in shelters will be euthanized. Most of illfated pets are do to unplanned litters and bad breeders. So should there be laws about getting your pets spayed/neutered? And should there be laws about breeding dogs and cats as well? Such as people that want to become breeders are required to go through the AKC (American Kennel Club) to get a special breeders license? And for those that don't want to have a breeding animal, just a pet, are required to get there pet spayed/neutered before their pet reaches a certain age?
Natasha Stone 4:30pm

Chicago Gang violence?

Chicago broke an all time record for murders during the month of March, and police think that many of these killings can be attributed to gang warfare. Do you think the deaths were a result of gang violence? What can be a solution to stop the deaths?
thanks for your help! maria johnson (4:30)

Single working mothers

How do single mothers work and pay for daycare when childcare costs so much? In many cases, the child's father provides no support at all, and almost all the mother's earnings go to childcare, so there's no money left for the rest of the bills.

Do single moms quit their jobs and stay at home with their children? Who should provide the $$ in such a case? Do mothers get an extra job to help out and spend less time, or even no time, with their children? Or do they burden their family members every day to save money? In your opinion, how can single-mother situations be resolved?

Mykeshia Lipscomb (4:30)

Should everyone receive free medical care?

Should everyone receive free medical care? If so is there anyone that shouldn't receive free medical care? Or is there a limit to how much should be free? If medical care is free how should it be paid for? Keep in mind that if medical care is free for everyone then somebody is going to end up paying for it. Maybe only children should receive medical care for free, or maybe it depends on how serious of a risk it will be for the person if they can't get the medical care they need.

Thanks for your input.

John Hoeh (4:30)

$$"The Price of Fame"$$

Why are there so many great musicians in the world that have never been heard of? It seems these days that the only way to make it in the music business is to have a large amount or cash or a professional connection. Why can't an unknown musician just go to a radio station and have them play their music? The cruelty and deception of the music industry conglomerates has, somewhat, scared away good artists from merging into the mainstream scene. The amount of undiscovered artists is unimaginable, but why is it so many?

Much Appreciated,

Dontiel Allison (4:30)

Do guys have rights?

Should guys have a say-so in a pregnancy? If they don't want to become a parent do they have a right to make their partner take birth control? Do they have a say so about aborton? If the girl doesn't want the child can the father fight her to carry the pregnancy to term so that they can have the child? What would you do if your partner made a decision without you?

thank you!
Camillia Walker 4:30

Should Illinois residents carry a concealed weapon?

Should Illinois residents be able to carry a concealed weapon? How many lives could be saved or lost with this right? Would people abuse the privilege? Would citizens do good or bad deeds with this right? How would this affect the crime rate? How would gun sales be affected by the right to carry a concealed weapon? Would you stop a crime if you had a weapon? Would you feel safer carrying a weapon?
Thanks for your thoughts--

Jesse Kaufmann @ 4:30

Should the arts be kept in schools?

When schools (high schools/middle schools/grade schools) start making budget cuts artistic programs including music, drama and the fine arts are always the first to go. However, young people who participate in the arts are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement, three times more likely to be elected to class office within their schools, and four times more likely to participate in a math and science fair. These programs give children every opportunity to succeed and make sure they are getting their fair share of arts education, which can lead to their becoming more well-rounded individuals. Should schools be allowed to cut these programs when making budget cuts? Why or why not?

-Brittany 9:00

Should all animal testing be banned?

Should all animal testing be banned? Is medical research testing okay, or is the makeup industry the culprit for why this topic is so hated on?

What things that are tested on animals make it so bad? What are some not so bad things?

What is your opinion of an alternative to animal testing?

What things could be done to cut animal testing for good?


Nikki Eeten (9:00)

Why is sex so influential to the American life?

Who says that sex is ok? Who allows sexual content to be televised or filmed? Should sex be a private activity that should stay in the privacy of your own home? How do we stop young children from being sexually active at such a young age? Do we need sex to sell products?

Brandt Breymeyer (9:00)

Music Education--Should it be kept in the schools?

Music Education is "becoming extinct" in some schools across the country. Studies show that students involved in a music class daily do better overall in their schoolwork. What is your opinion? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Please explain your answer. If you are involved in some sort of music education class, please explain what and how you feel about it.
Jennifer Grill (9:00)

Is it bad for children to be shipped off to daycare?

Is there a way for working parents to avoid sending their children to daycare? Does going to a daycare cause psychological issues about abandonment later in life, or are children at daycares more socially well-adjusted? Do some parents abuse daycare and send their children there when they are not working? If so, is that morally wrong?

Bonnie Stock (9:00)

Media or Parents, Who is to Blame?

Violence/Sex/Drugs are all on the rise with teenagers and young adults. Do you think the increase among this age group is due to new mainstream entertainment or does it start with the parents, or parental guidance? If you believe the rise is from the media, why? Has the media ever affected what you do in terms of violence, sex, drugs, or any other vices? If it starts with the parents, what do you think the most effective parenting method is?
--Tyler Meadows (9:00)

How has the entertainment industry affected women and men?

Is the Entertianment Industry destroying women's and men's self images? How does the industry affect women's self images? How does the industry affect men's self image?

Why does society try to mold themselves to look like and portray an unrealistic image?
Is there a difference in how Americans view themselves based upon celebrities versus other countries?

How far is too far? Should the Entertainment industry be allowed to showcase celebrities, models, and other influential people that may depict unhealthy lifestyles? What is an unhealthy lifestyle of a celebrity to you? Give an example of him or her

Paige Kirby (9:00)

Interracial Dating...

Interracial dating has taken a whole new turn in the last few decades. It used to be, and in some places still is, a taboo. It has gone beyond the realms of just black and white. How do you feel about it? Why do you feel that way? Does your environment and those around you influence the way you feel about it?

Cassandra Cunningham

English 101

9:00 a.m.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Let It Fly?

Is the Confederate flag a symbol of racism?

Should Confederate states be allowed to fly their flag?

If so, how should it be displayed relative to the American flag?

If no, why not?

What do you think when you see a rebel flag hanging on a house or truck?
Thanks for your thoughts--
Dustin Armstrong (1:00)

Legal Prostitution Pros/Cons

If Prostitution were to be legalized in Illinois,would you be for it or against it?And if for it ,how do you think it should be regulated? Should it be taxed ?


Jerry Reinstorf (1:00)

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Abusive Relationships

When do you call it quits in an abusive relationship? Do you wait until you are physically hurt? Do you wait until you have no self-confidence? Do you wait until your child(ren) has been taking away from you? Do you wait until your life comes really close to death? Why do women stay in abusive relationships risking there own life plus loved ones?

-LaTia Alexander(4:30)

What is your opinion on tattoos?

People more and more are getting tattoos, and are thinking of different and new ways of getting them. Now they have glow in the dark ink and people getting tattoos on their eyes and tongues. What is your opinion on tattoos? Why do you think people get them? If they do get them what do you consider too far and too much? Is gender an issue when it comes to having too many, and why?

Shayna Garrelts (4:30)


How do you feel about Latinos in this country?

Do you think Latinos in the USA are nessessary here?

Do you think that the goverment(or whoever) is being unfair by not giving Latinos some rights?

Do you think voting is important to you?? Well if it is, what do think about the Latinos that come here to the USA for a "better" life that can't even vote?

Same for driving. Do you think Latinos should be able to get a drivers license?

Have you ever descriminated against a Latino because of their status? If so, for what reason?

Do you think it would be a good idea for Latinos to get all benefits that a USA citizen has?

Did you know that some people who are trying to cross the border die of dehydration or exposure to the elements on their way? Others simply disappear without a trace, and their families never hear from them again. Should something be done to prevent this from happening?

--Marisol Oliva (4:30)

What should we do about the legal drinking age? Should it be lowered , should it be raised, should there be stiffer penalties in order to control underage drinking? Should bars only allow people that are of legal drinking age to enter?

Max White (4:30)

Is the U.S. too uptight about sex?

Are Americans too uptight about sex? Are they too open about the topic? Does the media have any influence on how we, as Americans, look at sex? Which has more effect on sex: religion, moral values, or the media? Are Americans over-sexed?

*~Lynette Reitmeier~* @ 4:30

The Transition into the White House

As we all know U.S. Senator Barack Obama has been elected into the 44th presidency of the United States of America. But, he doesn't move into the oval office tomorrow. How do you think the transistion into the White House will go for Obama? How will the shift of power from George W. Bush transfer over to Obama? Will the transition move smoothly from the Republican party to the Democratic Party? Will Obama have enough time to prepare himself for handling one of the biggest financial crises in American history? All of this is to be done in less than 3 months when Obama is to be innaugurated on January 20, 2009.

--Melvin Mitchell (4:30)

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Are hybrid cars really as green as people say they are?

If gas prices start going back up after the Presidential election, would you still keep your gas guzzler or go to hybrid cars? Would it pay off in the long run or be a waste of money? Are hybrid cars really as green as people say they are?


Chris Waters (1:00)