Wednesday, November 05, 2008

What is your opinion on tattoos?

People more and more are getting tattoos, and are thinking of different and new ways of getting them. Now they have glow in the dark ink and people getting tattoos on their eyes and tongues. What is your opinion on tattoos? Why do you think people get them? If they do get them what do you consider too far and too much? Is gender an issue when it comes to having too many, and why?

Shayna Garrelts (4:30)


English student said...

I like tattoos. In fact I have one myself and plan on getting at least 6 more. A person tattoos could tell a lot. I know a lot of people who get them because they are cute. I agree but I got my tattoo because it describes me. People who get tattoos all in the face is considered too far.
-LaTia Alexander

English student said...
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Anonymous said...

Personally, I love tattoos. Most tattoos that I have seen are either symbolic gestures to loved ones or have some sort of sentimental value. Others, however, get tattoos in either a surge of rebellion or to show off their creative abilities. I believe that if a person wants to be inked up and covered in tattoos, that it is their choice. By getting such artworks, they are assumed to know the consequences and limitations that they are offering themselves up to. Society sees women with numerous or big tattoos as trashy, while men who have them are put on a pedistal. This shows America at it's best in terms of sexual discrimination. Again, I really love tattoos. I think they're an ingenious way of showing off ones personality and creativity. I plan on getting my first tattoo when I turn 19 in February. I'm getting a giant Superman symbol that covers my entire lower back. Koodos to those who are strong enough to sit still while a tiny needle pierces their skin thousands upon thousands of times!

English student said...

I think tattoos are a good thing. They can be an outlet for someone who is mourning the loss of a loved one or they can be a way for some people to cover up somthing someone doesn't like about themselves. Also, in my opinion, tattoos are a form of art. If they're done right, a way to augment the beauty of the human body. Granted some people do get pretty extreme with their tattoos but they know the risk of it and are willing to do it anyway.In my opinion tattoos are a sort of luxury though and more important things shouldn't be forgone to have money for tattoos.
Jesse Meyer

Anonymous said...

I personally love tattoos. I have two of them. I think that tattoos are a way for individuals to express themselves. Although I like them, I do think that some people go too far. I don't think that it's necessary to cover your eye lids or your entire body; that's just too extreme for me. When it's al said and done you have to live with your body, so do what pleases you.

Anonymous said...

I think having tattoos is fine, i personally dont have any but i do want to get one i just havent figured out what i want. if the person that has the tattoo has a reason for having it then there isnt a problem even if the reason isnt a good one, its there body they should be able to do with it as they please.

English student said...

I love tattoos and hope to get a good few myself. I think they are a most interesting way for one to express a piece of themselves in an artistic way. People get tattoos to express themselves, markthemselves, or in a remembrance of something or someone. People should be able to get as many tattoos where ever they want and not get criticised. I think that jobs that won't hire people just because they have tattoos that show should be a bigger issue. (If the tattoos are not inappropriate that is.)

English student said...

I think tattoos are ridiculous. I am never scarring my body with a tattoo. If you want one, then that's fine. You can waste your money and your body on them. They look good for about a year and then they fade. They are only going to get older just like you are. I've never seen a good looking tattoo on an old wrinkly man or woman. In most cases you probally have to expose some part of your body that you normally wouldn't, just to show somebody your tattoo. I get if it has some kind of meaning to it, but if people can't see it, you have to tell them and then explain what it means. That's quite a hassle to me. If you ever want to get it removed, good luck with that. Your either going to pay a lot of money, be in pain, or be scarred. I'm not going to do either of those and if you want to get it removed, shouldn't have got one in the first place. I'll never get one.

Jesse Kaufmann

English student said...

For some people tatoos make a statement,to me its sexy. I think you should have your entire life planned out before yo chose some tattos. I don't see anybody being the president with a glowing tatoo. I think your body,once you get a certain age, is your temple. Marry your tatoo cause their for life.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love tattoos, but in moderation. Do I have any? No and never will have.

I believe that so many tats on one human being as depicted in the picture, is a scream for help. But just because I see it as freaky does not mean it is.

It does not really matter what I think is too much, it is not my body. Each person has to make up their own mind on what they want or don't want. It would be the same as someone trying to tell me what I can or cannot wear. It is a personal choice.

Anonymous said...

Tattoos in the eye?! I saw the pictures and it just looks like someone has ink in their eye, gross really. But you do something stupid and you get famous. I say let people do to their bodies what they want to do. Whether a tattoo is the result of mourning, excitement, loss of a bet, hobby, or any other reason, just let it fly. Honestly, I think the eye tattoo idea would have to be too much. What if the guy sneezes or something and now you are out and eyebal cause he jammed his hand and needle in it. It's not really an issue as far as gender goes, but there is a noticeable difference. I see a lot more fully tattooed males than I do females.

Anonymous said...

Personally I like tattoos. I have one and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. They are an expression of art and symbolizes certain things to a person. A lot of times they have meaning, but a lot of times they don't. It is all apart of judgement. Now for people being judged because thay have a tattoo is wrong simply because that doesn't make them different. They like art just like the next person and if they decide to put it on them froever that is their decision and it should not be detrimental to their lives.

English student said...

i think tattoos are a form of expressing themselfs and people like to express themselfs....gender has nothing to do with how many tattoos someone should get....*maria Johnson*

English student said...

i think tattoos are kind of addicting. i got 1 then within a couple weeks i got 2 more and 3 piercings. Im not saying i like all tattoos.....i like the classy ones. a girl with a sexy tramp stamp...oooweee weee. dont get me started. but a trashy face tattoo, no.

Andrew Cochran

Anonymous said...

You can't control what people do to their body. I like tattos, but having random ones is kinda pointless to me. I think if your going to get inked up then it should mean something. Why would gender matter in this issue?

English student said...

Tattoos have different effects on some people. To some people it is a new and exciting adrenaline rush, that they get to experience. Thats why a lot of people have so many of them, because of the rush they get. There is nothing, to me anyway, that is too much, It just depends on who you are. You can't judge someone because of their tattoos. I don't think that gender is any type of an issue.

(Brandon Daniels 4:30)

English student said...

Tattoo's are just a personal way of expressing oneself. Most people who have tattoo's will tell you there is some kind of meaning behind every one...or least a good story to tell. You cannot judge someone based solely on their choice of tattoo's. Tattoo's used to be taboo and were not "politically corrrect" but i do believe that in itself is what they are used for; to be different or unique. to defy what is norm.

Ashley Gentner (4:30)

English student said...

That picture you posted, yeah I think thats too much. Other then that I like tatoo"s I'm thinking about getting a couple more. I don't think that gender has anything to do with it I see nothing wrong with women or men expressing themselves with body art.

Mykeshia Lipscomb(4:30)

English student said...

I have a tattoo and thinking of getting a couple more. Tattooes are one way a person can express theirselves and be different whether you have one tattoo or your whole body done. It don't matter if you are male or female to get a tattoo. Just remember that once you get it, it's there forever or is very expensive to get removed.

Ben Legner (1:00)

English student said...

I see nothing wrong with tattoos. Some people get them to feel cool or make people think that they're badasses and some get them to express themselves. What I consider too far is when they start tattooing their whole body. And gender is not an issue when it comes to having too many.

Chris Waters

Anonymous said...

i'm not a big fan of tattoos, however i don't dislike them. i think when they are not too much, it's ok. i would like to get a tattoo sometime in the next few years just to say i have one and i'm willing to try something new. i plan on getting it where you can't see it all the time. and i plan on getting something small.

i don't have a problem with a few small ones are a large one on your back where not everyone sees it, but covering your entire body it just too much. it's unnecessary and actually kinda gross to some.

i think people get tattoos to "express" themselves. i'm not really sure what that means, but i've heard that from people with tattoos.

and i don't believe gender would be an issue....why would it? that doesn't make any sense.

English student said...

What some people would say about tattoos is that there's nothing wrong having them because they are just decorations for their body. Others might say that it's nasty because the ink goes into your blood. And when it comes to gender, I think most people don't like it when a gilr has too many tattoos. It's really not an issue to the others that just judge. The pros and the negs go towards that person that have the tattoos. I think that people can look the way they want to, if that's making them happy why listen to what people say??. I would only get one tattoo,but in my fam it's not acceptable, so I din't think I'll ever get one. The only thing that I think its sad for those that have a lot of tattoos and that have kids as well, cannot donate any of their blood in case of an emergency, but that is up to that person. I would rather donate some blood than have tons of tattoos.

~Marisol Oliva

Anonymous said...

i think tattoos are perfectly fine, my gf has a few on her and it dont matter. it would be a ctually pretty schoool ot see a glow in the dark one. peopel like to get them as a mermory or to honor something. what has gender has to do with getting a fucking tattoo.