Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Abusive Relationships

When do you call it quits in an abusive relationship? Do you wait until you are physically hurt? Do you wait until you have no self-confidence? Do you wait until your child(ren) has been taking away from you? Do you wait until your life comes really close to death? Why do women stay in abusive relationships risking there own life plus loved ones?

-LaTia Alexander(4:30)


Anonymous said...

An abusive relationship is a hard thing to deal with. There are alot of unanswered questions. I think that you should leave as soon as possible, but circumstances may not allow. In abusive relationships it usually a catch to why the person remains, or why the abuser won't let go. You shouldn't put your whole life in limbo for a person that doesn't care much about you.

Anonymous said...

No matter what type of abuse is present in the relationship, it is essential to get out as soon as humanly possible. Personally, I would like to think I've never been in an absuive relationship. I know people that have been in absuive relationships and thankfully, they had the courage to get out and take their kids with them. I can't say when it is the right time to leave an abusive relationship, becuase again, i have never been in one. I believe it is wrong to stay with someone that intentionally hurts another person.

*~Lynette Reitmeier~* (4:30)

English student said...

I'm not sure why people stay in abusive relationships. Some people have low self esteem and think that they deserve what is happening to them. Sometimes people are too scared to leave. Sometimes people think that if they stick around that they may be able to change the person that they are with. Whatever you personal reason is, being in an abusive relationnship is never good for you or the person that you are with. Yes, you should leave as soon as possible, but things don't always happen when they should.

Camillia Walker

Anonymous said...

You should get out of any abusive relationship as soon as it becomes abusive. No one desevise to be in that situation and there is no reason to stay in an abusive relationship nothing good can come of it. I wouldnt have the slightest idea why a women would say in that kind of relationship my guess would be of the children.

English student said...

One should leave a relationship as soon as it turns abusive, wether it be metally, verbally or physically. Why DO women stay in abussive relationships? I never tolerated that. Last guy that tried to hit me in an aggressive manner went flying across a room. I'm not saying that all people should physically fight back, just have no tolerance for it at all.

Natasha Stone (4:30)

Anonymous said...

You confront him on verbal abuse, and try to get him/her into counseling. Physical abuse you run as fast as you can because even though they say they are sorry, they do not mean it.

Do not stay just for the children you are hurting them more and teaching that this kind of behavior is acceptable.

Women stay because they have been beat down, stomped on and have no where to go.....they keep thinking it will get better, but it doesn't.

Run run run

English student said...

I don't know why women stay in abusive relationships. If your getting beat or hurt emotionally, get out. There are plenty of guys out there that won't hurt you. It's not the end of the world. The first time a woman gets hit, she should leave that guy. If he does it once, he'll do it again. Somebody that loves you isn't going to hit you. That's just common sense. If there is a child involved then you should definitely get away. Your children don't need to see that. They could grow up and do the same thing because they seen their father doing it. As for the emotional part, if a guy is torturing you on the inside, you don't need to be with him either. You don't love him for torturing you, and he don't love you because he tortures you. Get rid of the loser that is hurting you before it gets serious and puts your life in danger.

Jesse Kaufmann

English student said...

In any relationship you wait until the hand raised the first time, then you kick his ass and walk out the door. Honestly no man has or will ever raise a hand to me if he knows what is good for him. I think that the people who stay in a relationship like that are 100% fucking retarded. Honestly why would you want to be with someone who hits you or calls you names. From the time I could remember that was the kind of home I lived in. My dad hitting and calling my moms names, but she also fought back. But for 16 years it was back and forth abuse, until my mom had enough sense to kick his ass out. My mom taught me a lot of things to not put up with by showing me by example. I guess that’s why I am always single. It is because I don’t put up with any kind of bullshit and neither should anyone else.

Shayna Garrelts (4:30)

Anonymous said...

You call it quits when you see the hint of agression that will cause him to do a more than raise his voice and slam door. If not then, you need to leave when physically hurts you. Maybe it was a one time thing or maybe it will be a pattern, but it's wort leaving him. There are plenty of other guys out there who won't hit you.

There seems that you are talking of two different types. You have physical and emotional, and of course they can mix. If it is physical, then you should by no means be around him amymore. I really hope yo would catch this before any child is hurt or taken away. And you should catch it way before a near death experience, unless it all happens in the same event. Emotionally, you shouldn't settle to be talked down to. Women have played their role as an underdog citizen and you've fought long and hard for equality...and it's what you deserve. And it is confusing to my why women stay in these relationships, unless there is a child involved, I see no reason to be around him.

English student said...

you should call it quits right from the begining...i belive some women stay because them man has basically instilled in there mind that they doit because he loves her and by them saying that the women are loosing selfesteem by the second so they get the idea that no one ells loves them and that what the man is doing to them is love...*maria Johnson

Anonymous said...

You should stand up for yourself. Tell someone if your getting abused. If someone is abusing you, you shouldnt stick around. Go get help!

English student said...

Every situation is different and there is not right or wrong answer. I believe that every relationship has warnig signals. It is time to abandon the relationship when you realize how detrimental this person has become. If you confront the issues and discuss a solution and it continues to not get better it is time to move on and find someone new. No one should have to put up with abuse. you need to get out.

Ashley Gentner (4:30)

English student said...

I used to say "no, never not me", and then it was me in an abusive relationship. I can't explain, and it's sad to say, I hit first now. After going through it once, I never allow no one to manipulate me, hurt me emotion or physical, I leave. Some have to see for themselves.Anything physical people should let go and back away,for both sexes.

English student said...

A lot of women stay in abusive relationships because their self-esteem is low. I think you should call it quits when a person first put their hands on you. I've been in an abusive relationship and I didn't leave when it first started. I stuck around thinking it would stop, but it only got worse. Police got involved and that wasn't even cool. So if you leave you want have to worry about your kids getting taken.

Mykeshia Lipscomb(4:30)

English student said...

I would defently not wait until I get abused, physically nor manatlly. I think that one must be prepare to have a raltionship, I mean you have to love yourself before you can love others. How you expect to someone to love when you don't even love yourself? And oviously if you let someone mess you up(beat you up or manipulate you)then you should talk to someone that you're really close to to get help. Nobody should risk their own lives, specially if they don't love you.
I think that woman that stay in those types of relationships risking their lives or loved loved ones is because they don't know who to talk to, they are scared of that person because that person could be treatening them, or they might just not be leaving that relationship because they have children and they don't want to see the separation of the two, but waht they don't realize that its causing more problems for you and for the children because whenever they abuse you, its always hard to hide it from kids. I think that every woman is worth a lot to be abuse. And for those who abuse, I want to say that they are not man enough.

~Marisol Oliva

English student said...

Women I believe stay in abusive relationships because they maybe feel no way out. I also believe that it is so hard for them to just leave because no matter what is done to them, they still love the other person with all their heart. I think women in these positions do ask thereself what to do, but they just want to be with that person so much that they will do anything to be with them. Even if it means getting beat or being treated like crap

(Brandon Daniels 4:30)

English student said...

Women I believe stay in abusive relationships because they maybe feel no way out. I also believe that it is so hard for them to just leave because no matter what is done to them, they still love the other person with all their heart. I think women in these positions do ask thereself what to do, but they just want to be with that person so much that they will do anything to be with them. Even if it means getting beat or being treated like crap

(Brandon Daniels 4:30)

English student said...

I myself would get out of an abusive relationship as soon as possible but i know that is different coming from a guy. Woemn shouldn't put up with men that beat them. The guy might say they will do worst stuff if they leave but everyone can get a restaining order on some one. Is it really worth staying in that kind of releationship were you are scared or hurt all the time and have to lie to the ones that love you just so they don't find out what is going on. Women need to stick up for theirselves instead of an abusive man walk all over them.

Ben Legner (1:00)

Anonymous said...

i say that at the very first sign or even hint of and kind of abuse, you should get out of there. because if those things slide, then they will get worse and eventually, you will be hurt, both physically and emotionally.

if there are children involved, then it is important for them to be removed from the situation all together. you don't want them to think this kind of behavior is ok.

i think women stay in these relationships because they are worried they won't ever find someone else and so they're willing to settle with this crap. don't ever settle when you know you can do better than abuse.

English student said...

I think the reason why women stay in an abusive relation is because they feel like they have no where to go. they have built there whole life around this person and are afraid leaving. The option would be to stay with someone who hurts you or be alone. Which one is more painful? I think that people will do almost anything to belong somewhere, even stay where someone is being hurt.

Steve Roberts

Anonymous said...

if you egt sent to the hosptial b/c you are getting abused that should be the clear vut sign to get out of it. if you can not do it by yourself then you should geta freind or a next of kin to help you out.