Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Should Welfare Recipients Get Drug Tested?

Should people who receive government welfare be drug tested? Do you think people who receive government aid should be spending money on necessities rather than drugs? or is it their choice what they spend their money on? but is it their money? Is it the taxpayer's money? Is it constitutional to drug test them? Do you think this is a big issue in today's government spending? Do you think the amount of people on welfare would decline if drug testing was implemented?

-Brett Scott (11:00)

How much do we help?

Does it benefit the United States to continue to take the lead in international affairs? In your opinion, why does the U.S. often take the initiative when we perceive or learn of a problem another country is having? Eldridge (11:00)

Healthy lunches?

Should schools get rid of unhealthy food and start serving healthier foods to their students? Would students get better grades if they were to have healthier lunches?

Here are some recent findings:

Most students who eat school lunch tend to weigh more than those who bring lunch from home.

Schools don’t give a wide variety of fruits or vegetables to students.

Schools put greasy food out where the students can see it but they hide the fruits and vegetables so the students are more likely to grab the bad food.<

It’s the same as eating breakfast, if you eat breakfast before school you tend to be more awake and be able to pay more attention. If you eat something healthy or something somewhat nutritious then you have a better chance of being more awake after lunch and will be able to listen in class.

So, what do you think--are unhealthy lunches in schools a problem that needs to be addressed? What was your experience with school lunches?

Hillary Moore (11:00)

Animal Testing--right or wrong?

There has been great controversy on whether animals should be used for cosmetic and scientific research and testing. Some people say yes because they say there is no other way to test these products to see if it is safe for human use; others say no because the animals have rights and that scientists need to find an alternative ways to conduct their experiments. So who's right? Should animals be used for testing? Or should scientists work harder on finding other alternatives? Please explain your reasons for your views.

~Lauren (11:00)