Tuesday, July 18, 2006

What's the biggest problem?


In your view, what's the biggest social problem in America? Can you think of any way to help solve or to reduce the negative impact of this problem?

Jamar Brown

Corey wants to know . . .

Do you feel that rap music is one of the predominant factors causing the moral decline in our country? Are rappers responsible for others peoples actions that imitate their lyrics? Are rappers more guilty of influencing young people more than musicians like Ossy Osbourne, Marilyn Manson, Korn, HateBreed, Slipnot and other rockers who have come before rappers.

Kellie's Question

Is there really anything wrong with television?
Is television too graphic or not graphic enough? Is TV showing the real world or sugar-coating it? (EX. the news)
Is it right for parents to blame tv for the way their children act? (EX. cussing or hitting each other)
What about the millions of complaints the FCC received for the showing of "Saving Private Ryan" on television? And the Janet Jackson mishap? Were those people who complained out of line? Or did they do the right thing?
Janet Jackson at the Super Bowl halftime show.Saving Private Ryan movie clip.

The battle of Laws by Leta Mills

Since the United States was founded, the government has been adding more and more laws, many of which are obviously helpful and necessary but some of which some people feel lead to too much restraint on their personal freedoms. Do you think we have too many laws in our society? If so, what's one law that should be changed? If you were in control of laws and could change only one, which law would it be?

Monday, July 17, 2006

Rebecca's questions

What do you consider a true relationship with God? Must you pray and attend church daily, or is merely believing enough? Must you serve God every day or does God just want an open mind he can commune with. Just give me some of your thoughts on any of these things about relationships with God. (If you do not believe in God or you believe in a different god, please feel free to email me so I can give you some different questions that might fit in with the rest of my paper.)
Thanks for your time,
Rebecca Carmack

Is spanking your kids child abuse? By Kevin Thomas

Should parents spank their kids?

When does discipline become abuse?

To what extent should accused child abusers be punished?

Thank for your response,
Kevin Thomas

Buddha, Meet Jesus

Would Buddha and Jesus hang together? What would they talk about? Did they have similar values? What are some of the big differences between the beliefs and views of Jesus and Buddha? Did either one of them influence the other, or did they even know of each other?

What can we learn from Buddha that we can't learn from Jesus, and what can we learn from Jesus that we can't learn from Buddha?

If you don't know much about Buddha and his similarities to Jesus Christ, you might check this web site: http://www.heartlandsangha.org/parallel-sayings.html

Thanks for your input!


Alex's Question

In the United States, we are all accustomed to a fairly comfortable life. For the most part, we all have cars that burn an incredible amount of fuel and houses furnished with countless appliances. Each time we drive our car, turn on the big screen TV, or fire up the grill, we burn fuel that releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which causes global warming. Are we destroying our planet? Are we ruining our earth for future generations due to global warming?



Also, if you would like to read some background information before you answer the question, you can visit the following website: http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/globalwarming/primer/primer.html?clik=fanmain_leftnav .

Aaron's question

Should smoking marijuana be legalized? For medication? For recreational use? Should people be allowed to grow it themselves, if they don't sell it for profit?

Soul Mates

Do you believe in soul mates? Why or why not?

How do you recognize a soul mate?

Do you believe that there can be more than one person that is meant for you?
(In what situations do you think this could be true? Example: If your loved one died, would you be able to find someone else to love?)

Do you think you fall in love or do you learn to love?

Lindi Hettinger

Ashley's Question

I know this is a hard topic to talk about, but please think through your responses before posting them. If I could get all the responses by the end of the week that would be great. Thanks.

Do you think that abortion should be illegal? In what cases, if any, should abortion be legal?

~Ashley Ross

nuclear warfare

Is the world facing another imminent threat of nuclear warfare? Who do you think will be next to use it, and why? How do you think one would justify themselves in doing so? When will it happen? Where will it happen? How would such actions affect you? How would the outcome from such actions affect the world? How would such actions affect America? Has the media influenced your opinion on this issue? Do you think the media will try to sway your opinion if such actions occurred?

If you have any questions, please e-mail me at yankeeabelincoln@hotmail.com and I'll answer them the best I can.
Thank you,
Pat Mahoney

Adrianna's Question about gender/age differences in relationships

Is it morally, ethically, or in any other way wrong for people of opposite genders with a significant age difference to be friends and spend large amounts of time together? For example, would it be wrong for a 48 year old man to call, instant message, watch movies, play games, and go out to eat with a 16 year old girl? What circumstances would make this kind of relationship wrong? If you think it is wrong, are there any circumstances that would make it okay? Basically, are there any exceptions
to your view? Thanks! ~Adrianna

Nicole Mulrooney's Survey Questions.

What are your feelings on a smoking ban?

Do you think it should include bars?

Do you think a ban infringes on the rights of smokers?

Do you think not banning smoking infringes on the rights of non-smokers?

Are kids growing up too fast?

Are kids growing up too fast?
(Do such things as wearing makeup too early, dressing too old for one’s age, and long-term relationships lead to teenage pregnancy, experimenting with drugs, and exposure to adult issues and situations?)

-What are the causes?
(Peer pressure, family life, television, etc…)
-How can we prevent it

*~Amanda Wasowitz~*

Darcy Cekander--Divorce and Family

What are your views on divorce and how it affects the family as a whole?

How do you think divorce affects children?

In your opinion, what methods should be used to handle the affects divorce has on an entire family?

Darcy Cekander

The Gay Marriage Debate

Gay marriage has been a hot topic lately. Tell me what you think.
1. Should gay couples be allowed to marry and/or have domestic partnerships or civil unions?
2. Do you think people choose to be gay? Explain.
3. Is being openly gay a sin? Explain.

Posted By: Michael Holmes

audrey's quiestion on crime?

Do you think that crime in schools is out of control? Why, or why not?

What more could be done to prevent the crimes? Do you know of an example,that you would like to share, one that happened in your scool?

Jamie Brooks' Survey question's

Do you agree/ disagree with anti war protests?

Do you support the war, or just America?

If you don’t support the war, why don’t you?

Jamie Brooks

Does Money Buy Happiness? By: Maria Shallenberger

Does money buy happiness? If so is there a certain point where that ends? If not, are the people who do use money to buy happiness not truly happy? How do you know? Do you think that people spend too much time and energy on acquiring more $$ when that time could be better spent otherwise?

Is Creativity a dying trend? By: Ryan Duda

Is there a lack of creativity in the United States? Is T.V. and other entertainment taking away that creative flow from the open minds of children and adults, or is it increasing it with different veiw points and interesting ideas? What good is creativity, anyway? If everyone's creativity dried up, what would be missing?

Wednesday, July 12, 2006