Monday, July 17, 2006

Aaron's question

Should smoking marijuana be legalized? For medication? For recreational use? Should people be allowed to grow it themselves, if they don't sell it for profit?


English student said...

Several lobbyists are using this debate to make themselves look good. Who doesn't want to find the latest medical technology to help out the sick? Marijuana is certainly a drug that must be used properly and not abused if legalized. I think it should be legalized only as a prescription drug, and its use should be closely monitored by doctors. This should be used only in rare instances and should definitely not become as common as antibiotics. Other medications can certainly be used. The issue is almost entirely political.
-Michael Holmes

English student said...

This subject is hard to answer, without a medical degree to prove the effects of marijuana, who can actually give a good response? I do think it is ok to give it to patients who are dying or whatever is medically necessary. If it helps with pain or even in healing, why shouldn’t it be used? I do not agree with recreational use, I have seen the effects of the drug on people using, it is not a pretty site. It does not affect everyone the same, but I do not think we cannot take that chance. With my disagreement with legalizing it for recreational use, I have to say, I would not think it legal to grow either. Darcy Cekander

English student said...

I think the only way marijuana should be legalized is if it is being used for medical uses. The main problem with that is that people will find a way to abuse the privlege. If they were to legalize it, i think that it would need to be strictly for hospital uses and very well supervised. If they allowed people to grow it themselves, it would be very nieve to think that they wouldn't try and sell it as well.

Maria Shallenberger

English student said...

yes ithink that pot should be legal. why? well, as a former pot smoker, it never really affected you the way most other drugs do. you are in a fog but, you are always aware of your surrondings. you don't here of people dying from smoking pot, you only here of people getting busted. of course if you do here of someone dying, it's because of two things: 1. a deal gone bad or 2.a bust gone bad.

It has been proven to help the people that are ill with glacoma, cancer, or mental illness. so yes it should be legal.

thanx audrey p.

English student said...

I am torn at this question because I amnot sure what the effects of legalizing marijuana would be. If it lessoned the use of it because it wasn't so rebellious anymore then I would be all for it. On the other hand, if legalizing it would make more people use it, then I wouldn't want that to happen. If it were legal for medicinal purposes, there would need to be strict rules and regulations of what medical conditions merit the use of marijuana. For exampl, I'm addicted wouldn't be a valid reason to use it for medicinal purposes. No, I don't think it should be legalized because then i think the use of it would be so widespread that the world would have more problems than it did before. Also, people are going to obtain it no matter if it's legal or not, so people are stillgoing to use it.


English student said...

Marijuana should only be leagalized if it can be used to help the sick. It can be very addictive so I don't believe it should be legal for recreatinal use or for people to grow. If it is used as a medication then it should be closely monitored so the patient isn't hooked on the drug. Marijuana isn't something that people should just have to have. Only in sever cases should it be used like if someone is dying and it could save them.
Nicole Mulrooney

English student said...

If marijuana helps to ease the pain of cancer patients, then I believe marijuana should be legalized for medicinal purposes only. Also, marijuana can help people who have Glaucoma. Glaucoma is marked by increased pressure in the eyeball. Marijuana can actually reduce some of the pressure in the eye.

In the case of recreational use, I do not believe that marijuana should be legalized. People already show up to work with hang-overs. If we allow marijuana for recreational use, I am sure than many people would go to work stoned.


English student said...

I think marijuana is actaully better than cigarettes. Marijuana doesn't give you cancer as cigarettes do. Maybe i havn't done any research about Marijuana but i know it isn't addictive and i don't think it is a drug like cocaine. i think marijuana is probably the best drug to be on when it is compared to cocaine and crack. I think it should be legalized for medical purposes but not for recreational because most people still wouldn't see it as right to smoke it. As for selling it- people do it now already, so leagalizing it wouldn't change much.

English student said...

I feel that marijuana should be legal. I say this not because of the medical reasons, but more for the crime and money involved with it. If it were legal the government could attach a hefty sin tax which would could be given to help improve schools,roads,public services,etc. Also if it becomes legal there would be less killing over who sells it and where they sell it. Just think about prohibition, whene it was illegal it was a very violent time. Now who gets killed today over a beer?
Jamar Brown

English student said...

Yes i believe that marijuana should be legalized. it isn't fair that it should be deemed illegal just because a few beaurocrates can't seem to make a profit out of it


English student said...

No I think that it shouldn't be legal. Becasue this world has enough druggies it doesn't need even more by makeing it legal to smoke pot.
If they could get away with growing it and not selling it might be o.k.. Byt I know that wouldn't work becasue everybody wants to make money.
Jamie Brooks

English student said...

I agree with Jamar and how the whole prohibition thing was, but I'm not so sure about legalizing it. I think that yes for medical purposes it would be good, and legalizing it would help the crime that comes with selling it and all, but it just feels wrong to legalize it. I'm not completely sure if I would. There are good reasons to and good reasons not to. I'm in between right now and not really sure.
~Ashley Ross

English student said...

I haven't smoked pot in quite some time, but I have enough experience with it to believe it can be used responsibly (probably more so than alcohol) and its users don't pose any great threat to the public. For these reasons I believe it should be legalized; considering how easy it is to grow and the price that people are already willing to pay for it marijuana could be quite heavily taxed and the money could be used to fund many worthy projects (such as educating people on the responsible use of mind-altering substances). It would also free up the hemp plant for its many other uses that go unused due to the plant's legal status.

James Koltz

English student said...

I do not feel marijuana should be legalized. I know that teens will still try it and some will still smoke it (I've tried it myself like pretty much everyone I know), but I don't want my children to grow up thinking it's okay and an everyday item to buy at the store. It's not. I don't care what anyone says, it's very, very addictive. I know two people who were close to me and couldnt' stop smoking the crap if their life depended on it! What age would be legal? Would they treat it the same as alcohol? I can actually understand why it might be used for cancer patients who are in intense pain; medicinal purpose. But I do not agree with making it mainstream in stores and teaching our children that it's okay.

Katrina Schoonover

English student said...

Legalize it
Don't criticize it
Legalize it, yeah, yeah
And I will advertise it

Some call it tamjee
Some call it the weed
Some call it Marijuana
Some of them call it Ganja

Nevermind, got to legalize it
Don't criticize it
Legalize it, yeah, yeah
And I will advertise it

Singers smoke it
And players of instruments, too
Legalize it, yeah, yeah
That's the best thing you can do

Doctors smoke it
Nurses smoke it
Judges smoke it
Even the laywers too

So you've got to legalize it
Don't criticize it
Legalize it, yeah, yeah
And I will advertise it

It's good for the flu
It's good for asthma
Good for tuberculosis
Even numara thrombosis

Got to legalize it
Don't criticize it
Legalize it, yeah, yeah
And I will advertise it

Birds eat it
Ants love it
Fowls eat it
Cooks love to bake with it

So you've got to legalize it
Don't criticize it
Legalize it, yeah, yeah
And I will advertise it

Peter Tosh

English student said...

I think that if there is way to monitor it and if it helps cancer patients, then I say yes. But only in a medicinal way, not in a "recreational" way. Having it legal will lead to more serious drug use, and more impaired drivers. Drunk driving proves how careless people are when they are given the opportunity to consume unlimited amounts of substances.

English student said...

I agree with Rebecca 100 percent. I think that it would be okay if it was used solely for medicinal purposes. Obviously, it would need to be kept track of closely by the patient's doctor. Using it legally for recreational purposes should not happen because it is abused enough as it is. So many people spend way too much money on it and use it to temporarily cover up some of their serious problems. I think that anything that impairs the way that people think, like alcohol, should be used in moderation or not at all. Especially when people can not control themselves.

~*Amanda Wasowitz*~

English student said...
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English student said...

I think that marijuana should be legalized for medical reasons, recreational use, and people should be allowed to grow it as well.

I think it should be legalized for medical reasons because if marijuana can help relieve pain for others, then it just doesn't make sense for them not to be able to use it. I think that they have or are trying it for medical uses, but it'll never be 100% legal because big business drug companies stand to loose a lot of money if it is legalized.

I don't see why it shouldn't be legalized for recreational use. Marijuana doesn't kill you like other legal drugs do (alcohol, and tobacco). Granted, there will be people who shouldn't smoke it, but there are people who shouldn't drink either.

If it were legal for recreational use, people should be able to grow it themselves. However, our government can't control the selling or buying aspect of it, therefore they can't tax people for it, and that's why it'll never be legal.
Pat Mahoney

English student said...

i think marijuana should be ligalized. these kind of drugs is the same as cigarette or alcohol. as a metter of fact, i think marijuana is safer than cigarettes. if marijuana legalazes, it would limit the amount of people who are getting put in jail for possesion. there are many people who are using it for madicine, but people should not be allowed to grow it at home. it should be used like other medicine, where you go to the doctor and they describe it to you and you go pick it up at the pharmacy. cristobal