Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fine arts

1. Were you any part of the arts in high school? Which ones and why?
2. How did being a part of it affect other aspects of your life?
3. Are you a part of any now? Why or why not?
4. If you could be a part of any one… which one would you pick?
5. When you see someone who is passionate about one art or another, how does that make you feel?
6. Do you believe kids these days are getting enough of the art in their schooling as opposed to sports?


Megan Bozada (9:00)


Anonymous said...

I was involved in the music program at my school all throughout grade school, junior high and high school. I also played parts in my high schools plays and musicals every year. All of these activities meant a lot to me because they were things I loved and could enjoy doing with my friends. I was also able to meet a lot of students from other schools through our music program.
These activities took away from my study schedule, but I still would have done them looking back on things now.
I'm not apart of any programs now execpt occasionally playing piano, although I still enjoy going to the arts. I have more responsiblities and not enough time to do everything so music and plays aren't possible now.
Seeing others passionate about one art or another is really inspiring. Too many kids quit activities because other think it's not cool. I love it when someone strives to be the best and it really shows. The arts allow everyone to use their creativity and show a part of themselves not everyone sees.
It's hard hearing music programs and other fine art programs are being taken out of schools. Many kids would't get a chance to be involved in these activities if it weren't for school. Sports are great, but music, art, theatrics are so influencial and allow poeple to express themselves.

Anonymous said...

I was in marching band, jazz band, chorus and the Madricals, a singing group, I was also Student Director in our high school senior musical, and performed in plays my sophomore and junior years. Did I love the arts? I won a music scholarships my senior year in music, but because college was not a thing for ladies to do way back then, I passed it up. Do I regret it? Yes, very much so.

Music was my way of life. I lived it, breathed it and couldn't wait for the next day to come because of it.

Now, I sing in the privacy of my home or car. I haven't picked up an instrument since two years after high school.

I support art programs in any way possible. I buy when they have promotional sales, and will bake if they need extra help with bake sales at school.

I think that "The Arts" are very important to our young and help keep imagination alive.

English student said...

First, I have played the sax and keyboard, so I know what you mean with the creativity side of this. I am for all kids k-8 to be taught any and all thing to those who want to lean could learn. If you can get you kid into the school zone then your child get to attend the school before those outside of the disc. At this point it should be; first come first serve, and then you would have to do it by date stamped Notre if it is needed.
The art is part of a person soul yet so is physics, but what mind set are you? Some people are hands on learners they need to do it to get it, while other need to open a book and read it and they know what they just read. There are people who if you show them this is how it is done they got no clue but if you push then in, and say drowned, then they fight not to drown. Everyone have some music, painting, sculpture, or even something made in shop or I think it is call applied life science class I am sure it has a PC name now, that if you was told I will give you this but you have to destroy this…. this…..Priceless piece of art that was made or given to you that stirs your soul. These are all part of each and every one of us. All are need in life we need to see works of art that takes your breath away, or even the song that meant.... so much more to you than anyone else there with you, it was talking to you at this time to make us turn this way in life not that way or even possible the other. Art means so many things to so many different people and in driftnet ways that if we got rid of these inspirations we would be getting rid of some of the better parts of us.
In high school out was the outcast I played sports for a short time, yet I knew tons of people both sides of that coin. I hung out more with the music kid then the theatrical kids but there were a few. I act every day I would say, ‘The world is a stage, Put on the right hat for time of where you are.’ If you are in class put on the student hat, if your are at home with kids put on the dad hat later when it is just you and you sweet heart put on the husband hat and so on and so forth. If I was to be part of the arts it would have to be in fine dining there is an art that I can get passion about. As far as seeing someone getting into their passion YES it is one of the greatest things to see. Kids are not exposed to enough are or even different kinds of art form. There are so many. I hope this help.
Daniel Dubson (9:00

Anonymous said...

1. No
2. Wasn't in it
3.No, because I've done fine without it
4.I would probably move into music. I like to write, so it would be nice to be able to create the music to go with it.
5.I'm glad they've found something that keeps them busy and away from bad vices.
6.There's way to much emphasis on sports, people get full college paid for because they can shoot a ball? I'm sorry but I don't feel that is right.

English student said...

i was in the school chorus way back in the day. like sixth or seventh grade. i only did it for the one year though because it really wasnt something i enjoyed. i think it was some of the people that were aroung that made it a not very fun enviornment. I do like music it really helps me to relax when im stressed out or upset, and sometimes i wish i'd have stuck with it. picking music as an interest or a passion is a choice just like everything. if you choose it then power to you.
jesse meyer

Anonymous said...

I was in all sorts of arts in high school. I was in art, obviously, i was in both chorus and band, and was in the madrigals and and musicals every year. It really helped me understand music better, and music is and always will be a big part of my life. Art programs that i went through helped me understand creativity, which helps me with my stories i come up with for my 3d projects. I always enjoy seeing someone that is passionate about their art. No i don't believe people are getting enough art in not only schools, but everyday lives, even adults. The artistic integrity that society once had has just died i feel.

Anonymous said...

I don't think there's enough art in high schools anymore. It's popularity just isn't there. I never did musicals or plays but I was involved in my own music on my own time. I played volleyball, softball, and I was a cheerleader.

I think art is a good thing because it can keep kids and adults out of trouble. If you're practicing your instrument or working on your lines you're not out getting arrested.

Even though I chose a different path than music I think that its important that all forms of art are in schools.

Anonymous said...

1. i was always involved in the arts in high school. i was in band and choir all four years. i was drum major of my marching band my junior and senior year. i was in thespians my sophomore, junior, and senior year and i was always involved in the school plays and musicals. i love music and i love to act.

2.being involved in music, i want to say, kept me in a good mood. yeah there were some days when i really didn't want to go to band but for the most part, they were my favorite classes.

3. today i am studying music education so it is still a big part of my life. i am in the marching illini, which is amazing. i am also part of the parkland wind ensemble.

4. if i could just pick one, i would definitely pick marching illini.

5. it makes me feel like i'm not the only one who is really passionate about the arts. i'm glad other people see what i see.

6. kids these days aren't getting balance between sports and arts. when it comes to budget cuts, arts are cut, not sports.

we need to even these cuts out. the arts give kids a chance to express themsleves at a young age it helps them find who they really are. we need to keep arts in the schools.

Anonymous said...

In high school I was involved in madrigals, musicals, a variety show, chorus, and band. They definitely took up lots ot time, but it was worth it! Even though it gave me less time for homework and work, it gave me time to spend doing something I love- singing. I was not as involved in art, but I love seeing people who are into art. It is fascinating what some people can create. I never took art in high school, and i'm starting to regret it now since I can't even draw stick people! I think art and artistic abilities are something natural, but they could also be fine-tuned by practice and learning techniques. I think too much emphasis is put on sports, but I don't know what can be done about it since sports are more publicized. I would love to see as much attention put on the arts as is put on sports, because then I feel that younger kids would become more equally involved in both.

English student said...

1.I never took fine arts in high school.
2.never took it
3. no
4.I would go into music, I have always wanted to play the electric guitar but never had time because of my busy schedule.
5.I am glad they have found something that interests them.
6.I would say they are.

Chris Waters

English student said...

I was involved in band in high school. I played the trombone and marched in the marching band. I did find that me being in band affected the sport i was in. I ran cross country at the same time marching band was going on and they both practiced at the same time. After two years of doing both i choose cross country because it better suited me. I am taking piano lesions and am enjoying it. The arts was a big thing at the high school i went to so i would have to say some schools are better at providing them then others. I think that schools have been cutting back on funding for these programs but i didnt see the affects at my school. i think that if kids want to do something creative they will. I have a lot of friends who make movies and play music and paint, and non of them are in a program that helps them wit it. I think kids these days can get into the arts if they want to.

English student said...

Growing up i was very active I did almost everything you can name. Tap dancing, school plays, singing etc. I loved it!! I feel that it helped me stay focus in school because without good grades I wasn't able to do those things so there for i did my best when it came to school work. To this day I still participate in a lot of activities (mostly dance). Having fine arts in schools help children to find themselves and do what they love. Sports are great but not every child can be that star football player or basketball player and having fine arts in schools give others to shine in the things that they are good at.

Anonymous said...

I was not in any arts in high school, I have always been more of an athletic person and have never really got into art. I dont think that not being involved in art has affected my life at all. I am still not involved with art at all today in my life and honestly probably never will be. I do not think that art is a bad thing and I think it creates a lot of happiness for some people, which is great. Art should be available to students in school wishing to pursue it. To the topic of if kids are getting enough art in their schooling as opposed to sports, my opinion is that sports are very important because they are activities that are not only fun (like art) but students also get life long health benefits from sport and exercise.

English student said...

i played in the band throughout jr. high and high school, at first becuase i had to and towards the end becuase i wanted to. now that i am not part of a music program becuase it doesn't fit in my schedule. if i could pick a music program and have it fit into my schedule i would choose to be in a jazz band, becuase the music comes alive and affects everybody listening in a different way. when i see someone passionate about the arts it makes me happy that the arts have not been totally forgotten in todays society. sports have taken a bigger role in the school systems today but, the arts do make a difference in some way.
Derek Diesburg(9:00)

Anonymous said...

I wasn't involved in any part of the arts in high school. Im not currently involved in any now either. I just dont have time to participate in things like that. I dont think i would be very good at any kind of arts or musical. My dream job would have to be being a famous actor though. Seeing people interested in the arts doesn't make me feel anything special. People are passionate about anything and everything. Well in school both athletics and the arts are extra curricular. But the truth that the arts will never get as much support in school as sports. Its all about the money. How many people go to plays in high school? How many to football and basketball games. Plus how many broadway stars do you know?

English student said...

I was in every art class that you could take in high school, from art 1 to senior studio. Art began to consume my life to the point that all i did in my spare time was draw or paint. Unfortunatly, since i started college, i have not been able to produce any art work because i am so busy. I feel very happen for the people i see very passionate about art. I do not think that kids today in schools are getting enough art; it seems that art has always kinda been put on the back burner and not taken serious.

Kevin Dozier 9:00

English student said...

i have never been a part of any art things in school. the most extra stuff i have done was basketball in grade school. i do know people that are into the art ascpect of life and school and they hae a passion for it, that is what they want to do. i will agree with tyler that there is a little bit to much emphasis on sports, in such that school and everything wil be paid for if you can play well, but that is entertainment, and that is the reason they can do that. there are scholarships for just about anything, including all the art stuff but you never hear about that because its not big news like if some kid got a scholarship to a big school because he could dunk in 8th grade. it should be brought into school more than it is though. not saying that i want everyone to be artist or anything, but at least know that it is out there for the taking.
randy bustle

Anonymous said...

1. i wasnt in any in high school
2. n/a
4. i really dont know i think they need to have a band class that is like a real band in stead of a marching band.
5. i think that its cool that they are interested in something.
6. i think in most high schools there is plenty of oppurtunity for band and choir and art classes.

Anonymous said...

when i was in jr high iwas aprt of the choir, well at the tim eit was mandated for are school. it really didn't affect how i am in my life b/c i sang in the shower when i was in jr nad i still don it now. No i am not aprt of any fine arts maybe the occasional bean bag games in the parking lot before a nascar race. i thin k kids need to be forced into a sport. with today's obesity level it be a great thing.

Anonymous said...

I was in many programs such as almost all music programs, and some art programs.

I felt that it helped me with my life. Without the programs im not sure what i would have even done with all my free time i wouldve had without the programs

I am currently not really involved with anything, but i still help out with my local high school musics program

English student said...

1)no 3)no 4) seven brieds for seven brothers 6) yes

65 mustang