Thursday, March 30, 2006

Survey question from Tiffany Badgley

Please respond to my question, either here on the blog or to my e-mail address. (To respond here click on "comments" below.)

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thank you!

Tiffany B.

Should parents spank their children? Why or why not? Please give examples and explain your reasoning.

Thanks so much for answering!



English student said...

Hi, Tiffany. I'm against spanking across the board (or WITH a board, for that matter). I don't think physical contact is ever the best lesson. I think spanking often sends the wrong message. The message might be, "When all else fails, it's okay to hit," or something like that.

You never hear of adults spanking a child who is bigger than they are--which makes me wonder if spanking, for some people, is part of their power trip. Spanking children, among other things, might teach children that it's okay for a bigger person to strike a smaller person if the bigger person is "right" and the smaller person is not going along with that.

I think it's almost always better to talk things out, and I think children can be much better listeners than some adults give them credit for.

I've got 6 kids and have never really spanked any of them, though I have threatened to spank them--and that's probably no good, either. But when I do that it's usually because I 'm trying to help them remember to stay out of the street, or something like that.

John Wentworth

English student said...

from phil gould.

it's quite simple..."spare the rod and spoil the child." if you don't correct bad behavior, it will only get worse. (of course, there are people that go overboard on the punishment.)

English student said...

Parents should not have to resort to spanking, however some children do not respond to time outs or verbal warnings, and there for the parent's only recourse is to use physical punishment.
John Maxwell

English student said...

No, parents should not spank their children. I don't believe in spanking, never have, and will never spank my children. I was never spanked as a children as everything turned out fine.

Many parents spank their children though and I don't understand what they get out of it. From the day that your children are born you teach them not to hit. When they see you spank them or "hit" them they then think it is okay as well. There are many alternitives to turn towards instead. Taking away a toy, or something they cherish, or puting them in time out. Time out to children is not fun. When they are in the middle of playing and have to kills them. There are better ways to take care of things without spanking.

My mom has a daycare and when one of her children does something wrong she always tells them "NO" and leads them in a different direction. That usually takes care of the problem. We do have a time out chair in our house..but it hardly ever gets used. All in all, parents should not have to spank their children.

Tiffany Hartke

English student said...

I guess the question for me would be "Do you want to teach your children that violence is a solution in some cases?" It just makes sense that if you spank your kids you are teaching them that physical punishment is okay, at least in some cases. I'm not necessarily going to call that right or wrong, as I have to acknowlege this is sometimes the case, but I do believe that there is always a better option than physical violence, even if the results aren't as dramatic or immediate. I don't have any kids so i can't pretend that I know what it's like trying to deal with a little problem child; maybe my mind will sway either one way or the other if I ever end up in that situation.

James Koltz

English student said...

I do not believe in spanking. There are so many other ways to handle a situation. Talking to children is always the best choice because we teach them how to handle situations and how to control their emotions. Some children are very strong willed. I know from experience, that the parent must have control of their child when they are little, or you will have a disaster in the teen years. If all other forms of discipline fail, you may have to spank.

Robbin Russell

English student said...

I was spanked as a child and all it did was spark fear in me instead of teaching me the so called lesson. There are so many different ways to discipline a child instead of hitting them. All options should be tried before raising a hand to a child. Physical violence is never acceptable in any form.

English student said...

Hi Tiffany, you know I'm so much older than the clasmates we have this semester and I'm from the old school. I (whip)my children only in which they did things they knew was wrong. But you know these days parents are going over board with the way they punish there children. Some kids are wining up dead. So the goverment has to intervene the way we punish our children. You have some females out there that never should have kids. Especially that women name Amanda Hamm just going on trial coming up for drowning her three kids.
Daryl Brown

English student said...

I don't know if they should or shouldn't spank them but I do believe it's ok to if they choose. It's not abuse and I think it also depends on the severity of what they did. Kids have atitudes and sometimes they need an adjustment. If you don't fix the problem while they are at an early age it's only going to get worse as time goes on. If you sit them in time out they still play around and don't really get the jist of what they did was wrong. If you ground them so what they listen to music, talk on the phone, or play video games but if their ass is red and they are crying then it's likely what they did wrong is going to sink in and probably won't happen again just because of the consequenses.

Ryan Schoolcraft