Monday, November 12, 2007


Is discrimination a problem in our society? Why or why not?
Have you ever discriminated against someone for how they look?
Why do you think people make these judgments?
Do you think anyone discriminates or labels you? What do they say about you?
How do you decide on how to label someone?
Do you tend to label for more positive or negative reasons?
What makes a label positive or negative?
How do you think these people would feel if they knew what you labeled them?
How many of these labels do you think are just/true?

Rachel Edwards (Noon Class)


English student said...

I don't think that discrimination is a problem like it was in the 60s and 70s, but I do think that it is still out there. It might not be as public as it was back then, now it's more private, not so many people express their feelings to others. Unfortunately, I have to say that I have made judgements about people because of how they look. I'm sure I too have been judged by people because of either how I look, act, or something else. I usually try to not label people honestly. I think if people knew what other people said about them they'd be pretty upset. No one deserves to be labeled just because of the way they look. As we get older, we learn to accept people for who they are, and not what they look like. Unfortunately, there are people out there that have been "brainwashed" into thinking that if a person looks a certain way, they also behave a certain way. I remember my grandparents and I were walking down the street and a regular guy was walking past us, he was wearing a pink button down shirt with a white sweater vest and a nice pair of dress pants on, and I remember my grandparents saying "There's one of those gays". I couldn't believe it, but they were just brought up in a different time and in a different society. One of the most closed-minded and judgemental people I know, I'm sorry to say, is my Uncle. He was raised in a strict, prissy rich family, and thinks that almost all black people are criminals and all hispanics are illegals. Again, I think he was just raised in a bad environment, so it's not ALL his fault. But back to the main question, I do not think society is as discriminating as it was 30 or 40 years ago.

- Jarett Crump

English student said...

People discriminate on other people on how they look just to make themselves feel better for whatever flaws that person may have. To be honest with you I don't give a damn who hates on me. They could hate all they want to. All I do is focus on taking care of business and staying busy. I work full time and I go to school. And if someone wants to talk about me go right ahead because that person is just wasting their breath. People need to worry about them damn selves and stop talking about these other people because its none your business on what that person does.

Jaime Carpenter

English student said...

I think people pass judgements everyday. We stereotype everybody. I don't know why we do it, we just do. I personally don't pass negative judgement on people. I mean if somebody acts like an idiot, then I will pass a judgement, but if I don't know somebody, I will get to know them before I assume anything. I don't hold any discrimination against different races either. I know that as a nation, if we board an airplane and sit next to a fella from the middle east, we might get a little nervous, but why? Because society has placed people in categories that are hard for people to get out of

English student said...

I don't think discrimination is really problem, but it's definetly there. Discrimination now is nothing like it was back then and hopefully never will be. I don't really discriminate, but I've done it before. I think everyone does, I don't care who you are or what you say, but you probably have at somepoint. I try not to because I don't think you have the right to when you don't know the person for what they really are. I have a few friends that discriminate all the time. My few friends that do I think were raised differently. The last person I discriminated against was a "goth" at the mall. He was wearing all black, chains, black hair, black makeup, and very pale, the whole shabang. I couldn't help but think, "Why do you where those clothes? What do you believe in? Why do you parents let you dress that way?" I have met people that are nice that dress gothic, but still can't help to discrimate. Discrimination is a very real thing, although we don't want to do it, I believe people still do, it's almost as if it's in our nature.

Trevor (12:00)

English student said...

I believe discrimination is a big problem in our society even some of my closest friends I find discriminating against people, even though they would not admit it if you confronted them. This is not something that I do , or have ever done. My brother who is 35 now is severely mentally handicap, and blind, so I learned at a young age that it is okay to be different. I have two kids, and even though I am 23, and it should be alright I look a lot younger than what I am so people often give me dirty looks, and they usually ask if I am the babysitter, although it doesn't bother me two much, it doesn't mean its not there. These people discriminate because of insecurity's in their lives, and will never admit that. Hey at least in a world like ours its open seating on buses.

English student said...

Discrimination will most likely be a problem until the world's end. A lot of times your appearance is the only thing that people will see. They don't care about the person, just how they look. Of course I've discriminated. If I see a guy with a lot of bling and baggy clothes, I avoid him. I assume that he's doing something shady and could be dangerous. People judge because it's in our nature. We can't help ourselves. I'm sure that people label me. Everyone gets labeled. However, I don't know what they would label me. My decisions on how to label someone are based on: who they hang out with, the way that they talk, their clothes, etc. I'm not going to deny labeling people and I believe that labeling doesn't stop as you get older. I think that determining if a label is positive or negative is based on the individual's view. Each person might have a different perspective so it's hard to label a label as being positive or negative. I don't know, it would depend on the label. I think that most of my labels are true because I usually get to know the person and am usually right.

Liz Doty

English student said...

I think that discrimination is very much prevelant in modern day society. I try to never judge a book by its cover for the simple fact that people are not always what they seem. The friendliest people i know are people that most everyone would not even think to go up and talk to. I have once been with these friends and someone came up and asked me how a young lady such as myself could hang out with such "devil worshipers" i simply told the person that they were the greatest people i had ever met.
Frankie Gaskill (9:00)

English student said...

I think discrimination is a problem today and will always be a problem. People are unfortunatly only human, and even those who understand it is wrong will still find themselves discriminating. Maybe they got "randomly selected" at an airport, or couldn't get a cab, got denied a job even though they had better qualifications then the person who got the job. Or maybe it is something smaller like walking through parkland and stereotyping the kids who dress different, or walk, talk, and act different than you do. It is not right, if people would just learn to accept others for who they are and not worry about anyones lifestyle but there own, than the world would be a much better place.

Brett Hall 12:00

English student said...

I think that discrimination is a problem still, but it isn't as bad as it once was. Because I see/hear how people talk about others who arn't like them. I don't think that I have, I try not too, but who knows if I did when I was a kid honestly it would kind of surprise me if I didn't then. Oh I know I get labled, just because of how I look, and who my friends are. That i'm stuck up and preppy. I label people after I get to know them based on their personality. I try to do it in a positive way, but sometimes it is impossible. What you label them as makes it positive or negative. I don't think that they would be surprised or anything because they probally know it already. I think that a lot of them are true becuae I do wait 'till I get to know the person to label them.

Dani Evans

English student said...

I think people need to get to know someone before they start to judge. I've learnt that you can't judge a book by it's cover. Just because someone looks different on the outside, doesn't mean they should be judged. Everyone is unique, and people express themselves in different ways. It's so lame that some people judge others just by how they look. I think it takes more than a quick glance to really get to know someone.
Chelse Lindenbaum (9:00)

English student said...

I don't think that discrimination is as bad as it was 30 years ago but i think it still occurs every day. Not so severe but people judge other people by their looks. i know i find myself looking at people and thinking to myself, hes a nerd, or shes stuck up.....but it rarely changes how i act torwards them. I always try my hardest to give everyone a chance. I know that through high school i went through a phase where i dressed "gangster" and i found a lot of people thought i smoked weed all the time and was a bad kid. When really it was the opposite. I got good grades and was against drugs. I think its stupid that people do these things but its gonna happen.

Jimmy Gourdier (12:00 class)

English student said...

Yes, but its not that bad. I have never, to my knowleged, discriminated against somebody. I have always tried to be helpful to everyone and include others in activities. People usually discriminate out of ignorance, fear, or experience. If a certain type of person commits a crime against you, you are probably going to associate negative aspects to those type of people.
Yes, people discriminate against me. I cannot get financial aid or certain scholarships because I am caucasian and my father, not me, makes a certain amount of money.
I am a protective person by nature and tend to label people on how threatening I percieve them.
Daniel Hooker (7:00)

English student said...

I think that discrimination is a huge problem these days. People do tend to see other people as fat, ugly, not popular, with not the best clothes and judge just on that. Not to say that I've never judged someone or laughed about how someone looks, because I have. Not something I'm proud of, but hopefully it's something to grow out of. I just hope that other people learn to grow out of it too. Alot of people are very hurt by discrimination. People are actually suicidal and depressed because of it. I think that it's so sad that it comes to that. Hoepfully someday discrimination won't be as big a problem.

--Jill Reinhart (noon)

English student said...

Discrimination is a problem in our society because people still feel the need to look down upon others. I am sure that i have made judgememnts about the way people look, but i don't think that i have really ever discriminated against them. People probably label me, but i don't know what as. I try to label people for positive reasons. I have met a lot of differnt kinds of people, so i have learned that there is good in all people. If people knew that they were labeled they would be really upset. Some labels might be true, but most are probably a way of making others feel better about themselves.

Zach Burnett

English student said...

I don't think spoken discrimination is nearly as bad as it used to be. Mostly, now it is more teasing and giving labels. I know it is still out there just not as verbalized maybe. I would say one of the reasons people discriminate is simply because they can. I'm not sure what people would say about me. Somewhere along the line of talking a lot. :) I try not to label people cause there is so much about a person that I may not know.

Elizabeth Kerns (9:00)

English student said...

Discrimination is here to stay, no matter what people say. Yeah I don't think that it's as bad as it used to be, but it's still here. I won't lie, I discriminate all the time-we all do. I really think that people can't say that they don't discriminate. If your sitting in a plane, in the middle with 2 arabs next to you, you wouldn't be a little worried? Of course you are, your thinkin shit this plane's goin down. It just happens. I try and get to know people before I judge them, but that's impossible if I'm just walking down the street and I see people. It really sucks that we all see that way, but it's true.

Alyssa Surber (9:00)

English student said...

I think that discrimination is still a minor problem in our society, but not like it used to be. Of course people are going to make judgements on other people that they don't know, because this is human nature. If someone is different than you, it is hard to accept who they are without actually knowing them. I believe this is a big problem with people in America and the Arabs. Because of what happened on 9/11, many Arabs are being discriminated against and this is wrong. It is hard to get over this initial discrimination, but if you get to know some people who are different than you, and keep an open mind, it is much easier to accept others.

Chris Bohnhoff (Noon)

English student said...

I think everyone, no matter how aware you are of oppression, makes judgements on others based on their involvement in a group. Sure, there a lot of good people who think prejudice is terrible. However, I think a lot of times, people judge others according to stereotypes without even realizing it. If you see a black person, or an Asian person, or any kind of minority for that matter, you, whether you're an extremely racist person or an extremely accepting person, will percieve them differently, the severity of course will very, but you will do so. In our culture, there are stereotypes everywhere, and it is up to us to be aware of them, and to try to filter them out as much as possible. Equality is very real, but I think our country is far from it currently. I see judgemental and indirectly-oppressive behavior all the time, and it sadens me greatly. Myself, a white male, the most dominant, stereotype-free denomination, will never know what people whom are different from me go through.

Tristan Cogswell

English student said...

Yes, discrimination is a problem in our society. Discrimination can have a harmful impact on people. As a kid, I judged people on how they looked, but most kids do. I think it all starts when you’re young and easily influenced by others. Kids tend to judge others to fit in. Many families pass their judgments down to their children. I know people judge me, but I could care less. I had my third child by the time I was twenty-one years old (I can almost hear the jaws hitting the floor), so for the past eleven years I have gotten several opinions on my life. I’m sure there are many teens who have kids and don’t take care of them, but that is not always the case. My children are my life and always have been. They are loved, well taken care of, and have always been number one in my husbands and my life. So, I don’t have time to worry about what people think of me because I‘m busy trying to raise three great, caring, understanding human beings.
Jennifer Wilson