Monday, November 12, 2007


Is it ok for a female to have an abortion?
Under what circumstances is an abortion ok?
If you are a girl and you get pregnant, would you have an abortion?
If you are a boy, and you get someone pregnant, would you want them to get an abortion?

Janyce Burks (9:00)


English student said...

I really don't like to talk about abortion. I would rather leave it up to someone else to scutinize over when we become human;it seems far to crass to discuss. I know in my heart that abortion is not right. But I have no desire to get involved in the politics of everyone else's decision. I had an unplanned pregnancy 2yrs ago and I was an emotional wreck. I wanted better circumstances for my child, and I breifly considered adoption but I knew that we belonged together.
Renee Hart

English student said...

I think that it is completely fine for a woman to get an abortion. Why should someone have to live with something that they didnt want? I know people are going to say that an abortion is the easy way out but I think abortion should be allowed because I think that someone shouldnt have to deal with that mistake for the rest of their life. I dont think that a child should have to grow up knowing that its' parents didnt want him/her. I think that abortion is ok under all circumstances. If a woman knows that the child wont have good conditions to live in, educational opportunites, a parent that would be able to spend time with them, or in general, a good healthy life, then the woman should be able to consider abortion. If I was a girl and I knew that the baby would completely ruin my life and not let me do everything that I wanted, I would definitly consider an abortion. If I got a girl pregnant on accident I would tell them that i would support them in any decision that they made. I would ask them to consider an abortion but I would not make the girl feel like she has to get one. I believe that it is completely the woman's decision. I would try to support the woman in any way possible.
Kirby Reifsteck (9:00)

English student said...

I think depending on the circumstances it is okay for a woman to get an abortion. Under the circumstances if the woman was raped and became pregnant because of it then she should have the choice on wether or not to keep the baby. She may not want a child to remind her of that awful incident. If I got pregnant i would definatley not get an abortion. It would be the consequences for my own actions. If i choose to have sex and get pregnant then i should deal with the consequences of my actions. I have recently talked with my boyfriend about why we are not having sex and we both know that we are not ready for the consequences that may come with it. If i truly became pregnant i would never have an abortion.
Frankie Gaskill (9:00)

English student said...

I agree with abortion but under certain circumstances. I personally wouldnt get an abortion unless I had been raped. I couldnt look at the child every day and constantly be reminded of the pain everyday. Although i am a strong believer in fate and everything happening for a maybe it is not such a good idea to get an abortion.

English student said...

I don't think abortion is okay. There are many different circumstances that could be why you are pregnant but no matter what, your baby is a human being and I believe abortion is wrong. Considering abortion is most likely from an unwanted pregnancy. If it was from being raped, it would be hard but I still don't think it is right. If you are having sex, pregnancy can obviously result. Therefore, you already knew it was a possibility and so it's your fault. You shouldn't kill the baby because you made a mistake. There are alternative options after it is born, but it wasn't the baby's fault. I think abortion is a difficult situation anyway you look at it. An abortion will leave the mother with scars every day for the rest of her life. After nine months of pregnancy, you can give the baby up for adoption, or keep it if you decide. You can take nine months of your life and live with the "mistake" you made. Recently a rumor was going around that one of my best friends from high school was pregnant. People were saying that she wanted to get an abortion and her parents didn't know. I was so shocked. It made me think a lot about what I would do if I was ever in that situation. I know it would be difficult, but I would NEVER get an abortion. I ended up talking to my friend a week later. Everything I had heard was a rumor and she was hurt because people were going to think she had an abortion because she wasn't pregnant. I don't believe it's right in any circumstance. The baby can have a normal life if you just let it.
Hannah Dodd

English student said...

My very strong opinon is that abortion is wrong in every respect. Whether the baby is the size of a pinhead or the size of Shaq, it's still a human.

People will use the argument "We used protection, but it broke." or "We really were being safe!" Obviously that doesn't always work. Why not just not have sex and it'll save a lot of problems? Rape issues? Granted, it's not the girl's fault she got raped and pregnant, but I personally would never get an abortion anyway. Wouldn't it be cool that something so precious and wonderful could come of something so horrible?

I believe the only exception to getting an abortion would be if it threatened the life of the mother to go through with the pregnancy. If the mother died after she'd lives for X amount of years, it would be more devastating for the family and friends than it would if the mother lived but the baby had to die.

I hope that makes sense. I'm not always the best with words.

Megan Mercier (9:00)

English student said...

When I think about abortion, I really don't know. I don't believe in abortions at all. I think that if you think you are adult enough to have sex, then you should be adult enough to take care of a baby. I also know that if I ever got pregnant, I wouldn't know what to do. I would like to take the easy way out, but, deep in my heart, after years and years, I know I would regret the decision of killing a life. Yes, people say that it's not really a baby after so many months, but the truth is, all of the vital organs are developed after only a few weeks. This means that there is a living organsm in you when you are pregnant and you would be killing it if you got the abortion after a month or so. It is against my religion to have an abortion, but I really never think about that when I think of the decision. I think about the future and how that baby doesn't have one, because of my decision. There is a girl at my school who is pregnant and she is just a sophmore. She was going to give the baby up for adoption because abortion was not an option. She is now going to keep the baby and I think that she is really brave for doing so. If I ever got raped, I would want so bad to have the abortoin because i wouldnt want anything to remind me of what had happened. But when I sit and really think about it, it is not the babies fault what happened. So then when I think about it, I woudl probably put the baby up for adoption. I know alot of people think its different if a younger girl got raped and became pregnant. In that sort of instance, I'm not sure what I would have to say. That maybe to me, would be the only time I think abortion would be acceptable.

Morgan MacFarlane (9:00)

English student said...

I am very strongly against abortion. I think that if you made the decision to have sex you should deal with the consequences. To me as soon as you find out your pregnant, you have a tiny human being that is inside of you. Even though it has been disputed that it's not a living human because it doesn't look like a real person, the heart begins beating within 18 to 21 days of conception. So is it okay to kill anyone?
But with that said in a case where a woman is raped, I am kind of on the fence whether she should have the choice whether she wants to have an abortion or not. I see both points. Yes, she has already gone through a lot, and seeing her child every day could bring all of those bad memories back, but I also think of it as a great thing that has come from a horrible situation. So in my opinion I am against abortion.

English student said...

I used to not really have any opinion about the matter. I kind of felt like it was a choice people could make. I still feel that way sort of. I mean it isn't up to me to tell somebody else what they should do. Ye without sin, cast the first stone, but one time somebody made a comment to me of what if my little brother had been aborted and I never got to experience all the joys and wonderment that he is. Either way, if i got some gal pregnant, I wouldn't want the baby aborted. It is a miracle from God, and I would want to love it with everything that I am even if I am not in the right place in my life right now for something of that magnitude.
Dustin Piercy (9:00).

English student said...

Abortion is another reason that i feel we must speak out against the government. When coming to this country 200 plus years ago we set out to make it a free country with only limited guidelines to make everyone safe, under control, and happy. When the government steps in and tells us what we can and cannot do with our own bodies they have crossed a line. But you have to expect that they will always do this. I am not for abortion or against it, i support something that makes much more sense. Pro choice. Pro choice always the pregnant women to have the ability to choose what they what to do with the baby. Whether it's giving it up for adoption, keeping the baby, or having an abortion. If the mother does not want a baby it shouldn't be a matter of national security. The goverment might as well be holding a gun to the womens heads. Forcing women that do not want to have a child is wrong!

Christopher L. Cole

English student said...

I am strongly against abortion. It's complete murder. We live in a society were we don't like to live with our consequences, but what are we really learing from that? Not only is it killing a precious baby but abortion would also be hard on the mother. She would probably wonder everyday of her life what it would have been like. She would never know what the baby's birthday would have been, and every year she might think how old the child would have been. There is really no closure.

If you aren't going to keep the child then adoption would be a great thing. It would bless someone who isn't able to have children with one. Yes, the mother would still have some of those feelings of how it would have been, but at least she would have the peace of mind that her child was in a good home. Maybe even be able to keep in touch with the family. Plus,she wouldn't have to live with the guilt. Same thing with rape-bless someone else with a child. For me personally, I would never have an abortion-no matter the circumstance.

Elizabeth Kerns

English student said...

I agree with mostly everyone else, getting an abortion is okay under SOME circumstances. I think that if a girl was raped she should have that choice whether or not she wants an abortion. I do think it's completely ridiculous that women get abortions just because they don't want the child. If that's the case, bear through the nine months and then give it up for adopotion or to a couple who can't concieve. There are so many people out there who can't have children who are just dying to get one, but yet people get abortions?!? It's not only selfish to the baby, but also to themselves. Unless you're raped, your taking the chance of getting pregenant if you have sex. I think people need to put more consideration into what can happen before they decide to have sex. Maybe this would help to lower the number of abortions? Who knows. I guess it's a personal decision if someone wants an abortion. But, I do think they need to have logically reasoning as to why they decided to do it. I know I could never go through with it, but everyone is different.
Chelse Lindenbaum (9:00)

English student said...

I am against abortion. I don't believe a human being should have to pay for the mistake of someone who couldn't use a rubber or birth control. I have a friend who is a counselor in a college town, not Champaign, and has told me how the most girls she sees are college girls who want an abortion just so they don't have to lose their scholarship. Grow up. If you are old enough to get drunk, have unprotected sex, and get pregnant, you are old enough to pay for your mistakes and not put them onto an innocent life. Give the baby up for adoption if you don't want it. I do agree that there are special circumstances though. I could not hold it against a woman who was raped who took the day after pill, or if the woman would die if the child was born. I don't know whose life is more important in that instance, and that is for her to decide.
Bobbi (9:00)

English student said...

Under certian circumstances is when abortion is ok. That is when the mom had been raped and does not want that everyday reminder of the man who raped her. You should not be getting an abortion if one night you got to drunk and unprotected sex and said " shit we made a mistake and now you are pregnant." YOu should live up to your mistakes and give that baby a chance and not kill it just because you made a mistake one night. Its not the babies fault, its the parents fault. Well than its like well we cant afford a baby or we are to young to have one right now, well there is open adoption, where you pick the family out that you wnat and can still keep a close relationship with the kid and many other opportunities out there for the kids. If i got my girlfriend pregnant i would not want her to get an abortion i am not for it all the way and think the baby should have a chance just like we got and maybe just maybe they will have a better life than what we had.

Shawn Harshbarger (7:00)

English student said...
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English student said...

This is a very delicate issue. While there are plenty of people who could automatically give a strong yes or no to the question, I am not one of them. Not every circumstance is the same. So it is hard to say how I feel about abortion. On top of this, I am a man and will never have the burden (and blessing) of carrying a child. I do believe in the legality of abortion. What a woman decides to do with her body is her decision. The embryo is not yet a concious entity, therefore is not a child. Many people disagree with this claim but consider this: Birth control pills preven the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall, preventing the next step in embryonic growth.So the pill, for all intents and purposes, causes an abortion every time a sperm fuses with an egg. How many women in this country take the pill? I assume that it is a very high number. Just somthing to think about.
Would I want a girl that I got pregnant to have an abortion? Wow, thats a tough question. I would like to not be in that situation until I am ready to have children. But this isn't a perfect world. I would like to think that I would want the child. But there are other things to consider. I don't want to have a child out of wedlock. I want to be in a situation to give my children the best possible life I can give. I am not currently in a position to do that. But in the end, the most important thing a child needs is love. So having an unexpected child would not necessarily be detrimental to your life or the child's. I doubt there are any mother's out there that wish they had aborted their child.
Scott Kimball (9:00)

English student said...

I, like everyone else, would say that the whole idea behind abortion is not a good one. But, under some circumstances, I can see why people would get one. I may disagree with it, but there are times when it might be okay. This is one of those subjects that just really depends on the individual. If I found out that I was pregnant, I would have no idea what to do. It would take me a while to figure it out, and I can say that abortion would be one of my options. But, I couldn't live with myself if I really did take the easy way out.

Alyssa Surber (9:00)

English student said...

I am not here to judge others. If they have an abortion then that was their choice. For me, if i was in that situation then i would have the baby because no matter who, when, or where that is a life and i do not have the right to take it. I do believe that as soon as it has a heartbeat then it is a life. If i was to get a girl pregnant then i would take on full responsibility for the child no matter how it happen.
Justin Henrichs (9:00)

English student said...

Abortion is defintiely murder. It is a living being and the doctor kills it. The only times I see abortion as acceptable is when 1)the mother was raped and became preganant or 2) the mother's health is in danger if she has a child. The first option though is still kind of tough for me to argue you for though. Technically it is still a child, but the way it was brought about was niether moral nor natural. The second option is easy to argue for becuase you arem putting someone's life at risk and you are not positive about the baby's health after that. There are many different alternatives to abortions with the main one being putting it up for adoption. 

Ryan Lowry(7:00)

English student said...

I think that a woman should explore all of her options before deciding to have an abortion. There are many woman who are unable to have their own children and are desperate to be mothers. Why not consider adoption instead of abortion? If you feel that you are unable to care for your child, why not bless a couple who could. I do not agree with women who have multiple abortions. Obviously, they need to be more responsible and educate themselves on how not to get pregnant. There is something called birth control and it comes in many I have seen the pictures of full-term babies discarded in buckets as if they were nothing. There may be certain circumstances in which an abortion could be understandable, but it depends on the situation
Jennifer Wilson

English student said...

No its not ok for a female to get an abortion. She is playing god and thats gods choice to decide whether the child lives or not.Under no circumsances it ok to get an abortion, i would rather give my babay up for adoption instead of murdering my child.If i got a girl pregnant i would take care of my responsibilities and get a job and support my child. I could never live with myself knowing that i killed a child.

Demaris winston(7:00)

English student said...

Ok, so abortion is such a huge issue right now and I stand strong by my opinion. When it comes to abortion, and it's either pro-choice or pro-life, I choose pro-choice HANDS DOWN! Without a doubt, it should be the woman's choice to decide whether or not she wants an abortion. It is her child and her body, and it is her decision. As of right now, I can't make the decision of whether or not I would have an abortion. It would kind of have to be like I were in the situation. I also believe that the father has a say in what he wants.

Brittney (7:00)

English student said...

I feel the only way a female should be allowed to have an abortion is she has been raped or if it would be a risk to her life. I wouldn't have an abortion because that's the mistake i made, so that's the decision that I would have to deal with.