Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Death Penalty

What are your views on the death penalty? Do you support it? Do you think it is a form of cruel and unusual punishment? Should it be a life for a life? Does it violate human right? Which is worse, life in prison or the death penalty? Does the death penalty act as a deterance and stop people from committing other crimes?

Ryan Lowry (7:00)


English student said...

I think that the death penalty should only be used when a major thing has happened. Because taking one's life is not going to make things better for the family whose son was killed. It could very well be seen as a form of cruel and unusual punishment. I dont think it should be seen as a life for a life at all. I do think that it violates human right, most definetly. The death penalty is definetly acting as a deterance because once the person is dead they no longer has the capability of commiting more crimes.

haley stewart (7:00)

English student said...

The death penalty should be used on certain cases. I think that the death penalty should be used with people who make others suffer, wheather they die in that suffering or not. People in prison have a lot of options. Now in days the only thing that they keep from prisoners would be going home and walking around this world free. They are alowed to go to school, work on the internet, have sex with their spouse, have visitors, smoke, eat, and lots of other things. There are some people who like living there because they don't have to do anything if they don't want to.
The death penalty will not stop people from doing the crimes that they do. I think there are some people who do things just to find out if they will get caught.
Michelle Frischkorn

English student said...

I love the death penalty, it lets society get rid of filthy criminals that stand no chance of rehabiliation. It should be used more often, including people who rape, commit crimes against children, commit embezzelment and fraud resulting in the ruin of other's livelihood, mass or serial murderers, or commit treacherous acts against the U.S. I do not see justly taking another's life as cruel or unusual punishment. I strongly believe that if the death penalty was carried out for the above crimes with 0-tolerance policy that it would serve as a deterance.
Daniel Hooker (7:00)

English student said...

I think the death penalty should be used. Not for all cases but murder cases and most child molestors should be too. No its not a form of cruel and unusual pnishment. If a person takes another ones life and there is substancal evidence saying that he or she took the life and maybe a confession then the person should die. I think that people who kill or molest people are gettign off to easy. Why not make them suffer for the pain they caused the families. Why should they be rewarded by stayin in prision with three meals a day, a roof over their head, a place to get stronger to commit their next crime or killing, to watch tv and have the same and more opportunities for food and other things that some people in this world cant have and the kid or father or mother they killed will never have the chance to have. ITs not a life for a life, i feel that its a way of bringing justice to that families life or maybe just a little certainty that, that person will not kill or molest again. So yes the death penalty acts as a deterance and stops that person from committing that crime not other people because you have people like that who do not care and have no heart that are not scared to die. I am for the death penalty.

Shawn Harshbarger

English student said...

Only during certain cases should the death penalty be used. There are so many people thrown into jail for life and we are the ones who suffer from it. I think that insted just throwing them into jail they should have to work for free and paying for their crime. If you work long hours and do hard work you will regret the things that you have done. I think the death penalty is the easy way out and people dont care.

Justin Henrichs

English student said...

The death penalty is fine. But it doesn't work to ward off crime. People know it is there and they commit crimes. So in all actuality, I don't think it works. Most people on death row, are never even executed nor will they ever be. There are more people on deathrow than will ever be executed. So I don't think it works all that well. And really the only differnce that I know of between death row and non death row are the conjugal visits. Wow they can't be havin sex on death row, but they still get three hots and a cot, and probably all of the country club amenities they want.
Dustin Piercy (9:00)

English student said...

I think that although the death penalty is very cruel, it should still be used against criminals who have taken the life of somebody else. The main reason I am in support of the death penalty is all of the expenses associated with keeping a person in prison for say anywhere from 50-75 years. It costs a maximum security prison $750,000 to keep a prisoner in a single cell for 40 years. Since it is so expensive to house someone who has committed a crime as horrible as murder, I think it makes much more since to execute him.

Chris Bohnhoff (Noon)

English student said...

I think the death penalty is neccessary in some cases. For child killers the death penalty is certainly needed. Those monsters that need to be taken off of this earth. No not really, it's a part of our justice system, if you commit the crime then you got to deal with the consequences you have. Only for child killers it should be a life for a life. How could you take an innocent child life when they haven't time to enjoy life at all. I think that being sent to prison for life is bad, but being put to death is worse because you are going to burn in hell for eternity and that;s far worse than being put in a prison cell for th remainder of your life. The death i believe is an act of deterance becasue it makes criminals think that if i take a life i might have might taken from me as well.

Demaris Winston(7:00)

English student said...

I don't believe in the death penalty and I wonder how many poeple have been put to death when they could have been proven "not guilty" by using either evidence that was supressed in the trial, or by using DNA testing. I don't believe it is a form of cruel and unusual punishment, or believe in a life for a life, but I wouldn't hesitate to kill to protect my family. I think people on death row should have life in prison without parole and that they should be put on hard labor until they die. I think that would be much more of a deterance than the death penalty, although if someone is dead they will not commit any more crimes.

Steve Kidd (7:00)

English student said...

I support the death penalty in some cases. I don't believe that someone can necessarily "play God" in determining when a person should die, but I do believe that the crime matters. I don't believe it is cruel or unusual punishment, and I do agree with a life for a life. I would have to say that I am pretty torn between whether it is right or wrong. If someone commits a serious crime, I don't think that they should have the pleasure of being able to have the death penalty over life in prison. In some instances, I do believe that life in prison is worse than the death penalty.

Brittney - 7:00

English student said...

I think the death penalty should be reserved for pedophiles, adulterers and rapist, because these are the only people that I believe are not able to change and probably never will. Anyone else I believe that they can change so why kill them off before they have a chance to change.These people have a life and no life is worthless, and if these people can change in jail then they are stronger than we think. Although in the Bible they stone people for most crimes, and did not have prisons. They would stone people for adultery, murder, working on the sabbath day,being a rebellious son, and so on. And although most of these things seem like bad reasons to kill someone, I wonder what ever happened to stoning.;)
Kassi (12:00)

English student said...

I think that the death penalty is ok in some circumstances. Some people are just evil and the only way to stop them is the death penalty. I believe that the death penalty would be worse. Nowadays, being in jail isn't that bad. You get free food, clothing, and don't have to worry about finances. Though you may be locked up, you may feel more free then you would out of jail. If a person is going to commit a crime worthy of the death penalty, they'd do it, no matter the consequences.

Liz Doty

English student said...

I think that the death penalty serves an excellant purpose for those people in the world you think that committing a murder is alright, or the child molesters you have been doing these disgusting things to children.
Sure it is a bit cruel to kill an individual but look at the big picture. Should we let these sick derangered animals sit in our prison for the rest of there lives while we have to pay for it all. I say no to that for sure.
Sure I believe it should be a life for a life.
No, I don't believe it violates human rights! Did they think about that other persons human rights or there life while they were doing what they wanted too. Of course they did not... So why should we or the government for that matter.
I think that it would serve than right for these criminals to get the same punishment they gave to their victims.
Life in prison would probably be worse if they did give them what they had coming to them and treat them they way they've treated others.
Yes the death penalty acts as a deterance and stops that person from committing that crime.

Kelly Martinez(7:00am)

English student said...

I don't support the death penalty. Two rights don't make a wrong. I know in my heart that we should not take a life, even if that person took a life. I can symathize w/that feeling of wanting to get rid of the bad people, but something inside me just says it's not right to take a life. I think it's some what of a deterance, but not much more than any other punishment. Not to say that there shouldn't be reprocutions for bad behavior, there should! There doesn't seem to be a real possible solution to detour or deal w/crime.
Renee Hart

English student said...

I believe in the death penalty for those who have killed others. If someone has taken another life, then his or her life should be taken. If someone is found guilty of first degree murder, the jury should automatically conclude with the death penalty. Other horrible crimes may lead to life in prison. I don't know what is worse, but it's whatever you decide to do. I think some prisons are pretty lenient today. I wouldn't like to sit in prison for the rest of my life.
Hannah Dodd (9:00)

English student said...

I think the death penalty is okay depending on the crime committed. I am a firm believer that if someone takes an innocent life, they should pay for it. If a young, innocent girl was raped or murdered I think the person who committed the crime should recieve the death penalty. There is no logically explanation as to why the person who took an innocent life should be allowed to live. However, it goes both ways. In some situations, people recieve the death penalty when they really shouldn't have. The crime needs to be thoroughly examined before someone should be allowed to recieve the death penalty.
Chelse Lindenbaum (9:00)

English student said...

In order for justice to be served, I think the having a death penalty is only necessary. For instance, when someone kills another human being, who is to say that they will not kill another unless their own life it taken. They knew what they were doing was wrong and they chose to do it anyway, therefore they should have to suffer the consequences. Not only that but if everyperson whoever committed a murdereous act was sent packing to jail, the jails would be overflowed to where we could not house the less committed felanies.

English student said...

I don't believe in the death penalty. I think that people should have to sit in prison and think and think about what they've done. Sometimes the death penalty is sort of like a way out. They never really have to come to terms with what they've done wrong. Although letting them live seems like it's letting them off the hook i also think that while they're in prison they shouldn't be able to have the things other prisoners have. Visitors.. Money on their books.. that kind of thing.
LesLee Watkins(7:00)

English student said...

I know that life in prison is more costly to both the tax payers and the state than the death penalty, but that still doesn't make it right. No one should ever have to just die because there is no more room for them in a jail cell. You will suffer more if you have to spend the next 70 years in jail rather then getting lethal injection.

In lethal injection, three chemicals are used to kill. First, sodium pentothal (its trade name) or thiopental sodium (its chemical name). Then one minute later they inject pavulon. One minute later the potassium chloride. Pentothal is a short acting barbituric acid (barbiturate used in anaesthesia) and is commonly called "truth serum" as it's used in narcoanalysis. It knocks one out. It's a hypnotic. Pavulon is a curare' derivative which locks up the lungs so one can't breathe.

So, while the helpless man strapped to a gurney is knocked out by the thiopental and can't draw a breath because of the pavulon -- he certainly can't scream in pain when that burning potassium is injected and sends his heart into a crunching excruciating cramp.

d. cassout (7:00)

English student said...

I am an advocate of the death penalty. I strongly believe people should be put to death for commiting a crime such as murder or rape. I think there are a few forms of the death penalty that could be considered cruel and unusual such as putting someone in front of twenty riflemen or stoning someone to death. Depending on the crime that has been committed, it should be a life for a life. If a murderer can take a loved one away from their families then their life should be taken away also. I don't think any humans rights are violated. The only rights that had been violated where the ones of the victims. Since the prison conditions these days are like living in a resort, I would say that the death penalty would be worse than life in prison. You would think if someone knew they would be killed for committing a crime they wouldn't do it, but that is not the case. People kill and rape every day and it won't change so maybe there should be an even more harsh way of punishing criminals.
Kirby Reifsteck (9:00)

English student said...

I think that the death penalty is a good form of punishment. If you kill someone or do a crime so hideous to deserve it, then you should die. There is nothing cruel or unusual about that. There are no human rights violated, the person getting sentenced to death lost those when they took the life of another individual. It acts as a deterance in some ways, but not all.

Zach Burnett

English student said...

I think the death penalty is a good and a bad thing. I think that there are certian implications where the death penalty is a very good sentence. I mean it is awful to do that to another human being, but depending on what they were charged with i think that it is altogether fair. Depending on the severity of their case should depend on the severity of their sentence.
Frankie Gaskill (9:00)

English student said...

I think the death penalty is very acceptable. I should be used in any murder cases as long as the murder was intentional. also some rape and molesting cases depending on how bad it is. Im not sure if life in prison is worse that death or not because I havnt experienced either one but why should americans waste their tax money on such criminals so they can live? Life in prison could be worse but i think they should just be given the dealth penalty and we should just move on and not pay for them to rot in prison.

Jimmy Gourdier (12:00 Class)

English student said...

Most of the people on death row are either poor, a minority, or in most cases, both. I think this is a huge problem. Many people don't get put to death because they have enough money to get out of it, and that's just horrible. Also, there has been way too many proven accounts of innocent individuals being sentenced to death. I think I would believe in the death penalty if it were completely righteous in it's selection because it is true that some people just can't be helped. However, it is because of these main reasons that I don't support the death penalty.

Tristan Cogswell

English student said...

Well I don't believe that it'e right to kill. But some there are some people out there that are extremly rich and if they get arrested, they can just bail themselves out. Honestly, I think that certain people that commite crimes are better off dead. People just keep commiting crimes over and over again, and some can get away with it.

--Jill Reinhart (noon)

English student said...

I am not completely against the death penalty. It's kinda of like humane societies and animal shelters. They are all too full. Where are we going to put all the prisoners? Our suburbia life style is filling up the U.S. land at an incredible speed. Unless we find a better and more humane punishment for prisoners, I don't think we have a choice in banning it. I don't know if it should be a life for a life. What if it was accidental? I don't know if it is a deterrent or not to the other criminals in the prison.
Bobbi (9:00)

English student said...

I am against the death penalty.
It is hypocritical to say someone doesnt have the right to kill someone elso and then go and kill that person. It does not make any sense. I believe it is up to God to judge that person.

Brianna Bugbee

English student said...

I do not support the death penalty. How can we justify killing a person for killing someone else? I believe that someone who had to rot in jail for the rest of their life would perceive that as being worse than the death penalty. A hardened criminal should have to be in solitary confinement for a very long time, thinking about what they did. The death penalty is the easy way out and people like that don’t deserve the easy way out. I do not think that the death penalty deters people from committing crimes because people like that are insane and don’t think about consequences. I’m sure many of the victims families would love nothing more than a life for a life, but a simple needle stick is just giving those people exactly what they want. If you do the crime, you should do the time.
Jennifer Wilson

English student said...

I beleive the death penalty is an ok method. I think if someone is messed up enough to ruin and take lives of others then they themselves should have their life taken from then. On that note i do beleive that the death penalty is an easy way out. The person who commits such a bad crime should have to be confined in a little white cell for the rest of his life nad think about what a horrible person he is. Sitting in jail for the rest of your life would be way more punishment then getting put to sleep. The only good thing about the death penalty is that other prisoners can sleep better knowing the carziest ones are going to be put down.
Blake Eakes Noon

English student said...

the death penalty is just in my opinion. if you take a life yours will be taken, thats only fair. it doesnt violate human rights, the person gave up all their rights when they killed another human being. the death penalty doesnt act as a deterant from people commiting crimes. in most cases people know that if they make a deal they can most always get out of the death penalty and just get life inprison.
Thomas Wood