Wednesday, November 14, 2007

"To be or not to be Abstinent? That is the question!"

The world is ever changing, but should our morals change with the times? Have the morals of past generations been discarded or overlooked? With sex before marriage, does the good outweigh the bad? Should we wait until marriage to have sex?
Miranda Wilson (9:00)


English student said...

People are going to do what they want to do regardless as to what we are told we should do. If people want to have sex, they are going to have sex whether they are married or not. The bible says that you should not have sex until you are married, but God will forgive you even if you have sex prior to marriage. You just have to ask or forgiveness. I dont really think sex has anything to do with peoples morals. People just need to learn better self control. Good things come to those who wait. You shouldnt be in such a hurry to have sex just because everyone else is doing it. I guess technically you should wait unitl you are married to have sex, but i dont think that it is horrible to have sex before you are married. Just as long as you are not out having sex wiht just any and everyone.

Janyce Burks

English student said...

First off, to think that pre-marital sex is a new concept is a delusion of society. We always look back to the good old days. But the truth is the values we talk about may change, but many of the values we actually practice never change. At no point in history were teenagers not having sex. Children born out of wedlock was always a common problem. Although back then the problem was hidden by the families.
The idea of saving yourself for marraige is a noble concept.If you truely hold these values because of your religion or personal ethics that is great. But in the end, people are people. Giving in to a moment of temptation may not be a person's greatest moment, but it is surely human. I think that these values are somthing that people should strive for; but not the point where a person is bad if they give in.

Scott Kimball (9:00)

English student said...

Basically, it's like I said to another post, everybody is entitled to their own choices. They can do whatever they want really. Nothing anybody ever says will stop them. Let's face it, kids are hornier than ever, what with the filth on t.v. and movies. Even songs on the radio glorify gettin it on. I think that people are so consumed by a sex driven world that maybe they feel like they don't have many options, either do it or do it tomorrow. I think that if people waited, then their relationships would be stronger and last longer. They could focus more on a great friendship rather than sex. Either way, its up to the individual I guess.
Dustin Piercy (9:00)

English student said...

yes, i think our morals should change, because now a days there are a lot of diseases in the world that people could get. More people are getting them and not getting tested like they should. The morals of the past generations are being overl looked, because a lot of people don't think it will happen to them. I think the bad over looks the good, because you never know who could have what. I think the best thing to do is wait, because at least you know who you're sleeping with and you know what they have or don't have.If a person chooses to have sex before marrige, i think they should get there partners and themselves tested for any disease.

English student said...

I think every one should do what makes them comfortable as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. The morality over sexuality has covered it all. We are by no means now worse than the most extreme sexuality our society has had. Maybe the sexual freedom of the past is what has been looked over. I don't really think that but why not ask that question? My hot button for sexuality involves the media and children b/c I think we force sexuality on kids way to much and soon. Bratz dolls, come on those dolls are bar ho's at best and this is what girls have to aspire to. Barbie wasn't the greatest but at least she had a job. People come up to me and tell me that my son is flirting w/them and I think it's disturbing. He's 1 and 1/2 he doesn't flirt or understand the conscept of sex, but he does like attention. Wait don't wait do whatever works for you.
Renee Hart

English student said...

It doesn't matter what we make illegal. If people want to do it, they're going to. (No, I'm not saying to make sex-before-marriage wouldn't work anyway) That doesn't make it good that they're doing this act. I honestly couldn't imagine having sex with anyone until after I was married. I wouldn't know what to do afterwards. I would feel so completely guilty and dirty. I can't believe how people can just have a one night stand and be good to go the next day. No harm done.

Someone else's comment about the Bible saying you should wait, but God will forgive you if you don't...while that is true, you can't just purposely do wrong things and think "God will forgive me afterwards," because I don't believe He will unless you are true in your apology. An apology means you're sorry for it and wish to change. If you do it because you "know" that God will forgive you, that's wrong. You should do wrong things for that reason. It always backfires on you. Trust me, I've had that experience before. Not with sex, but other more minor things (not related to sexual activity)

Everyone is going to go through temptation and hard times with this subject, but if they can be strong and hold fast, hats off to them.

I do believe that sex is something that should only be between a married couple - husband and wife, not husband/husband or wife/wife.

Megan Mercier (9:00)

English student said...

oops...correction to my post:

"You SHOULDN'T do wrong things for that reason."

Megan Mercier

English student said...

I pretty much agree with what everyone has been saying so far. People are going to do whatever they want. It's like underage drinking and using drugs, it seems to be done more because it's illegal. In my high school it seemed like everyone was doing something with their boyfriend or girlfriend except me. I knew I wasn't mature enough to have sex. Everyone used to give me a hard time for it too; sometimes it really got to me. They would make me feel really bad for not being ready to have sex and say that my boyfriend would leave me for someone else if I didn't change my mind. My boyfriend loves me and i know that my he accepts my choice the way it is. I knew they were just messing around but peer pressure is really awful sometimes. But I stuck to my personal values and I think that it has helped me mature more in that time. So it's up to each person and what they stand for.

English student said...

I think that morals are a very strong thing to have. Many people today choose to put their morals in compromising situations, which they should not do, just to impress upon others how willing they are. I think that the morals of the past generations have been somewhat overlooked. I mean people used to not tell others about their sex lives. And now it seems people go out of their way just to tell someone, anyone, even strangers how last night went, or what they did with such-and-such and when it happened. People today are more open-minded then they were in the past, but not everyone wants to know everyone elses business. I think that sex before marriage is worth waiting for. I mean you can think you're in love with a person and that they are going to be "the one" and then you share your most intimate experience with them and it can change everything. I think that just like your lives together the person you marry should be the one you share yourself with also. I cannot speak for anyone else, but i know that having learned from others mistakes on the subject of pre-martial sex. That it is worth waiting. I mean you waited so many years in your life why can't you wait that many more.
Frankie Gaskill (9:00)

English student said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
English student said...

I think that this subject really doesn't have a right or a wrong. If people want to wait, so be it and all for them. But, I don't think it's bad if people do have sex before marriage. Our society would be better off if people did wait, but that would be impossible to get everyone to follow through. Times have changed--we're not in 1903 anymore. I don't think that we will ever go back to those times when sex was a huge deal. There's a bunch of horn dogs out there--if you look at the kids then vs kids now, you'll see that there's a huge difference with their activities. We do a lot of things differently now than they used to long ago,and i think that when to have sex is one of them. So I have to say that it just depends on the person and what their individual values are.

Alyssa Surber (9:00)

English student said...

I think two couples should wait to have sex because it will make the relationship stronger and it will deepen the connection between the two couples. Couples nowadays just have sex becasue it feels good and their friends are doing it. What's the point of even having sex at such a young age anyways? When I was younger my friends always got on me because I was a virgin. It used to get to me, but since I am older and much more mature that shit doesn't bother me anymore. I am going to wait until I find the right person to share that part of my life with. When my friendds ask me if I had sex with my girl, I look them straight in the eye and tell them no and they have respect for me because they know what type of person I am inside.\

Jaime Carpenter

English student said...

People are going to have sex if they want to. i dont think you should have to wait for marriage. All through out history people have been having children out of wedlock. I dont understand why its that big of deal...if you love the person and are safe and smart about it that should be enough. I personally dont think you need a piece paper to tell the person how much you love show it through your actions.
Kristin Knowles (9:00)

English student said...

People will have sex no matter what other people say. You could tell people that their arm will fall off if they have sex and they will still do it. There is so much sex around everywhere now a days that you can't go anywhere without seeing it. Sex is on billboards, TV, clothes, radio, and stores. Sex is everywhere you look. This day and age it seems like if you don't have sex then you are an outcast. I don't view if that way though. I believe you should only have sex with someone if you love them. As gay as it sounds, sex should be a time that you get to express your love for someone else. I definitly think that the morals of the past have been discarded. In the past the women would wait until marriage to have sex, which would usually be in their 20's, but today some girls are losing their virginity at 14 and 15 years old. I think that people are having sex too early with the wrong people. If you do have sex before marriage it should be with someone you have strong feelings for. In that case, I believe that the good does outweigh that bad. Personally, I don't find anything wrong with sex before marriage unless you just have people going out and having sex with random people they will never meet again. Thats how diseases are spread. Should we wait to have sex before marriage? It depends on your views and beliefs. If two people are willing and both have feelings for each other, I say go for it.
Kirby Reifsteck (9:00)

English student said...

I don't know if our morals have changed that much over the years. Yes, people are having sex before marriage, but we have to remember that at a time it was normal for a woman to get married at age 15. With the divorce rate at 1:2, maybe it is a good idea to know someone intimately before you are married to them. I personally will try to teach my children to abstain, but in the long run, there is no stopping.
Bobbi (9:00)

English student said...

I believe that we should wait until marriage to have sex, but if I were to say that I did wait, or had the will power; that would be a lie. I'm not saying I jump right into bed with someone after meeting them though, I have to feel a close connection with them, and then if it happens it happens, and don't get me wrong I'm not condoning this, but back in Bible times they often didn't know the person they were going to marry, and got married as young as 12. I however disagree strongly with jumping into bed with someone you barely know just because they showed you some sort of affection that maybe you never felt before, especially with the percent of teenagers now a day that have S.T.D.'s.

English student said...

Just like what mostly everyone said people are going to doing what they want to! Everyone individual is different when it comes to their feelings about sex. I personally don't think there is anything wrong with having sex before marriage. If you share a special relationship with someone who you can trust I don't see a problem. However, I don't think people should rush into having sex. I think it should be something special that is shared between two people who are in love. Rushing into sex can definitely tear relationships apart. Instead of focusing on a strong, healthy relationship all the focus is drawn to sex. That's why more people should wait until they really get to know the other person before they have sex. But, everyone has their own views, and they're going to do what they want to.
Chelse Lindenbaum (9:00)

English student said...

Well, I basically agree with most of the previous comments. People do what they want. It's a fact. People will always do what they want. I think that if two people believe that they are in love and have a really special relationship together, that it's alright for them to have sex if they aren't married. Many people are in love and just don't have the money to get married or need to finish with school. I don't think people should have sex because they want to be "mature" or because they feel like they need to to show their compassion for their boyfriend/girlfriend. I know that sex would be a much bigger deal if everyone did wait, but that's not going to happen. Sex used to be a huge deal to people in past generations, but so much has changed since then. There are so many sexual innuendos in movies and songs nowadays I can't even keep track. I honestly think it's alright to have sex before marriage, as long as both are ready.

Morgan MacFarlane (9:00)

English student said...

My religious belief is to refrain from having premarital sex. But it also stipulate if two people can't go without having sex, they ought to get married. Have i been practicing my belief to the fullest? No! And I'm ashamed of it. Only because I know I'm in sin. Not because it doesn't feel good throughout the act of sex. But, If you have a person that used to be sexually active turn now practicing abstinence, the next question of sin is....masterbation. And I did say SIN!! My father always told me that sex is like a drug. Once you have it, you're always going to need it. He was right. If you can hold your body, for whatever reason, please do so.
Theresa Newman(noon)

English student said...

To have sex is someones choice and people are going to do what they want regardless what they should do or not do. YEs i would say our morals are changing over time and no i do not feel that they should change just because the times are changing. Change is not always a bad thing in life. IF that change be sex before marriage than let that be a change. Sex before marriage to some people is wrong because of their religious and moral beliefs but people are going to do it. It feels good right? IS there really a bad and a good with sex. I mean yes it feels good and yes some people should not be havign kids which could be bad. Waiting till marriage is everyones own choice. IF you say no you cant have sex till marriage, how many people do you think will listen to you. Probably not to many. Yes the world is changing but maybe we should accept the change that is happening.

Shawn Harshbarger (7:00)

English student said...

Sadly, the morals of past generations have been overlooked because people see them as out-dated. I am not against sex before marriage, but I am agianst things like one-night stands, friends with benefits, and stuff like that. I am a Catholic and believe that it should be between two people who love each other. SAdly, with the world the way it is, less and less people are able to withhold sex before marriage.
Ryan Lowry(7:00)

English student said...

Yes and no...I think that the time are changing, but our morals shouldn't really. Obviously life is different from back in the mid-nineteen hundreds, but that doesn't mean things are right to do now that weren't back then. Some things change, but some things never change. I think abstinence shouldn't change. Sex before marriage has never been right and shouldn't ever be. There are people who believe this, yet when it comes down to it, they let their morals slide for the night. I think that waiting for the person who was created for you is so much better than having sex before you know. I am not going to speak for everyone else because it would be impossible to stop people from having premarital sex, but I don't think it is right. Sex was designed for marriage, so why do we use it before? We have to "try it out" with someone to make sure it's satisfactory, or we love the person so we want to show them that. I think a lot of people today don't care about morals. Everyone is just out to have a good time and sex seems to be fun for them. That is why their are so many STD's out their today. I recently learned in one of my classes some eye opening statistics: If a girl has had 4 partners and her boyfriend has had 4-they have intercourse-she is no exposed to 15 people. If they have both had 8 partners-they have intercourse- they are now exposed to 225 people! This isnt even rare today, especially in college settings. This is also why their are 5-6 million new cases of HPV infections each year. When girls are in high school and college, they have columnar epithelium in their vaginal area. This skin is not protective and resisitant enough to fight this virus. However, the older and more mature (early 20's), the skin changes to squamous epithelium which is more resisitant to viruses and bacteria. God knew what he was doing when he designed sex. He designed it to wait until marriage, until you were old enough to handle it, but people don't. That is why cervical cancer is increasing and doctors are urging young girls to get HPV shots. I think it's rediculous. This didn't used to be a problem.
Hannah Dodd (9:00)

English student said...

I think that sex was made for marriage, but how many people actually will wait? Not a whole lot, that's for sure. I don't think our morals have to change (even though they will and have). The more we withstand temptation the more victorious we will feel. Yeah, it will feel disappointing to know that you could have just "done it", but in the end you might actually be happy that you didn't. Let your spouse have all of you. It will show to him/ or her how much you actually are committed to them and love them.

Elizabeth Kerns

English student said...

I believe that morals should change with the times to a certain extent. However, I think that the morals today are absent. The morals of the past have been discarded. I believe that you should wait to have sex until marriage. Then you know that your husband/wife isn't comparing you to another. Also, it's kind of gross thinking about how many women your husband has slept with. Also, a lot of times people feel guilty afterwards. And I wouldn't want my child to be illegitimate.
Moral standards have been set for a good reason, and I think that we should follow them.

Liz Doty

English student said...

With everything going on in the world, it is hard to tell someone to wait untill they are married to have sex. The only thing I would like to put a stop to is the high schoolers having babies. I would rather know that my kid is having sex at a young age and help prevent them from having a child when they are not ready for it. I would also like to know so I can talk to them about different things that can happen when you have sex with one or more people, at different times. I think the more we talk about it with our kids the better educated they will be and we have to trust our kids to do the right thing.

English student said...

Morals should not fade with the times at all. I don't believe morals can just become ridiculous after a certain year. Yes, people disregard morals nowadays, which is really sad. Your morals/lack of morals somehow define who you you are and part of your character. I would say that in casual sex relationships or in a relationship that has premarital sex, the bad outweighs the good. Many children come out of these relationships and also STDs. I believe you should refrain from sex until marriage.

~Rachel Edwards

English student said...

I don't think that morals should change. With some people past morals have been forgotten. I believe that a person should wait to have sex, untill they are married. But that is just my opinion. I do understand how ever that things do happen.


English student said...

I think you should wait until marriage to have sex, however, people are going to do what they want to do. In todays society pre-marital sex is okay. More and more people are having sex before marriage. The bible says that you should wait to have sex until marriage and I believe that. However, I will not judge anyone who has seeing that my best friend who has never been married has a two year old son. Also, my current boyfriend is no longer a virgin. I still am and I hope to be until marriage.

Brianna Bugbee (noon)

English student said...

Todays morals are not quite what they used to be. People have lost sight of what used to be considered the correct thing to do. Abstinence is not really seen as a serious issue for a lot of people. Kids are starting to have sex at early ages. It is all a personal preference, and if somebody wants to have sex before marriage, let them.

Zach Burnett

English student said...

everyone is goin to do what they want...but the 13, 14 years old is way to young to start having sex...and can even be dangerous, beacause at a young age like that your body hasnt fully developed yet and im not just talkin about the outside. but then again you cant watch every child and person out there in this world...and they will all do what they want...when they want and no one can make them change their minds...
a higgens 9 am class

English student said...

I think that if someone wants to have sex before thay are married then that's their business. I think that's it is best to wait, if that's what you believe, but sometimes thing just happen. People fall in love, or just get drunk, or it just happeneds. Either way, I feel as long as people are safe and smart about it than it's perfectly alright.

--Jill Reinhart (noon)

English student said...

I agree with the response about the fact that premarital sex is nothing new it just wasn’t talked about. Nowadays, our society is consumed with glorifying sex and people allow it because sex sells. Children are being bombarded with lyrics and images of sex everywhere they turn. What kind of effect will this have on them? Now, we not only have to worry about fifteen and sixteen year olds getting pregnant, we also have to worry about ten and eleven year olds doing the same. We are telling children that it is okay to be sexually active and I find that extremely disturbing. I just recently heard about a school passing out birth control to children as young as eleven years old. The good definitely outweighs the bad if you abstain from sex until marriage. Teenagers believe that they are invincible and nothing bad could happen to them. I remember being a teen and thinking I was so mature for my age. I thought I knew everything and could handle anything. You don’t think about the consequences of your choices when you don’t have to pay bills or get a job because you’re parents take care of you. I had my first son when I was seventeen years old. When you’re young you don’t realize how hard life really is or what a struggle it can be if you choose to be a kid who makes adult decisions. Several people have said they don’t sleep with someone unless they really know them, but how well can you really know a person at such a young age? A person can still get an STD even if they think they know who their sleeping with. I have also read comments about individuals only sleeping with people they love, but how is it love if you claim the same thing in subsequent relationships?
Jennifer Wilson

English student said...

Back in the day, when holding hands was considered the most sexual thing EVERR, was when the morals were completely different then they are now. Back in like the 50s, many many people waited until marriage to have sex. Like in the movie Pleasantville, there are a bunch of people who are fine in their town set in the 50s. It's completely black and white, and once the morals start being discarded, then color starts showing up everywhere. Now I think that teenagers believe that sex is the most important thing in a relationship. Nobody really thinks that saving yourself until marriage is necessarily the right thing to do, unless you are very religious. I think that people need to wait until marriage to have sex.

Brittney (7:00)

English student said...

I believe oue morals are changing with the times. I think in todays times peeopl don't have that same concept on waiting to get married to have sex. People are going to have sex if they want to and nobody can stop that. sex doesn't have a big signifigance as it once did years ago. People use sex to express them selves whether its with there partners of with some random person they haven't known very long. I personally feel that you should be able to have sex before marriage, if its with someone you love and have been with for a very long time, why not. If your relationship has that bond andtrust with each other to take it to the sexual level, dont' let anyone stop you.

demaris winston(7:00)

English student said...

People have sex. It happens. And as long it's safe sex, what's the problem? If people choose to be abstinent, that's cool too. I think the ratio to marital and non-marital sex has remained pretty constant throughout history. And I don't think there's any real issue here. True, America is definitely changing, but people always been havin' sex, come on now. Yall know that. Please...

Tristan Cogswell

English student said...

Whatever happens happens. I know for a fact that if you tell a teen not to do something, that will only make them want to do it more. People will do whatever they want. I think that if it feels right and you are mature enough to understand that you have a chance of getting pregnant and can accept that, then it shouldnt be an issue. I don't think sex should be just for married couples. It will happen whenever it is meant to happen.

Haley Stewart (7:00)

English student said...

Waiting for marriage to have sex is a great idea. Although i beleive it is somehwta impossible. Having sex before marriage with a lot of different people is not a very good idea but most people do. I think once you know a person very well and feel comfortable with them then you should be bale to do whatever you want. Getting marrried does not necessarily mean that your going to love that person forever or they are that special. You can have sex with someone and have it still be just as intimate if you were married. But if you can stay abstinent then more power to you.
Blake Eakes Noon

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it