Thursday, November 15, 2007

Adolescent Adderall Usage

Adolescent Adderall Usage

The U.S. has inevitably fallen to the pescription drug trend. Whatever your complication may be the doctors always have the answer, usually in the form of a tiny colored pill. This statement could not be more true when it comes to kids with "ADD" and/or "ADHD". If any child, teenager, or young adult is acting up in school or recieving bad grades they will without a doubt be prescribed to adderall. Although adderall has proved to help people no one truly knows the affects. Is adderall just another "quick fix" drug? Does it contain unwanted prolonged side affects? Will people prescribed to it be able to function without it? Does anyone really know what complications it can create since our generation is the first to take it? What will you take after you build an unhealthy tolerance to the drug? Is there another drug on the market that can take its place? How many kids are taking adderall who don't really need it? Why does adderall contain meth like substances? Is adderall dangerous? Is adderall just a scam to make money by the drug companies? Do these companies really care about our youth's well-being or do they just want another dollar at our expense? Are the tests to determine if you need adderall even reliable? Is it addictive? Is it being used more recreationally then for its true purpose? What do you think about adderall?

Blake Eakes (noon)


English student said...

I personally have never been perscribed or have taken adderall, so I don't know how it works or any of the specifics, but I do know people that have taken it and have had great success in school and their daily lives. People have told me that adderall helps them focus on their studies and their school lives, so it seems like an OK drug to me. As long as people don't abuse it it should be allowed as a perscription drug given to young adults with ADD and/or ADHD. Although it can be used to help people, I have also heard of people using it as a recreational drug. Supposedly it gives you a "high" and is becoming more mainstream. Also I have heard of students, mainly college students, use adderall as a drug to help them pull all-nighters to either study for a test or finish a project or whatever. I don't think that the drug companies are trying to take our money, I think that this drug could really help a lot of people and I don't think they're trying to cheat us or anything. It also doesn't seem to me that adderall is dangerous either. But, like I said, I've never taken it so I don't know what affects it has. If I had ADD and/or ADHD though, I would definitely consider talking to my doctor about perscribing me adderall, not only would it help with school, but also in helping me calm down if I had ADHD.

- Jarett Crump

English student said...

Well truth be told, I don't know much about adderall. I did see that True life on MTV where the people were addicted to adderall, so I guess that it is adictive. I think way to many people have these so called disorders, because it is just a way to justify what they do. It's like you said, if people get bad grades they automatically have a problem that needs pills. Couldn't it just be a lack of effort. People are way into these miracle fixes that really don't work at all. I think that it could be a drug that gets misused like anything in this world. But then again, if it actually helps people, then we can't eliminate it. Don't punish them because of the selfishness of so many that abuse it.
Dustin Piercy (9:00)

English student said...

I don't know about adderall, but I have two children that take concerta. I feel It has helped them overall. They are able to focus in school and recieve better grades. I do believe all drugs are addictive and of course drug companies are trying to make a dollar on us. In my own opinion I hope my children are able to grow and not depend on any medictions that was present in their childhood. Although if they find a need to continue medication in their adulthood to be successful in life, by all means I hope they take their medications.
Theresa Newman(noon)

English student said...

I know a lot of people who take Adderall for recreational purposes. Personally, I stay away from the shit because you're right, no one really knows what's in it, nor do they know the side effects of it. I doubt the major pharmacuetical companies really care whether or not their products are hamrful. As long as they stay out of the legal eye, it's smooth sailing for them.

Tristan Cogswell

English student said...

From first to third grade I was on Ritalin. Those few years were terrible for me. I had some bad side affects from taking it. Anything from nailbitting, not sleeping at night and sleeping in class during the day, not gaining any weight--for three years. And, all in all it didn't really help me, I guess it depends on the person that is taking it. I couldn't concentrate in class very well at all. So, like I said, I guess it depends on the person.

--Jill Reinhart

English student said...

I think that doctors try any excuse to hand out medicine to these children whether it be Ritelin or Adderall. They make money off of our sicknesses, and make up new disorders every day to milk us of all of our money. I think that most of these children do not need the drug nor do they need to stay on the drug. I believe that it makes them worse, and if they do not realy have a problem they start to believe they have problems, and feel sorry for themselves. Any drug no matter what it is, is addictive and the more you take the more you need. I am also very into herbs instead of drugs wich most do not have the severe side-effects as drugs do.

English student said...

The phamaceudical companies are just like all of the other companies in the world, it is their goal to make a profit. Just because their goal actually helps many of us we assume that they are different. Maybe i'm wrong, there are a few people in this world that do want to help, maybe these people are it. Adderall does have effects like not being able to sleep or being very jittery, these problems can affect with everyday life. And yes adderall does contain meth like substances and that is not the thing that we want to be giving to our children to make them little functioning meth addicts in the future.

Christopher L. Cole

English student said...

I think that adderall could really help those who need it. Who knows what the longterm side affects are from it, unless you have taken it for a long time. I think that those who take it could function with out it on some things, but that it is just to help them. I think that people need to trust the doctors and believe that they know what they are doing, when they say that it is safe. If you build a tolerance then you would probally be put on something diffrent. Ya riddilen does the samething doesn't it. I think that too many kid abuse this drug. I don't know why it contains meth like substances. I don't think that doctors would be perscribing this if it was dangerous. I don't see why it would be a scam, the drug companies are making a lot of money just off of other things. I think that it depends on the individual company wether or not they care. I think that the tests could be reliable, but the doctors shouldn't determin if a person needs to be put on it just by that. Yes, I have heard of people becoming addicted to it. I think that more people are using it for what it is made for. I think that it can be helpful when used properly.
Dani Evans

English student said...

I dont know all that much about Adderall, but I say if it helps someone, then I dont see the problem with taking it. From what I've heard it does, it helps the kids to relax and be able to sit and study and get things done. I work at a daycare and I see prefect examples of it everyday. If we take the big kids in to work on homework, some of them are not able to just sit and study. They are talking, distracting other kids, and they have a hard time getting it done. I think if the kids REALLY needs help for ADD, then it should there for them.

Lindsay Brooks

English student said...
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English student said...

I don't really know anything about Adderall. I know that it helps kids focus on their studies and to keep them calm. I believe that this is an ok drug because it's helping kids socially and academically. I don't know the side effects nor what to take if you become tolerant to it. I'm pretty sure that every drug has a potential to being dangerous. I don't know if companies care about kids or not. I'm sure that people use it recreationally. Every drug, at one time is used for fun. Overall, I think that Adderall is good.
Liz Doty

English student said...

I will admit that i do not know that much about Adderall but I did once see a show on the use and abuse of it so I guess it can be addictive or habit forming. I also know quite a few people who have ADD and ADHD and their parents have chosen not to put them on because of the fact that they are afraid their children are going to depend on it.
Frankie Gaskill (9:00)

English student said...

I don't know anything about adderall. But, i don't think people know about all the side effects that comes along with it. There's different side affects for every different person's body.I'm sure we don't know all the complications. If it's anything like ritalin, then it might be hard to function without it, then again ritalin doesn't work for everybody, so adderall might not either and they may be fine without it. There are a lot of kids taking adderall that doesn't need it. A teacher might tell the parent that their child is acting up in class and they may say the child needs to be checked out. So, the parent takes them to the doctor and the doc says try adderall or ritalin, even though the kid may not need it.The kid could just need disipline. I think it's all about the money, everybody wants to have the big idea that's going to give them big bucks.

English student said...

I do not believe in druging a child because of how they act. Change their diet, be consistant, disapline, and open the line of communication with them. You can be a parent and also a friend.
Parents want a quick fix and they also want something to blame instead of taking the time to understand the problem at hand.

English student said...

If people want to do well in school or life, why not prepare better rather than rely on drugs to supposedly enhance their experiences?
Besides, from my experience, most people who are in LD classes for ADD/ADHD have more discipline problems rather than learning disabilities.

English student said...

I don't really know that much about adderall. Like you said, if people get a bad grade or something they seem to have problem and need to take pills. Some people do have ADD or other problems, but some kids are just really lazy. I know some kids that are taking Ritalin and it seems like they are worse when they are off it because they stare having withdrawls over it. It depends on the person I guess, but if you need your medicine then by all means you should have it. But if someone is addicted to the drug, then they need to be seen and helped.

Trevor Kohlrus (12:00)

English student said...
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English student said...

Personally I've never taken Adderall, but I do know what it is and what it does. In fact a friend of mine was taking the drug and got addicted. He never overdosed but he came close to the edge on several occasions. At first he took it to focus more, but as time went on he started taking it for the smallest of things. Yes the drug gives you an energy boost but it also has the ability to let you focus intensely on what it is that your doing. That's why it was such an ideal drug for people with ADD/ADHD. The drug is not harmful if taken in small doses, but over time anything can become addictive. It's becoming easier and easier for people to get their hands on it. Plus the drug isn't illegal, so technically in the mind of a young adult it's okay.I don't think that the drug companies are trying to take our money, this drug could really help a lot of people and I don't think these drug companies are trying to cheat us. People need to realize that the drug isn't a quick fix for procrastination. Drug or no drug the amount of time and effort you put into something shows.
Miranda Wilson (9:00)

English student said...

I have no knowledge on this subject at all, so my comments may not be all that helpful, but I am sure that this drug is being abused by some people. I know that some children need a drug such as this, although I am not entirely sure if this is the best option. As long as there are drugs like this out there, people will continue to abuse them, because it is so much easier to get away with abusing prescription drugs. Obviously this drug does do some good, else nobody would use it at all, and without knowing much about it, I don't really see the problem with people correctly using a drug that can do some good.

Chris Bohnhoff (Noon)

English student said...

I think that adderall is a quick fix drug. It is known to contain unwanted prolonged side affects. Once you get on this drug it is hard for you to go without it. You become addicted in some sense. I dont really know of any drugs that could take its place though. Adderall is very dangerous, because it is addicting...just like meth.

Haley Stewart (7:00)

English student said...

I think adderall is highly addictive like any other drug abuse substance in this world. I have no idea what is attractive about drugs that makes people want to try them, but what I do know is once they start they can't stop unless the plug of the problem is pulled at the source. In this case like many others, drugs should have severe consequences when caught using them. To many people are let off scotch free and it needs to stop. Maybe if people caught doing drugs are thrown in jail, maybe it will make others think twice before doing drugs.
Timothy Swan 7:00