Wednesday, April 09, 2008

$$ Do athletes make too much? $$

Do professional athletes make too much money? The best players in the MLB make anywhere from $12 million to $28 million per year. Keep in mind that players also have endorsement deals that are not included in their salaries. If you think athletes are overpaid, what is a reasonable salary for professional athletes? Explain.

Bobby Wilsey


Anonymous said...

Yes they get paid way to much money. They simple play a game on TV. They are not helping anyone like a teacher for instance. Kevin Garnett got paid 200 million plus, to play seven years for the Minnesota Timberwolves. The minimal amount a NBA player can get paid is about 400,000 dollars and that is more than enough for someone who rides the bench all season. All pro athletes should be paid upon their skill level. Many are paid way beyond what anyone should get paid. The best players should get paid about one million a year. The endorsements can stay the same though because the company is paying for it.

English student said...

Gregory Owens said.....
I think athletes get paid way to much money. To start off, its ridiculous to see how much baseball players make compared to any other sport, because of their no salary cap rule. Athletes should get paid based on their performance and their seniority. What happens when you pay a player so much money and he doesn't meet his performance or gets injured? The fans start to get mad because they think that the athlete is over-rated and shouldn't be getting paid as much as they do.
It's good to see high paid athletes giving back to the community, but i still think athletes income is way to much....

English student said...

I feel that professional athletes make way to much money. Peole are dying everyday in riskier jobs. Jobs like firefighters, police officers, and road construction workers. They are the ones who put their lives on the line everyday and get paid next to nothing for risking their lives. I think it is a joke that these athletes get paid millions af dollars just for playing a sport. They should be getting paid the same amount as the avaerage daily worker. People who risk their lives everyday for others that they dont even know sholud be the ones making money. But No one person in the world should be making 12 to 28 million dollars a year. People are dying everyday of cancer and other dieases becasue they cant afford their medical bills any more so they have to check out of hosptial or just give up so they dont cause their families to go bankrupt, but because these athletes play a sport they deserve that much money. What is really the main priority in todays societys?
Katie Connolly

Anonymous said...

I think that some professional atheletes are getting payed way too much. I can understand them getting payed $1 million a year, but to get payed over 12? That's just plain crazy. I mean, what do they do with all of their money? Buy cars that they don't need, extra houses, other fancy materials that an average person could live without.
Yes, they may have extreme skills and talents in the sport they play but why pay them so much? I'll bet that a large percentage of these atheletes don't donate to charity or anything like that. In some ways it's just another way for money to go to waste by paying professional atheletes $12 million plus.
I think anything between $0 and $5 million should be plenty to live off of. But I don't really pay much attention to atheletes salaries. I'm not too worried about it, but it is a good point to bring up.

English student said...

I think they make way too much money. They should a salary on how much someone can make because the contracts that they get are ridiculous and your right they already have endorsement deals. All that money that they are giving them can go to stuff that needs it more. When these players get this money none of them even give back to anything like that. You have a couple that do but for the most part they buy ten cars and ten houses which nobody needs.

Justin Peacock 1:00

English student said...

I think that professional athletes get paid far too much money. There are pleanty of other people out there that have demanding jobs that deserve more money. I mean, i guess good for them for being talented enough to make that kind of money, and not just anyone could be a professional athlete. I still say they shouldn't make as much money, though. I don't know much about athletes and how much they get paid, so i couldn't exactly give you an alternative amount to pay them but i just don't think that the work they do deserves that much money.

Allison Hayes

Anonymous said...

Athletes are paid what people are willing to pay them. They do not extort anyone into giving them a higher salary. They do not steal or embezzle their money. They do not trick people into thinking that they provide any service beyond entertaining the public. If Kevin Garnet gets two hundred million dollars for seven years of work, that is because somebody genuinely believes he is worth at least two hundred million dollars. Those who draft the contratcts cannot be blamed for spending money on an expensive product. You can't look down them for spending money on an athlete any more than you can look down on an average American for spending fifty dollars on a video game instead of donating that money to charity. The public demands athletes, so the market provides them. If athletes are paid too much money, it can only be because Americans like them too much.

English student said...

No, I don’t think some professional athletes make to much money. They are in the entertainment bis. and the player only make a portion of what the owners make. This is America that we live in and if you good at something I don’t see anything wrong with profiting from it. Some professional athletes don’t have an education and the spend all of there money. When a player has done this they end up doing some reality T.V. show or something else. In short I don’t see anything wrong with a professional athletes make a lot of money.

From Steve Gratkins (9:00 a.m.)

English student said...

I do think they make too much. I think that just because you are a good player, doesn't mean you have to make more than the guy next to you. I know some do put money into charities, and buy big houses that they do not need. I think they need to come up with a set salary for each player within the same amount. If the athlete thinks they should get paid more, tell them to come out in the REAL world and work. All they do is hit a ball, bounce a ball, or throw/catch a ball to put it into an end zone. Yes they are entertainment, but they should look at people who are not entertainment. Some of us are not making enough money, yet spend money to go watch their favorite player. To tell you the truth, I don't know where the agency gets the money to pay these people. To me it is ridiculous. Something has to be done.

Katelyn Watterson 9:00

Anonymous said...

Yes athletes get paid to much money.Is is not like they are saving lives or anything like that. They are just playing a sport really well. But not even doing that anymore with out enhancement drugs. Some of the most highly paid athletes recently have been in the limelight because it has been brought up that they use enhancement drugs. It is sad to think that these athletes think they have to preform at such high levels that they put their bodies at risk like they do with drugs.I think they should lower the pay scales, to what I am not sure, but much lower

English student said...

I believe professional players are paid way too much. I know some people would argue that they have to travel plus risking major injuries but even then they should not be getting paid as much as they do. Also, I believe if they have endorsement deals they should take money out of their contract because of that. Also, I believe we should be focusing our money on more important things like education, poverty, and keeping our soldiers safe.

Justin Stout 1:00

Anonymous said...

Yes, they many way too much. In my opinion when these players are paid that much money to just drives up the cost of everything else associated to the sport, from their salary all the way down to the cost of a drink at the stadium. The endorsement deals also drive up the cost of the products. On the other hand, professional athletes careers only last a few years so they should be paid alot, but they should also have a different career to fall back on once they can't play anymore.

English student said...

I don't believe athletes are over paid. Just because the basic fact that the fans are basically the ones paying the athletes. If there wasn't any fans there wouldn't be athletes, so I don't think many people think athletes are over paid. I think athletes deserve to get paid what they do because they do a good job in what they do and not many people complain about. They put a lot enough in this and when they become professional athletes that means their lives are basically in the publics eyes and everybody knows their business; that's also another reason why I don't think they're over paid

Cesar (9:00)

English student said...

I think they get paid a lot of money, but you also have to remember what they put their bodies through to play the sport they love so that people will be entertained. Because athletes are entertainers just like movie stars and singer, and they get paid A LOT of money also. Athletes practice everyday, and keep their bodies in good condition so that they can entertain us. So I think if you were to lower and athlete’s salary you should do the same for an actor and singer. Because they are all doing the same thing: entertaining people with their talent.

Kristine D’Urso

English student said...

If a deal is made and both sides are happy, how are you making too much money? Teams bring in the best players that they can afford to make a winning team. Who are the teams trying to make happy-the fans. The fans are who pay to watch games on T.V. or in the venue. I see athletes the way I see movie stars in Hollywood, as entertainment. If you can act,you can make a lot of money. If you can play a sport, you can make a lot of money. Anyone that can make a name for theirself should be able to have endorsements. To cap a salary would be wrong to me. I wouldn't want someone else telling me that I can only make so much money.
Danny W (8:00 a.m.)

Anonymous said...

Although they do make a lot of money, they are getting paid what the owners and management of teams out there think they are worth. I don't think they are getting paid too much because it is their performance that is filling more seats in stadiums and selling more merchandise. It's the same as saying that actors get paid too much or musicians get paid too much. The thing is, it's all based on how much money their work generates and how much of the public comes to see their work, so it's based on performance. The reason that MLB players make so much is that there are 162 games during the regular season. If a star player generates excitement and causes a lot more seats to be filled for the 81 home games and a lot of their jerseys sell, they are generating millions of dollars for their team and their salary is justified. It is the people behind the scenes, the owners and upper management, that are making too much money and who are willing to spend so much on salaries so that they can make millions more. It is also a player's performance that elevates him to a level where he gets endorsement deals, so if companies think that paying him millions to sell their products is worth it, then there's nothing wrong with how much he gets paid. Salaries of athletes will always be based on how much interest in their team they can generate and hor many fans come to see them, so their salary, compared to how much owners make, is reasonable.

English student said...
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English student said...

they probably get payed to much but millions of people pay a lot of money to go watch these people play the game. where is all that money supose to go. isnt it only far to give a lot of it back to the players that are playing these games for the fans to watch. i mean most of these players devoted there whole lives in training and crafting their skills to make it as far as they have. Whats almost every kid look up to? ... a famous athlete for the most part. so all in all i think they deserve to get payed serious but mabey not as much as some of them are making and it should be based on how good you actually are at the game.

Ryan Brown 1 o clock

Anonymous said...

i do not think that athletes get paid too much, they work hard to get to the position there in. I do however think that some athletes do not perform to the precedent set by there pay check.

Anonymous said...

They do get paid very well,but also take in mind that they have no private lives-paparazzi are always on thier personal lives,ect.Then imagine whenthey hurt,those injuries are tough, and it's not like they are going to do it for all thier lives-most athletes aren't athletes in thier 40's ect...thats retirement right there. Then all the pressure-winning the game is thier jobs,and thier teams depends on them...ect.

Anonymous said...

yeas theyz doz not getz pays too muchs ur mom lolololol

Jack said...

"Yes they get paid way to much money. They simple play a game on TV. Many are paid way beyond what anyone should get paid. The best players should get paid about one million a year. The endorsements can stay the same though because the company is paying for it."
Exactly a million would be about the most somebody gets for playing a silly game. Way too much money but that's only because people are gullible enough to pay so much for the 'service' they provide to society".