Monday, April 03, 2006

Valerie's question about stress

Do you think today's society places too much stress on us physically and/or emotionally?

Can you think of any examples to support your opinion?

In what ways would society have to change in order to reduce the stress of daily life?

What do you do to relieve stress?

Thank you for your time,
Valerie Myers


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

The 1960s saw the invention of time saving appliances. Appliances that would give us so much more free time. What happened....we found other ways to keep ourselves busy. Stress is not just about how much we do, it is about the manner in which we do it too.

Our culture thrives on living 'hectic, busy lives' at the same time as we are seeing massive family breakdown, children who are not cared for etc etc. In order to reduce stress we must plan real relaxation time, limit the number of legal working hours and learn to let go.

In many ways a stressful life is an excuse to get away from dealing with the real issues within ourselves, claiming we have not time to stop and analyse exactly where we are

English student said...

It is pretty obvious that physical stress has been reduced overall in the past few centuries. When we want to draw a bath we just turn a knob instead of going down to the creek with a bucket. A trip to a single store can provide groceries for the week, clothing, entertainment, etc. Said trip to the store is now made in our cars instead of by foot or horse and buggy. All this time and effort saved, however, is not without its drawbacks. People are getting fatter and lazier and they have more time on their hands for what I will call "invented" stress (aka drama). It amazes me what people seem to make time for these days: getting the latest dirt on their favorite celebreties, watching soap operas (or "reality" TV), or any other of the countless activities that have no real bearing on the quality of our lives. People will find ways to entertain themselves, for better or for worse. I think reducing stress in our society would have to start with meditation or long walks instead of TV and gossip.

James Koltz

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

i would disagree with you. Speak to an african girl who has to walk 5 miles each morning to collect water, and compared to someone in the US or UK, im willing to bet that although life might be tougher, her stress levels would be loer-stress relates to a lifestyle not how hard living is. e.g. choice is stressful. Making decisions has introduced much more stress into our lives. One could argue that as consumers we have too much choice

English student said...

I am not so sure that society today places too much stress on us emototionally or physically. If anything it may be a little less stressful. Before the times of unions, and labor laws people would work twelve hour days or more. The world seems alot more accomodating to help relieve stress. I tend to not get stressed out, I can only control events in my life,why worry about the things I cant.
Tom T.

English student said...

i don't beleive that there is too much stress being placed on people, but less ways to relieve stress. In modern society, every thing need to be "civil" and ethical. The world has to be politicaly correct, and i feel people can't always say what they want or do as they please, or enjoy what they really enjoy. Though it was barbaric, the Roman coliseum entertained people in a way that kept hundreds of people in calm lifestyles under tyranical rulers. In the Dark Ages, if there was a confrontation, there was a conclusion that was made through duels and deals. but people cant settle things for themselves now days. Everything needs to be processed and legalized and there is to much confusion, that is what i believe is stressing. Tv is probably the only means for relief for most people in america. But for some, it is a catalyst for stress I agree. as far as I go, I kind of agree with the movie fight club. Fighting for fun with friends is very refreshing.
Drew Funkhouser

English student said...

Yes! I feel sorry for the children of today and tommorrow than I do myself. A child can't be a child anymore, You don't see many children riding bikes, playing in mud puddles, swimmiming in ditches or just playing catch outside,like when I was young. It dosn't look appealing exspecially, what you call upper class, they usually try to live their lives through their children's and if your chil doesn't run with that crod or have th last name, they are left out, and that hurts them. Don't push children to grow, so they don't have to find ways of controlling stress, most often it involves activities no one approves of.

Jena Hixon

English student said...

Its obvious that society doesn't cause people more stress, infact there are so many things out there that are less stressful than they used to be back in the day. I think that some people are just more dramatic and they themselves make stress. If everyone would just learn how to appropriatly manage stress and practice time management than they too would find themselves less stressed. I personally relieve stress by taking a walk or completly relieveing myself whenever possible away from the situation.
Tiffany Badgley

English student said...

Yes, I feel that society today places too much stress on us physically and emotionally. Americans have a very high heart attack rate. We also have many health issues that can all be attributed to stress. Society would have to change and not be so materialistic and quit trying to be better than their neighbors, but I just don't see this happening. As for myself, being outside relieves my stress - whether I'm mowing, digging, planting, walking, or just enjoying the sunset.

Robbin R.

English student said...

stress can be curb in todays society. But the way we live actually we destroying ourselves because we just don't care anymore about the next person around us. That's why you see a high levels of patients with stress and high blood pressure. We can excersize more watch what we eat and refrain from having more then one sex partner, not healthly desease is alway stressful to life ends.
Daryl Brown

English student said...

I think daily life plays a big part of stress. Because a lot of people have jobs that are very stressful. There families play a part of stress also. what i do to relieve stress is, i either go to a place in my mind to where i can relaxe and imaigne myself in a far away place with no people around. I just relax my body and think about being on a island by myself without any people.
Lakesha Spurlock

English student said...
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English student said...

I think that it is wrong to slaughter a horse. Horses are very smart and strong animals. A lot of people who live on farms have plenty of horses they dont go off and kill them just so they can have meat to eat. Horses are pets just like cats and dogs are. They should not have to be killed just so people can eat them.
Lakesha Spurlock

English student said...

yes, i belive that today's society does put a lot of stress on us. In today's society we are constantly bing pressured into trying to make enough money to suvive and only the most richest and powerful will survive. i come form family that barly had engough money to get by. my mother somtimes had to work two jobs to make engouh to put food on the table.


English student said...

There is a lot of stress in our society today, but I think people bring stress on themselves not society. People want to make more money so they can have more material things, and spend less time enjoying the simple things in life. I like to spend time with my family and friends and just relax and enjoy their company.

WeTona Houtzel

English student said...

I think today's society places too much stress on us emotionally which can ultimately lead to physical tiredness. For instance, some jobs require working many hours per week, and this can lead to emotional stress in the home front, also due to the long hours worked at a job, or anything that takes you away from your family can lead to physical tiredness which makes you unable to give proper attention to your family. I think that we all can use some type of physical exercise to benefit us in many ways such as: releasing stress, staying active, help control sicknesses, and help the mind to think clearer. I don't think we need the emotional stress that today's society offers.
I think that if society put spiritual and moral values first in life, instead of seeking many material things then we would have less stress in the world.

Beverly Burnside

English student said...

yes I belive that today's society places too much stress on us physically and emotionally. in today's society we are contasntly being pushed. we are bing pushed to have the perfec t body, not be overweight, or be different in any way shape or form.

for example the diet pill commercials. there are lots of commmerials that advertise the perfect diet pill. they say that their pill will make you lose weight very fast. these pills are dangerous to take and should not be taking for any reason.

if society would accept people for who they are and what talents that they have then i think that people would live longer, be more happy, and we would have less crime.

when i get stessed out i play video game. for smoe reason palying video games relaxes me, and i become less stressed.


English student said...

Society as a is plagued stress and anxeity.Televesion and radio fill us with mental images of sex and voilence.dustin