Monday, April 03, 2006

Shannon Black's Question


Please give me your honest responses and opinoins on this topic.


English student said...

I think maybe Vermont or Massachusetts allow gay marriage. And maybe one other... Maryland? I think in Canada gays can marry (but then maybe you can marry your cat in Canada.)

I'm for legalizing gay marriage across the board. I think gay people get screwed enough as it is because they feel different from most people...why make their lives even worse by discriminating against them? I think for some people this question hinges on whether gays are born gay or choose to be that way. If you're born gay, it's completely unfair to discriminate against you. And that's what I believe--that gay people are either born gay or are somehow conditioned by their surroundings to become gay-it's not their choice at all-and so your question is a no-brainer for me: yes, gay couples should be allowed to marry. Absolutely. (sorry for the rushed answer)

Jason Horath

English student said...

Years ago I would of said no, now I think if it is up to the people involved. I'm not sure what states allow gay marriages. I do beleive it should be legalized if the states agree all across the states instead of here and there. David S.

English student said...

i don't know what states don't allow gay marriages, but it should be allowed all in every one of them. I have been called homophobic before and yes i admit that i am not always comfortable with homosexuality. but That is my own personal preferences. The main reason gays have been so discriminated against is because "God said homosexuality is wrong" that sort of thing. The people that reject gay marriages are such strong self righteous types that they fail to see any good in people other than themselves. Its all about someones strong ethical veiws, seeing gay marriages as bad. what if i thought something was unethical and i was the only one, does that mean that it should be illegal? But after all, what is a marriage? An agreement with the government that you will stay with that person until death or you will bay to get out of the contract? I don't know, hope this helps.
drew funkhouser

English student said...

Yes gays should be allowed to marry. What differance does it make if two people are of the same sex? Marriage is about love and if two people are in love than go for it. I mean what really why should it be stopped or not allowed? I have clients that have been together for years and might as well be married. They should be allowed to have the right to marry just as anyone else. Mass and Calf for sure allow gay marriages. Most Blue states aka liberals will eventually allow it. The scary red one's I doubt will keep it illegal but more and more of the blue one's will make it happen.

English student said...

i do think that gay marriages should be legalized. you can't help who you love and i don't think its right that they aren't aloud to be married in some states.

English student said...

I think that gays should be allowed to get married. Why shouldn't they be allowed to marry the person they love. I am not sure hwat states allow gay marriages but all states should legalize it.

English student said...

I think gay couples should be allowed to get married and commit there selves to one another if they are in love and want to be with each other for life. I believe the states that allow gay marriages are massachusetts, canada,hawaii, vermont. I think that all states should legalize gay marriages because they are people just like heteros. I dont think that they should be looked over just because they are in love with another sex.
Lakesha Spurlock

English student said...

I'm sorry, but I read the comments posted here so far and want to puke. If we legalize gay marriage, we are pretty much saying it's okay for men to have sex with men and women to have sex with women. NO! Ask God. His word is right there in the Bible. Man on man sex is an abomination to the Lord. Woman on woman sex is filthy and disgusting and leads to nothing but pure unadulturated pleasure. If we condone same gender sex, we're offending the whole reason why God put TWO genders on the earth--to procreate. That's what sex is all about!

James Burke

English student said...

I think that you can't always help who you love and not everybody will understand why you do. This is the case of gay/lesbian relationships'; I don't understand it but I don't condemn them either because their just trying to be happy with someone else in a different way.
I don't really see the problem with allowing them to be able to commit themselves to each other in the public way of marriage. This is just to show the public that they are in love and show everybody that they plan to spend the rest of their lives together just like a man and wife do. They can do this with out the consent of the state by buying matching rings and living together. The only thing the states' have left to permit is that they be acknowelged as partners and are able to rest in peace together is that so much to ask for.

English student said...

No gay marriages should be illegal and stay illegal forever. there arent many states that it is legal in i think just massachusets, but i do know that certain counties, countries, and citys have legalized it. I dont think that certain states should ahve it and other dont, they should all be the same in the u.s. and it should be illegal. It also says in the bible that it is wrong.....if you need some more comments view mine b/c im covering the same topic.....good luck

Britt Miller

English student said...

I think the only two states is vermont and massachusets. I think that gay marriages should be legalized, because it dosent matter what sex you are if you love the person why not? Marriage is just an agreement to each other. I cant say that i am too comfortable around gay people but they should have the right to marry.

English student said...

Gay Marriage. The most important issue facing our country today. Its hard to type sarcasm. To me, this controversy is not very controversial. I have absolutly no problem wit gays getting married, but I am more open minded than most people on my side of the politcial spectrum. The biggest problem is there are people on both sides of this issue who are using it for political and personal gain. But I also think this issue is the kind of issue that should be decided on by the voters in this country. Not by activist judges or activist mayors