Monday, April 12, 2010

tattoo you?

Do you think tattoos and piercings ruin your body? Do you think getting them is going against the word of God? Would you ever get a tattoo or a piercing? Which one do you prefer and why? Are there any benefits about getting tattoos? Would you judge someone by their tattoos or piercings? If you don't like them, would you not date someone who has them?

Jesse Naive (9:00)


English student said...

Yes, I do think tattoos ruin your body because the first impression of a person with tattoos makes that person look stupid to other people. I guess today's generation does not know better and they do it as a way to deal with their problems, but I still do not think it is right. God gave you the body you got--enjoy it instead of defacing it. (OK, OK, if you MUST get a tattoo, just be sure it's a tractor or a barn).

Mustang 65

English student said...

Some tattoos and piercings can ruin your body. I think that the ones that you can hid or take out without having scars don't really ruin a persons body. I don't think it's against the word of God because people who believe in God still get them and they are still a part of God. I have always been taught that God loves you for you and if that you is pierced and tattooed then so be it. I have piercings I have 5 in my ears and then my belly button pierced. Personally I prefer piercings because they are removable without cost unlike tattoo which are with you for life, unless you get the expensive removal. I guess I would judge someones looks on their tattoos and piercings but I would always give them a chance to show me what their personality is like. I would just have to get over the fact that someone I like has all these piercings and tattoos if its love then I could ignore them.

Becky Gryczewski

English student said...

Tattoos are considered art to some people. It could be argued that circumcision, make-up, hair dye, or hair cuts and shaving are defacing your body. God cares about what is inside of you--your soul. Your body is a shell and if you want to decorate it, so be it. I do have one and it is very small, but has a lot of meaning to me. I have a brother that is covered in tattoos and I have seen him judged by certain people, but he could care less because he loves having them. I guess my opinion is to each their own. ;)
Amy (10a.m.)

English student said...

yes and no, I have one tattoe but it's a R.I.P tat for my daddy. If it's a good tasteful tattoe it's not anything wrong with it. I understand it's wrong but sometimes thats the way people can get people to understand them. Sometimes it makes you stand out, getting tats on your face is just stupid, and getting boyfriends and girlfriends names on you.

English student said...

It’s your body do what you want with it. I do think some people take tattoos and piercings to the extreme; maybe they just do it for attention? I don't know about you but I don’t want to be able to hang my dry-cleaning from my earlobes. I do plan on getting a few tattoos whenever I have the job I want.


English student said...

No, I don't think that getting tattoo's or piercings ruin your body. However, if you had like a sleeve of tattoo's or tattoo's everywhere, I do think that it's ruining your body because to me it makes that person look unattractive. I have my ears pierced and my belly button pierced along with a tattoo on my hip. It's small and can be hidden. I don't think that getting them is going agaist God because he loves you and accepts you for who you are, not what is placed on your body. I believe that getting tattoo's is a way to express yourself to some people and show what a person is like based upon their tattoo's and piercings.
Kiara (9:00)

English student said...

I don't know that a tattoo would make me not attracted to someone, as long as it was out of sight. Like the guy in the picture you have up, yeah I think that's nasty. But I would get one, and I have my ears pierced so obviously I'm not against that. I think someone could take both too far but moderation in both can be okay to me.


English student said...

I do not think piercing and tattoos ruin your body. If that is how you want to express yourself then go for it. Its not how i would express myself i have piercings but i do not think people think of me differently. There is no way i would want my boyfriend to have tattoos from head to toe but i do not mind if he has a few.


English student said...

I don't think that tattoos ruin your body, but I know that it will look really, really weird when you get older. In my opinion, tattoos do not go against the word of God. The only thing that would make a tattoo going against God is if it was something that had to do with the devil or something like that. I wouldn't mind getting a tattoo. I think that getting a tattoo crosses almost everybodies minds when they are younger and rebelious and I have heard that some of the people who have gotten tattoos for rebellious reason have regretted it later in life. But I feel that it wouldn't bother me if I got one or didn't get one. I would never judge someone by there tattoos or peircings. I might look at them because people who have a lot of peircings or peircings in interesting places and interesting tattoos fasinate me. I think that individuality is important and I think that it is wrong to judge someone for being an idividual. I think that if someone doesn't like tattoos or peircings, that is okay, but it is no reason to judge someone for having them just because you don't like them.
Justine Miller

English student said...

To me, piercings don't really ruin your body because you can always take them out and the hole will close up sooner or later. Tattoos definitly do ruin your body. Yes, I kind of want one, but when I'm old I don't really think I would be to happy about having it. I have my ears pierced and I don't think anything else should really ever get pierced. You belly button or nose seems normal to me, though. Why would you even want to pierce your eyebrow or lip or something? That's just weird. Well it actually looks normal on some people, but for others it's a fashion hell no, only because it doesn't look right. Although, I do not and would not judge someone by their piercings or tattoos. People have different ways in expressing themselves.

-- Heather Alber

English student said...

I think too many tattoos and piercings may ruin the body. I have two tattoos and had my nose pierced. I like tattoos, most of them are nice to look at. But I do think sometimes people go overboard with the tattoos. I believe people with tattoos and piercings all over their body is looking for some kind of attention. A person getting tattoos is something they do for themselves-I Hope. I try not to judge a book by the cover. I don't have a problem with what people do with their body, just try not to overdo it.

Anita Freeman

English student said...

no, i don't think tattoos ruin your body. unless you have tattoo's literally everywhere. i think that a few little tattoo's or one big one is fine. a lot of the time, tattoo's are a way of expressing yourself. i have two tattoo's and i want to get one more on my foot, does that make me a bad person? i also think piercings are okay too. i have my belly peirced and double piercings in my ears & if i wanted to, i could take my belly ring out. i think that really big gauges are disgusting, small ones i think are fine. & i don't think i'd stop myself from dating someone who had a tattoo or piercing i don't like. that's their opinion, not mine and it could mean something to them. where am i to judge about that?

kaitlyn taylor.

English student said...

I personally like tattoos and actually have a couple, i how ever will never have a piercing of any kind. But I also believe that people can do what ever they want to their bodies and if a guy wants to cover himself in ink and metal, then the more power to him.

Andy Dodge

English student said...

I don't mind tattoos as long as they don't take away from the persons looks. If I look at you all I see is tattoo, I don't care for it. It can hurt your chances for a good job. When I worked at a restaurant the owners wouldn't even look at the application if the person had any physical distactions. (Tattoos, piercings etc.) It may sound discriminating, but that is the way it is. You don't look professional if you look like the guy in picture with this question. I know an older gentleman that has a large tat on his calf and he says that he wishes that he never had it. After a few years, they don't look too good.
Lois (10:00)

English student said...

Everyone has their own beliefs on piercings and tattoos. I personally love them both! I have many tattoos and many piercings and will continue to get more. They show a persons expressions. Some people have different ways to deal with problems in their life so they express themselves with tattoos and piercings. There is nothing wrong with that at all. The older people think that piercings and tattoos are gross and unneeded. But that is because in their time stuff like that was not exceptable. Now days piercings and tattoos are the thing to do. The time has changed and new things are happening and this is one of them. Everyone has their own opinion and beliefs so to look at someone with tattoos or piercings as if they are wrong is wrong of the person who is looking down on them. Some people just have different ways they want their life to be and that's okay.

English student said...

Yes they ruin your body. Honestly people do alot of thing against gods will but I dont feel he wont let you into heaven because of that. I have a few piercing and several tattoos actually. But to me its what on the inside that matters the most. Those things are just for fun


English student said...

People are so stupidly over rated about judging about people with tattoo and piercings. I love every single tattoo and piercing that Ive got and I do not care what others say. I believe no body is perfect enough to judge about others and the only person that could judge me is god! and i think it is very crucial not to hire people because of their tattoos or piercings because we are just like others I mean sorry if an 70 years old grandma that goes to church everyday cant stand them or thinks its a sin but it is 2010 and its about the newer generation and their needs.

Neli Aryani (10:00)

English student said...

I wouldn't say they ruin your body but they do alter it. It is all opinion, some people like tattoos some people don't. It doesn't mean just because you got one your body is ruined. I do think you can ruin it by getting the wrong pricing or tattoo in other peoples eyes because they will disagree with it, but to yourself you got it so no. I do think eventually I will get a tattoo I just dont know what i want. It would have to be something of meaning.
K.J. Picard(9:00)

English student said...

I think that that tattoos are bad and piercings are bad except one or two on the ear. I don't think you should get something like tattoos because you often think what you are getting when you are a teen is really cool, but often when you get older you don't like what you got. Also your body does change as you get older and a belly ring or a tattoo might look really good on you when you are young, but when you get older they often don't look as good on you.

Jessica Brooks

English student said...

I personally don't have any tatoos, because I'm a chicken to get one. Not because of what people will think, but because of the pain i will have to endure. I have my ears pierced and would lve to get more, but haven't yet. I do not judge. To eack is their own.

English student said...

In a literal sense, Yes I do think tattoos and piercings ruin your body. God gave us free will. Yes I want a couple of tattoos but no piercings. I preferre the tattoo only if you are getting something sentamental that you want around until the day you die. I would also preferre piercings because you can take them out when you want and they are not embedded on you like a tattoo. Honestly when I judge someone their whole body would have to be covered in piercings but i understand that its their body and they can do what ever they want with it. With tattoos, its not as bad. If a girl has other piercings besides her ears I would not date them because that is just not my time. If they had a couple of tattoos I wouldn't mind.
--Jeremy Harding

kevin said...

the word of who? deface what? tattoos and piercings allow one to express their self and show individuality. the word of your "god" means nothing. get over it. jesus is DEAD, god is WRITTEN WORD. jesus, for all i believe, never existed, as he was the son of a myth. so the word of "god" is a set of rules made by prejudice white males and females. tattoos and piercings alike have no negative affects, aside from the occasional "ooooh look at that disgusting man little johnny" or "damn, youre gonna regret that 20 years from now! if not sooner!", but that of course is the biased opinion of the typical, simple minded, white american. suck it up, its the freedom to express ones self that makes this country "amazing", right?