Monday, November 10, 2008

Interracial Dating...

Interracial dating has taken a whole new turn in the last few decades. It used to be, and in some places still is, a taboo. It has gone beyond the realms of just black and white. How do you feel about it? Why do you feel that way? Does your environment and those around you influence the way you feel about it?

Cassandra Cunningham

English 101

9:00 a.m.


Anonymous said...

I feel who someone dates or has a relationship with is their choice. There should be no restrictions when it comes to loving someone.

The last time I looked, this was a free country. If interracial dating is taboo than what makes fat or skinny, short or tall, full set of hair or hairless ect. ect okay?

Love is not what race you are it is what you feel on the inside for someone and how they make you feel.

Anonymous said...

I believe that interacial relationships should be forbidin.Look around you and you will see that for every single race that God ever created,He created both sexes.The reason being I believe is so we date and marry within our own race.However I have seen some fine lookin sistas

Anonymous said...

Being a product of an interracial couple I feel that it is just fine. People were given the right to free will and choosing a partner falls into that. Plus no matter who I date, it will be interracial, so unless I off myself I'm stuck with it. Honestly being a mixed kid I've never gotten any rotten comments or anything. I think that it happens to be the environment in which we live in. We live in the heartland of America where it has been less taboo for colored interactions longer than in the south.

English student said...

I think that interacial dating is well i dont know. My opinion on it is well undicided. I don't have a problem with people who do, but i dont think that i would do it just because its not in my intrest. Now if i were to find someone who is a match to what i am looking for i dont think that i would have a problem to it. If the two who are interacialy dating love eachother and dont have a problem with it then i think that they can go ahead and persue their happiness of it. Love has no bounderies, it doesnt have a recomeded race or it isnt picky. It randomly picks for everyone based on their personality.
Brandt Breymeyer (9:00)

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with interracial dating. I haven't dated any guys from another race, but I'm still attracted to them.
My family can sometimes be very closed minded, but that's one of the benefits of being in my generation, much of that closed-mindedness seems to be disintegrating. So, while I may not be welcomed home with wide arms, my friends would accept my decision and have no problem.
We all understand that love is about more than skin color or ethnicity. As long as your heart is in the right place, everyone should be free to choose who they want to spend the rest of their lives with.

Anonymous said...

If a man and woman of different races want to date or marry, let them do it! Everyone has red blood no matter what color their skin is. I think that the American society has become so open to many other things that are so much worse. I don't understand how a society that wants to legalize the killing of innocent babies before birth can possibly see a problem with interracial couples. Fifty years ago it might not have been as acceptable, and the mixed children might have had trouble fitting into either group. But these days the number of mixed children, and our society has become more open to them. If people of different races find love, no one should have a problem with it.

Anonymous said...

I dont agree with interracial dating, i would never date someone out of my race. However, it doesnt bother me at all its an personal choice and thats whats america is all about. I was raised this way and thats why i feel this way.

English student said...

Coming from a family whose very diverse how could i say that it's something wrong with interracial dating :). It is a beautiful thing! I honestly feel that people can marry who ever they want as long as they are happy. I am attracted to anyone of any race just as long as they have what i am looking for in a guy. Having white's ,asian's, Hispanics, Jamaicans, and blacks in my family it just makes life more interesting.

Joy McNeal

Anonymous said...

in my opinion, it still should be a "taboo." i think it's wrong. i know people that do have an interracial relationship and i don't think any less of them but i wouldn't ever do it. my only thought is if they have children, where will they be accepted? if it's half black and half white, which group will accept him or her? i know this world would like to think it's not still racist but it sure seems like it some places, especially here in central illinois.

Unknown said...

Interracial relationships are proof that America is becoming better. While some people think it shouldn’t be I do. I’m half Mexican and I have dated blacks, whites, Asians, Latinos, Italians and one Arabian. I don’t base my opinion on something as petty as race. Just because someone is one race, doesn’t mean anything. If you stereotype that violently that you will not even give anyone of one particular race a chance you are missing out on a chance to be loved. As for my environment I’ve lived in every type of environment that you could imagine.

English student said...

I honestly believe that it is ok to date or be with someone from another race. I mean ya, they have a different skin color, but why should that stop someone from wanting to be with them.

I have not met anyone that has been against dating someone from another race, so no one has influenced me to think otherwise. So if it makes a person happy to be with that person, I say go for it no matter what race they are.

Kevin Dozier 9:00

Anonymous said...

Interracial dating is fine with me, yet I was raised to hate people. When in foster home I was taught to hate by the KKK. I was in three foster homes that had me beat people of other races. I am in a place that dating someone outside of your own race is still taboo, right here in C-U. I am in an interracial marriage and we deal with looks, sneers, whispering, pointing, and even laughter. The racial bigotry that is still present was not a shock to me I lived it growing up here. I was use too the racial tension in high school. Yet I had the life lesson that taught me how ignorant hating a person for the simple fact of their skin color is wrong. My wife is Native and so are my four kids. I don’t know of anyone that is a full blooded anything we are all mixed to some degree. The people I hang around are ok with interracial dating or they are in one themselves. The environment we live in does influence us to some degree but we as individual have to understand that we can make up our own minds. If it is to be ignorant then be that way or you can open your mind and heart. A person cannot control who we love or who falls for us. If we could I would have chased my wife away. I tried to I knew I was falling for here and did not want to fall in love. Yet this was the best thing that could have happen to me and I thank God for the gift of a family.

Anonymous said...

Interracial dating is becoming more and more acceptabl here in the US and I dont think there will be anything that will change that. I personal do not hold anything against an interracial couple, I guess that if you love some one and they make you happy then thats your deal and good for you. Personally I would never date some one from another race, but thats just me; my family especially my father is very against that and he has always told me that would hurt him so much if I ever dated some one from another race and could never do that to him, I am not attracted to men from other races and I think it is because I know my father would be very hurt which makes me just unattracted in a romantic way to any one from another race. I have had friends who have had interracial relationships and have been very happy and been very upset (just like in any other relationship) and just because personally that is something I wouldnt do I do not judge my friends at all and support them in every way just as I would if they were dating anyone else.

English student said...

I don't have a problem with interracial couples. I heard somewhere that interracial couples make more attractive offspring. I think that its all about the personality when it comes to dating. I have one friend you is black and i know that he has a hard time finding a girlfriend because he hangs out with all white people. I personally would not have a problem with dating a girl with different colored skin then myself and i don't think my friends or parents would mind either.

Anonymous said...

I believe that you should be able to date whoever you want. Why would you care about what other people think? America is pretty open about these issues now and i think that people should learn to accept differences.

English student said...

i come from a small, all white community, this issue never really came up. when it came up on t.v. shows or movies it was shot down as a bad idea and was not really talked about much more after that.
Derek Diesburg(9:00)

English student said...

Interracial dating should not even be an issue on any level. And the fact that this is even a controversial topic in this country means that we as a country have failed one another. Love is love and should not matter. You cannot cotrol who you fall in love with or who falls in love with you. This is a free contry and to each their own!

Ashley Gentner (4:30)

English student said...

It is one persons choice whether they want to date outside of their race or not. I don't have any kind of problem with it.

Ben Legner (1:00)

Anonymous said...

I think that loving someone has nothing to do with the color of their skin. it goes a lot deeper than that. If someone has the perfect personality that you are looking for in a partner, then their race should have nothing to do with how you feel about them. As of now, i don't think that my environment has any influence in the way i feel about this. When i was growing up it did. But i am old enough now, where i have my own views.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a problem with interracial dating. People can't help who they love and are attracted to. You have to do what is best for yourself because you are the one who has to live with your decision. The color of a person's skin shouldn't have any bearing on your decision to become involved with that individual. Although times have changed there still are people who make things hard for couples of different races to be happy together and I think that it's sad that in this day and age some people can't except that love is color blind.