Wednesday, April 11, 2007

How is Bush as President?

Is George W. Bush doing a good job as president?
How do you think he's doing with the Iraq War? Afghanistan? Social security? Immigration? Anything. What is your opinion? Let me know!
Thank you for any comments.
Blake Widmer (9:00 class)


English student said...

George W Bush has misled this country since the day he took office. the war in Iraq is quickly becoming a full blown civil war. afghanistan has recently become unstable. the social security problem has no solution as of yet. our immigration issue is sitting in the presidents lap while thousands more people are streaming across the border. how much worse can it get. this president is more concerned with what god "told him to do" than he is about what his own people tell him to do. Bush is an utter disaster.

Douglas King

English student said...

I would ike to be perfectly frank about this issue. This President has one of the worst public ratings in our nations history. I think that should say enough about how this president is doing. It's not just that his rating is low, it is that he does deserve it. One of the biggest reasons for that is because of HIS war in Iraq. This war wasa mistake to begin with. It is a perfect mix of poor planning and poor judjment on the part of the president and his appointed officials. He was warned about what this war would escalate to, but he didn't take it into consideration because of his arrogence. This war is turning into our generations Vietnam. At least the Vietnam war had a little bit more credability with regards to communism. This war is being fought because of the presidents determination to remove a dictator. That within itself is not a bad thing. The way in which he went about doing it is beyond stupidity. I could have told the president that this would happen. The president could have used a few more history lessons in grade school because there is no way that he made it to juior high.
The war in Afganistan was the only thing in his presidency that could have saved him, but he screwed that up too. It was very necessary to invade Afganistan to look for memebers of the Taliban. The problem is that he decided to take a detour in the middle of the campaign and sent our troops to Iraq. If you haven't heard it on the news, Afganistan isn't in very good shape still and soldiers are still dying there due to the lack of support on the ground. If this president had any intelligence at all, he would have been able to foresee the rising of the threat in Iran. Iran is where our country's biggest threat as of now is.
There isn't much that this president can do about Social Security. It is ultimatly doomed to fail. I think that the president could gain favor in this area by publicly coming out with ideas in which to fix social security. Even if his ideas don't work, at least the public could see an effort in trying to aid it.
The presidents immigration policy is purly political. It is important of recognize that this president is a businessman. Businessmen care about money and aiding other businessmen. His friends for his neck of the woods are benefiting for the illegal mexicans coming over the boarder to work. This president is not going to come up with an answer to this porblem in his term as president. To conclude, I never have been and never will support this president. How he got elected twice is beyond me.

Ryan Bales

English student said...

I believe that bush has done a job just as good as any other man would have. In the beggining of the war everyone was for it, so what did we do we went, now everyone wants out, so they cry and blame the president. Its not that esay folks you can just pull out of something you started, that would be unfair to iraq's people. This president had endured the terror disasters and weather disasters. MY brother and brother in law are both in the military and it is all Volunteer people so i hate to hear the excuse that all we do is kill our own people. their there fighting for us and the iraq people so please stop complaining. If it wasnt for clinton we would have captured osama years ago when pakistan had him in custody the only thing bill clinton did in office was get some play (if you know what i mean)maybe 9-11 wouldnt of happen if he would have stop suckin on his thumb and done somethin but maybe not. As far a Bush....hes not perfect but he done better then alot would have..let me see you run this country any better and ill take back what i said....ratings are bullshit in politics by the way. remember he did get elected TWICE

English student said...

i think that the president is goin just as good as job as anyone esle. if people think that they can handle all this pressure then maybe they should step up to the plate. all i hear about is people critisizing the president but what we hear about him or for the war in that matter are the bad things. It seems like eveyone wants to jump his case about the war but when the citizens of the US only see the bad side of the war we are faced to blame it on Bush. Maybe if the media put out a bit more positive feedback the society might have more faith in the system.
brandon sherfey

English student said...

I feel as if GWB has done a horrible job during his presidency. He has lead us into a country that sopposidly had WMD and they had nuthing. We killed a dictator and in this created chaos within the people. I believe that Saddam was good for them he kept them in line and there was a govenrment. Now they have little leadership. GWB has lost alot of money and respect for the country over they years. I think That Bill Clinton was a great presedent because he lower our deffecates and lead the country. The only reason people did not like him were for his relation with "that women". I think that the people needed to get over that because it happen every day in peoples lives. GWB has been a horrible pres.
Jeremy miller

English student said...

No, I don't think he has done a good job. Aside from the war issue, which many people have discussed, GWB has always (pre-presidential, too) been one to sacrifice the environment and the long-term future of the planet for short-term corporate gain. The same kind of tendency has led to a disaster in social security. In 2001 or 2002, instead of investing a "budget surplus" in the future (such as in social security), Bush chose to send people tax refunds. Unless you were rich, these refunds amounted to insignificant amounts, but the idea that America was rich enough to send people back their tax money persuaded people that America must be very strong. But then a few years later, we see that social security funds have been decimated. I guess most of our presidents have been guilty of sacrificing long-term concerns for perceived short-term benefits; you have only 4 or 8 years to impress people with your decisions, so you tend to make choices that will affect people now, even if it means ignoring the future. This general tendency is going to have to change in the near future, and I expect things to be significantly different beginning with the next administration, whether it's democratic or republican. People will demand it.

It's been my opinion from the beginning that Bush simply isn't smart enough to be president. He's always been unpopular among the most educated people in our country. The Texas swagger that got him elected should have been far short than enough. It's my opinion that Gore would have been a far more effective president, though he might have lacked some leadership qualities.

As for foreign relations, the last several presidencies have been weak. As a country we really haven't learned how to deal with the rest of the world yet. We see how great things are here and wonder how everyone else would not want to live this way. We base our foreign relations on the assumption that the American way is the best way (in other words, we're not open minded), and many other countries simply disagree. The quality of life in many European countries is higher than in the United States now, but instead of examining their policies (such as national health care) and trying them here, we thump our chest and pronounce that we're the world's only "super power." Well, in many ways we're not so super anymore (in other ways, such as equal opportunities for all people, we never were super), and our past several presidents have apparently not recognized that. In my view, GWB is the latest (and weakest) in a string of weak presidents. If the next one isn't far more foresightful, our country, and maybe even our planet, is in trouble.

Last comment: I do feel sorry for GWB, though. He's a person like anyone else. He bit off more than he can chew, but lots of people do that. Now he's the Mark McGwire or Pete Rose of politics. But he's not to blame for everything. He has been ill advised from the start. He took a job that was too big for him, and now he'll have to live the rest of his life knowing that many people view him as the weakest president in 100 years. Even with all the perks an ex-president enjoys, that kind of failure has got to get you deep down.

John Wentworth

English student said...

I have a real simple answer to this question: no. I think the man's an idiot. He has done a terrible job as the leader of this country. He went into Iraq and Afghanistan with no strategy and also no real reason. Sure, he was retaliating for what happened on 9/11, but he did it with no set plan and no idea what was his objectives were. He sent troops into Iraq to stop Saddam and find his weapons of mass distruction. Did we find any weapons? Besides the war, President Bush, has done nothing for his people - except for paying back some of the taxes (most of which went to the rich people of America). He has done nothing to further us in topics such as global warming, healthcare, social security, etc. We need someone new. At least he's almost done.
Nigel Knop.

English student said...

I'm back and forth on this issue. Sometimes I feel as if he has done a good job handling the situations he has been given to handle. During his term, Bush has been under a lot of pressure with some pretty big issues to deal with. Some stuff has been settled and some stuff hasn't. We look back before him and compare him to Clinton and it appears to us he is much better than Bush. Clinton talked to the press all the time and delivered himself in a much better manner than Bush. Bush can't even talk to the press correctly. We do all this comparing and maybe Bush isn't a very good president. It's hard to say because people feel so different on issues these days. I feel as if Bush has done a good job on some issues, but then again I feel as if maybe issues could be cleaned up more than they are right now if someone else was in office.

Lance Hanmer

English student said...

George W Bush has done a great job for what he has been delt. It takes a strong man to deal with some of the problems that he has been faced with. You cant point your finger at Mr. Bush and say it was his fault that he started the war, he did not run those planes into the towers, terrorist did. Someone had to act or you would be having more problems like we did on 9/11 more often. And as most people dont realize. The house of Rep. and the senate voted on the same issues as Mr. Bush did and i do not see anyone blaming them for all the deaths that are coming from this war.

Phillip Poppe