Monday, April 09, 2012

Young mothers ages 12-18 and their actions

Why do you think more and more young girls between the ages of 12 and 18 are getting pregnant? Do you think these girls are ready to be mothers? Are parents today educating their kids in a proper way? Why are kids today growing up faster? Does it have to do with how their parents raise them? Do you think it is right what they allow their kids to do at certain ages? In your opinion, how young is too young to become a mother? What is the best age to have your first child? Why?

Angelita T. (8:00)


English student said...

Are parents today educating their kids in a proper way? I feel like today's society is mixing feelings about children getting pregnant. Certain parents are not talking to their children about sex and the consequences of it. Which lead to teen girls now getting pregnant. At the same time, some parents are lecturing their children and the parents are doing all the right things but their children are still getting pregnant. Children how a days do not think about what if, or what could happen. No matter how good of a child could be, peer pressure could get to them.

--Jonathon Lackey.

English student said...

As a young adult fresh out of hight school I see many many teens getting pregnant, freshman through senior year. I've never had the courage to walk up to one of them and ask 'Why would you want to have a baby now?' but I do have a good idea why. Some of my friends became pregnant due to the fact that they see their OTHER friends having babies. The joy of pushing a stroller around and playing with their baby seems to make my friends want to have babies as well. A trend. On the other hand, some of my friends want to have babies because the want to have "good-looking" babies just like their fathers. A silly idea if you ask me. Teens and young adults are not ready for kids. Because they are young, their mindsets are still immature and still need time to grow. Parents are probably educating their kids on sex but not enforcing it as they should. What is too young to become a mother? A teenager should not be having babies at all. They should be enjoying the youth that they have and have as much fun as they can. Once you're done having fun and ready to get serious and start your adult life, then that is when you should have babies.
Janay D.

English student said...

I agree completely with Janay D. She points out the same exact feelings that I feel about parents and educating their children about sex. I feel that girls are getting pregnant because of people around them. They look at girls around them and see how happen they can be with their children but do not see the negative side to having a child. Which makes them want a child even more. I do not think young teenage girls are ready to have kids at that young of an age because they are still kids themselves. I have to say I agree with Janay when it comes to this question that, "Parents are probably educating their kids on sex but not enforcing it as they should." I agree with that 100%. Although there are some teens out there that are getting pregnant and have no idea about what the consequences are because they have not had that talk. I feel that as a teen you shouldn't be getting pregnant because your body is still growing. In my opinion I feel if you get pregnant it should be after you are married.

English student said...

I think that girls are getting pregnant at a younger age because of how our generation is. Kids now-a-days think that having sex is "cool" at such a young age. I think at the ages 16+, they could be good mothers. but 15 and down is way to young to be a mother. I think parents don't educate their kids about sex. I think that parents think that is what school is for, to teach you things that would be awkward. I think kids are growing up faster do to what they are surrounded with. A lot of television shows, such as jersey shore, is setting a bad example for kids. Say that going out getting drunk and bringing people back to your house to have sex with them is "cool". And popular music these days is about drinking,sex,and drugs. I don't think it has anything to do with their parents. And the best age to have a child? That is just your personal opinion. If you're ready, you're ready. -Slade

English student said...

I think that parents do not educate their children because they are embarrassed to talk about it. Parents think that if you watch 16 & pregnant, you will learn everything you need to know and that is not true. They think that they already know what they need to know from school and again that isn't true. They let their kids boyfriends/girlfriends stay at their house and you wonder why their kids have sex and end up pregnant. It isn't just the kids fault when they get pregnant but its the parents too.
-Emily Harms

English student said...

I would personally like to ask for a source that more and more girls are getting pregnant. This may very well be the case; however with more media coverage on this issue, it may also be the case that it appears to be increasing due to increased media coverage. I didn’t grow up in the US high school system, however it would be intriguing to see what type of sex education is offered here. My first sex education class was in 2nd grade, followed by one every year until the start of high school. In high school, sex education was compulsory and I distinctly remember everyone laughing while the boys attempted to place condoms on fake penises.

Has the teen pregnancy era been glamorized via MTV with show like Teen Mom, etc? Probably. Is the department of social security helping to decrease the rates of teen pregnancy? Probably not. Any girl who gets pregnant early in their life practically has everything handed to them by the government. This is great for the child, but bad for society.

In my opinion there are a number of reasons behind a possible increase in teen pregnancy, all of which cannot be handled in a sub 200 word blog posting!

Zach Daniels

English student said...

I think girls are having children at younger and younger ages because 1. We are exposed to so much so quickly anymore... We are desensitized to consequences 2. A lot (not all) parents are relying on the school to teach their children about sex and protection (I did not have Sex ED till I was a sophomore in high school) and a lot of children have already started having sex by then. To the point if I think these girls are ready to have children I think 17 and younger is way too young to have a child because you are usually not in a good place in your own life… but I think it matters more where you are in your life a long time ago women were getting married very young and having kids as young. I think it matters more where you are in your life… are you married and able to provide for your family? Can you support said child(ren)?, do you feel ready for them?, can you take care of them by yourself if you need to?
“Are parents today educating their kids in a proper way?” That is a very broad question because every parent out there raises their child differently any all anyone can say is some do and some don’t because of how their child is.
Children are growing up faster because of how our society is, we expose our children and ourselves to so much through movies, music, and games (hell all media out there) that we are desensitized to violence, sex, and what use to be referred to as uncivilized behavior and it is accepted as the norm now. Another problem is how parents are “educating” their children quite a few parents out there leave it to our school system and that in my opinion is not how one should be letting their child be raised… there is so much not covered in schools and what should be covered through growing up from your parents is not covered till later in the school career.
As for what age I think is too young to have your first child I would have to say 16 is too young… but as I stated earlier I think it has to do a little more with where you are in your life… if you are a high school dropout but married to a man that can support you a child and treats both loving but the girl is only 17 then what would be the problem of her having a child? As for what I think the best age is? I would have to say anywhere between 20-25 years old, because I do believe in marriage (even for homosexual couples) and I think a one should only have a child in wedlock because it provides a better home environment (I want to say 9 times out of 10) but the reason I include 20 is because of my own parents they were 18(mom) and 19(dad) when they had their first and they were married but I also think they wanted to wait a little longer cause they were both so young… and that was a completely different era, my parents are 64 and 63 years old. After their first my parents ended up have 4 more children after that spread over roughly 42 years. My point is that they were from a different era than we were they married young and started their family, where I would rather be in my 20’s-30’s when I have a child… I am 28 and am nowhere close to being ready to have a child… that is just where I am at in my life and there is nothing wrong with that.

English student said...

To begin with, at 16 you have not finished your schooling. And if you think you're going to finish it with a baby in the house you've got another think coming.

You also will not be able to get a job at 16, or not a very well-paying one. And without finishing your schooling, you will NEVER get a decent paying job, which means you'll always be short of money or relying on government handouts.

Doubtless you intend to try and force your baby on your own parents, to try and make them pay for it and look after it. That is completely wrong. You made the adult decision to open your legs, you made the adult decision to keep your baby, that means you've got to be an adult. That means paying rent, no money from your parents, your parents are not your babysitters etc.You can't give this child a good life. That's what needed to be thought about. You needed to think about the child, not about YOU. This isn't about you at all. But you've been selfish and stupid, and now your future and that of your baby's is screwed.

Shane Rasor 1000

English student said...

I think that young girls are getting pregnant at young ages because of how the generation is now a days. Young females see their friends having babies and they want to be like them. No these girls aren’t ready for a baby, they haven’t even graduated high school, can’t even get a full time job, they aren’t even mature yet. I believe these parents aren’t educating the kids properly, some parents are too strict and that’s when the kids don’t listen. Kids are growing up faster because of what they watch on television, and how different people dress on video, and because of guys in their ear. I think it has a lot to do with what their parents allow them to do at certain ages, having a boyfriend in elementary, having a cell phone, and the certain friends they hang out with as a lot to do with it. I believe that until your married you shouldn’t have sex but that’s old fashion I know but 12- 20 is too young. They need at least some college education. ~Sharday (8:00)

English student said...

I think more young girls are getting pregnant because they think that its okay which it is not. Many young girls are just doing as they see because their parents are not educating them or talking with them about pregnancies. And I think that some young girls think thats its cute to be pregnant and it is not at all. I do not think these young girls are ready to be mothers. How can they be? They are still in high school young and young minded. How can they raise a child? They are not even prepared to raise a child because they are still a child if you ask me. Kids today are growing up faster because some parents are not teaching their children right from wrong and they are not reall there for them. Yes,I think this issue has to do with how their parents raise them. In my opinion teen years is too young to become a mother. I feel like no one should have a child until they are finacially stable emtionally and mentally stable. I also think you should finish school first get a degree and a place of your own. SO the age that I say is best to have your first child is about 23-25 even though you are still young at that age I think thats a somewhat good age to have your first child. SOme people might consider having a child later than that because they want to live their life but thats just my own opinion.

ShantelK (12:00)

English student said...

No I don’t believe that parents are education their kids properly. If the parents were education their children there would not be so many young girls pregnant. This is not one of those topics that you discuss once with your child and then never talk about it again. Parents need to continue to talk with their children about this frequently. I don’t believe that these girls are ready to be mothers. They may enjoy the idea of being a mother but they don’t truly now what it like. With them having a baby at such a young age they have not had that time to figure out who they or what they want out of life. I am not saying that every one of these young girls have bad parents because children will often do things that parents tell them not to. So I don’t think that these parents allow their children to do these things, but they need to be vigilant. I don’t know what age is the best to have a child, that answer varies from person to person, but you should have time to live your life and know what you want to be.
Ryan M.

English student said...

I believe more and more kids are having kids at a younger age because kids think sex now is just a everyday thing or thats how they "express" love. These days kids just have sex without even thinking or knowing the consequences of having unprotected sex. I don't think any kids is ready for a child whether they think they are or not. I don't think its necessarily the fact kids are growing up faster I just think that kids find it to be acceptable, and want to act like there cool just because they've had sex. It could be how parents raise there kids it could not be but i believe that parents need to be more strict and discuss the things that can happen with sex at a young age. I don't think its right with all the privileges parents give their kids these days, because its giving the kids freedom to do whatever they please hints why pregnancy is going up more and more every year. I think having a kid anywhere under 18 is to young. I dont really believe there should be a certain age on having children, I just believe both parents should be ready and wanting to have a child with eachother.

Brandan McDaniel

English student said...

There are several reasons why young girls are getting pregnant. And reasons for each girl is different. They may feel unloved and are seeking for approval by their male peers. They could have been raised in such a way that pregnancy was never talked about. They may not know the life changing effects of becoming a young mother. With a strong degree of certainty, I believe that almost all young girls are not ready to be mothers. The majority of girls are still going through the process of becoming who they are. With all the other stressors that come with being a teen, young girls can not handle all the responsibility that comes with being a parent. Their own parents may not have been there to talk to them about the risks of premarital sex and they therefore, didn't know any better. Although, I do not believe these girls' parents should be blaimed. A lot of girls act out when they are teens and a lot of parents just cannot control their teens any longer. Girls should wait until they themselves are mature enough to handle the responsibility that comes with being a parent. They should also wait until they find a partner that is also willing to take on the responsibilities of parenthood.
~Megan Strom

English student said...

I think mothers are getting younger and younger due to them not being educated enough in sex. I believe people are thinking about being a parent way to early and young girld aren't thinking about what they are really getting their self into. Also teens think they know everything and they always don't think things through. I don't think girls are ready to be mothers yet. They have their whole lives to go be a parent but they are only a couple of years to be a kid. I think these shows on T.V. are promoting that starting your life early is a great thing but i don't think it is. I believe parents can have influence on them by raising them and telling them when your 18 you can do whatever you want. But I just think that young girls just aren't making the right choices.

Kyle Ogle (Noon)

English student said...

I think that girls are getting pregnant at a young age for the simple fact that it's kids raising kids. If you a girl has a child at the age of 13 for the next 7 years of that child's life that mother is still going to be considered a child, a teenager. Its going to see it's mother undergo somethings and it's going to want to do the same thing. I believe if you have a stable job, a place to live and a income that you can provide for not only a baby, but for both parents. I think if you a teenager or in your early 20's your to young to have a baby because still have bad habits that can rub off on the child.

English student said...

There are several factors that I think contribute to this phenomenon. Society tends to be more and more ok with the young-teen (unprotected) premarital sex that leads to teen pregnancies, brushing it off with "it happens." I also think parents are partially to blame, not so much for not educating their kids about it, but for setting bad moral examples. If parents are frequently cheating on one another, getting divorced, etc., it sends a message to their kids that low moral standards are just normal and tolerated. Thirdly, I think that a lot of times, girls are just acting out, or they want to feel loved; not nearly enough girls understand their value and importance just the way they are, and that they shouldn't need sex to feel good about themselves. They also don't understand the consequences of having a baby so early. I would say that there's not any reason to have a child before the age of 23 at the earliest. College education is very necessary for financial success in the future, and is made much harder by a child to take care of.
Trevor J. (10AM)

English student said...

yes! kids in general are growing up waaayy too fast! i wont necessarily blame it on the parents, but they do have some responsibility for it. but i know that a parent can only teach a child so much, but it is up to the child to listen and make the right choices. i think girls are getting pregnant younger and younger because they are trying to be grown and experience grown up things. of course they arent ready, even if they say they are. i dont know if any one is ever READY to have a child. it comes with a lot and it is life changing. it takes a lot of adjusting. i have 3 now, and i still cant believe it! a lot of days i catch myself looking at them like WHERE DId U GUYS COME FROM!? lol. i was 19 when i had my first child, and for the rate a lot of girls i know ... i felt that it was a good age to have my first child. of course it wasnt something that i wanted. but im gld i was 19 instead of 13 or 16. i cant imagine being in middle school or just beginning high school and having a baby. it was hard for me then, i know that it would have been 10 x harder at that age.
Kiara D