Monday, April 09, 2012

Gay rights

Do you think it should be legal for the same sex to marry? Why or why not? What are your opinions on gay marriage? Do you support gay marriage? Why do you think that gay marriage is such a mixed feeling discussion in today's society? Do you think people choose to be gay, or do you believe people are born gay?

-Jonathon (noon)


English student said...

I think everyone has the right to do what they believe in as long as no one gets hurt. Yes I do believe in gay marriages. Peoples business is their own. As to are they born that way I think they are. In every thing I have heard or read, it is said that their is a chemical imbalance.

English student said...

Marriage is a sacred bond between two individuals, but it’s also a religious one. For that reason, I believe the conditions of marriage should be interpreted and decided by the Church. As an atheist that has absolutely nothing to do with me. On a civil liberties note, the government should have absolutely no involvement in it.

On a personal note, I am all for gay marriage. Being gay is not a choice and people shouldn’t be discriminated for it. If I were voting on civil unions, I would definitely vote pro-gay unions. I think the reasons behind the stigmatism on gay marriage are a mixture of religious/discriminatory issues. If you are religious, some of the text in the bible may lead you to believe that it is sinful, and so homosexuality shouldn’t be practiced. That does stand on a solid ground however we live in a democracy and the church stands separate from the state, and so it should be decided on a national level.

Zach Daniels

English student said...

I think the problem is people aren't open minded and ignorant. I'm not for gay marriage and neither am I against. I personally think that people should do whatever makes them happy. My brother is gay and married. Do I support him and his decision? Yes! Do i think it was the right decision for him? Yes, because he's happy and content. People are so fixed on what the bible say but what they don't understand is that they sin everyday. At the end of the day God is the only one who determines what's right and what's wrong. However, I do not think people are born gay, but I do believe that it's a decision that the person make. Today, most people are gay because they're trying to fit in. I have several gay friends and most of them can't tell me why they chose to be what they are, but they are happy and you can't argue with what makes a person happy. Today's generation is just ignorant and you can't expect them to know any better.

Tia Manierre (10:00)

English student said...

My opinion is that I do not think it should be legal for the same sex to marry. One of my main reasons, is that yes, I grew up in a Christian church where I learned that marriage is to be shared between and man and a woman; not two men or two women or multiple. As said in another comment, I also believe it will bring uprise in trying to get other laws to be passed. If same sex marriage is passed more and more people will start coming out with other issues that have that they want turned into laws. On the other hand though, other peoples' lives are not my business and I would never criticize or put someone down for how they choose to live their life, whether I agree with it or not. I believe it's controversial in society today because it seems to be one or the other--people openly support it or openly despise it. I believe being gay is a choice, not something that you are born with. I think it deals with how you grew up, your self-esteem, how you were treated, maybe people you hang out with; but I think it's a choice.


English student said...

I believe that same sex marriage should be legal. Everyone should have the right to choose who they feel comfortable with and if it is the someone that is the same sex as them, then go for it. I agree with a lot of what Tia says. I think people are so concentrated on what the bible says and like she says "is that what people don't understand that they sin everyday." People are just so rude about it nowadays. I support gay marriage but I myself could never be in that group, but if it makes someone happy and make them feel good about themselves then I am all for supporting them! I believe people are not born gay they just feel they make that decision sooner or later. Brooke

English student said...

This is a controversy that has long lingered in my mind. I do not judge a person based on their sexual orientation. I think everyone deserves to be with someone that they love. But in saying that, I still believe marriage is a very sacred act. God made marriage for a man and a woman. This is something I believe whole-hardheartedly. This is an issue that I really have a hard time putting myself in a certain stance. I do not believe that being gay is a choice and I realize that those in the gay community really have a hard time being accepted and understood by society. They fight hard for what they believe they deserve, and I think they have a right to that, to some extent. I know what I have been taught by my church, but at the same time, I think people have a right to do what they believe is right. If a couple believes that they should have a right to marry, and they do in fact get married, then that's their decision. I have no business judging them based on who they are.
~Megan Strom

English student said...

To me it reall doesn't matter if the same sex get marry, I feel that as long as the parties are happy, who are we, as a society, to tell someone that they can't be married just because they're the same sex. my opinion on gay marriages, is just like I said earlier, it doesn't bother me, as long as they are happy that's what matters.Yes I support gay marriages. I think there is mixed feelings because of what we were taught in church, the being with the same sex is against what God said not too do. I feel that people are born gay because, they seem to battle with their sexuality at a young age, then next thing you know they show that they are gay. Latonya

English student said...

I grew up in a Christian home so I been raise to believe that marriage is just between a man and a women. Not the same sex, so I don't think same sex marriage should be legal. I mean I don't necessary think its a terrible thing. I'm just not a big fan for it and never really had a reason, just was never comfortable about the whole situation. I don't support gay marriage just because i have been raise and been taught that marriage is between a man and women. Not the same sex. I think gay marriage is such a mixed feeling discussion in today's society because people do not like change at all. They like keeping things a tradition. Finally I think people choose to be gay. I don't think there any way you can be born gay. Being gay is a choice not something your born with.

Kyle Ogle (Noon)

English student said...

I think that people should be able to marry whoever they want to marry without being judge. People can’t help who they love or their views on the other sex. The problem with today is people are not opened minded to the world changing. If it makes them happy then let them be. It’s not your life to judge the way they live. I have gay friends and they don’t bother me at all their just as equal. And I’m not sure if someone is born gay or not, I feel like it’s your choice to be gay or not.

Caitlin Wakefield

English student said...

In my opinion, since I can remember the whole situation of people wanting to be and marry the same sex gender has been something normal. I believe that love is something that can’t be understood and we do not choose who to fall in love with. That I why I think that everyone should have the right to be happy with whomever they decide, even if it I from the same sex gender. I agree that the same sex gender should be legalized so they can have the same opportunities that other couple do, which is to get married. I do not think that only because they are from the same sex gender that it should have a difference. My opinion on gay marriage I think has been clear. If they want to get married and that is what makes them happy then why not. For me everyone is the same and we are all humans. We do not have to like the same things in life and only because gay people like each other, they should not be looked any different. I think that gay marriage is such a mixed feeling because no one has gotten used to it. Many people have been raised differently, especially I could say like Mexican because I am Mexican and guys are seen as the strong men and what they are known as machos. In my opinion, I think that from what I have heard people are born to be gay but at times for instance women have been hurt so much by guys that they end up not wanting that so they look for someone who is going to understand them and what better than another women so at the end they end up choosing.

Angelita T. (8:00)

English student said...

I think everyone has the right to be who they wanna be. I have to aunts that are gay an i still love the same as i would anyone else.People shouldnt get involved with others love live its their choice. If your church accepts it its alright also.. and i dont think your born to be that way I think its something that just develops over time. They have a right to love and be with whoever they want to be with.

English student said...

Yes, I believe you should be able to marry whomever you please. I believe what you and another human being decides to do is between you when you start affecting other people that's when it becomes a problem. I think it should be more accepted today in society, Its 2012 and their is a lot of other things going on in the world that people should be concerned about and trying to solve. I don't support it but I'm not against it either. I feel its still such a down looked upon thing in society still because its not in majority favor. Anything that everybody is not doing is never going to be looked at as right maybe not wrong either but for sure different and different is hard for most people to ever except as normal. I believe people develop this trait i can't believe that your born to be gay its something you learn to like and feel comfortable with like anything else.

Matthew W

English student said...

I think that anyone should be able to marry anyone. Illinois has already giving people the right to have a civil union so why not let it go all the way. I feel that this is a subject that needs to be taken care of. People need to be given equal rights, you don't pick to be this way, I believe you are born this way. Everyone should be able to marry who ever they want no matter what. I don't think it should be up to the supreme court or to anyone of that power to say who people can and cant marry. Everyone should have equal rights to what they want in the country where everyone has "equal freedom."

Shelby F

English student said...

Yes I believe that the same sex should be legal for them to get married. Where in the constitution say that your not allowed to get married to the same sex. If they love each other so much then why can't they, that's why people get married cause they love each other. If you want to get married I would support it all the way. I support it cause my aunt has found the best person for her. She makes her happy and wouldn't know what she would do with out her. People don't like cause its something they have never seen before. They just need to get over it cause if it was two hot girls people are for it but once you flip the script there not that's just plane dumb.
Alexis H (noon)

English student said...

They Should Legalize same sex marriage. It doesn't hurt society nor any one in particular. So why the big deal? The first amendment Says "Freedom of Religion Speech and press" right, so what if that's what they believe in. The only thing that should matter in marriage is there devotion to one another and love. Treating them as if they don't belong is not right and unfair. if that's what they believe in then so be it. What gives any one the right to judge them. Just because they like the same sex doesn't mean they shouldn't have the same rights as people who like the opposite sex. Think of it like this. You wouldn't want to be judged for what you believe in, such as the clothes you have on your back, what kind of music you listen to, the food you eat or How you look. People are unique in there own way. And should all be treated with equal respect.

English student said...

I think the problem is people aren't open minded and ignorant. Just because someones gay doesnt mean their different people. I'm not for gay marriage and neither am I against. I personally think that people should do whatever makes them happy love is love and theres no denying that. I have some friends that are gay and I think that they should be able to get married to whom ever they please. Do I support their decisions? Yes! If he's happy why should people be able to stop that. People are so fixed on what the bible say but what they don't understand is that they sin everyday. At the end of the day God is the only one who determines what's right and what's wrong. However, I do not think people are born gay like some people say, but I do believe that it's a decision that the person make. Today, most people are gay because they're trying to fit in. I have several gay friends and most of them can't tell me why they chose to be what they are, but they are happy and you can't argue with what makes a person happy. Today's generation is just ignorant and you can't expect them to know any better. People just need to except it it's not their life.


English student said...

I honestly think there is no problem with same sex marriage to become legal. I believe everyone has the right to feel comfortable and secure with who they choose weather it be the same sex or not. I myself would not get into a relationship with someone of the same sex because I have read the bible and we do not go by that. But at the same time I will support anyone else who goes through it. I believe everyone has mixed feelings about this subject because a lot of people thinks its disgusting and not right but honestly if being with the same sex makes you happy then go for it. I think they should legalize gay marriage in more than just a couple states.

English student said...

im all for Gay marriage. i feel that if a person is happy, then let them be happy. of course GOD doesnt agree with it and it is a sin, but no sin is greater than the next. we all sin, so i dont see why people always bring that up about this issue. some people, a lot of them, are BORN gay. why should some one tell them what they can and cant do. i can only imagine how it would feel being born with female features, but inside i felt like a man.. it shouldnt b wrong if i wanted to be with another female. society is just so judgemental these days and its very unfortunate. i think gay marriage should be legal.
Kiara d