Monday, April 09, 2012

Racism in schools

Do you think there's no more racism in schools? Many kids are still getting in fights or segregating themselves from different races. How can we change something that's been going on for many years? Is there a way that we can cut down on the number of racial conflicts in schools? How do we create a future with less racism? If you think racism is no longer an issue in our schools, please explain why you think this way.

Brandan (Noon)


English student said...

We live in the 21st century, a century that is all about equality and equal rights. Do I believe (to some degree) that there is racism in schools? Absolutely. I personally feel that there is segregation due to a culture difference, however, and not because of the difference in skin color. Now I may very well be generalizing, but African Americans tend to do the same type of things, and Caucasians also tend to participate in the same type of activities. Total segregation would mean separate classes etc, and that is obviously not the case. Most of my social groups are extremely mixed, and not once have I seen or heard any type of racial slur at Parkland College.

The fact that we predominantly live in smaller towns can also be an issue. When you live in a populous area, there is typically an extremely diverse demographic. This eases the social stigmatism that is involved with racist behaviour. Smaller towns tend to have a lower diversity, and thus being of a different nationality/skin colour can make you a minority. The system is set up to promote minorities and all the right tools are in place to help with this. To anybody who is racist out there; we live in an era where there is a zero tolerance towards it, and you will indeed get what’s coming your way.

Zach Daniels

English student said...

Just because I don't see nor hear it doesn't means that there isn't any racism in the schools. By the grace of God me nor my kids have experienced it. Again that don't mean that it doesn't happen. The society that we live in today, is in to very much mixing the pot up. You see mixed couples all day long everywhere. Not only that, social circles are very much mixed nationalities. I don't feel there's nothing more we can do about racism, except make sure we educate our children and teach them not to be that way. Let them know that racism is wrong.

English student said...


English student said...

Is there still racism in schools? well I'm sure there is. But where i came from there is very little difference in race in my town of Tuscola. Back in my high school there were a few blacks and a few mexicans, but the majority of the school white. But there was no sign of racism between anyone. But I'm sure in other schools in larger city's that it is a problem. And really i don't think there is a way to get rid of it. Everybody has there own opinion about something. But really i think racism is stupid. We are all the same. Just because we all look different dosn't make us different than everybody else. We are all human.


English student said...

If there ever comes a time that racism is dead, it will be long in the future. True, we as a nation has become more accepting and less ignorant as a whole. However, there will always be those people who remain ignorant and refuse to change. Even if racism does die out, I still believe that people will tend to relate more to those that are the same ethnicity as themselves. A lot of it has to do with the way you were raised. Many cultures raise their children in different ways than other cultures. Although, I do believe that we should try to end racism just by becoming less ignorant and more tolerant of those who are different than you. It will be a difficult task, and racism may never be completely gone, but with time and effort from everyone, I do believe we can create a better world for everyone.
~Megan Strom

English student said...

There is racism everywhere you go. In your job, school, and your daily lives. I don't believe you can change it a whole lot due to kids being influence by their parents. Kids are mostly going to listen to their parents and are going to try make their mom and dad happy. So if Dad or Mom doesn't like such and such because of their race then that kid isn't going to like them either since they don't want to make their parents upset or disappointed in them. I don't think you can cut down on the number of racial conflicts in school unless you can show them that it can work by going through history and finding ways that it has worked. I think we have to have a positive influence by having kids get along in class to create a school with less racism. I just don't think that you can get rid of any racism in school.

Kyle Ogle (Noon)

English student said...

i think there is still some kind of racism in schools... the school that i want to was very heavily white. But that was mostly because the community is mostly white where i used to live. the only way i think that we can change things now is to teach children tolerance instead of intolerance. Because skin is skin, we should only judge people based on how they treat others, and their actions.

I have found that once a person goes to college they become exposed to a different kind of society and that sometimes has a huge effect on how they view different races. Where i went to school there was only two people who were black. it never bothered me. When i started class at Parkland i found that there were a lot more, and i am happy to be around in a place that has so much diversity. its comforting to knwo that we live in a world were we dont judge people based on their race. We work with every one as equals and i think that is great.

Sam Lehman

English student said...

I believe that there is still some racism in some schools. There are varying degrees of racism in different schools though. I think that where the school is located has a lot to do with how much racism there is. I know from example that the high school I came from had quite a bit of racism, and this was due to the fact that the school was located in the "country" and we didn't have much diversity. Very much unlike a school located in a bigger city that has diversity.

Unfortunately, I don't know if change will be very easy. There are a lot of stubborn people that are stuck in their ways. One way to cut down on conflict in schools would be to enforce punishments. To create a better future I think that more diversity needs to be shown to more people at younger ages. That way the racism is eliminated at younger ages.

Kevin Albers

English student said...

Do I believe that there is still racism in schools? Yes to some extent there is, and in today’s society it’s not so much about color anymore. Not saying that issue still isn’t around because it is but most children see everything in black and white color isn’t an issue to most. And if there are children that are somewhat racist I say it has to do with how they were brought up or the things they watch on TV. I think what is most common nowadays is what social class you are from or how much money your family has. Kids in schools today are judging each other on how they dress, or what phone they have, or what their family has. Racism is everywhere you go unfortunately. Will there ever be a day that everyone is equal no matter, probably not because there are still those ignorant people that can’t expect the fact that the world is changing and isn’t going to wait on anyone.

Caitlin Wakefield

English student said...

When I looked at the picture for this post, the first thing that came to my mind was that I agreed with it. I believe that no child is born being racist. This all comes from the way they are raised. For example, little kid do not know anything about this or how bad and hurtful racism can be; I met this little girl, which she was white, and she once was talking about African Americans in a way that surprised me. Then I asked her mother that why she talked and thought that way about African Americans, and she told me that it was all because her dad and the dads family were all like that; racist. I was shocked by the fact that there are still people in this world that are racist because since AI can remember, I have never been like that. At least I was raised to believe that no matter what we are all the same. The only way I see that this racism still going on could change is by parents not influencing their parents on racism so the generations can grow out of it. When I was in school for grammar or high school, we never had racial problems. We had fights and stuff but it was because of gangs. We actually had every type of nationalities being friends and talking to each other. Nowadays though, racism has been lowered. It can still be bad but now it is better. There are even people forming relationships based on the fact that they are different nationalities.

Angelita T. (8:00)

English student said...

I Believe racism exist but not in schools, for one we have a black president. we all have equal rights. its not like the 60's and 70's there are black congressman, black doctors in lawyers. recently, I went to the gym, I saw a group of kids playing, two white and two black it actually put a smile on my face to see kids come to and play i feel that racism will die completely. the number of inter-racial couples is growing no longer will there be one pure race. and I'm sure if the parent of that inter-racial will teach there child love and compassion for each and everyone.
another thing I think is bring us together is popular music. as hip hop expands it becoming more acceptable everywhere. in hip hop the N words is used and it not used for bigotry it's used as a term of endearment. so if people of other race can see it's used that way maybe they can learn to use it that way.

English student said...

I believe that there is still some racism in schools. There is and always will be. I do not really think that there is a way you can change the way that people think. I think people judge more on the fact of what kids wear, who they hang out with, and what they do. I think you see a lot more racism when it gets certain small little towns. They are just not used to new races in the town. I think we are all the same and there is no reason to be racist against someone. I do not feel that there's anything anyone can do because we all have our own opinions. Racism is everywhere but it is not as bad as it used to be.

English student said...

I believe racism will exist everywhere forever and will always be around as long as there are different racists. If we work together as a country we can help to make it better though. If we stand together as one and as American and stop judging people by there skin things would be a lot better. To help in schools i think it would have to start with the neighborhoods and at home first. I believe kids only act a reflect the things they hear and see around them. To create a better society with less racism we just have to come together as one and stop standing alone. Even though it still exist i don't think it is as bad as it once was and i can see and tell it is shifting towards a more positive view for the better.

Matthew W

English student said...

There is still racism in schools even if we do not like to see it. It is hard to say, but there will always be racism. Not just by color but by being gay also. We could try to work programs or have their parents teach them that it is wrong. Show children that it is not right to make fun of someone that are a different color, it could help a little. Most people surround themselves in the neighborhoods and cities were they think their children fit in the most. This is what causes some tension when someone of any race goes into a school that's not theirs it is hard for anyone. If we combine races together from young it maybe could stop most racism.
Alexis H (noon)

English student said...

I think there is racism to an extent but I think it is not the only factor. Just because kids of different races aren’t playing together or hanging out with each other doesn’t mean that one of the group is being racist. You have to take in to account that kids will hang out with those they have common interest with or other kids that they already know. One way these groups of kids can get to know the other is by having the teachers help. During group activities have the teacher pair up kids instead of them finding their own partner. That is really all the teachers can do other than dealing with fights as they happen because facility and staff at schools can only go so far before it becomes the parents responsibility, even though some people don’t like it if someone wants to raise their children a certain way that that is their right.

Ryan M.

English student said...

i think there is still racism in schools, but only to a certain extent. kids are too young to know about not liking another child because they are black or white, or because they are muslim or christian, etc. if a child is racist it is because of what they are learning at home or around other adults. i dont think it occurs as much amongst young kids...i just feel that they may just surround themselves with what they are comfortable with. they see someone who looks like them, so thats who they chose to play with. girls may chose to play with other girls over playing with boys. i dont think it has much to do with racism.

when you get to middle school and highschool, and college, then thats different. im sure there's more racism in those schools. luckily i havent experienced any.
Kiara D