Monday, April 09, 2012

Controversial Behavior in Kids Younger and Younger

Besides pregnancy, what type of behavior do you think is happening in kids in middle school and even elementary school? Do you notice a change in kids even just out in public? What do you think is a main cause for kids acting 'older' the younger and younger they are? Do you think parents play less of a role in kids' life nowadays leading to a change in behavior? Was there a certain point in time when you noticed a major change in behavior with most younger kids? Why do you think kids are developing more maturely younger and younger as the years go on? Is there a way to stop this or will it continue to be a downward spiral?

Bryanna (Noon)


English student said...

Great question, i would have to say yes to the parents playing less of a role in children s lives. It seems like all television adds, and magazines show children that older is better. If you look at children with cell phones, when we didn't have them or need them, technology is another reason for bad child behavior. It seems like parents have taken a back seat with child rearing, and discipline.

English student said...

I think that children are growing up faster predominantly due to the effect the media has on them. Kids are like sponges; they will absorb and copy anything they see, whether it’s their parents smoking a cigarette or a teen pregnancy show on MTV. Couple that with the fact that adult life is speeding up at an ever increasing pace, which in turn creates less time for children, and we have a problem on our hands. Technology is also an issue in my opinion. When children are not only influenced by their local environment, but by a worldly community, this can cause some issues.

Children should stay immature and be allowed to have fun, sure. But as culture changes, I’m not so sure that having more mature children is a bad thing. It could lead to more enthusiasm for education, for example. This in turn may fix more problems that it’s created. Food for thought….

Zach Daniels

English student said...

I think the change in kids i see, that they are more rude and they are given anything they want without working towards anything. I think the main cause is parents are trying to be the kids friend and not playing the parent role in the kids role. I think the reason why kids are acting "order" than they really are is because they think they know everything. The behavior of junior high kids when they were coming into high school acting as if they knew more than what you really did was when i first started noticing it. I think kids are developing more maturely because of the tv shows and not having the parenting around to show them what is right. I think it will just keep going downward until some parents grow up and stop being buddy buddy with their kids.

Kyle Ogle (Noon)

English student said...

I think that as the average age that girls are getting pregnant decreases, the amount of children that misbehave or act out increases. A lot of young parents are still maturing themselves, and I think that they could find it difficult to relate to, or even raise, their own children. Because these children are left to their own devices, they may not be taught how to act or proper manners. This leads to more children thinking that it is okay to act out and they are not being told what to do and what not to do. I've noticed that as time goes on, children have less and less knowledge on proper manners. Many kids are allowed to get away with things that are just not acceptable for children to be doing (such as cursing, acting out, etc.) I think that we as a society need to decide to better teach our youth manners, kindness, tolerance, etc. if we ever hope on making a change.
~Megan Strom

English student said...

Kids are more rude these days, I work with kids everyday and you either have the kids that listen or just completely disrespectful. I think kids just try to be cool, and in some cases all kids act older than what they are because they want to try to look more mature.I believe parents arent really paying attention to their kids lives. A lot of kids are able to do whatever they please without getting in any type of trouble which leads to the kids thinking they can do whatever they want or try anything they desire.Since i have a little brother i've always been able to tell the difference. I don't think there becoming more mature i just feel like there acting that way so they come off that way and get more respect. I think its going to go down hill because more parents are letting their kids do whatever they please without them laying out any discipline and more and more tv shows are showing bad behavior and making it look acceptable for kids to act that way.

Brandan McDaniel

English student said...

I would say that the reason kids are the way they are today is because they lack the discipline of their parents and watch they watch on TV. Kids copy everything they see because to them it’s what is right. They see all these violent video games or TV shows and to them it’s right. And it’s not just what they see on tv they copy their parents, whether it’s a parent smoking, or cussing, or having their first child at a young age. When you’re young and someone asked you what you wanted to be when you grow up, most answer with just like my mom and dad. The problem with kids today is also technology, for example cell phone, Facebook, and twitter. In my eyes there needs to be resections on children by their parents. Kids act the way they to because that’s how they were taught.

Caitlin Wakefield

English student said...
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English student said...

I would hope that not too much is happening in kids that are that young. Unfortunately, it seems as though kids are "growing up" a lot faster than they should be. I have noticed kids out in public acting much older than they are. I believe that the reason this is happening is partly due to how they were raised and how their peers are acting, and partly by the media and technology. I don't think that there is any way to stop this trend from happening, due to the fact that kids are affected by so many different elements.

Kevin Albers (Noon)

English student said...

I think what is happening to kids in schools is that they each come from a home that has parents or parent that is struggling with their own issues, which most of the time passing on to the children and then they bring their experiences into the classroom. What I have noticed in the public is the desire to get along, in any way possible, including the trend of wearing their pants everywhere expect on their waist.

I believe it to be the responsibility that most likely is being placed on them at home or the sort of atmosphere, their parents or parent are subjecting them to.

Yes, I believe that due to the economy and unemployment, which parents are more focus on trying to keep their roof over their family's head, a lot of the "family togetherness," is shorten or just stop to exist.

More so in poverty stricken areas, buy there are also, areas where the families with money, are distant because of the head of the households are trying to keep the money going and have less time to spend with their families.

Because society is now more of "discover who you are" and there are so many kids who are left struggling with "who are they?" There are more adults trying not to deal with reality and the kids are being force to deal with it, because it's gets down to survival mode for them.

To me until adults grow up and become more responsible for their actions, especially, have children and not taking care of them, this will continue to happen and the downward spiral will continue.

Linda H.

English student said...

From what I have seen, kids in middle school are acting older than their age. Specially, when I walk down the street all I see is little kids with an attitude like they rule. Some kids even think that by doing the things they do they look cool. For example, they smoke, start having relationships at such young age and even have sex. There are also, the kids who drink and treat their mothers bad. They pretty much do whatever they want without thinking of their actions too. I feel that the cause of this happening is that there are young teenagers having children and when they grow up they do not know how to take care of them. I see this a the fact that they can barely take care of themselves, what makes them think they can take care of a child they had. That I why kids do not take anything serious. There are kids who ay the excuse that they tell their parents that if they did it then why can’t they. Also, there are parents who do not even take care of their kids, they let them do anything and do pay attention to them. For example, the parent ays that he/she needs to work, especially if they are single parents. I think that I started noticing this change in kids in the beginning of this upcoming generation. Though, there are kids who look at the good side of things and mature at a younger age. Those kids might have had parents who paid attention to them more and influenced them to do better in life to either for their own good or because they were the only one who could help around the house which is most of money. I think that as things are going, younger and younger kids are getting into gangs and young girls are getting pregnant so in my point of view I think this will continue to be a downward spiral.

Angelita T. (8:00)

English student said...

Parents having less and less to do with their kids lives and future not having any guidance and being influenced mainly by media. They look up to these older celebrities living these unreal lives doing drugs all the time and partying but they don't understand their entertainers and get paid for it. Yes, i believe strongly what the kid does reflects strongly on how the parents or guardians are raising them. Basically i think the biggest step would be people having kids that haven't grown up themselves yet. They bring these kids in the world and not only are the unable to support them physically but also mentally. I believe this will get worse. It can stop but it isn't up to any person a people. We all have to change as a whole for this to be altered in the right way.

Matthew W

English student said...

I think a huge problem with students from elementary to middle school is they are seeing so much violence and bullying on TV and then acting on it without much punishment. The way society has changed in the last 10 years has added so many different ways for kids to be bullied in and out of school. With kids having cell phones or internet access at younger ages it is leading them to communicate more and out of sight of many adults. Kids don't want to tell an adult figure about this either, they dont want to be called more names or picked on more because they thought telling would help. Its sad to see how many young kids have taken their own lives due to the way they are being treated by kids around their same age. I also do not believe that children are maturing earlier, I think parents are just trusting them more than they should be at such young ages. I think that parents need to be more involved in the things they allow their kids to use or do. I think they should monitor the things that are said between text messages and also what they say online. I think the more they watch their own kids the less bullying that will go on. Teachers should also pay more attention at school to certain behaviors that show signs of bullying or being bullied.

Shelby F (noon)

English student said...

You hear many different things about middle and elementary schools kids. Drugs, sex, pregnancy, all different kinds of things, and you cannot believe that something so innocent is doing something so bad. At times you can tell how grown up they try to be or how bad they are even acting. Kids learn by everything they see, hear, touch, and feel. Older siblings, parents, or peers could demonstrate some of these actions and they feel like they need to be the same. Also technology has a huge part of this. They can look up so many different things on line on anything they want.
Alexis H (noon)

English student said...

There are a couple trends that I see in young children nowadays. A very prevalent one is that I see their attitudes constantly becoming worse. Kids are becoming more rude and disrespectful, especially to their parents. These attitudes probably come from exposure to similar ones in school, on tv, etc. However, I think a lot of the blame falls on the parents. I see a lot of parents in public who seem to simply not care how their children act, and seem to shut off the kids' disrespect for them. Lots of kids' behavior in public would not have been acceptable in the past, and for good reason. I don't know why it is modernly tolerated and I certainly wouldn't tolerate it with my own children.
Another trend I see is that kids are exposed to more and more inappropriate material as time goes on. They are hearing profanity everywhere, learning about sex and watching it on tv, accessing all kinds of raunchy material on the internet, including pornography, etc. I think this is a terrible epidemic and am not sure how it can be remedied, save by stricter monitoring by parents. It can have a lasting effect on children, lowering their moral standards and affect their decision-making in the future.
Trevor J. (10AM)

English student said...

kids are growing up wayy too fast now and days. i see a lot of children who are acting a lot more grown up than what they are. i often wonder where they are getting this behavior from...i dont like to jus point the fingers at the parents, because while that can be where the problem starts, there are many other sources as well. i see children trying to do grown up things such as ; smoking, using foul language, having sex, dressing inappropriately, etc. it's crazy because as a mother, i think how my kids will act when i am not around. i hope that they will use what ive taught them, and look at others a round them and chose to make the right decisions.
Kiara D