Thursday, April 06, 2006

Natasha's Survey Question

Are kids these days getting away with too much compared to ower generations?

Follow up Questions:
Do kids get properly punished when they've done wrong?Why or Why not?

Do parents feel that they will be percieved as bad parents if they give their kids proper punishment?
What do you feel is proper punishment?

Natasha Reynolds


English student said...

Yes I do think that they are getting away with too much. They say when you spare the rod you spoil the child. It doesn't make you a bad parent if you discipline your child, your child will appreciate the tough love you gave them, when they get older. It's in the bible to punish your child when they are wrong.

Ebonni Akins

English student said...

I do think that kids are getting away with more than they used to in previous generations. The knew parenting style seems to be to just ignore your children when they are throwing a fit, which isn't neccissarily wrong, but I see people all the time let their kids act completely inappropriate in public. They let them scream and run around, and they don't even attempt to control them. Older kids are getting away with more too because o fthe changes in our society. Kids are exposed to things at a much younger age, and some parents just seem to be following along with that. I don't think that kids should ever be spanked, but the parents need to let them know that they are in charge. If they don't do that at a young age their kids are just going to keep walking all over them.
Kendle Sherry

English student said...

Yes I think kids get away with murder because some kids play on the system against their parents or grandparents and i don't like it. Kids today are so spoil you can't tell them anything. I gave my youngest son tough love when he lived in Urbana, but all he would listen to was his mother from Chicago, and i had to send him back after four years, it was tearing up my second marriage. Now that he's all grown up good riddens. I still love him and my older son just from a distance.
Daryl V. Brown

English student said...

Yes! I think children in this generation are getting away with way to much. Parents are not teaching respect and responsibility to their children. The majority of the parents do not even tell their children NO; they humor them. I realize in public, you can't discipline your child because of the fear of being reported to DCFS, but most parents I know, do not even discipline at home. As for proper punishment, the punishment should fit the crime. For example, if the child acts up at the Dairy Queen, the child can stay home the next time there is a trip to the Dairy Queen. The parent can still bring home a treat because not going along on the trip is punishment enough.

Robbin R.

English student said...

I do think that kids now a days are getting away with too much. The parents today are not that strict on there kids like parents from back generations. Parents now a days only talk to there kids instead of disciplineing them when they do bad things or when they mess up.

English student said...

The fact that children today have more freedom than older generations is evident in the fact that children can now sue thier parents in a court of law.
I think that society as a whole is so opposed to child abuse that yes the line is now crossed to the other side. Who decides what abuse is: a politicaly motivated orginazation known as DCFS.
I do not belive that most children are being properly "punished". In that I do not believe that children's improper actions are being corrected in constructive ways. There are more ways to learn behavior than punishment. Both positive and negitive reinforcement are very effective, but yes as a last resort the "whoopin" is a justifiable standby as long as it is exercised within reason and explained to the child in an age appropriate manner.
Matt D.

English student said...

Yes they are getting by with way to much!!...Kids do not get punished correctly if they do wrong as todlers and younger children they deserve a smacking, and or spanking.....but now parents would get in trouble to do so, and thats not right, if the kid no's better he should not do so.

Britt Miller

English student said...

I think kids get away with a awful lot now adays. Every time I talked bad with parents I got punished. No, now adays parents are afraid to do to much to there kids because they are afriad it will effect them later in life, it could also effect the family if DCSF gets involved because someone spanked there kid. I think most parents talk a lot but in the end very little is done in the way of punishment. Take away something that means soemthing to them maybe TV or phones or don't let them out at night. David S.

English student said...

I think children these days are getting away with a lot more than children from older generations. I can remember my dad telling stories or his dad using fly swatters to punish him and his siblings when they got in trouble. He used to also tell us stories of the nuns in his schools flinging erasers across the room at kids to get their attention. Children from older generations for the most part behaved becuase they knew how serious the punishments would be.

I don't think children now get punished nearly enough for wrong things they have done. Society has changed and os have standards. For the most part you wouldnt see a parent back hand a child with a fly swatter..they usually send them to a time out chair..if that. And, I dont think parents today are as strict as they used to be. Most parents let their children act however htey want.

I think punishemnt is something that is established in the household. There is no "correct" way of's what parents believe in.

Tiffany Hartke

English student said...

I feel kids are getting away with to much. There are all these new laws about punishing our kids. These lawmakers don't know what goes on in every household, but they always have something to say about raising someone else's child.
You have to punish your child when it's necessary.

Tamika Newbern

English student said...

Kids get away with things today that when our grandparents were kids would have been a taboo. You cannot raise a child the way you were raised because no matter how hard you try, they can get into things and get ahold of things who didn't even know existed when you were their age. They can get drugs at school and look at porn on the internet. The only thing parents can do is try to teach their kids right from wrong, disipline as necessary and hope your child makes the right choices.

English student said...

Teresa Osterbur

English student said...

I think that kids these days do get away with way too much. I think that parents are a lot more lenient than they used to be back in the day. My dad always says stuff like "you know if I said that to my mother, I would be slapped across the face". My parents wouldn't ever consider slapping me, so it must be a lesson they learned from growing up. I think that parents do not really ever properly punish their children. They either do something too severe like ground them for months, or do nothing at all. I think you just have to get to know your kids and learn to what they will listen to. You have to compromise with them if you want them to listen to you.

Elizabeth Moody

English student said...

Yes, I do think that kids are getting away with to much these days. I'm 26 years old, and I would include my generation in this. Parents just don't have the time to watch their kids like they used to. Women used to stay at home to take care of the kids and household, but parents just can't afford to do that anymore. Now, their spending more time at work and less time with the family. I think public opinion also has a lot to do with it. Parents don't want to do something that might be considered bad parenting by others. Practically every form of punishment is controversial these days. I read in the news paper a few months ago about a girl who refused to do her homework so her parents made her stand on a street corner holding a sign that said " I refuse to do my homework, so my parents are preparing me for my future." Her parents stood there with her the entire time, but it still caused a major upset in the parenting comunity. I thought it was great. Instead of just grounding her like most parents would, they thought about a way to make the punishment unique. I don't think their is one form of proper punishment. Every child is different, and the parents just have to figure out what works best for their child.

Good Luck,
Valerie Myers

English student said...

I think children are getting away with way more than older generations. But times change and with that comes different standards. I think punishment is dependant on the parents, I have seen all types. Punishment is dependant on the type of behavior.

English student said...

Today many kids are taking are getting away with almost everything. If a kid does drugs or get in trouble in school. The parents don't care they would take action by either ground them or take way some special toy or gadget for a week or so. However the parents don't enforce the punishment, they just forget about and let it go. Today's kids get everything they want. I know from experience because my anut kids are so spoiled. They cry and cry until they get what they want and once they get it they forget all about it. My anut is welling to pay a large price for many toys. She even got her daughter a doll that doesn't do anything for 100 dollars and I was amaze that the doll didn't do anything.
They hardly get punish yet they drive my anut insane. A tpical punishment for them is either standing at the corner a some period of time. Her kids are so use to the corner that they don't mind. Punishment should be not harsh, but a punishment that kids will learn from.

Orlando Ontiveros

English student said...

I think that children get away with too much, today due to partly being influenced by society instilling in them that they are being abused, when they are simply being disciplined. Sometimes parents are afraid to discipline, because they can be investigated by agencies that will take your children if they feel they are being abused. I do still believe that children need the old fashion way of being disciplined, it worked for me and i think it would do the same for today's children. I also believe it depends on the situation, there are a lot of mental illnesses plaquing children today.

English student said...

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