Thursday, April 06, 2006


Should we have gone to Iraq? Why or why not? Should we still be in Iraq? Why or why not? If your answers differ than what has changed your opinion?

Richard Hon


English student said...

Phil Gould:

We had noble intentions! Unfortunately-plans go wrong! We should get the Iraqi gov't established and train their police. perhaps use some of our men to help out for a little longer-but i think that iraqi's will listen to their fellow iraqi's before they listen to the white men! It's partly a battle of muslim vs. christian. (unintentionally!)

English student said...

The war in Iraq is a ridiculous waste of resources and human life that, in the end, is going to accomplish no more than our efforts in Korea and Vietnam did. I agree with Ryan to an extent in that war has become too much of a game nowadays; if we have a reason to declare war on a country it should be a swift, deliberate response that doesn't leave any question about the outcome. The fiasco in Iraq had niether the clear reason for the action (Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11 despite the fact that almost half the country believes that he did... can we say propaganda?), nor a swift and definate outcome (mission most definately NOT accomplished). I really have no idea how we could pull out our troops there right now. The bad blood between Iraq and Iran still boils pretty hot, not to mention the internal strife between the factions vying for power within the country itself. Our Mr. Bush has gotten us into quite a pickle over in the middle east; maybe it's time to elect a president who has military command experience instead of another draft dodger.

James Koltz

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

I need not say anything. James sums it all up perfectly!

English student said...

In the beginning, I felt we should invade Iraq because of the weapons of mass destruction. I also think that Saddam had all the weapons hidden or transported out of the country. I realize that there was a major problem in the leadership of Iraq, but I feel America should not have gotten involved in trying to rebuild the country because there is not a solution. If Saddam is not charge, another person like Saddam will take over. It's the way the country has been for hundreds of years. There is just no way we can change the views and morals of a whole country. I also feel that since our troops are over there, they should be provided with top notch safety equipment, which they are NOT. Either protect our guys or bring them home.

Robbin R.

English student said...

I think that the war on iraq is crazy. They sent all of our troops over there to fight to get back at what the iraqi's did to us on 9-11. they should have just went over there and did what they had to do and left it at that.
Lakesha Spurlock

English student said...

Yes we should have gone to Iraq, b/c we are in need of oil and controlling them will help them to compermise with the U.S. and the fact we are "over there" to catch people who destroyed and attcked the twin towers....are we just supposed to let that go..?....NO!

English student said...

We seem to have alot of questions on Araq, from our English students this semester in 101. Like i said in my other writings in (John's)class--The war is really coming apart at the seem, our troops are getting killed for nothing as i see it. I'm a former soldier, an i don't support this war in no kind of way. We have reservist and national guards over there getting slauther besides the Navy. That only wanted a college education for the time they spent in the guard or reserve. They sure did not ask for this, thanks bush. Daryl Brown (John's) Night class (Mon.)

English student said...

Based on what I know, im not sure if we should have gone to Iraq or not because i don't know what the president knows, but i do believe that Bush was mislead with inaccurate information in some way or another. I do stand behind the president's decision and i think it's kind of bullshit that people critisize him so much as if they know how to be a better president. I understand that there is a rebuilding process after we have done what we did to Iraq, but i do disagree with us still being there because now it seems as if we will never leave there, and it doesn't make sense that after 3 years, U.S. soldiers are still dying in a place where people continue to kill each other off by car bombings and such b/c that's how they deal with problems.

Chason Sjuts

English student said...

I feel Bush had done his best, I have no problems with what our president has done. I think our going to Iraq has done some good, however I think we have along way to go. I wish it could be hurried up, but I feel our troops are doing what they can. I do feel we can't leave Iraq in the shape it is in, we still have alot of work left to do. And I think if we were to pull out now, it would lead to more chaos.

English student said...

We should not have gone to Iraq, because I don't think you can settle issues with violence. I think that money spent on us still being in Iraq, can be used to for a better cause, such as homelessness, working poor, health insurance, etc.

Beverly Burnside