Thursday, April 06, 2006

Sheriste's question on abortions

What do you really feel about abortion in today's society and would you have one or let your girlfriend or wife have one?


English student said...

I believe abortion in today's society is used for the wrong reasons. Although i am pro choice i believe women use abortion too much as a way out from responsibility. Yes i would let one of my friends or someone i know get an abortion as long as it were for the right reasons. When i say right reasons i mean being raped or not being able to fully take care of a child. If you know that you cant take care of a baby fullfilling all its needs than i think abortion might be an option to consider....leah perdue

English student said...

I think that medical professionals have made it too easy for women to have abortions. In some instances that may be a good thing because there are situations such as incest and endangerment to the mother or child that makes it easier to get an abortion legally. When it was not so popular women would go to back places that were not completely clean or sterile and risked there own lives to have this done. I believe it is the persons choice whether they want an abortion or not. I do think that they need to consider if they could put the child up for adoption or not so they could let a couple have a baby that could not have one otherwise. I don't think that I could actually have an abortion. There would have to be something extremely wrong with the child and then it would still be a very hard decision that I would have to pray about.
Nancy Byard

English student said...

My veiw on abortions from a mans point of veiw is that no man has the wright to tell a woman what she can or cant do with her body.

A no I wouldn't want my wife or girl freind to get an abortion, but if its that other girl thats another story. I'm just kidding Ha, Ha, Ha.

Gary Lawson

English student said...

I think with this country being so freely with options and making abortion a choice has made people in America look at it like candy. What I mean by that is if you were pregnant and didn't want it then you have the options of keeping it, adopting it, or aborting it. Instead of practicing safe sex and learning to be with one person. I honestly don't think I could do it, unless for medical reason.

English student said...

Hi, Sheriste. I feel bad about how the abortion issue has been sort of pushed aside over the last 10 years or so. Meanwhile, many unborn babies continue to be killed. I'm not sure how many abortions occur in the United States every year, but I just read one site that said this:

"In the year 2002, about 1.29 million women in the U.S. had abortions. In 1990, that number was 1.61 million."

Maybe the significant decline in the number of abortions in the United States has something to do with people not making a lot of noise about the issue anymore. But 1.29 million is still a bunch of abortions for a single year, especially to people like me, who think the number should be more like 1,000 or so.

The only cases that I think abortions are okay are when the mother's health is at high risk. In cases when the mother's health is at risk AND the baby is likely to have severe problems leading to a very short life or huge disabilities, I think the woman probably SHOULD have an abortion.

In most cases when the mother's health is not at high risk, I think it's wrong to have an abortion, and this includes cases of unwanted pregnancies caused by accident, rape, or incest. No matter how the baby got there, once it has been conceived its life is as valuable as another life, and to abort the life is murder, in my opinion.

John Wentworth

English student said...

I feel its used as a birth control more than an actual necessity like if it was known that the mother would not survive child birth, or being raped. But if its simply because one is not ready to be a parent then adoption should be the choice choosen not abortion. I believe people should have the right to choose, but i would not support an abortion for my girlfriend financially, i would not break up with her or treat her any different i'd just not give her the money for the procedure.
-Richard Hon

English student said...

Abortion to me means that it's that woman's choice on whether or not she should have one. A friend of mine had one, and I was right there standing by her side. She already had two kids and was barely making it, so abortion was her only option, and I respected that. When you go into a clinic its like a waiting room full of silence.I mean you hear people whispering to each other, but it feels cold. It takes about three hours of waiting and you go through some pschologists trying to ask you if this is what you really want to do, until it's time to go and do it. So that whole time your sitting there no telling what was going on in her mind. It was the longest three hours I have ever been through. I tried to keep conversation up and her mind off of thinking about it but you can't keep it out your mind because you are there, and you see others around you in the same situation. My bestfriend said that it was the hardest thing that she ever had to experience. I feel like if it's the only option for you then nobody should stop you.

April Steele

English student said...

I'm not fond of abortion! if it was my wife or girlfriend-I'd keep the kid before she had an abortion!
I'm waiting for a day when abortions don't have to be illegal, just people respecting each other's lives!


English student said...

I think abortion in today's society is too accepted. People are being careless about using birth control, then getting pregnant. It's no big deal to quite a few women because they know they can just go get an abortion. I am a female, but if I were a man, I would not want my wife or girlfriend to have an abortion. I do realize there are some men who feel like the woman trapped them by getting pregnant, but it's quite obvious that they were more than willing to have sex with them. However, I do feel strongly about having the right to have an abortion after a rape or molestation.

Robbin R.

English student said...

I dont believe in abortion. For the simple fact is having an abortion for the wrong reason are stupid. Some woman have abortions because they are in a bad relationship with someone and they dont to help take care of the baby so they have one. They other is if a woman has been raped. If i knew i was haveing a baby i would no way in hell abort that baby no matter what has happend to me, unless something is physically wrong and the doctor told me i had to then i would but if not that no way.
Lakesha Spurlock

English student said...

I feel that abortion is a right in this society. Considering the fact that by the basis of this society no one person can be forced to provide anything for another. This includes a womb. While I do NOT agree with abortion and certainly would do my best to keep my wife or girlfriend from having one, I would never presume to take away a right that someone else would wish to exercise.
I know this sounds cold but society would not require that I provide food and shelter to a homeless man that was deaf, dumb, blind even though he has no means to help himself. Why then in the context of this free society do we feel we have to right to force a woman to provide her womb for a baby she does not wish to have.
One man's garbage is another man's treasure. One man's moral crime is another man's religous belief. In this country we have so many differing opinions and cultures that we have a responsibility as a free society to take them all into account when legislating something. The cristain values to which I subscribe do not work for everyone.
Matt D.

English student said...

I do not agree with abortions at all.....well im not a controlling person so therefore i would allow my wife/or g/f to have one but i wouldnt no longer be with her or even consider to get back with her....and i would let her no that if she gets an abortion that i would no longer be in her life....

Britt Miller

English student said...

i believe that abortion is wrong, NO MATTER WHAT! a fetus is a living being and should be allowed to have a life like we were given. granted the number of abortions each year is decreasing slowly, but there are too many lifes put at risk in the process. If my girlfriend came up to me and spoke out of her beliefs and mentioned an abortion to me i would probably start yelling at her and make her feel like shit! if a woman is willing to kill a baby, then they should be able to take the verbal and mental abuse! I would hope that she would break down and cry... get her thoughts into perspective. i think that life is a very precious thing that too many people would rather ignore. believe that all beings deserve life, even if it means a small burden on the mothers life.

benjamin mckenna

English student said...

I have mixed feelings about the subject. In certain situations I think it should be illegal but in some instances it should be legal. I think it would be very hard to actually let someone I love have one.
David S.

English student said...

I personally am against abortion due to my knowledge of the bible. I have found from reading the bible that it is wrong to murder. One of the ten commands is "thou must not murder". As far as it depends upon me I would not let anyone have an abortion under no circumstances. Someone I know was about to have an abortion, and asked me to babysit her kids while she go to the doctor, but before leaving, told me what her real intentions were. I told her I'm glad you changed your mind. And i know she did not tell me in the beginning her real intentions because she knew my stand on the issue, and knew i would try to talk her out of it, but i'm glad she felt gilty enough to stop herself.

Beverly Burnside