Friday, April 13, 2012

Trayvon Martin's Case

As I'm sure everyone has heard of the Trayvon Martin case, I myself feel a little guilty because I've just recently started following the case yesterday. While watching Nancy Grace on TV, I saw that she asked the mother of Trayvon if she feels as if justice has been served and whether or not she (people in general) think the judicial system has failed over the years.

I just want to know some people's views of the case. Do yu think Zimmerman will get a fair trial? Do you think second degree murder is a tough sentence for him? I personally believe that he should have been charged with first degree murder with the death penalty as an option. I say this because of his background and the way people that know him have described him to be.

Tia (10:00)


English student said...

I think the most important thing is that George Zimmerman does receive a fair trial. The fact that it was a ‘racial’ shooting has sparked outrage all over the US, and this has caused a media feeding frenzy. The fact is, we don’t know the individuals involved personally so we have no idea what their characters are like. Trayvon may have been one of the neighborhood tyrants, or he may have been god’s gift to this earth. The fact is, we don’t know!

The Florida laws (the only things that should matter) are pretty clear on the subject. The controversial ‘Stand your ground’ law states that if a person feels like they need to protect themselves from GBH or even death, then deadly force may be used. There is absolutely no duty to retreat before using deadly force. Either way, the evidence in the trial will come out; I just hope the District Attorney doesn’t feel obliged to charge him because of the public’s perception on the case.

Zach Daniels

English student said...

I have not been following this case too much. I do not know what Trayvon or George Zimmerman were like as people but I do think that Zimmerman gets what he deserves. I have heard that Trayvon Martin did not have a weapon on him so I do not know why Zimmerman thought Trayvon was a "threat" to him. No one knows what really happened except for George Zimmerman so we will all just have to sit back and wait.

Shelby Walker

English student said...

Whether the accused is guilty or not, many a recent high-profile case has been decided long before it came to trial — by the media! One would think that truth and facts alone would decide innocence or guilt, but apparently an individual is considered guilty, or innocent, these days by virtue of a kangaroo court of public opinion alone.
Pretrial publicity, racial pressures and media pundits all play a major role. And when you add unfortunate statements by people in power who should know better, what real chance does anyone accused of a crime have? Guilty until proved innocent indeedGeorge Zimmerman has been arrested and now justice can begin. What happened that night will come out in the trial, and let’s hope that truth and justice will prevail.May the family of Trayvon Martin have a verdict that will bring them peace, although it will not bring their son back. But I do believe that this trial will bring up the issue of color and racial bigotry in America.The overarching issue in the Trayvon Martin case is what to do about the lethal combination of Stand Your Ground laws and the permissive licensing of permits to carry concealed weapons. Race and profiling are certainly relevant, but this confrontation should have never happened.
The other major concern here is whether an ordinary citizen who is victimized can receive equal justice in a vigilante society.

Shane Rasor 1000

English student said...

I think the whole case is disgusting this just shows how ignorant we are as humans. why cant we all just be peaceful and not worry about such things. George is obviously guilty and should be charged with first degree murder what he did is beyond words. the problem i see is why was he walking around with a gun for a neighborhood crime watch and why did he shoot a little boy for god sakes he is a little boy. the whole thing is just stupid and no matter color of skin it just shows humans and how disgusting they are

Xeromy Kaizad (8:00)

English student said...

What did Zimmerman think was going to happen eventually while "patrolling" his neighborhood with a pistol? While all of the facts of the case are certainly not out yet, there is one thing that stands out to me. The conversation with the girlfriend that Trayvon was having while Zimmerman was following him and the conversation the 911 operator had with Zimmerman where they clearly told him NOT to follow this individual. If he had backed off, Trayvon would have made it safely home. The other problem I have with this situation is that it takes this for people like Dr. Drew to realize that people have racist tendencies and people profile others every damn day! To all people other than white people, this is NOT NEW NEWS! NEWSFLASH....this has been going on for decades! I have biracial children, 3 boys. I have considered it a duty to my children to make SURE they understand that the police will never look at them like they are white. They are just as black as any black man is their eyes. I have seen this first hand with my oldest son. We live in a middle class residential neighborhood and since he was a teen, the police have questioned him and treated him like a criminal before a human. It is freaking disgusting! Zimmerman used more force than necessary in this situation in my opinion. If someone punches you in the face and you break their jaw, you are going to jail. This is an incident that occurred with a young man in our neighborhood. Someone at school tried to fight him and he broke the boys jaw. I dont know the legal term but the judge determined that he used more force in retaliation than was necessary. What "ground" was Zimmerman standing here? He was not approached at his home or his vehicle by anyone trying to harm him. I particullarly find Geraldo Rivera's comments about not wearing hoodies offensive and disgusting. It's like saying, hey, if you dont want to get pulled over by the police, dont put tint or rims on your car. Tint and rims are NOT illegal people. I have a cousin in Indiana who is a cop. It was a sad day for me when he told me that if you dont want to get his attention then dont stand out. What!? So we are all suppose to drive Prius and Accords? It is a way for police to control people out of fear and take away our freedoms and choices. I responded to this post last because I am most impassioned by the topic. It is real and it affects US every day of our lives. I wonder how white people would feel if blacks were running everything and they were getting pulled over because they were driving the wrong type of car or wearing the wrong clothes or listening to the wrong music?
Proudly and with eyes wide open,
Angela Cole

English student said...

I feel like Zimmerman should be charged with first degree murder. You can't shoot someone for being black at night. He was specificity told not to follow the boy and he did exactly just that. He did nothing wrong i almost feel as if it was a hate crime. And his record is there to haunt him just like everyone else. Even though he may claim what he claims he still shoot an innocent boy and killed someones son. Murder is never okay especially not when some paranoid fat fuck is rolling around the neighborhood with a gun. If he does not get the death penalty I'm sure he will get worse in prison. People in there who have life will have nothing better to do but give Zimmerman what he deserves. In my personal opinion he won't last a year in federal prison, and i don't know if he deserves to. What ever happens to him happens and hopefully he learned a lesson.

Ian 10:00

English student said...

I don't think Zimmerman will get a fair trial because it is on the news 24/7. I mean how is the jury suppose to have a clear and open mind on determining if Zimmerman is guilty or not guilty. I think the second degree murder charge is just fine because the only reason he wasn't charged with first degree murder because he didn't have malice for it or in other words plan to kill him.

Also just because he shot and killed someone doesn't mean he is a straight up murderer and has a past record. Mostly all murderers have a past record but that doesn't mean they get the death penalty.

Kyle Ogle (Noon)

English student said...

I was a little late on following the case myself. When i began watching the t.v specials and reading more about it, I was a little PISSED, but, I was not surprised. Here it is again, another young, BLACK, innocent male murdered for what?! solely because he is BLACK! As a mother of a Black male, I just hope and pray that he never has to experience such rascism. I cant believe they let Zimmerman on out bail! Murder in the 2nd degree?! HMPH.. I need to go out buy me a gun, ridde around the town, and FOLLOW after someone who looks suspcious... if ik i was able to get away with it, i sure would consider it (jk) but thats how it seems to be in this case, and it is SAD!
Kiara D