Friday, April 13, 2012

Over-Medication of Elderly


Do you think that doctors are over-medicating the elderly? Do they do it because family or other medical professionals suggest it? Is it a way for pharmacies to earn more money? Do you think nursing homes over-medicate? Under-medicate? Is over-medicating a way to control pain or behavioral issues? Do you think some elderly are being under-medicated, due to lack of communicating or ability to express feelings? What are the effects of getting the wrong medication? Dose of medication?
J.McWhorter (10:00)


English student said...

As a pre-med student (and someone who’s shadowed countless doctors) I know that being a doctor involves displaying the utmost integrity. I personally haven’t seen any over-medication; every question that I’ve asked in terms of medication has always been justifiable. On the other hand, the health industry is a business, and big companies are out there to make money. As I said from personal experience I haven’t seen any prescription of superfluous medication, but I can see why that may happen in some cases.

From my point of view, there may be two separate reasons behind it. The first would be from the business perspective. Companies want to make money and as a result of that, they will oversell. The other reason may be that families like their elderly relatives to be sedated as not to cause pain. I can certainly understand that, my grandpa passed away recently and I’m glad that he was sedated. His last few months may have been a lot different had he been in more pain.

Zach Daniels

English student said...

I have never thought about the elderly being under or over medicated. Many elderly people need the medications they are prescribed. My great grandmother is on a lot of medications but that is because she has type 2 diabetes severely and it does seem like she is on a lot of medicines but she needs them to stay alive. Also, it depends on what problems the elderly person may have. If an elderly person has a small problem and is on a lot of drugs than they may be over medicated a little but most of the elderly people need them to stay functioning properly.

Shelby Walker

English student said...

The elderly are absolutely over-medicated by a system that profits on people who fear dying. Yes, some medications help and some people need medications, but the medical profession is as much an art as it is a science and physicians often prescribe drugs simply as a last resort or because of their own uncertainties.

Yes,Overmedication of elderly patients serves several purposes for nursing homes. Patients who may struggle with memory problems, dementia, or other behavioral problems can be overmedicated so that they will not "cause trouble." In other cases, patients may be overmedicated simply so that the negligent staff of the nursing home will not have to bother with patients who are awake or mobile.In still other cases, patients may be overmedicated so that they cannot communicate their other abuses to visiting friends or family members. Nursing home patients may be overmedicated so that they can be taken advantage of - through nursing home physical abuse, nursing home verbal abuse, or nursing home sexual abuse. Staff members may even be using medication to take advantage of their patient's financially.

Taking the wrong medication can be dangerous or even deadly. Even if the medication is prescribed for you there could be allergy risks or negative interaction with other medications that cause severe symptoms.

Too little of a dosage could have adverse effects on your health, and will not treat your current disease or ailment. Prescribing too high of a dosage could also cause severe effects, injury or even death.

Shane Rasor 1000

English student said...

This idea didnt hit me till now great discussion question buy the way. yes i see my grandma and see the bag of pills she has to take each one of them doing something different at the same time that just sounds horrible as it is. the problem is half the time doctors don't know what is wrong with the patient and they just subscribe pills and medication that has nothing to do with the patients symptoms. i feel as though my grandmas getting overdosed and they funny thing is shes not getting any better so whats the point?

Xeromy Kaizad (8:00)

English student said...

Yes i do i think doctors and family members who don't feel like dealing with the elderly simply drug them to avoid certain types of behaviors. Some pharmacies might do it just to receive more money and doctors will do anything for more money in my opinion. I do feel like nursing homes are over medicated, my mom is a nurse and when i go to who work it is easy to tell who is on the meds and who isn't. Some elderly people have doses that would treat a horse and they continue to feed the elderly pills. Medication is suppose to be a way of controlling pain but especially with the elderly i think it is used to control behaviors more than pain. If the elderly doesn't have any type of insurance then sure they aren't getting the proper medication or the proper care. Getting the wrong medications or too much can make the person act crazy and out of character.

Ian 10:00

English student said...

I believe there is a lot of treating symptoms and lets throw another pill at this and see what happens. At the same time, doctors are very smart and are aware of how meds work for people. I have worked in a doctor's office giving direct patient care. Just because a drug rep comes in bringing lunch and pushing their newest product doesn't mean the doctor is getting any kickbacks for going with their products. He or she could give a crap less if they get another catered lunch from a certain drug rep. They care about their patients and whether or not the medication will work for them or not. I have also given direct patient care in a nursing home. I have not seen cases of over medication because their meds are coordinated. People not in healthcare facilities are the ones at greatest risk because seeing multiple doctors for multiple issues can cause medication issues. People need to make sure they are disclosing all their meds to their doctors and asking their pharmacist if any are not suppose to be taken with each other.
Angela Cole

English student said...

I don't think that the doctors are over-medicating the elderly. I think the doctor are trying to give them the best medication to keep to them living and being happy. I think they do it because both family and medical professional suggest it and too help them out.

I think nursing homes don't over medicate the elderly due to them just doing what they are told and their job. I believe that over-medicating is a way to control pain because some times the elderly are too sick and have a lot of pain so its helps them out. I feel the lack of communications is the reason why some elderly people are under-medicated.

The effects of the wrong medication can screw up your body pretty good if the medication is strong enough.

Kyle Ogle (Noon)

English student said...

I can't claim any real expertise on this matter, but I have spoken to a few people that come into contact with elderly people on an array of medication. I think it always seems to younger people that this level of medication is overkill, but the reality of it is I think a lot of it is necessary. Many elderly people have tons of health problems, including such as--Alzheimer's, memory-loss, constant aches and pains, etc. I know this from personal experience with my two grandmothers. A lot of health problems equals a lot of medication, especially since elderly people have less tolerance for pain. Certain medications, such as those meant to treat dementia, are also vital to the safety of elderly people. So from my experience, I wouldn't make the assumption that over-medication of the elderly is a widespread problem.
Trevor J. (10AM)

English student said...

Not being an elderly person, it's hard to form an opinion on the matter. However, I think it could be a strong possibility. My grandmother, for example, could be prescribed too many medications. I think part of it that doctors are trying to be overly cautious and want to put the elderly person on medications just in case. This way, they are covering all the bases and not seeming lazy. Medicating the elderly is a tricky thing to do. It just depends on what the elderly person is willing to take and what their family thinks is best for that person.
~Megan Strom

English student said...

No I don't believe that doctors are over medicating the elderly. They give the elderly what they need to help them not to harm them. A lot of older people really need the medicine they get prescribed. They need their medicines to keep them running pretty well. -Chelsea (10:00)

English student said...

i never really thought about this. but now that i have to comment on it, it is a good question. it does seem that many elderly people are prescribed a lot of medicine. i never understood why they had to take so many and if it really is needed. i dont think so though. i think the doctors prescribing them the medicine are just trying to avoid what is really wrong with them. i think that they are over medicated for sure!!
Kiara D