Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Is fast food really worth it?

How many times a week do you eat fast food? These days, more children under the age of 10 can identify any fast food character before they can identify any historical figure. Most adults are setting their kids up for health issues by taking them to fast food restaurants a couple times a week. Children get addicted to the sugar, caffiene, fat, and salt used in the food products. The more fast food you eat, the more weight you will gain. So, are your children gaining weight because of the food you are feeding them? As the children grow older, they will still be addicted to the products used in the so called "food." They will also more than likely develop health problems like heart disease or obesity, both of which can lead to a death from heart attacks.

What are your views on this? Do you think most (some) people eat way too much fast food? How often do you yourself eat at McDonalds, Burger King, KFC or other fast-food chains? More than 3x a week? More than 5x a week? Never?

Finally, do you have any idea which fast-food chains are the least healthy and which the most most healthy?

Macy Shupe (8:00)


English student said...

Most of the time i just eat at home but if im in town and hungry ill probably stop at McDonalds. As a child it felt like i was raised on fast food because it was in cheap and fast so its not that appealing to me anymore.

English student said...

Dylan (noon)

English student said...

I don't eat fast food everyday. The only time I eat fast food is maybe two or three times a month. I don't think I've even been to McDonalds in the past five months except maybe once.

I agree that some people eat way too much fast food. I think some people should limit how many times they have fast food a week. most of the people who eat too much fast food are the people who actually work at those fast food restaurants.

If your going to go to a fast food restaurant everyday then you should at least get a salad or fruit with a cheese burger and water instead of a cheeseburger and fries and a coke.

Hillary Moore

English student said...

Fast food is very bad for you. Children should not be raised on fast food because of later known health problems that it might cause. I dont eat fast food to often. Most of the time i will eat at home if i can. America is based on fastfood which should not be the case.


English student said...

I think fast food is gross. I mean yes it is nice and quick when you don't have time to cook a meal, but in the long run I think it will hurt you, like make you die earlier then you should. Fast food does make you fat. Trying to but this as nice as I can but being fat is gross, it also makes you more tired. I myself only eat fast food when all my friends are eating it like on a road trip. SO I eat like fast food 1 to 2 times a month. I mean I try to eat healthy but it is really hard. But overall fast food is not a healthy out put, but is nice for families in a hurry.


English student said...

um i think fast food can be a little to risky and that there should be a limit set on how much you eat because it can become so addicting and it taakes money out of your pocket.

Demario Jordan

English student said...

I prefer to eat at home because a home cooked meal tastes better, is cheaper, and is healthier. I do eat fast food from time to time, but that's just no my thing. I have a daughter who is 16 months old, and it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all if she didn't know what a Happy Meal was until she gets into school around other kids.

English student said...

I usually eat out once a week but I try to keep it at the sandwich shops to keep it a little healthier.

Children are raised on chicken nuggets and french fries. I fed my kids real food since they were babies b ut if we go out not they will likely go for some chicken nugget deal before they go for real food.

Look at the cafeteria here at school. The fast items are always cheese burgers and fries or chicken tenders and fries. On their behalf they do offer salads and fruit as well so the choice is ours.

I think the most unhealthy places are the ones that offer almost all fried foods like KFC and Long Johns Silver.

The healthier are the sandwich places but they can heap on the mayo so you have to make the choice yourself.

I think everyone has at least a little piece of ground to grow their own vegetables, yes even you in apartments can grow on the balcony. All you need is soil, sun, water and nutrients for the palnts to grow.

To me there is nothing more satisfying than growing and eating your own food. There are so many benifits from doing this. You are actually exercising while you do this and it is very relaxing to go and sit in the garden and pull food out (yes there is the weeding also) but overall it is a great feeling to do it yourself.

Get out of the restaurants and do it yourself!!! JUST DO IT to quote a phrase.

Jesse Hill 8:00

English student said...

I eat out entirely too much. Mine is a combination of not wanting to cook after working all day, and the convenience factor. I think bad fast food should be illegal. If the food is not addicting then I would argue that there are other addictions hidden in and around fast food. The fact that their always having games or contests. Also just the convienence of being able to drive to a window and get your dinner ( even though that dinner might not show any signs of decompostion after 6 months). Subway is really the only large chain fast food place where I would say if you choose the right foods it could be a healthier choice.

Jessica Ervin

English student said...

i do eat fast food but i really perfer to cook my own food i try not to eat fast food very often because it is very bad for you. i try not to eat fast food because i do not want to get into a habit of going there.

tyler farmer

English student said...

I do find it wrong to take your child to a fast food place more then once a week. It just shows to somebody that you are lazy and the only thing you're doing is giving your child a bigger risk to health problems at such a young age. I always see a long line of cars every morning when I pass all the fast food places because they are too lazy to make breakfast themselves at home or they don't ever want to wake up early enough to prepare something. I hardly ever go to a fast food place because I rather make my food and know what is in it and how long it has been sitting there for. If people would stop going to fast food places I do think it would reduce the health problem rates here in the U.S.

Jorge Lujano (8am)

English student said...

I found myself just last night in the drive thru at BK. This was the result of immediate hunger! I dont own a vehical so maybe like 3 times a month I will pull up to the drive thru. My daughter visits with her dad on the weekends and she always comes back with a new Happy Meal toy. He never cooks and is overweight. I consider the drive thru a luxury and not a need. It should be used with discression and avioded at all cost. My other children enjoy it when they can get it. They realize after the first mcnugget that they dont taste like real chicken and the french fries arent like the ones I make at home. I think that home cooking is the natural enemy of fast food! I didnt grow up in a home with alot of fast food on deck. Once, when my mother was working the telethon a WCIA she brought home egg mcmuffins and I thought that was the best tasting sandwich ever! That was the only time as a child I remember fast food in my house.


English student said...

fast food is the same thing as regular food its just made faster. whats the difference between a mcdonalds burger and a burger you might make at home? it takes longer to make and eat.

Chadd Bailey noon

English student said...

I eat alot of fast food in a week. I believe that fast food can be addicting and we as people in the twenty first century are so use to everything so convenient also and fast food is very convenient especially when you are hungry or in a rush. I think that subway is a healthy place to eat and mcdonalds along with some others are not a helthy place to eat.

sierra (noon)