Friday, November 05, 2010

punishment or child abuse?

Some people think it's alright to hit their child any kind of way to discipline them. Others say that there are a lot of disciplinary actions that you can do to let a child know that what they did was wrong. After disciplining them, you can tell them why they were wrong and why you chose the disciplinary action that you did and tell them what will happen to them if they do it again.

So do you think that punishing children by spanking them is all right? Is it okay to use a belt? When does discipline cross the line and become child abuse? How do you plan to discipline your children?

Sierra (noon)


English student said...

There is a difference between spanking and beating. There is a line that is not to be crossed. Beating a child is very bad to them and on you as a parent. Using a belt is beating that is never ok. Times now compared to oldern times are way different you can not use belts in this generation. The line is crossed when bruses are left and spanking becomes beating. Discipling a child can be as simple as taking a toy or somthing in value to them away.

English student said...

I belive that beating a child is not only illegal but moraly wrong. A child at a young age is a sponge and when you are abusing them they are taught that violents is the answer and it is also pushing them away from the parents because then they are affraid of the parents. There most deffinatly a fine line between spanking and beating. The line should never be croosed and in my mind if you are a loving part it will never be crossed. I beleive that you do not have to spank or hit your child in order to disaplin them.

Tyler Farmer

English student said...

I think we have come a long way in the way we raise our children. In no circumstance is it ok to use a belt to dicipline a child. I watched my best friend get abused as a child by his father and he used the belt, hand, switch, or whatever method he had at hand to beat Mike when he thought it was necessary. I raised two children and I think I spanked them each once in their lives. Once was a safety issue (he was running into traffice from a parking space) and the other was when my daughter punched my son in the belly. I thought they both deserved more than the "go to your room" approach. It is a lot easier to talk to a child and let them know what they did wrong and how it affects others than to get the belt out and beat the hell out of them because then the whole process is awash. They will remember how to dicipline their children in the same way.

Jesse 8:00

English student said...

I do not think that beating children should be legal. Yes, there are plenty of other ways you can show them that what they did was wrong. You can ground them for example. They are going to be more upset from not getting to participate in fun things with their friends rather than getting hit. Even though it will hurt them, being grounded lasts longer. You are also teaching them that hitting is okay. When they grow up they could be more likely to get in fights with others.

English student said...

I do believe it is okay to spank your child, however I do NOT believe in using anything but your hand. I believe it should be considered beating your child if you use anything other than your open hand. I believe parents who spank their child with a paddle or a switch should get the same punishment, but by someone who is just as big as they are. I know it wouldn't give the full effect as it does to a child but maybe it would help a little for the parent to understand what they are putting their child through. Also another thing to point out, a child's parent comes home (either one) and they are doing homework, playing, making dinner together all the "family" things. Then the other parent comes home and the house just feels taken over, now parents are screaming at each other toy are on the floor and the child see all this then gets a spanking with a belt because their toys are out. They are going to grow up thinking that it is okay to hit people, or yell at people.
Thysha 8:00

English student said...

I will never hit my children, my parents never hit me and I turned out fine. I was yelled at for doing wrong, which usually if I got yelled at or felt like I disappointed my parents or friends or anyone really I never did it again. I think that using punishment by spanking or hitting is the worst thing you can do. Punishing a kid by taking something away to stop them from doing something and letting them know what they have done wrong and why they are being punished is the right way of telling your kids that they shouldnt do what they have done is the best way to teach your children. In my Opinion.

Alex S. (8:00)

English student said...

When i was younger i used to get the belt but that was only on rare occasions. I think that when i become a parent i might spank my child but never something intense just a light smack.

Dylan (noon)

English student said...

Ok listen here. I got the belt and it DID NOT teach me violence, but it taught me right from wrong. I will spank my children that is if I have them. But By using your hand that hurts the person spanking them and what did the person spanking the person do wrong, they don't deserve pain. I am not saying children deserve pain, but a little reminder not to do it again is ok. The belt hurts more and made do what ever I did wrong again. Also there should never be marks or bruises on the child that is not ok.


English student said...

I don't think that anyone should hit a child, no matter how angry they may get. I think every parent should have a technique to get their child to behave rather that spanking them. Its alright to hit your child on the hand lightly just to let them know that they did something wrong but they should spank them hard.

When I was a child, when ever I would do something wrong my mom would always threaten to get the belt but never once did she hit me with it. Yes, she spanked every once in a while but she only spanked me on the bottom once to let me know that I was being bad.

The more you spank your child the more they are going to be afraid of you. Most people think that if they spank their child then they will behave better but the truth is they just become to afraid to do anything when they are growing up.

Hillary Moore

English student said...

If your child goes to the extent where he/she back talks and doesn't listen just telling them what they do wrong isn't going to help. Trust me, my 8 year old sister does that to my parents all the time and they don't do anything about it and it irritates me. All they do is tell her to go to her room where there is a TV, toys and everything she uses pretty much. I believe that you can spank a child when they start to act like spoiled brats. It's not going to work by just telling them they are wrong. For heaven sakes they are little kids do you really think they are going to listen to you? NO! Spanking is one thing, but when you get to the point where you don't quit hitting them then you are beating. You need to know when enough is enough.

Falynn Clow

English student said...

I plan to never tramatize my children the way I was as a child. I have an over all anxiety of hatred and violence with people. For some reason I have always been scared. I think it is because I was scared as a child. My father believed the only way to get anything done right with us kids was to scare us into behaving. In my opinion being scared isnt something your child should have to deal with too early or it ruins their level of anxiety for the rest of their lives. i think children should be taught, taught, and taught again and never ever hit unless its a lil swat on the hand, nothing too hard. Just like squirting the cat with water, you need to show the child they are misbehaving so they will not do it again, but there is no reason to take it beyond that.We are here to teach children not hinder their growing by making them frightened.

Jessica Ervin

English student said...

life is sometimes confusing well i should say people are confused because alot of people say all a child need is a good whoopin but then they say you shouldnt whoop your child i know definitly that theres a difference between whooping your child and abusing your child but me personally wouldnt whoop my child for no reason.

English student said...

I was spanked as a child. That ment a swat on the butt, not a belt or extention cord, a hand. Now as a mother I have had to learn ( the hardest way ever) that patience is a gift that should be used as much as possible. Young parents result to hitting because they have no patience. They also have to learn the skill in order to be in control of their actions. After my hard fall, I learned new ways of discipline. Immediate action is the key. Dont let the sun go down, what two year old will remember breaking a glass or biting another child. Then appropriate action, let the punishment fit the crime. If a mess was made clean it up. If you hit someone, go stand in the corner you need some time to think. Talking with children before and after the discipline helps to reinforce your stance. If you never tell them why they are in trouble then they are left wondering and soon forget. Finally, positive attitudes. When they do anything good let them know you noticed the good behavior and reward them for their kindness or citizenship. My faorite form of discipline is the corner it works from age 18 months to 18 years, kids hate it!


English student said...

Spanking has been a commonly practiced means of punishing and disciplining children in many cultures: "Spare the rod, spoil the child." However, countless children have been raised well without a single spanking. Moreover, we also do not condone spanking because the line between spanking and abuse can be too thin for many care givers.

Susie (noon)

English student said...

Discipline is different from punishment because it teaches children to learn from their mistakes rather than making them suffer for them. In fact, imposing suffering actually shifts the focus from the lesson that needs to be learned to who is in control. As a result, punishment focuses on the parent being responsible for controlling a child's behavior, rather than the child controlling his/her own behavior, which is the focus of discipline.

Jordan (noon)