Monday, November 20, 2006

Materialstic vs. Simplicity

Why are most Americans so greedy? Have we lost sight in what life is really supposed to be about? Or is being greedy and money-oriented okay if that's what makes you happy?
Are we too obsessed with money? Do you think money equals happiness? Why or why not?
Have Americans become too complicated? Why aren't the simple things enough anymore?
Why have we became so materialistic? Is it the entertainment industry's fault?
Thanks! Caitlin Parker


English student said...

I think most Americans aren't greedy really. I think that it starts at a very young age actually. I think that when you put your child into daycare and you see that another kid has on a certain kind of shoe, or jeans that you don't want your child going without them because you want them to fit into the crowd. I think this trend follows through until high school graduation, then even further into the working world where the value of the person can be associated by the Armani Suit, and a pair of Bacco Bucci shoes. Maybe that's why there is upper class, middle class, and poverty levels that we can almost immediately recognize certain traits. What kind of car they drive usually associates with what kind of job they have, what kind of house they live in, directly resulting from how much the people are worth. I sometimes think we only want what we don't have, until we get it, then we only want it because our friends want it and it gives a feeling of self-richeousness. We make things harder then they always are, it's our nature.


English student said...

I think Americans are greedy so they can just out do the next person that has something better then they do. i dont think that we are greedy, americans love to compete. If you have money to get something your really want, why not spend the money to get if its going to make you happy. But spending money to get something that you dont need is going alittle to far. I dont see nothign wrong with buying a pari of 150 dollar Jordans, it shows your taste adn judgmetn in fashion. But if you buy the Jordans for this price knowing that you need that money to last you for two weeknd then thats being greedy. we see things on televsion that we want; and if we have the money we go it. And i guess having people look at you and completement you on your state of fashion,or waht ever you got makes you fell real good.I dont think being to materialistic will ever change,its what we like, and fashiion is a big part of America today.

English student said...

Americans are greedy. If you look at yuppies, they are the ultimate consumers. And I mean CONSUMERS. They consume everything they can, and throw it away before it has lived out its usefulness. They see a new one, a better one, or their neighbor has a better one, so they have to get the latest and greatest whatchamacallit. I don't think materialistic people have a clue what life is really all about. Money does not make you happy. It can't buy love, and it cannot buy happiness. The only thing money is necessary for in today's world is survival. You have to have it to live these days. You have to pay rent or a mortgage, buy food, buy clothes, pay for transportation, etc. I think the media has had a huge part in this shift to consumerism. They portray impossibly great lives and impossibly great looks, as being the norm, when in fact, they are not. I think the media makes the average, normal person feel inadequate, and they think they are out of touch and out of tune with what's happening, when actually the concepts they portray are only another Hollywood special effect. Look at where a lot of that fluff comes from -- California. Having just come from California, I can tell you that the way they portray it and the people who live there, is not an entirely accurate depiction. Not everybody in California drives a nice car with rims! Not everyone in California has a perfect body! Not everyone in California is even good looking! And they CERTAINLY don't all live in mansions! The people and housing in California is just like any other place in the U.S. There are the haves and the have nots, and those are in the same proportions as the rest of the U.S. Hollywood, NY and other sources of media have brain-washed us into feeling the need to buy, buy, buy...

Stacie Carlson

English student said...

I don't think that all Americans are greedy. With that said, there are MANY people in this country who are greedy. Take a look at certain products that come out and they are sold out everywhere and people are willing to go onto ebay and pay thousands for a product they could've picked up in the store for a couple hundred dollars. Black Friday is a perfect example. Sure there are some good deals on that day that I can see people justifying going out and waiting for items. Other than that it almost is kind of pure greed. Money is what our society is based on. It used to be a more religious society and still is. It's turning towards a money greed society and we'll see in the coming years if that's the path we continue to take.

Dan Berger

English student said...

From Debra Porter:

I think that amerians are quite greedy--mainly based on what happens every year on Black Friday. (day after Thanksgiving.) Last year when I went out with my boyfriend and his family for this day, it was just terrible. Fights breaking out, people screaming. That's not that christmas is about. And then in 2004 I was working on this day and had to be at work at 5:45. The customers wouldn't let me through when I told them that I worked there, they thought I was just trying to get closer to the door. Eventually someone saw me and saved me from the madness. I think it's okay to be greedy to an extent. It just depends on the person. I know that for me, keeping up on fashion really isn't a problem, I just want to look nice. And I don't need to spend $50 just on an undershirt that no one will see to make myself feel good. But I know some people that feel the need to do this kind of buying. It makes me sick. Think of the other things we could spend our money on. We could donate it to the needy, who actually need money, and have probably been wearing the same 5 or 10 shirts for years. Think about that. The simple things in life make me happy enough without having to spend loads of money. Why can't it be like that for more people? I don't know why people have become so materialistic. It just some people's nature. I'll never understand it--I'm not like that.

English student said...

MOST Americans are very greedy. I went shopping on the day after Thanksgiving and it never ceases to amaze me how crazy everything is. There is no common curtasy(spelling) for the person in front of you and everyone is just rushing around, pushing and shoving to get to the stuff that they want. I remember looking at something on a shelf, and a person came up behind me and took it right in front of me. I didnt want the item, but the fact that their greed was more important than their manners? That is just sad.

I find myself getting more frusterated with the whole money situation myself. I get so wrapped up in how i can spend it and how far my money can stretch, that sometimes I feel like I am missing out on the good things in life. Life is supposed to be about fun and excitement, adventures with the people you love, and we have seemed to lose sight of that. I have to make a constant effort to make sure that money doesnt control my life.

We are being brought up that way though. The number one reason for a divorce is over money. Children see that money is tight in the family and then they get the thought in thier mind that if they have money someday that thier problems will be solved. That is not the case. As the kids enter Jr. and Sr. High School, they are forced to make a decision on what they want to do when they grow up. The first thing that everyone looks for is "what can I do that will make me the most money with the least amount of work to do?"

MONEY DOESNT EQUAL HAPPINESS. There are some families that dont have two dimes to rub together, but they are happier together then the billionare with no one to share it with. You need to find a passion that you love and do it with all your heart. I would rather be living in a dirt cheap apartment with my husband someday than to be rich and have to live alone.

It is a choice that everyone has to make for themselves. I will choose that my friends and family and all those I hold dear to my heart will be forever more important to me than money.

Bridgette Overmyer

English student said...

I hope that most americans are not greedy. I think it is just a snowballing effect of trying to keep up with the Joneses. If you need to have items--materialistic items--to be happy, then you also should spend some of that money on a shrink.

Money will never equal happiness.
Although give me some, and I'll try to disprove that statement..just kidding.

I do agree with your suggestion that the entertainment industry is partly at fault. I think that actors are far too overpaid. I also think that professional athletes are overpaid.

Thanks Pam Whisman

English student said...

I believe americans are so greedy because they want to get everything that they can't afford and they are worried about the littlest stuff. Yes i think everybody forgot why God really put us on this world for. yes we are to obessed with money we really wouldn't be able to function without money in our lives. No i dont think money equal happiness at all. To me without being happy then we shouldn't have money. even though money makes some people happy.

Edwidge Philizaire

English student said...

Americans are greedy because they know they can get what they want. It's like a child whose parents buy it whatever it wants... it wants more because it knows it can get it. We just don't see how unfortunate some other societies are, that they can't even afford some things we assume everyone has.
-Blake Diehl

English student said...

It does seems like Americans since most people live on the plastic card. Buy now--No Payments until next year! American are very materialist in my opinion. I see alot of new vehicles around and would bet they all arent paid for, the bank or loan company "owns" alot of vehicles in the parking lot outside. I believe alot of people are money-oriented, for the most part we spend as much as we make and spend even more with the help of the " Priceless" commercials. I'll pay for it tomorrow but I NEED it today. Do I think money buys happiness, No,But I have heard it can be rented :)
Have Americans become to complicated? Well I guess in my opinion we have become more complicated, however we spend more time with and using devices made to uncomplicate our lives, or supposedly so. Americans are very materialistic in my opinion, according to most people it takes both parents working (2 paychecks) to make it this world now most would say. Less materialistic items means it takes less monies to function. Now having said that I have to go get in my new LEXUS SUV named Maximus Gaseous and drive to my palacial estate as long as I dont get called on my cell phone or recieve an email on my wi-fi laptop on my home saying to go see a concert with tickets that are upwards of a hundred dollars each.
Dave Crain

English student said...

I think Americans are so greedy because everyone wants to try and out do their neighbor. Make it seem like i am better than you, most people will try and compete with someone else to show they have more money than you. I dont think all americans are greedy but a good part of Americans are. I dont think we have lost it per say, but it seems like that is what everyone focus's on more. If you are happy with your life, and that means you are greedy then its your life. If you can afford it, then why not spend it. I think some people are too obsessed with money because they will just buy and buy and buy things just to have. They might not even need it, but they still will spend it. I dont think it necessarily means happiness, but it does make things a lot easier becasue you dont have to worry about money problems and not being able to buy things for you and your family. I think it will only continue to get worse, more people will be earning more and more are buying more things. With the prices of everything going up, it will be hard to afford some things.

Stephanie Einck

English student said...

I think Americans are greedy because they are trying to out do others. I think we have lost sight in what life is really suppose to be like. I mean who cares if they have a nice car, the perfect haircut that costs $200, and things like that. You are suppose to enjoy life not have to have everything you see. I think that if you have money, why not spend it. I mean if you have the money to go out and buy a brand new car every year then go out and do it because that is what makes you happy. Life is suppose to be happy, and you are suppose to enjoy what you have. I do think that money equals happiness. I think this because if you have money you can go out and do a lot more with it go on trips, by what you want, and be happy doing it. Money = Happiness and you just got to deal with it. Simple things aren't enough anymore because we make everything complicated; we do this to ourselves, we cause stress and we cause sadness. Being materialistic is a sign of money and people think that if they have money, then they have friends and that is why now all of the kids have to have like abercrombie clothes, coach and or dooney and bourke purses; to fit in. No one wants to be left out in the cold.

Sonja Paul

English student said...

Why are most Americans so greedy? Have we lost sight in what life is really supposed to be about? Or is being greedy and money-oriented okay if that's what makes you happy?
Are we too obsessed with money? Do you think money equals happiness? Why or why not?
Have Americans become too complicated? Why aren't the simple things enough anymore?
Why have we became so materialistic? Is it the entertainment industry's fault?

I think Americans are greedy and much of it starts at a young age. Every parents wants the best for there kids, but sometimes they take it to far and spoil there kids constantly and don't know when to stop. The kids get so used to it they consider it to be normal and expect it all the time until there parents realize what they have done. Many people have lost sight of what is important in this lifetime and it certainly isn't how money and material possesions this person has compared to the person next to them. Some people say that we're just really competitive, well that completly untrue and just the nice way of saying it. I'm all for working harder than others to earn something, but there's a fine line between being greedy and competitive. I don't think money equals happiness, there are many people who have a lot fo money, but have never seem do enjoy the simple things in life. The simple things in life are enough, its just that are culture is changing so much around us and everybody is trying to adapt with it and there is pressure to have the best things and have money. For some reason if you don't have those things now, than a lot of people will look at you as weird or not as special as themselves.
Luke Brown