Monday, November 20, 2006

Immigration Situation

Are you aware of the current immigration laws in the United States? If so, do you support these laws? What is your opinion on immigrants coming to the United States? In your view, what are the advantages and disadvantages of declaring an amnesty for all illegal imigrants currently living in the United States? If you were President Bush, howwould you treat this issue? Is it a major issue of importance to our country? Or is it a minor issue that many people worry too much about?

Thanks for your comments!

Sam Mtunga


Alindine said...

I totally understand why America feels it has to protect its borders. Especially after 9/11, people would like to feel safe. BUT I also believe the only reason why there has been such an increase on illegal immigrants is because the laws have made it impossible for 'anybody' to come into America. Not everyone is a terrorist. And its unfortunate that innocent families that just want a chance at life... better education, health services and brighter futures have to be punished too. The laws seriously have to be looked into again concerning coming into and living in America. I don't think Americans have as such trouble getting/living in any country on this earth!

English student said...

Personally, I think that if someone wants to immigrate here to the U.S., they should do it legally. If I were to go to another country, I would do it legally. The only time I can see where this might not apply, is if the immigrant were escaping from a country where there was war or other atrocities happening, and they were trying to save themselves and/or their family. I understand their reasons for wanting to come here, because we have more opportunities than a lot of nations. I don't like that so many people have come here illegally, but if they are already here and perhaps have even had children who were born here, then maybe they should be given amnesty. I guess if they show that they have been working, and contributing to our society in some way, then they should be allowed to stay. If they came here and have been doing illegal things and commiting crimes, then let's deport them. You can't deport all illegal immigrants. Some have children who were born here, and as such, are American citizens. Deporting the parents would break up families, or the child may not be considered a citizen of the country you deport the family back to. Bush should address the issue of the people who are already here, the beef up the borders to stop other people from illegally coming here. They should be allowed to come here after doing it legally. Heck, maybe if the U.S. just annexed Mexico into a new set of states, we could fix the problems down there so there would be more room for people wanting to come to the U.S., and people from that region wouldn't want to leave. There's a reason so many people leave that area and come here. Maybe that problem should be resolved first.

Stacie Carlson

Unknown said...

WEll I agree that people who come into the country illegally would be reason to raise red flag cause youcan never be too sure of their intentions, but as has been stated previously, the U.S. immigration laws make it practically impossible for one tocome into the country unless they already have a lot of money somewhere. And then there is the case of those that do enter the country legally but U.S. law makes it impossible for them to settle or stay in the country, let alone work; what can we do about this? Should getting married or having a child be the only way of staying in the country even if someone came here legally? I say some reform on this issue is a neccesity.

English student said...

From Barb Beals:

I do support the current immigration laws. There are laws for amnesty in this country. My nanny was from Burkina Faso. She came to the US and claimed political amnesty because she was from Rwanda. Her Visa was good for 5 years before she had to re-apply. In May she committed suicide in my home while watching my then 17 1/2 month old son. I was gone for two hours and came back to find her in a pool of her own blood in my living room. I was investigated by the International Rescue commission, the FBI, as well as the local detectives. I don't know what caused her to do it; she was good to me and my son; in turn I was good to her. To find her in my floor with my infant in the same room with her was a huge slap in the face, not to mention the cost of a biohazard clean-up. If I knew that she was that unhappy I would have done what it took to change it. Immigrants need to realize that maybe the grass isn't always greener. Maybe if they aren't happy where they live it's only their fault. I think it's a travesty to go through what I have trying to help her. I'll end this by saying that Immigrants should stay in their own countries because after all, that's where all of OUR jobs are going anyway.

English student said...

From Debra Porter

I'm not 100% familiar with the immigration laws, but I do know that there are way to many illegal immigrants in this country. I am not racist, but members of my family are, so when they see someone from mexican that would have a high chance of being an illegal immigrant, they make rude comments. I don't appreciate the rude comments, but I also don't appreciate them being in this country. There are way too many illegal immigrants in this country, and not enough things being done to find them and get them out. I don't think that there should be an amnesty, they are illegal immigrants, they shouldn't be here, so why should we let them stay? If I were Pres. Bush I would this issue in the ways I have discussed. I believe this is a MAJOR issue in our country, and note enough is being done to fix it.

English student said...

I think the laws we have about immigration are good. One thing to realize is that tons of immigrants that are coming into the country illegally are not paying taxes. they have no social security, and it's a detriment to our society. They're also taking american jobs, and since in alot of cases we're outsourcing jobs to THEIR countries... our jobs are becoming fewer. Homeland security is also an issue to concider. We are trying to be careful who we let in the country, legal or illegal.

English student said...

I don't really know much about this issue, but I will try my best to give an opinion. I am kind of caught between here. I mean they come to America because of freedom, and they want to get away from their country to have a better life. I feel bad for them, as long as they aren't gong to hurt anyone, I don't see why not. That is why America is supposed to be such a great place. Then again there is a problem with the whole job thing. There are some legal residents in American that can't get a job anywhere, but yet even though they are illegl, they still have a job somewhere. So It's kind of an issue to worry about, also because of over population, but yet everyone should be able to obtain a better life for themselves.
Caitlin Parker

English student said...

No, sorry, I am not aware of immigration laws. But I do believe that at some point--except for the American Indians, we were all immigrants.

If people want to immigrate, and pay taxes like everone else..let them in. But I do not think they should be given any special priveledges--like reduced costs at school, or a free ride. If they want to go to school, they should pay like anyone else.

I also think that they should pay taxes on groceries and goods, like all citizens.

If I were President Bush I would screw it up, like everything else I do. HA HA HA.

I think it is an issue with alot of people, so it is an issue that needs to be looked at.

Pam Whisman

English student said...

I guess I am not up on the laws since 9/11 on immigration but I agree with Pam that we all immigrated here at some point in our bloodlines all except for the American Indians.
It does seem like sometimes that immigrants tend to get better breaks on business start ups and such. I guess I also agree with Pam's point about a level playing field for all as far as taxes and the like. Since 9/11 racism towards some people of color has increased it seems.
Dave Crain

Unknown said...

Could someone please google the unemployment rate for the United states, and when they are done, could they also do a google search on the lowest unemployment rate in the world? Who says "illegal immigrants" take all the jobs in America? Should one be punished for their undetourable desire to work whatever job falls their way? And though there may be a certain group in soceity that is not subject to taxes, the majority of immigrants working illegaly in this country pay taxes that they never claim back. The government makes billions of dollars in excess from unclaimed taxes every year. don't you think they know who is who and if they really wanted to get rid of all illegal workers they would? But they don't, because these same immigrants contribute more to this country than you can ever imagine and this "Great" nation/economy would fall to it's knees without immigrants.

English student said...

Im not really sure of the immigrations laws today. I dont really have a problem with the immigrants coming to America, as long as they get registerd and arent gonna start more terriorsim and stuff. I dont like the fact that there are many illegal immigrants around, i think it is getting a little out of control and something needs to be done in order to insure safety in America. If they are registerd and everyhing then that is ok, but when they just come over illegaly is when things start to get out of control.

Stephanie Einck

English student said...

I'm not too aware of the immigration laws in the U.S. I'm not an immigrant so I don't think i need to know them...i guess. I don't think there is a problem with the immigrates coming here, but they have to work and get treated equal. I hate the immigrates that come over here and want speical treatment because they are different. That really makes me mad. This is our country and get treated equal and if they are coming over here to get treated better than us; then they aren't welcomed by me. I think we are getting too many immigrates. They are overtaking our country and they love it. I think that Bush should limit the immigrates that come over in a year; like having a waiting list. You have to be on that and know how to speak english fulent, know how to drive correcty, and know that you have to get a job and make a living and not use the money we pay to live. That isn't fair to us. Sorry i don't know too much about this topic, but I do know that i dont' have a problem with them if they don't use us Americans.

Sonja Paul

English student said...

I am not aware of the laws currently being debated. However, I do feel that this is an important issue that needs to be addressed. I also want to preface that I do understand that someone in all of our families was an immigrant at some point. With that being said, it brings us to our current situation in this country. In an ideal world everyone could be let in and afforded the right to earn their own way, but unfortunately we don't live in an ideal world. There is a limited amount of jobs in this country and for our own sake and well being there has to be some sort of rules and guidelines to control the flow of people into this country. As for the people that are already in this country illegally they should not JUST be given a free ride in because they are already here. I'm up to date on the current immigration laws but I do feel that there should be regulation on immigration.
Emily Chittick

English student said...

I'm not too up to date on the whole immigration situation but I do know that they are taking a lot of jobs because they will work for cheap. I really do think we need to come up with a system to stop illegal immigrants from coming to U.S. because they come over here and have their babies here so that their babies are U.S. citizens with rights that cannot be taken away...I should probably do a little more reasearch though because I not really up to speed.