Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Abortion--keep it legal?

How many total abortions do teenagers have annually? Should abortions be illegal? Why/why not? In what cases should abortions remain legal? When are abortions murder?  After multiple abortions, can a woman still have babies? After a woman has a certain number of abortions, should she be forced to have her baby? Should she be sterilized? How many abortions is too many? Can a woman die during an abortion? How often does this happen? What do you think about Obama legalizing abortions?

You don't need to answer all of these questions, but please answer the ones that interest you most. Thanks!



English student said...

Ultimately I think that abortion is wrong however I also realize that there are rare situations in which an abortion is the best. Risk of death to the mother or death to the baby shorty after birth. There is no reason Danielle Deavers had to go through what she did but because of a law she was forced to watch her baby die. Was it fair for Elizabeth to gasp for air for 15 minutes knowing that nothing could be done for her? No! Could her parents have been spared this pain? Yes!
Rebecca Spellmeyer

English student said...

I come from a very religious family, and they did not believe in abortions. I was always taught that it was wrong, and I also believed in it too. As I grew into adult hood, I realized that there are factors that abortions would be acceptable, like rape, and teenage pregnancy. That’s my personal opinion. I know a girl that was taking birth control, and is in the army reserves, so on the weekends she would travel to do training. Well, this particular weekend she went for training they did a physical, and she found out she was pregnant. She was in shock, and she had been taking birth control. So, she made a decision to get an abortion. I congratulated her only because, she is only twenty-one with a career, two jobs, and she would have been a single parent. I do think that abortions should be legal because, it is the person that should decide if they want to have children. Not the world, because the world is not going to help take care of them. Although, I know people that had many abortions without any problems, however it’s always a possibility of complications. I think Obama should legalize abortions.


English student said...

I think the legalization of abortions is completely okay for people to think that they need to kill a baby in order to get on with their lives. I understand that sometimes when there is a risk of death to the mother or the baby an abortion should be an option but when people go and kill a baby because they don't want to have the responsibility of giving birth to a baby or raising a baby, then don't have sex. It seems as though that people think that if you put a piece of rubber over a penis that it will guaranteed that the woman will not get pregnant. Well that's not the case. It is in a persons right to have sex and to also allow a baby to be aborted. Do I think it is right? No. I think couples should take responsiblity for their actions if they are going to have a baby, even if it is at a bad time of the couples life. Now when you talk about aborting a baby because of the risk of death by the mother or baby, then that's a different story. All sides of the idea of aborting a child should be considered in this case.


English student said...

Abortion is indeed bad, in fact, it is a sin to kill a life. No one has the right to take away a unborn baby’s life. However, under certain circumstances or helplessness a girl does abort’s her child. In such situations, I think abortion is the best solution. Such situation include, risk for the mother, rape, or unnatural death to the baby. I personally think abortion is not, but the decision of aborting a baby is only up the mother. So, I think abortion should be legal.


English student said...

I think you should be allowed to screen fetuses for FATAL diseases. If the infant is going to DIE very young (and there is no cure or way to prolong life without suffering), then why put them through that trauma? Giving them a fleeting glimpse of life before they suffer and pass away is just plain wrong. However, you should only act if the child has a HIGH chance of catching the disease (chances that are 94 and up). If you only have a ten percent chance for them to catch the disease then you should be fine and the baby should be born healthy and happy.
Now, if a woman keeps going back for abortion after abortion, then she needs to be sterilized. Because, if she keeps destroying her future children then she obviously doesn’t want them and it’ll simplify the problem to just eliminate her ability to have kids altogether. Yet, I know that pregnancy can be hard on a woman’s body (we studied it very closely just last year), and the woman would be frustrated to carry a baby she does not want. But she can always give the poor child up for adoption because there are families everywhere who are struggling to have kids and want a baby desperately.

Yet if someone is raped and gets pregnant, we should not yell at them for wanting to give the baby away or terminate the pregnancy. Besides, they have been through enough.(They should still research and try to find other options however.)

Lauren Smith

English student said...

I know women who have had a, or multiple, abortions. These ladies are still alive, and experienced no consequences other than the price of the operation. The operations all took place just a few weeks into their pregnancies, which, if it's going to happen, is the ideal time for it happen(far before the child is really developped at all.) I also know a woman who was ready to, and has intentionally raised three children; actually having those children caused her to have health problems, and she can no longer have children.

To have a child, the ones who raise it MUST be doing well financially, well enough to support not only themselves, but the child as well. We're talking about quite a large sum of money here. Not only that, but the parent(s) head has to be in it as well; dollar bills won't raise a child solo. As stated earlier, abortions generally take place way before the child is developped in any real sense, and obviously way before it is born. In my opinion, abortion eliminates a lot of problems for not only the parents who aren't ready or aren't willing, or both, but also, sadly enough, probably even the aborted child in many cases. Our world is undoubtedly overpopulated, and if people who believe that they shouldn't be having a child figure this fact out a couple short weeks after conception, abortion seems fine to me.


English student said...

Abortion in my eyes is indeed wrong. That is just the way I was brought up. However you cant deny the fact that in certain situations one will resort to abortion with any unwanted pregnancy. But besides the fact that bad things happen like rape and STDs, it is truly the woman's right to decide.Except with married people. To get an abortion when married without both agreeing is just selfish. Those decisions are made together once married! Yes it may have been from an irresponsible mistake like unprotected sex. It is still the woman's right to do as she please.When it all comes down to it she will be the one to bear it all and have this dramatic life style change. Alone!


English student said...

According to the Guttmacher Institute, there were 1.2 million abortions in 2008 and 17% were for teenagers. This is reported as the lowest rate since 1972 due to increased access to contraceptives. I personally feel that abortions aren’t murders, and should be an option. For example, it should be an option for rape victims. I also believe it should be an option for individuals who are caught off guard by the pregnancy and are unable to take care of the child. There are health risks and yes, a woman can die during an abortion. I don’t believe in forced sterilization. That’s going too far.
I think Obama legalizing abortions is a grand thing, just as long as regulations are put in place. I don’t think about this on a daily basis, considering that I am a guy. I honestly think that guys should stay out of this one, and leave it to the ladies. Considering that they are the ones who have to deal with the whole wonder of childbirth.


English student said...

Wow, I just looked at the number of abortions in our country—it is extremely high. Each year there are a little over 1 million abortions, since 2008 there has been 5 million abortions. Abortion may be a good thing, or else our population would become uncontrolled. If a woman does not want a kid, then she should abort it. It’s not really murder since the baby hasn’t fully developed. Is it murder to pull the plug on a person that is brain dead? You can debate that it is, but the truth is that it doesn’t hurt anyone. Does it hurt the fetus? No, it does not even have a functional brain to realize pain. Not only that, you have to think about the baby that was born. Will the kid live in an environment where they are wanted? What if that child suffers and it was better if they were dead? Why cause so much suffering if there was a solution such as abortion?

Oh sorry, I didn’t fully read the first question, didn’t see the part that said teenagers haha. Women aged 20-29 had the highest amount of abortions, which kind of surprised me. But running in second place are teenagers, which is still a lot. I’m sure maybe 1% of those teens are able to raise the kid together but the rest of them are probably punks—punks should not raise kids.


English student said...

Abortion is a touchy subject but I think it should be legal. Although I would like to say I am firmly against abortion. The truth is that I don't believe a child should be subjected to being raised by a people who cannot or don't want to take care of them. A problem already exists in this country of people going overseas to adopt children so making abortion illegal would create many more orphans domestically.
Also economically if you don't allow people who cannot afford to have children to have an abortion, the burden of financial supporting that child will fall on everyone else. I think instead we should teach people about contraceptives, although they don't work 100 percent of the time, many work 98 percent of the time so if properly used it's not that hard not to get pregnant.


English student said...

I believe that everyone has the right to make thier own judgement on abortions. Some cases are different than others.

English student said...

abortion should only be use in a situation where the mother is at a serious risk of death or medical complications, besides that i feel as if you are able to lay there and get pregnant then you can take care of that child.if you feel that you cant prosper in you life with a baby in it then you shouldn't have had unprotected sex, knowing that you didn't want this child.so do i think it should be kept legal the answer is no.
-Christopher Hodges

English student said...

It should be up to the mother whether or not to have an abortion. Legalizing them is just another suggestion of saying that. Sure, if you didn't want the baby you shouldn't have had unprotected sex, but some people take the pill or use protection and it still doesn't work.


English student said...

I am very, very pro-choice. I believe it is every woman's right to choose whether they want to follow through with a pregnancy. If I ever mistakenly got pregnant and someone told me that I had to have a baby even though I wasn't ready (both financially and just mentally) I would say a big FUCK YOU and get an abortion anYway. Now, I am by no means a fan of women who use abortion as a form of birth control but if an accident occurs it is your body and you can and should be able to do what you want about it.


English student said...

Yes, a thousand times yes, we have to keep abortion legal. A peer of mine was raped at the age of fifteen at the age sixteen she was expecting twins. Her alcolhoic mother and abusive penitentiary bond father didn't like that and kicked her out. With no support or positive direction the last thing she needed, hell the last thing the world needs, is another mouth to feed. Why must people be forced to have a child and who do people think they are for making them do it. Your not raising the kid, your not involved, whats it matter to you if i cant give this child the necessities to live but you make me bring into a horrible world to live a life its going to hate and probably not succeed in. It's not your life, your child, your vagina,your pain, your embarrassment and therefore not your decision as to what they do with that kid. and for the religious people who say life is sacred and its an attack on god to abort, isn't being dead mean you go to heaven. and if you believe aborted babies go to hell cause they weren't baptized then why are you praying to such a jerk, i mean he knows the babies going to be aborted, hes all knowing right, so he sends it to hell before experiencing life, that's just twisted.

English student said...

Since 1973, there have been 50 million abortions in the United States. Each year, there are approximately 1.21 million abortions. That is about 3,322 abortions per day. Do I think abortions should be illegal? No. Why? I don’t think they should be illegal because I think a person, a woman especially, has a right to her own body, and a choice. What most people don’t understand is that abortions take place, and are only legal, in the first trimester of a pregnancy. Did you even know that you aren’t really pregnant until about week three of your pregnancy? It’s weird, but research it, you’ll see. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/prenatal-care/PR00112
During week three is when all this sweet magic starts to happen of eggs and sperm combining to make a zygote—not a baby. At week four this little zygote turns into an embryo—so it’s still not a baby, so if you still want to get an abortion, feel free because you’re not killing anybody, yet. Week five is when the brain, organs, and spinal cord begin to form, but they aren’t fully developed yet because by the end of the week this little embryo is the maybe the size of the tip of a pen. Week six is when the “baby’s” heart begins to pump blood, and it takes the shape of a C. Week seven=brain and face start developing…By the 12th week of pregnancy, or the end of your first trimester, you should really have already made up your mind about keeping a baby or not, if not, your baby is developing fingernails, and a human profile. By this time, it’s about too late for an abortion. People can die from anything, so yes they can die from abortions. They can die from them because they can bleed to death—which happens to be the case most of the time—or doctors can just botch the procedure. Just read through that website link I pasted on here, and maybe you’ll understand where I’m coming from; if not, it’s ultimately my opinion.
