Monday, July 02, 2012


  • Do you think Americans should focus on adopting children only from America since there are so many who need homes?

  •  Is it okay to adopt from other countries since those children need homes too? -- or should that be the other countries' problem?

  •  Does it matter where children are adopted from as long as they are given a good home since the focus should be on the children?

  • Will it affect the child to be adopted into a family that is of a different denomination?

  • Should there be certain requirements to adopt a child? 

Thank you for your thoughts!



English student said...

Adoption is a wonderful idea without it I would not have a family. Foster parents are very special people and I still am in contact with my previous foster family who was not able to adopt me.
Many people do not understand that overseas adoptions are very expensive and difficult. A matter of fact a couple was recently jailed during an overseas adoption accused of trafficking the children(
Regardless of where the child comes from adoption gives them the chance to have the family they never had. Rebecca S

English student said...

Adopting a child who has no family is one of the kindest things you can do for someone. Whether they come from the US or China or Africa does not matter, even though we should adopt children from the US a little more so than it seems that we are doing, so that we can help out those from our own homes. Adoption can be something wonderful, as long as both parties agree to it and are kind to each other. As well, you need to make sure the agency you use is not only one that is credible, but also one who's only goal is to help children in need.

Lauren Smith

English student said...

I don't believe it matters where the children are from. If you're willing to take a child in and raise it as your own, giving it a better life than he/she would have otherwise, that is all that really matters. Addison

English student said...

Personally I think if a stable, responsible couple want to adopt they should have the ability to adopt whatever kind of kid that they want. Whether that child is from the U.S. or from some other country. If there was an Asian couple I would assume they would want to have an Asian kid but then again that is their decision. As long as the kid is an orphan I think the main idea is to get the child into a good, stable environment to grow up in.


English student said...

Adoption is I think the noblest thing one can do. I don’t it matter where you adopt a baby from, as long as you can the baby a good home and a good future. If one wants to adopt a child from certain place than I would definitely encourage one to adopt a child from poor or undeveloped countries, such as Haiti, Guatemala, Bangladesh, and so on. The reason behind this is that such orphan houses in such countries would not be able to give children good life, but orphan houses in rich and developed countries, such as, America, Canada, and England and so on, would be able to orphans better future and life.


English student said...

I think adoption should only be for people that are unable to have children but really want one. I am not adopted so I do not have an actual opinion on concerns like where they are from or how many there are. But I want to talk about the institution of orphanages. Rather than giving children to families, I think children should just stay in an orphanage and try to take care of each other, like a family. They are already in a strange environment but the people around them will have similar backgrounds so they can relate. But if you constantly send them off to different environments and expose them to strangers, it may have a negative impact on them. Becoming a large family in an orphanage seems like the best option since it does not matter where they are from, they are all related. This way, they can become something like a pseudo-family and take care of each other. I only say this because I cannot relate to an orphan and do not know many adopted kids.


English student said...

I think that it should be the person that is adopting decision.


English student said...


Don't you think it's critical to have parent's growing up? Certainly you've learned a lot from your parents or guardian at some point since you haven't been adopted?


English student said...

I think adoption is a great thing but most people don't think of any consequences of overseas adoptions. Poor third world countries like Ethiopia have become hotbeds for adoptions. But in many countries with little economy babies become a business. Additionally it is very popular to adopt from Ethiopia by westerners to avoid due process making sure that children aren't being given to people like child molesters.

It also seems in many cases people, many influenced by celebrities, use these children as an accessory to try to make themselves look like philanthropists.


English student said...

I do think that American should maybe focus more on adopting American babies instead of children from other countries, but I also support adopting in general so if someone is being adopted I don't really mind where it's from. China needs people to come adopt the abandoned girls in their country, and there are tons of other children in need in other places, too. I love hearing about celebrities like Angelina Jolie adopting children in need. If you are blessed enough to have tons of money, I have a lot of respect for you if you share it with the less fortunate. Imagine being below the poverty level one day and the next you have everything you've ever wanted. That would be crazy! Of course not all situations can be like that; I'm sure a lot of adoptive parents are lower/middle class but it doesn't matter. Your child is your child, I don't think blood relation is necessary.


English student said...

I think that adopting a child to help them have a better life is a really courageous thing to do no matter what country you are adopting the child from, but I do think that adopting from your own country should be the first option. There are so many problems in America with homeless, starving children and I think that in order to help out your own country you should make it a priority to help a child in need here first. It is in no way bad to adopt a child from another country but I do think that is it more of a struggle to adapt to another country. I went with 3 girls who had been adopted from China and started school with us in junior high and they didn’t speak English well making it a struggle for us to communicate. Language barriers and cultural differences seem to be an issue at first making it harder for the kids from other countries adapt to America but eventually they adjust. It seems like sometimes people get so caught up in helping people in other countries that they forget about the people who need help in their own country.

Elizabeth Luke

English student said...

In deed I think there should be certain requirements that people must meet before adopting a child. The couple/person adopting should have a good home and be well rounded people. It shouldn't matter where children are adopted from; as long as that innocent child that was given up has a home, people should be perfectly content. I have however overheard remarks from people who utterly hate when "white" Americans adopt African or African-American children. It sickens me to even think that someone would bring race into the well-being of children. Love doesn't have a skin color.


English student said...

Adopting a child, no matter where they are from, is always a good thing. You're taking a child from a place with no one on one bonding time. In "orphanages"(if we are still calling them that) there are dozens of children with only a few adult supervisions. That is no way to grow up. Whether or not the child is adopted here or in another country shouldn't matter, honestly. That's like saying adopting a cat from one shelter is bad and you should only adopt form the shelter near your home. Everyone needs love, it shouldn't matter where it comes from.

As far as requirements, there are a lot and all of them are normally covered my the adoption agencies. You have to have the money to spend on this new human being that's coming into your life. You have to be able to provide a roof, food, and water. If not, I see no point in giving the child to the people; it would be irresponsible.

Katherine Stack

English student said...

I think adopting a child is great. Whether that is from this country or a different one, it all is the same to me since you’re helping a child in need. Yes there are many kids in need here in America but we should also think about children in other country, especially third world countries, which aren’t able to provide as much help or enough people to adopt. I think adoption in each country is up to the people. If a family from china wants to adopt an American child, the so be it. Should the country promote adoption, absolutely! Also it shouldn’t matter where the child is adopted from, as long as it has a suitable home and caretakers. I think the biggest step for people that adopt from a different denomination, is to inform the child as they grow up where they came from, and why they look so different. I think it’ll be difficult for the child as they grow up but it usually helps if they learn about themselves and their heritage when they are young. There are some requirements, such as it’s harder for single parent homes to adopt a child as fast as a couple. Also I think the best requirement is a background check on the caretakers and also see what living environment they will provide for the child. Other then that its all about the child having a home and a family.


English student said...

No I do not think Americans should only focus adopting American child, because adoption is less of local issue and more of global one. Like you said the focus of adoption should be focused providing the a child with a good home. I also believe there should be regulation when it comes to adoptions, because no one wants an innocent to end up a child molester or bad family that can’t provide them with the necessities to live a happy life.


English student said...

Adoption is something that us as Americans should concentrate more on our own, before we embark on children outside of the states. I feel as if there are way too many kids without homes in the U.S.A and we need to do something to change that. I think that adopting outside of the states is good but you should try out the kids in America first. I feel that other countries aren’t financially able to support those kids and it is a sad thing but we as Americans should look to our won first. The fact that a child is in a different race home, doesn’t matter to that child, sure they might be upset at first but if that family treats that kid with love and care they have no need to feel anything less than happy. There are strict guidelines to adoptions and I think that they are only fair. If you can’t meet these strict but fair prerequisites then you shouldn’t adopt.
-Christopher Hodges