Saturday, April 14, 2012

Should cell phone use be illegal while driving?

On Aug. 5, 2010, an accident involving two school buses, a tractor-trailer and another passenger vehicle, near Gray Summit, Mo., is blamed on a texting driver. Federal safety investigators say a 19-year-old driver was texting when his pickup collided with the other vehicles in a deadly pileup on an interstate highway in Missouri.

Why should cell phone use remain legal while driving?

Is Congress allowed to step in, and enact a nationwide ban on cell phone use while driving or should it be governed by local jurisdictions?

Do you believe text messaging should be banned completely while driving?

What type of laws would you make if it was your decision?

Are hands free devices actually safer than using a hand held cell phone?

Shane R. (10:00)


English student said...

I have mixed feelings about using cell phones while driving. I mostly think that people should certainly not text while they are driving because that takes too much concentration and is a big distraction. I try not to text in drive and usually I will not text in drive but I know how distracting texting can be on the road. I think that it would be safer to be talking to someone on the phone while driving than texting someone because it does not require as much concentration and you can still keep a good eye on the road. Both texting and talking to someone on the phone can be dangerous though especially if it is raining or snowing outside.

Shelby Walker

English student said...

This is a hard one, i will be completly honest sometimes i text and drive but when i am at a stop sign or stop light. i know how horrible it is you can look at your phone for 10 seconds and your car will be in another lane its extremely dangerous what the problem now a day with texting is people want a answer right away, for example my friend was asking me if i wanted to go to a concert because she had a ticket left and i was int he car at the time driving over to get some food in 5 minutes time she did not get a reply and asked another friend. so its not so much the driver who is texting but the person who is texting the driver. it is extremly dangerous to text and drive and yes it will cause distractions. they had a survey a couple days back that said more people have died from yexting and driving then being intoxicated and driving.

Xeromy Kaizad (8:00)

English student said...

I think cell phone laws should be tougher since it does distract you from what your doing. I know personally because I always get distracted when I look at my phone. You are behind a wheel to drive not to text and look at your phone. I'm about guilty as a lot of people. I believe congress allowed to step in and enact a nationwide ban on cell phone use because people elect them to get law pass and to protect them. I think text messaging should be banned completely because your driving all over the road when your texting. Also you can hurt or kill someone while texting and driving by not paying attention to the road.

Kyle Ogle (Noon)

English student said...

It is proven that texting while driving is more dangerous than drinking and driving, enough said. Cell phones should not be legal while driving, to many people aren't skilled texter and drivers. No it happens nationally so i feel that it should be handled nationally. Yes texting while driving should be illegal, i don't know if talking should be though. Maybe all cars should come with factory blue-tooth, and maybe even voice texting. I would outlaw texting while driving but allow talking while driving, or require all new cars and cell phones to come with blue-tooth. I do feel hand free devices are safer its just like talking to someone in the car which can be dangerous but if you pay attention to what you are doing it can be safe.

Ian 10:00

English student said...

I do believe it should be illegal. It is very difficult to devote your attention to the road the way you should. If it means it could save lives then why not. There is no reason someone has to text while driving. Dont get me wrong I have done it. If you needed to do it, you could certainly pull over.

English student said...

Texting while driving is one of the biggest killers on the road. A small amount of research showed that there are around 6,000 deaths and around 500,000 injuries in the US each year as a result of distracted driving. To read a text, it takes around 5 seconds. In that time, it is possible to travel as far as the length of a football field; without looking at the road. Does this sound like something that is safe?

In my opinion, Congress should be allowed to step in. This is something we all do on a regular basis, and it’s nearly as bad as driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol. The 16-24 demographic is the biggest offender, and that includes most of us. If you actually think about what you are doing, not only are you putting your own life at risk, but you’re also risking others’ lives. I think there should be heavy fines ($400+) for offenders; this would act as a strong enough deterrent to minimize texting whilst driving.

Zach Daniels

English student said...

It shouldnt remain legal.
I think they need to do whatever it takes to stop phone usage while driving.
If it were my decision i would say no texting while driving, no talking on the phone, no nothing if you really really want to use your phone get a headset download something that will read your messages to you, allow you to speak and send messages, answer the phone without you having to look away from the road or lift a finger. No phone call or text is that important, if it is pull the damn car over.
kristina young

English student said...

No cell phones should be not legal. Cell phones are a HUGE distraction and I know because of experience.I never had an accident while using my phone and driving but things can get hectic while doing so. It's best to have ALL your attention on the road and that's it.Cell phone use while driving is a big cause of death in the U.S. A hands free device is a lot more safer than using your cell phone completely but it still can be distracting.
-Chelsea W (10:00)

English student said...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012 7:22:00 P

Sorry...forgot my name. Angela Cole

English student said...

I agree that texting while driving is a bad idea, but talking on the phone doesn't seem like a huge risk, especially if you are a dexterous driver. Texting while driving is currently illegal in many states, including Illinois, so there's not really much to debate concerning that. I have the same opinion about hands-free devices that I do about making phone calls.
Trevor J (10AM)

English student said...

First off, texting while driving is in fact already banned. But that doesn't mean that people have stopped doing it. Yes, texting while driving is dangerous--using a phone altogether is dangerous while driving. However, I think that we as a society are so addicted to our cell phones that we have a hard time putting our phone down even while driving. Also, it would be almost impossible for Congress to regulate this. They can't monitor every car on the road all the time. Even if cell phone use is banned, I guarantee that hardly anyone will will follow a cell phone ban. I try not to use my cell phone while driving, but I'm not going to deny that I use it every once and a while. Hands free devices are safer than using cell phones. However, hands free devices are still distracting and not all your attention is focused on the road. All in all, cell phone use while driving is definitely dangerous--even fatal, but people will continue to use their cell phones while driving until they do end up in a fatal accident.
~Megan Strom

English student said...

Cell phones should not be legal while driving. There should be a nationwide law banning the active use of cell phones while driving. There should not be any law allowing texting while driving. I think that all hands on devices are dangerous and a distraction to drivers. If they had a law stating that it had to be a sync phone to your car speakers so it was hands free. Though it is hands is it really safe? The conversation can be distracting whether it is hand free or not, they may forget they are driving or being to not pay attention to what is going on around them. I do not drive and text. I do not drive and talk on the phone. Driving is risky enough without other distractions.
J.Mcwhorter 10:00

English student said...

uhhh.. i dont know! my feelings are iffy on this one. while i can see how they can be VERY dangerous, i can see how they are useful as well. but, they are more dangerous than helpful. i dont think people should be allowed to text while driving. that seems to be a lot more dangerous than talking. if a person wanted to call someone while driving they could do it hands free. they cant with texting. it would be a lot more safer if texting while driving was not allowed. unfortunately, people will still do it, whether it is illegal or not.
Kiara D