Saturday, April 14, 2012

Is there a Heaven?

What do you think happens to us after we die? Do you believe there is life after death, or that this is it? What led you to these beliefs? Were your beliefs shaped by those around you or did you come to your conclusion on your own?

~Megan Strom (10:00)


English student said...

I grew up with a partially religious family. I do believe there is an after life after death. I used to go to church all the time when I was younger and that was when I learned about it and I believe there is. I believe when we die there is a heaven and a hell and if you are a true follower then you will go to heaven.

Shelby Walker

English student said...

Based on my current understanding of things, I believe that we are all souls having human experiences for the purpose of coming to know our divine nature in human form -- our oneness through and with God. As such, I believe that what we commonly refer to as death is simply the death of this body and personality, the dropping of a human form by our real self -- the soul. As far as I can tell, we really do see a bright light and loved ones on the other side of this death as we journey forward in our process of awakening. I believe that we do re-embody again and again as we strengthen our awareness of our own divinity. So, while I am saddened by the loss of connection to loved ones that occurs at death, I am comforted by my belief that this is one in a series of lives.

I know that many people do not share my particular beliefs. That is fine with me. Personally, I find it quite fascinating that "the truth" resonates differently in each of us.

Shane Rasor 1000

English student said...

What a interesting topic, i find it funny how we all worry about everything else in the world and always forget this one thing. well personaly Ive had many problems with thinking about this. Ive come to the idea of re-carnation by life, those weird remembrances and dreams you have that have nothing to do with your current life, well i believe they have plenty to do with your past life's and what they were trying to teach you. then again everyone has their own beliefs.

Xeromy Kaizad (8:00)

English student said...

Well I am not the religious type and I would call my self a Deist. I believe that their is a higher power but I do not participate in any faith practices. I do believe there is a Heaven but not in religious terms. If you are a good person, regardless of your faith then you will be rewarded in the after life. I do not know if there is life after death and my opinions will be neutral. My beliefs were shaped by my own thoughts and whereabouts and I do hope there is a place for me after death.
Janay D

English student said...

After we die there is two places you could go Heaven is one. This place is an eternity spent or Paradise with God, in a state that is beautiful beyond our ability to conceive. The other place is Hell this place is an eternity spent with Satan and his demons. All are tormented and tortured, in isolation from God, without any hope of mercy or relief. I believe there is life after death. I was born in a Baptist church and reading the bible led me to this belief. I came to my own conclusion I know that God is real and mo pastor, bishop, or parent had to tell me that. Sharday(8:00)

English student said...

I am a christian so i believe there is a heaven and a hell. I believe depending on the type of person you were on earth and your believes will determine where you end up. I believe in life after death in one of those two places. I was raised in a home that only attended church sometimes, and didn't live the stereotypical christian life. There has been things in my life to influence me more than anything to believe in God. Faith has never let me down and has continued to show me that if you are a good person good things will happen to you. Even though things get bad at times those are just test of your faith, and as long as you stay strong and positive things will turn for the better. I am not a member of a church or live a good christian life, i sin day in and day out. But i know god has a plan for me and he knows spiritually i am a good person. He has continued to show me through faith all things are possible, and faith is the most important thing of all.

Ian 10:00

English student said...
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English student said...

I think our bodies rot in the ground--just as we see road kill decay on the side of the highway. Our brains cease functioning at the moment of death, and since everything we sense comes in via the brain, we stop receiving sense perceptions at the moment of death. It is sad that all that energy, everything that seemed so interesting to us, everything that MADE us find things interesting--it all stops at once. Without our brains we are nothing. Our souls are not separate from our brains. When we die, we are gone forever, and no God or Satan can ever get to us again. Life is a party of sensations! Enjoy the party while you're here because when it ends, it ends forever.

My beliefs were shaped from reading and by talking to other people. Sure, I would LOVE for there to be a God and a heaven, and I do sense God's existence on the earth and in my life. Unfortunately, all this sensing comes through my brain, and there's no evidence that a brain can survive once the heart shuts down.

As for heaven, no one goes to heaven. But if one person goes, we all go. I am sure of that.

Pat Mahoney

English student said...

I believe that there is a life after we die and there a place to go. Based on my beliefs and how i was raised i think there is a place call heaven. I believe after we died, we will all go to heaven. What brought me to these beliefs was going to church my whole life and learning about heaven, god, and the afterlife. I think it was 50/50 on how my beliefs were shaped. I was influence by my friends and my family but also i was influence by myself to come to conclude that it was real.

Kyle Ogle (Noon)

English student said...

I like to believe their is life after death, i hope that i havent gone through all that i have not to have someplace else to go. I dont really remember my mom and dad saying anything to make me think one way or another. I go to church, i believe in god, so im hoping that i will go on.

English student said...

I believe in life after death. I just had this discussion with my 20 year old son yesterday. I was raised Christian and I believe that life on this earth is temporary and eternal life will be after this one. Our bodies wear out but our spirit and energy continue. I believe in some mediums as well. My son does too. I dont know what the life after will be like, but it will be better than this one.
Angela Cole

English student said...

Death is merely a term that describes the ceasing of all biological mechanisms that keeps a person alive. It is interesting that so many of the above postings have a theistic view to them. I was raised in a faux-religious family; we all said we were a little religious, but there wasn’t any practice of religion involved. As I matured and researched my own religion, it all seemed to be one big sham.

Historically speaking, religion was a great way to terrify people into behaving morally. Thousands of years ago, one could literally get away with murder due to the lack of law enforcement. What better way to control the masses than to create a religion where being good would earn you an eternal life in heaven?

‘Life is a party of sensations! Enjoy the party while you're here because when it ends, it ends forever.’ – Pat, I don’t know if you created this little proverb yourself, but it’s certainly one that people should live by. To all of you who are religious, please do some research into your own religion, and don’t just follow your own family’s faith for fear of rejection. Blind faith is one of my biggest pet peeves, if you are religious, please be able to back up your beliefs in an educational debate. If you still have faith, then that’s O.K. The truth is that there is no proof of God, but there also isn’t any evidence to disprove his existence.

Zach Daniels

English student said...

I am a christian and I believe that there is a heaven. My belief that there is a heaven is not soley based on my religion, but the testimoneys of people who have passed away and have seen it for themselves, but it was not their time to leave earth, and they come back. I just have such a hard time believing that our soul is just gone and thats it.
Kristina young

English student said...

I believe in heaven and hell. But, i believe that when we die, if you have given you life to God, that you get a 2nd chance in life. It seems to me that you will come back in the form of someone else. Have you ever heard someone say "he/she has been here before?" I really believe in that. My mother who has passed, I feel like she is living through my neice, and sometimes my daughter even. Some of their characteristics is just like hers and its scary! However, if you have not given your life over to God, you will burn in hell. I am not really religious. I grew up in church. but i havent been in years. I dont believe one has to have a specific place to worship. I pray and I know God, and i feel that he knows my heart. Im not so sure where i got this understanding...but it just seems like thats how it works. "heaven on earth" that's what i believe it is once you die and meet God. I dont think our souls die, our body just sits and rot in the ground, but if youre lucky, your soul will continue to live on.
Kiara Dudley

English student said...

I am a Christian and believe that there is a heaven and a hell. I believe that to get to heaven, it is necessary to enter into a relationship with Jesus. I believe that heaven is a perfect place, void of sin, where I will get to commune with God and be with those who have also made the choice to follow Jesus. I believe that hell is a terrible place, with complete absence of God, unimaginable pain and sadness, and is the destined place for those who do not make the choice. I grew up in a Christian home and gained my beliefs from this and from experiencing God for myself.
Trevor J. (10AM)

English student said...

I am unsure what will occur after I die. Will I just be put in the ground to rot? IS there a Heave? A Hell? I like to believe there is life after death. That all our loves ones are looking down on us, in a way guiding us through our lives. Im unsure were these ideas come from. Maybe some ideas came from church when I was a child. Maybe, they came from other beliefs I heard from other people. These ideals are coming from people because they need something to believe in, that this life is not it for them, that we are not just living to die. That there is life after death; that life is worth living to the fullest.
J.Mcwhorter 10:00

English student said...

I think there is life after death, well atleast thats what I've been hoping and praying for. I don't think GHod has brung us so far in life, not to promise us a better life after death. I believe that there is a heaven, it's just us to decide whether or not were going to get there.
