Friday, April 20, 2012

Moving Out

When everyone is little all they want is to grow up, but once you’re grown you wish to be young again. Is there a certain age when a child should move out? If they stay longer than the age of 18 should they be responsible to help pay the bills? If not, are there certain things that should be expected of them, such as curfew and rules that pertain to all children in the house? Should the parents still be able to dictate everything they do, whom they hang around, or where they spend their spare time? When do you think is the right age to move out on your own; if you don’t think there is a certain time, tell me why. 

Shelby (noon)


English student said...

Yes I think there should be a certain age when children move out. But like in all things I think it depends on the child and the situation. If a child is still going to school such as college, i think if possible they should stay at home. I think there are a lot of distractions out there, and starting college and being focused are important. Not to say some kids can and do handle this. If a child is not going to college and they are working it should depend on the parents decision. Are they making enough money to survive on their own, or are they just taking time off before they decide to go back to school? Yes I think there should be some rules set, respect for your parents is a must, if rules are continuing being broken then its time to go. No I dont think parent need to know everything about you and your friends but like i said respect is big when you are living under there roof.

English student said...

I think there is a certain age to be moved out by. If a child is going to college then I think they should be able to live with their parents are home until they finish or are getting ready to graduate because some people cannot juggle a job and college both at the same time which is understandable. I just turned 19 and still live with my mom but I will likely be moved out in the next year with my sister. My parents told me that it is fine if I live with them but I must be in school or I cannot. If a child is not in college but has a job and lives with their parents then I think they should at least pay for most of their own food and help out with the bills when they can. I think parents should set rules for their child even if they are 20 since they are living under their parent's roof still. I think the parents should know who you are hanging out with when you are adult if you are living with them because it is their house and they should know what type of people your friends are and if they are a bad match for their child.

Shelby Walker

English student said...

I believe that if they are not staying at home to save up money to move into their own home, than maybe by the age of 21, would be a good age.

If they are still at home and older than 18, then yes they should be helping on the household bills.

If you want be grown then you need to get your own. As long as you are in your parents house or anybody's house where you are not contributing to the household, there rules are to be followed.

I think that if you are still at home by the age of 25, then there seems to be an apron string situation that the parents might need to sit the adult child down and see what is going on that their child do not want to go out and explore the world. Especially, if that adult is working, but besides that they have no other ambitions then there might be something else that could be the problem.

Linda H.

English student said...

I believe that if they are not staying at home to save up money to move into their own home, than maybe by the age of 21, would be a good age.

If they are still at home and older than 18, then yes they should be helping on the household bills.

If you want be grown then you need to get your own. As long as you are in your parents house or anybody's house where you are not contributing to the household, there rules are to be followed.

I think that if you are still at home by the age of 25, then there seems to be an apron string situation that the parents might need to sit the adult child down and see what is going on that their child do not want to go out and explore the world. Especially, if that adult is working, but besides that they have no other ambitions then there might be something else that could be the problem.

Linda H.

English student said...

I think if the parents enjoy their kid being at home and their kid needs a place to stay for sometime, while trying to find a job, is perfectly fine. I am still living at home and I'm 19 even though I have to pay for a lot of my stuff, I don't have to help pay for any bills. I don't really have a curfew or certain rules to follow but i respect my parents a lot more than i use to and still listen to them quite a bit.

I don't think parents should still be able to dictate everything they do because by that age they should respect and trust that they will make the right decision.

The right age should be around 26 and make sure that they are stable in their new place. Because as a parent, you want the best for your kids and you don't want to see them struggle in life.

Kyle Ogle (Noon)

English student said...

I have a child that has moved out already and he did so when he was 18. I was glad because he did not follow any rules and was very messy and disrespectful then. I have always felt that if my child had turned 18 and was going to continue their education at Parkland, that I would definitely let them stay at home. If they were going full time, I would not expect them to work necessarily. I would require them to still clean up after themselves and help maintain the household. I have 3 boys and two are still at home. I might have them clean gutters or mow the yard. They would already be doing their own laundry to prepare them for being on their own. I expect my other two will go to college. It is just a matter of if it will be in town here or away at a four year college. If there is any behavior issues, which I don't anticipate with the two that are left, they would have to go if it cannot be resolved. I have had this issue with my first son and under the law parents are required to provide food, shelter and clothing and a safe environment at home when they are under 18. I am clear to let my kids know that the law does not specify WHAT I am required to feed them. I think kids get caught up in living the good life and dont really appreciate what they have. Plenty of kids parents dont buy chips and pop and so on. So, this is not something I would feel I need to supply to a child over 18 living at home. Overall, if my kids are doing well and trying to further their education, I am more than willing to help them. I think being supportive as a parent during this time is critical to their future success and whether or not they will be coming back home to live with you as an adult who is not doing well.
Angela Cole

English student said...

I don't think a child should have to move out until they are done with school if there is one locally. This mean following the parents house rules and not acting out. If a child stays after 18 i do not believe they should have to pay bills unless the parents really need the help. I think they should be responsible for their own stuff though and not be asking their parents for money unless they can not work. Parents shouldn't act as dictators at any age that usually just causes problems later once the child is on their own. I think the age vary for everyone it really depends what they want and where they want to be. I don't see an issue with moving out at 18 if you are ready or if you go away to school. I also don't see a problem living at home until you can get on your feet even if that means you are in your mid-twenty's.


English student said...

10:44 comment was done by Ian

English student said...

ofcourse i believe the age for everyone to move out of their parents house is the age of 23 or 24 at the very oldest cause by then you should have a job and some money saved up to be able to move out and take care of your self. yes only if they have a job and not going to school but if they are going to school then i dont think they should. yes like still having to follow their parents rules. i think that is a must when ever your living with your parents because at the end of the day their name is on the mortgage which means it is their house. no especially when the child is over 18 because by then he or she should have enough common sense to pick good friends.

matt eiland noon

English student said...

I think there is a certain age kids should move out, and that should be about 18. Unless they are living at home going to school and working to live on there own, then that is acceptable. You shouldn't mooch of your parents/ guardian until your 30. Get a job, go to school, or maybe even do both. I believe its the parents decision if the students should pay bills or help with household items/ things. I think they should have to respect their parents curfews, chores, or rules. If you want to be treated like an adult with making your own decisions, then pay some bills or move out!!!


English student said...

To me this depends on the house hold they live in and is primarily up to the adults and owners of the house. My sister is 21 going on 22 and doesn't pay rent because she is a full time student, works full time and pays her car note. My parents and giving her time to get on her feet before they make her give them money. But what if the extra money is needed? That's when i think they should help out as much as they can to make ends meet. If you live under your parents roof i believe you should always respect their rules. If you don't want to then move out as simple as that. I Don't think there is a right time to move out just when your stable and ready to take on the world without moving back in because you don't wan to live and have to come back.

Matthew W

English student said...

I don't necessary think there is a certain age children should move out. It definitely depends on the situation. For example if there is a community college only 15 minutes away then the child should just stay at home to save money. I think parents should allow their children to say at home and keep providing them. The child should pay for gas and whatever they desire, but I do not personally think the parents should make them pay for bills, unless it is for school. I think the perfect age range to move out is between 18-20. You don't really start living life unless you live on your own. The child should only move out if they have the money to provide for themselves. The parents should not help the child with expensive unless there is a certain case.


English student said...

Yes there should be a certain age where children should move out of their parents house. But if they are still in college it is better to stay at home for less things to worry about than if you were living on your own. And if they should be responsible for help paying for the bills really depends on the parents and the situation. I personally don't think they should help pay the bills. But I do think they should help around the house, doing things to help your parents out.But as far a curfew i don't they should have one. i mean they're 18+. I think they are old enough to take care of them selves. I don't think parents should dictate how their kids live their life. I don't think there is really a right time to move out. It just depends on if you are ready.


English student said...
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English student said...

Yes I think there should be an age on when you should move out but it depends on the circumstances. Like if the child is going to college then i think they should have the option of living at home. Because they don't need the added stress of trying to pay bills and go to school. i mean you should have to pay some bills but not have to worry about rent. My parents are fine with me living at home and going to school and having a job. But i think if you live at home there should be some ground rules that are made between the parents and child that way they can avoid an argument.

Caitlin Wakefield

English student said...

Ithink there is a certain age to be moved out by. If a child is going to college then I think they should be able to live with their parents are home until they finish or are getting ready to graduate because some people cannot juggle a job and college both at the same time which is understandable. If a child is not in college but has a job and lives with their parents then I think they shouldn’t have to pay bill or anything unless the parents ask them to do so. I think parents should set rules for their child even if they are 20 since they are living under their parent's roof still. I think the parents should know who you are hanging out with when you are adult if you are living with them because it is their house and they should know what type of people your friends are and if they are a bad match for their child.

English student said...

Yes I think it comes to a certain point in your life when a child/ grown up needs to move out. I think that you should be moved out by the age of 25, if you are not then I think you need to sit down with your parents and figure out why you haven't moved out. You should have a decent job by the time you are at least 25. If you are over the age of 25 and still living at home and have disabilities then that is a different story. but the others, they have no excuse. You should be paying at least a little something if you are still home past the age of 25. I feel that if you are still at home then, well then you need to respect what your parents have to say and do things without being told.

English student said...

I do not think there is a certain age that kids should move out. The economy is tough right now and why not save up money, than be broke all the time trying to live on your own. I think that if you get along with your parents like I do, there is nothing wrong with living at home until you are married or are really ready to get your own place. When people move 20 min away just to be closer to school, I think it is stupid because you end up paying more in rent than you do on gas. I say stay at home as long as you need. My parents would be bored to death if all of us kids weren't here. What would they do when they come home? Who would be outside with dad, helping him on the farm? I really don't think my parents ever want us to move out.


English student said...

Moving out of your parent's home is something that every teenager dreams of. However, some people are ready for this transition sooner than others. Some teens may already be used to the independence and feel comfortable with the responcibility that comes with living on your own. However, there may be some who need a few more years at home before they are ready to move out. I was one of those kids. I thought I was ready to be out on my own once I turned 18, but after a month on my own I realized that I had not prepared myself for the radical changes that come with moving out on your own. Therefore, I decided to come back home and wait until I was really ready to move out on my own. My parents don't make me help pay their bills, but I am expected to do a lot around the house and help take care of my younger siblings. I think that the parents should decide what they think would be best for themselves and their child. If the child is lazy and the parents know that, the parents should enforce certain rules, such as going to community college, getting a job, etc. However, parents should allow some flexibility with social aspects such as going out with friends and such. Without these certain flexibilities the child could become resentful and want to move out before they are ready. This is a really tricky situation for both the young adult, and the parents. A lot of talking and thinking on both parties is necessary in order to make a well informed decision.
~Megan Strom

Divina 10 AM said...

I have this problem right now. My son is 19 and has no job and just recently started doing things around the house, because a big argument we had. He has friends over all the time and my house is full of teen boys most of the time. It's getting old. I am going to have to tell him to get a life soon. I spoiled my boys and I don't think this helped them since they have the idea that I am here to take care of them forever. I guess I will have to make myself more clear and let them know that is time to grow up, but until then my rules apply as long as they live in my home.

English student said...

AS a parent, i dont think i will or COULD ever give any of my children a certain age where they HAVE to move out. as their mother i feel that it is my responsibility to ALWAYS be there and take care of them. IF and when they are ready to move out, then that is fine, but i will always have a room for them whenever they decide to come back. That being said, I will expect them to help around a bit, yes. But i will try my best not to be too hard on them, and try to control their life. I was young once, and my mom tried to tel me what i could and couldnt do, and it just made me rebel. I dont want that with my kids. I want them to have the freedom to make their own mistakes so that they will learn from them. Yes, i plan on explaining how i was as a child/teen and how the r.ship was with my parents, but i will not expect any thing. as a mother i feel it is my job to try and teach them right from wrong. But, at the end of the day, it is up to them to make their own decisions. I can only hope that they chose the right ones.
Kiara D

English student said...

I don't believe there is a certain age when a child should move out, especially if they are living at home while they are in school to be saving up for when they do move out. They should be paying for their own gas, car, etc, but as for house bills? I don't agree with that. How will they ever be able to save money to eventually move out if they are having to pay all that stuff while living at home? Isn't that why kids stay home the first year or two of college? To save their money so that they are able to AFFORD living on their own? They should still have rules and things they have to do around the house, but curfew would obviously be debatable on the parents. Parents shouldn't be allowed to dictate everything, then the kids would always rely on the parents and be completely lost when they leave. I don't believe there is a certain age for obvious reasons I stated earlier; saving up money, maybe they're helping their parents out, there's many reasons.


English student said...

No and yes, there is a extent to when they should move out. I think it depends on the circumstances, such as college students, disability, and economy. If a person wants to continue to live at home past a certain age then yes they should help out and pay the bills. If a person is living at home still because of laziness to move on in life then the parents should push them to grow up. I believe it is common courtesy for some rules to be established but parents shouldn't tell the adult who to hang with or spend time, if the child is helping out.
Alexis H (noon)

English student said...

No I don't think it should be a certain age to move out. I think as long as your child is in school or is working hard it should be okay for them to still live at home. While still living with your parents of course there will be rules you guys will just have to be able to negotiate somethings. Me personally I'll be living at home until I'm finished with college, I just recently turned 19. I don't have a problem with that, I plan on saving money and plan on being stress free worrying about bills.
-Chelsea (10:00)

English student said...

I think the appropriate age to move out is nineteen years old. I say this because that's the age I moved out of my parents house. In doing so there was so much I didn't know and I didn't know how to manage my money well. But after about five months It grew on me. It really depends on the child itself, and how the parents raised them. When I say how they were raised I mean whether they were taught to be independent or whether they were a dependent. If you are still living with your parents of course there should be guidelines and rules. I mean whenever I go to my parents I respect their home and abide by rules that's set in their home. Of course if your working and still living at home you should be helping your parents pay bills, even if they do have all the bills under control. They parents don't need to know every single detail of their child's life, but hell If a question or concerned is being brought up one should respect their parents enough to ask questions and do whats asked of them to do.


English student said...

Yes, I believe there is a certain age when children should move out their parents home. Because if they live with their parents forever how will they ever grow up and learn responsibility. It's up to the parent if they want their child payingrent or not. Also if a parent have rules by you still living with them you should obey your parents wishes but then again who wants a curfew at 18.I moved out of home at 19 and while I was living with my mother I did everything I was suppose to do. I also worked when I graduated from high school and I gave my mother money just because I made a lot to be 18.The right age to move out can vary from 18 until about 20 I don't think you should be depending on parents after those ages.


English student said...
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English student said...

I don't think there is a certain age children should move out. It depends on the situation in my opinion. For example like me there is a community college only 15 minutes away and its easier for me to just stay at home to save money. Parents in my opinion should allow their children to stay at home and keep providing them if the child needs help. The parents shouldnt do everything thouhh the child should pay for gas and whatever they desire, but I do not personally think the parents should make them pay for bills, unless it is for school. I think the perfect age range to move out is between 18-20. You don't really start living life unless you live on your own. The child should only move out if they have the money to provide for themselves or ready to be on their own. The parents should not help the child with expensive unless there is a certain case or need for it.

Brandan M

English student said...

I think there is a certain age when kids should move out. But id depends on how mature the kid is, to kn ow if he/she is ready to move out. I think if a kid is 18 and still living at home with their parents they should help to pay bills, or going to school. If the kid is helping pay the bills then i don't think they should have a curfew, but they should know what timw is respaectable to come in. I only think the parent should be concern who they kids hang around when their coming in and out of their house. The appropriate age to move out should be the age 18.

Emmanuel Tyler