Monday, April 23, 2012

Does Music have major influence on the violence taken place in Chicago

Many children begin watching music videos and rap songs on television and you tube at 2 years old, and by the age three or four most children are enthusiastic viewers--to the point where whatever they say on TV they want to do the same thing.

While many people in Chicago don't have many positive influences, the negative ones flourish all threw radio stations and you tube. With murder rates on the rise, Do you think rap artists like Chief Keef who proclaims doing drugs and carry illegal firearms and killing his enemies motivate others to do the same? Does what they see on You tube affect their behavior? Do you think parents should be responsible for the role models that their children look up too? Should parents monitor what their child is watching and if its inappropriate do not allow it? How much does music matter to a child's perspective of life? At what age should the monitoring stop? Many parents are not aware of their child's activity outside the home does this play a role?
What kind of effects will this kind of music have on future generation? Do you think these images have a positive effect or negative?



English student said...

Yes definitely! I remember babysitting some kids a few years back and they were watching the same old cartoons because they were what was on TV at the time and they could tell me exactly what was going to happen in each show - it's so sad, they could have been learning something new or exploring outside but they just sat down in front of the TV because it was a habit.
I think a large part of the problem begins with the parents. Kids do what they see their parents do. That said, if we as parents become more active and change our own bad habits of poor nutrition and a sedentary life, then our kids will tend to change right along with us. Make life fun and teach your kids to be active now before they get too set in lazy, mindless habits.

English student said...

I do think that children watch too much television. I do believe that what they watch affect their behavior. If they see someone being mean that can rub off on them. I do think that some parents put their children in front of TV for the wrong reason. They should watch educational TV shows that will teach them something. Parents should monitor what their children are watching; they can restrict some TV shows. The monitor should stop when they are trusted to watch appropriate shows for their age. It depends on how responsible the child is. I was brought up that you eat at the dinner table with what my parents has given me, no extra snacks. Now days the parents let their child do whatever to keep them quiet and yes this is causing obesity. Some TV shows have the effect on children that their teacher should be a character off of a show and that the child can’t learn because they are used to watching a big bird teaching them. TV does hurt you’re the child grades because some of the cartons aren’t educational and isn’t teaching them. I know that the parents are supposed to teach them educational, and manners, but if they watch the right TV show it could help them too.~Sharday 8:00~

Divina 10 AM said...

When I was a kid we played OUTSIDE. TV was not the same as it is now. Cartoons were only on Saturdays from 8am to noon. Tv went off the air at 11pm. There were cartoons after school sometimes for an hour or so. There were no video games and tv was just no fun and we had a WHOLE lot more exercise and fun as children than the kids these days do. It's a shame really because kids just don't realize how much fun can be had outside. Yes. Kids watch WAY too much tv. But even worse are the video games. It's not the tv or video games themselves but the amount of time that parents allow their kids to spend with them. It's unhealthy and anti-social.

English student said...

Some children definitely watch way too much television. However, the problem the majority of the time isn't necessarily how much TV kids are watching, it's what they are watching. If you let your kids watch more educational, kid-apropriate shows and movies, then it's not as damaging. However, if their watching more mature, uneducational shows, then it can lead to some problems. Also, problems can arise when a parent just lets the TV raise their children. A child needs love and nurture, and when they are denied these things, some serious psychological problems can arise. I think a parent should always monitor what and how much TV their child is watching, to a certain extent. As a child gets older, parents should be more trusting of their child and allow them to watch more things on their own. In my house growing up, we always had to do our homework first before we watched tv or did anything else. That way, television or other distractions did not get in the way of our grades or schoolwork. The important thing is just to make sure that your children are watching the right things when they do watch tv.
~Megan Strom

English student said...

Yes, some children do watch way too much t.v. As a parent, I usually let my kids watch t.v whenever they want. However, I make sure they watch shows/cartoons that is helpful to both them and me. They love NickJr and SProut. These television shows have cartoons that are educational and teaches them many valuable lessons. My son does sometimes like to watch Cartoon Network and Spongebob. I dont like him watching these shows because they really dont learn much and the t.v network has shows ont here that are not suitable for children of his age. I do not like Spongebob at all. It always seems to have some type of hidden message behind it. What is "BIKINI BOTTOM?" i dont let me kids watch t.v while they are eating. That is too much. and i try to make sure that the t.v is off at a reasonable time. overall, i think i handle my kids t.v habits quite well.
Kiara D

English student said...

I think that children are way to involved with television. Children should be active and playing outside and enjoying their life. I think that television is one of the main reasons we have to much violence in the world. Children are brought up in the world were they see violence and people killing others and it is shown as funny or it being okay when it is not. I think parents really should watch what their children are watching. If you let them watch anything they want, they could be watching inappropriate things and learn certain task, that you do not want them to watch.


English student said...

I definitely think kids watch entirely to much t.v. yes it does because as a child all you want to do is hurry up and grow up so you could be on t.v and they believe that the only way to get on t.v at the time is to do what they see happening on the television, its like the kids will imitate what they see. yes and no it depends on what they are trying to make their kids watch , if its the discovery channel or something then no they are not wrong but if its channels like music videos and HBO they know because they are not watching anything educational. yes because a child is very quick to explore and once they have seen something they are going to do whatever they have to to see or do it again.when they reach high school because by then they are old enough and they start to grow up and experiment more thing with a more mature state of mind. i think if the video is educational then its not effect schooling at all but if its one of those lets watch this movie and right a report on it then no it bad for schooling because it does noting but distract the student from the real lesson they have to learn.

Matt E Noon

English student said...

Yes i think children do watch to much television. And yes i think it does affect their behavior. Some of the cartoons that they have now a days are very violent and completely different from the ones i watched when i was a kid. Yes i think parents should monitor their children when they are watching T.V. very closely with the shows they come out with these days. I think once they get in their teens that you shouldn't have to monitor your kids with what they watch. No i do not think that sitting in front of the television is the reason for child obesity. Maybe sitting in front of the T.V. for to long and not making their kids go outside and get some physical activity. I do think it effects kids with school, their grades, and their attention span. And does effect their manners.


English student said...

I think children absolutely watch too much TV and it is absolutely to blame on the parents. It affects their behavior in numerous ways; they see the way people act on TV, and so they act like what they see. Also, I think just being glued to a TV somehow, someway makes kids more disrespectful. I think parents use TV as an escape; they come home from work, need to make dinner and get their own things done so they turn on the TV for the kids so they won't be bothered. My parents always monitored what I watched when I was younger and I think parents still should be. I was never allowed to watch PG-13 movies if I was younger than 13 and if I went somewhere and we were going to watch a movie I had to call my mom and make sure she approved it. The fact that parents are becoming lazier and lazier in my opinion is the reason for numerous things. Sitting in front of the TV and eating instead of family dinners?? Of course that is going to cause more eating because kids will come home from school, grab a bag of chips, sit in front of the TV and just eat and eat. Then they'll have dinner in front of it. They aren't going outside and getting exercise or burning off energy because they have none when all they do is eat and watch TV.


English student said...

Kids seem to be watching more and more TV as the years go by; too much TV. Depending on what they watch, I believe that TV does affect their behavior to a certain extent. Watching shows that are too mature for them will cause them to learn things that they shouldn't know at such a young age. So, yes, I do think that parents should monitor what their kids are watching. Maybe they should monitor what they watch very closely when the child is younger, and ease up as the child goes up and is able to better understand the difference between TV and real life.

Kevin A

English student said...

I believe there are children in the world that do watch too much television but not all children do. There are children in the world who do not have TVs, so the general question is argumentative. I do believe TV affect behavior, for instance some sitcoms help parents teach their children fun ways to learn. Yes, some parents use TV as a babysitter which is wrong but parents as adults should know better. Parents should monitor what the child watch by viewing the program first or reading reviews. Children learn all types of habits from TV and at age nine the monitoring should lessen. Obesity is only a concern if the child's food is junk, parents could give their children good snacks, carrots, raisins, wheat crackers, etc. TV only hurts behavior if parents do not monitor or make kids do homework first.
Alexis H (noon)

English student said...

I know growing up I watched TV a lot, due to my mother was asleep when I got home from school and she worked the graveyard shift. So TV was my friend, I watched TV while I did my homework.

In a lot of ways TV can be good depending on what kids are allowed to watch, but most important they need family time.

Yes I do believe that what kids watch should be censored.

I believe that it is possible and that could put distance between the parents and kids.

Yes parents should monitor what is appropriate for their kids and continue to do so just to make sure they are still watching the right programs.

When they move out on their own.

No, what causes child obesity is not enough exercise, activities they burn calories.

I think that certain programs are too explicit for children and there are programs they can and will send the wrong message, especially, about sexuality, but there are programs that deal with reality, not the "reality shows," but reality about how life really is and it does not include the "bling bling."

Sometimes TV can be a positive and a negative, but as parents it is their responsibility to decide what is important and what could be confusing and conflicting with what they as parents are trying to teach their kids.

Linda H.

English student said...

In my opinion, kids watch too much TV. This can be helpful but at times it can provoke a bad influence. At times, parents see cartoons as a way to entertain their kids when they want to do something but what they are not noticing is how sometimes that can be bad. There are kids that all they do all day I watch TV to the point in which the episodes are being repeated over and over again, so when they see it they know exactly everything they are going to say word for word. When I take care of my little nephew, my sister works at five in the morning and when she gets home all she wants to do I sleep and my brother-in-law is at work so what she does is put him to watch cartoons. Every time I go visit him, I try to take him out so he can experience something else. Too much TV can start being damageable instead of helpful. I believe that parents should monitor what their kids are watching because especially young kids are the ones that capture everything they see and hear. I think that there are certain shows or cartoons that parents should avoid their little kids to watch until they hit a certain age of knowing what is right and wrong or what is true and fake; like what can be done and can’t. For example, if a little kid sees a show like the Simpsons as a young child, there are many things in that show that are funny but to older kids not for little kids to watch. In my opinion, I think that around the age of 12-13 the monitoring should stop. I believe that parents let their child watch TV and eat at the same time might not be a good idea but at times it can be causing obesity specially if all they do is eat and watch TV all day. Though, if they eat and watch TV but then are taken outside to play or have their child involved in sports, then that I not bad. My sister lets my nephew eat while he watches TV but that is only because that is a way of letting him watch TV but he eats too. Watching TV can be bad and good for schooling. It can be bad because if they come home and watch TV all day, they do not even do their homework or eat just because of watching TV. On the other hand, it can be good because there are many shows that teaches little kids a lot of good manners and numbers and many more helpful things for them and school; for example, sesame street and etc.

Angelita T. (8:00)

English student said...

Yes I most certainly think that children today watch entirely too much television, to the point of that they're not getting enough exercise, and are becoming obsessed.
Not only that, some children behavior is very much affected by it. True some parents do put their kids in front of the t.v. for the wrong reasons, for example,parents might want to get high, or drunk. Nowadays parents need to really monitor what their children are watching, because there is a lot of bad influential shows and cartoons being produce. I feel parents should monitor their child's t.v shows till they are at least 16. Now television can help a child in school as long as they are watching educational shows. As for it hurting their grades, some it do some it don't. It all depends on what you let your children watch. I don't feel it alters their attention span cause when a child is watching t.v. they don't see or hear anything else most of the time. Now as for manners, like I said earlier it all depends on what that parent let their child watch. So I would have to say yes to that question, it does influence their manners to a certain point.


English student said...

I defiantly think that kids are too involved. There are so many shows that are directed towards kids. I think that kids should be outside playing whenever they can. Kids are way to involved in the tv and that is all they want to do, is just sit in front of the tv. There are movies for babies that I think should be watched, like baby einstein. There are certain things on tv that i think can be very instrumental. The kids only sit in front of the tv because their parents put them there. I think if you are preparing dinner or doing something, let them play outside. You can still keep an eye on them when your doing whatever so I think that the parents are just being lazy.


English student said...

It does affect their behavior and the way the act. I think that parents should monitor how much TV their children watch and what they watch. Kids take in information like a sponge so some may want to take what they learned on TV and reenact it and may not realize that some of it is fake. In certain kids that parents don’t monitor yes it does hurt their grades and may be a reason they are obese. I don’t know if there is a certain age when you should stop monitoring but definitely how much they watch or what they watch. I remembering having a friend that couldn’t watch rugrats because it showed a baby’s butt, that’s ridiculous but they could watch lifetime’s movies?

Caitlin Wakefield

English student said...

Yes, I think that there are a lot of kids nowadays watching too much tv. It comes to a point when the parent needs to control it and not let them just sit there and that be their entertainment. I do believe that parents do put their kids in front of the TV so that they don't have to mess with them. I understand that you are trying to get some things done around the house it might be necessary but they shouldn't spend their whole day watching it. I do think that parents should monitor what their kids are watching. Cartoons nowadays get so perverted, such as spongebob and are teaching their kids things they shouldn't know at a young age. I think when your kids are about in middle school sometime you can be alittle more lenient on what they watch. They need to be outside and enjoying life without watching tv. There is so much more they could be doing. I look at it as you only live once, enjoy that time with your kids. Be outside, play card and board games, and just have a good time.


English student said...

I think children watch way too much tv today, especially inappropriate TV. I say this because I've caught my seven year old watching adult swim and he says things that are just was inappropriate to be saying as a child. My sister don't allow him to watch it but he still sneak and do so at night time. Whenever I go to visit he'd stay up until about 2-3a. with me watching TV. I only allow it because his mother is strict and I don't get to spend a lot of time with him. In a sense this could be the reason why he watch so much TV because they small times I am in town and allow him to do it, it becomes a habit and he thinks it's okay.
TV has a huge affect on children because unlike when I was growing up, there isn't a lot of educational TV shows and cartoons. I also think that allowing your children to sit in front of the TV while eating dinner increases the obesity rate. It becomes a habit and that habit is never really ever broken. I also think it has some kind of negative affect when it comes to school work as well. I can just imagine the affect it has on children academically because I myself find myself flipping through the TV guide when I am suppose to be doing homework.


English student said...

Yes, I actually do believe that children watch too much television I seriously do. How about doing some homework or getting into some productive activities. I think that some children behavior is based off television but not all of them. I'm not sure if parents but their children in front of tv for all the wrong reasons maybe some do maybe some don't and I guess it depends on what you allow your children to watch. Yes, parents should monitor what their child is watching and they should very closely. Because there is a bunch of crap on tv now and I don't watch tv very much because it doesn't benefit me in any way. Tv is affecting some kids grades because all they want to do is sit in front of the television all day.


English student said...

Yes, I think that there are a lot of kids watching way too much tv. It comes to a point when the parent needs to control it and not let them just sit there and that be their entertainment, parents need to get their kids to go outside. I think parents put their kids in front of the TV so they dont have to pay attention to their kids. I understand some parents are trying to get some things done around the house but at the same time just getting them to watch tv shouldn't be the answer. I do think that parents should watch how long they allow their kids to watch tv. Cartoons nowadays are very immature, such as adventureland and other shows like that are teaching their kids things they shouldn't know at a young age.I believe kids need to be outside and enjoying life without watching tv. When i was younger i wasnt even aloud to just sit down and watch tv when it was nice outside. There is so much more they could be doing. They need to get their kids to be outside, play card and board games, something that will make them have a good time.

Brandan M

English student said...

I live with an 11 year old who is obsessed with watching the seasons of One Tree Hill constantly. She comes home from school and that is the first thing she wants to do is watch that. I think that what a child sees on TV they think is acceptable to do themselves when in reality that wouldnt really be acceptable at all. I think parents tend to put their kids in front of the TV to get them out of their hair or away so that they could get things done when they have a deadline or something to finish for dinner or when cleaning the home. I think parents should have certain things blocked from the children until they are mature enough to watch certain programs and shows. I don't think that child obesity has to do with sitting in front of the TV to eat, now if the parent lets them sit there all day and eat now i can see that. But watching TV sometimes while eating isn't always that bad. I think that kids shouldn't get TV until after homework is done and checked and if they have good grades. TV is some type of reward parents could use to get kids to get things done and doing it good enough to where they can watch the TV.

Shelby F

English student said...

Yes they are watching too much TV. This may also explain why several children are obese at an early age. This also may be why some children have some behavioral problems. Like they say ... It all starts at home. So if your child is very violent knowing your child means no harm maybe its what your child is watching.I personally think that some TV shows that they have made for kids are in fact not appropriate for kids. I guess it all really falls down to whether or not the parent thinks its appropriate.Hollywood should not be raising your child After all it is the parents responsibly for all there child is exposed to.
