Tuesday, April 24, 2012




English student said...

With my own morals I think putting animals behind bars are very cruel, and if people want to learn more about them that's why we have the channel animal planet for those purposes exactly, and if you want to get close up to a animal i suggest you go to Africa and go on damn safari. putting poor animals out of their habitat and behind bars is the worst thing you can do for them.


Zoos can be very bad, but they are not 100% bad. In some zoos animals live in habitats that match their natural habitat; they can eat, sleep, poop, date, mate, and create as they wish. Hell, that's more than I can do, and I'm supposedly on the "free" side of the zoo bars.

In general zoos are WAY better than they were when I was a child (decades ago!). They used to keep jungle cats in small, square cages where all they could was sleep and pace back and forth. Now most zoos have open grassy areas for their jungle cats. You have to ask--do these cats even KNOW they are in cages? I mean, if you can romp around and play with friends and get fed regularly and taken care of by hot zookeepers, what kind of cage is that? (I'll take one!)


English student said...

I feel that there are more advantages then disadvantages when it comes to a zoo. Most modern zoo's are better prepared than years ago. They have animals which are are endangered and create a habitats that will allow the animal to live a wonderful life. To roam and enjoy their surroundings. Trainers know what they are doing, and make sure that everything goes well for the animals well being. Zoo's are a great place for animals that need that protection from the environment to survive and an educational place for humans to learn from.

English student said...

I think that zoo's are kind of a good thing because they teach people about animals and also different regions of the world for instance the polar bear is on the brink of extinction because of global warming and other causes so for them a zoo can provide a sanctuary to where if they do go extinct in the wild we could probably reintroduce them to the wild so in that sense a zoo could be a very good thing but in some places zoos don't take good enough care of their animals and they can actually become very sick or even die.
John M.

English student said...

I think zoos have good and bad about them. A lot of zoos take in injured animals from the wild and bring them to their zoos, to help them get better. By, putting them in this environment can help them survive. Some people think the zoo is sad them being behind bars but i think it would be amazing if i was an animal because you have a safe, clean, and always have food given to you. One bad thing is that if you keep them in the zoo but then later let them back in their environment in the wild they may not be able to survive alone.


English student said...

As much as I love zoos and aquariums I do feel as thought its bad for animals to be trapped behind bars at least in cages at a zoo. Now places like wild life preserves that give like 50 acres for different animals to roam around in I think that's alright because it gives them enough room to be free for the most part.

Kyle Hubert

English student said...

I don’t believe that being in a zoo is torture to animals; zoos take pride in keeping their animals comfortable and happy. Zoos just like many other things have guidelines that they have to follow. They can’t just treat their animals however they want and no one can do anything about it. Sometimes animals have to be put in cages like when they need shots or when the need to see the vet. They may even have to be put in cages when they need to be separated from other due to mating issues or aggression. However most of the time the animals are in their main enclosure where they have plenty of room to roam around and play. I think that zoos do a good job at helping to protect endangered species. I believe that there are more advantages to keep animals in zoos. For instance in a zoo you can see animals from all over the world, and could get people interested in going to see these place for themselves. Zoos also give you information about a type of species that you previously knew nothing about.


English student said...

Most zoos take injured animals from the wild and bring them to their zoos, to rehabilitate them. Zoos are both good and bad things. If you aren't going to be releasing a animal back into the wild, the zoo is like a safe place for them, always having a guaranteed meal and clean place with no worry of attack. but for animals that are going to be released, i feel that once they were in that in this environment their not ready for whats in the wild, they might not be able to survive on their own in the wild. Which is potentially killing them.

Brandan M

English student said...

I like zoos. I think that they have improved a great measure from years ago when i was a little kid. Zoos hire people who care for one specific animal and are at the care of that animal. If an animal gets neglected I don't think you should blame the zoo, you should blame the person caring for that creature. I also think that animals are smart. They follow their instincts and they know where they are but they adapt...that's what nature does. Honestly i think that the animals are fine, and they even grow relationships with the people that care for them. i think it would be a very rewarding job to care something as beautiful as a pride of lions. But hey that's just me. But i do think that zoos help preserve species of endangered animals. If it wasn't for zoos we would have less tigers, giant Pandas, red pandas and more. thanks to zoos we are preserving species that could some day be lost. Then for the animals that do get released into the wild they are released into places where there are animals of their own kind so they can find them and live a happy new life with them.

So count me for the Zoos are great and helpful places for animals. Because in my opinion they are.

English student said...

Most zoos take injured animals from the wild and bring them to their zoos, to rehabilitate them. By putting them in exhibits that "mock" their living environment in the wild, was a good thought to try to teach them how life would be like, if they get to be released into the wild. Zoos are both good and bad things. If you aren't going to be releasing a animal back into the wild, the zoo is like a 5 star hotel for them, always having a guaranteed meal and clean place. but for animals that are going to be released, i feel that once they were in that 5 star hotel environment, they might not be able to survive on their own in the wild

Most people think that zoos are bad, well I think that they are not as bad as they sound. Most of the animals that they take and put in the zoo’s are most likely endangered or they are in their to be rehabilitated. It’s not like zoo keepers go out to the wild and are like oh well that’s the tiger that I want in the zoo this week. Plus they keep their “cages” to where they mock their real life habitat. These animals are able to do everything that they do in the wild, there is just not at many friends with them like they would have out in the wild. You should take in to consideration to that what if these animals that are endangered or need rehabilitated are out in the wild, they would most likely die or become extinct. Most people think that it’s bad that they are in zoo’s, I think that it’s good for people to know about all the different type of animals that are out there. An what is a better place than a zoo.


You cant really compare jail to a zoo because people who go to jail obviously deserve to be there for whatever reason.
I do think that they are sometimes treated unfairly and that they should be able to roam free.
However, a lot of animals in zoos are endangered and they need to be protected. If they are set free into their natural habitat they will be ultimately killed.. I think that they should come up with bigger more outdoors buildings that are more in touch with their actual habitat.
I think that if they have animals that are no where near endangered they should let them go..
I don't really like the zoo because I don't like how they animals are treated but the ones whose lives are in jeopardy are in there for their own good.


English student said...

I think there are pros and cons for having animals in zoos. A good thing about keeping animals in zoos is that adults and children both can learn about certain types of animals. Also, the animals in the zoo do not have to hunt for their food because they have it fed to them by the employees at the zoos. A negative issue about keeping animals in zoos is that animals do not have much room to get exercise. Also, we never know if the animals in zoos are being properly taken care of.

Shelby Walker

English student said...

I completely agree with Allyson. I think that zoos are good in a way because they let the animals that are injured in and help them heal faster and then they eventually just get used to being in that environment. I think there are advantages to keeping these animals in the zoo because it also helps teach a lot of people the different things about each of the animals, such as where they come from. I agree like with what alyyson said about If you take them out of that environment and put them in the wild they may not survive. I look at it as if they are getting the right care they need then zoos can be a really positive thing.

English student said...

I do think that it is cruel to but animals behind the bars of a zoo. But I also think that it is okay because those animals might be the ones that hurt one another. I think that zoos are better now then they were years ago. Zoos keep animals in their natural habitats, by feeding them what they would normally eat and lacing them in what they normally would live in. Its just they are living in smaller quarters than a big wide open space.


English student said...

I think that Zoos are okay. Zoos are not trying to hurt the animals, some of them are trying to protect them from becoming instinct. I also think that zoos teach children about different parts of the world and where the animals come from. They give the animals enough grace land to wonder around,its not like they are trying to enclose them.

English student said...

i don't believe in having animals behind bars or in cages. lots of animals that are in the zoos need to be in their natural environment. i do understand how it can be educational to those coming to visit them at the zoo, but there are other ways people can learn about them. I also understand how many zoos take injured animals and take them in and take care of them. There are bad and good things about zoos. Although i dont agree with them being behind bars or in cages, the advantages in some cases are better for the animals.
Kiara D

Divina 10 AM said...

I have been thinking about how animals live a lot lately. When I was a kid we had a dog that never came inside, he stayed outside on a chain his whole life as a guard dog in our back yard. Even when we lived in the country he was always on a chain. I think back now and realize how mean it was to him. He always had food and water and shelter but not very much attention and no fun at all. It makes me ill now. Animals should be happy and maybe some zoo environments are ok, if they have other animals to interact with, at least that gives them some socialization, but it isn't really the same. I don't know how we can remedy this though, as it has always been done, so it won't be easy to change. The more cruel cages need to be addressed and given the attention that the press can maybe help to get the animals a better life. We as a public are the only hope that these animals have.

English student said...

I'm kinda on the bored of these topic. I personally love animals, but at the same time i hate seeing them trapped in the zoo behind windows and no where to go. Then again it sometimes is a good thing for the animal to be in the zoo. Some animals were on the verge of being extinct and were in harm so they were transported to a zoo, so they could be safe and taken care of. These is a hard subject to really pick but i would have to say i think all in all, i think that animals should be set free into the wild and live their lives.


English student said...

no.. i say no because some animals that are in the zoo are wild and can attack at any minute. i also believe there would be no such thing as a zoo is it was not for the caged animals because if they were'nt caged then people will most likely not go to the zoo and neither will the kids in the world.i think they understand everything because they come in contact with zoo keepers and humans on a day to day basis and they don't try to attack no one, so to me i would say they accept there role as a showcase, its almost as if there being spoiled. they get bathed they don't have to fight for their food like they would if they were in the wild. i do believe that zoos help keep alot of species off of the endangered species list. to me one of the only advantages i could think of is help animals stay off of the endangered species list.

Matt E noon

English student said...

No, I do not think that it is "torture" to have animals in a zoo. Zoo's are educational to the people and help keep endangered species from becoming extincted. If we didn't have zoo's to keep endangered animals in who's to say that some of the animals that we have today wouldn't be extincted due to poachers and such. And i completely disagree with what Xeromy said. Watching the Animal Planet is nothing like going to a zoo. You don't get the same experience as seeing the animals in person. And i think takeing a trip to Africa for a "damn safari" would be a little expensive when you could invest a lot less to go to the zoo. That's if the zoo even charges to get in. But in my opinion zoo's are nothing but a good thing.


English student said...

For the majority of zoos, no, I don't think it's torture for animals to be there. I think in a way maybe the animals could feel like they are possibly trapped, but every zoo I've been to, (which is only 2 or 3) I don't believe that is the case. No one knows what happens after hours, but I've never been to a zoo where the workers aren't thrilled to be working with the animals. They're so happy to be there with them and interact with them. I haven't been somewhere where I thought the cages are too small, or dirty, or unsuitable for that animal. Animals are always getting fed, and cleaned and are constantly given attention. I think a big reason why animals are even in zoos is because they were injured or maybe in more danger in the wild, so by bringing them to a zoo to get healed or protected is a better outcome. Personally, I love zoos and aquariums, they are one of my favorite places to go too; I believe there are many more advantages than disadvantages.


English student said...

It's been a while since I have been to the zoo, but I do remember how sad some of the animals looked behind the barriers, especially, the Lions and Tigers.

I think about it and how I would feel to be taken from what I am familiar with and put in places of restraints and limited to what or where I could go. It sounds a lot like slavery.

It's true that some animals have been saved due to organizations that removed them out of danger, but at the same time, for some animals trying to adapt to confinement can become difficult, even to the point of death.

I believe it's a 50/50 situation, if the animals are being treated right, I think that that can make the situation much better.

Linda H.

English student said...

In ways i do feel like its wrong how zoo's treat animals. Yes animals in the zoo are out of their natural habbitat which is wrong. Zoo's are educational and fun, but not right to animals. If they were worried aboiut endagering them why not breed them and let them back into the wild? Not all animals hate living in the zoo but im sure many do. Zoo's should make the effort to make the living conditions better for the animals. For the people and the economy the zoo's are good because they create jobs and provide entertainment. But for the animals i don't thinkn it is right and its definetly inhumain. I don't feel that the zoo is a good place for anaimals but i do feel places like aquariums are not all bad.

Ian 10:00

English student said...

No, I don’t think it is torcher for animals to be at zoos. It not like zoos take in animals for fun almost all animals in zoos are rescues. Animals that were in the wild and were injured or separated from their herds, most zoos will actually release their animals when they get better. I am not saying that all zoos do this but the majority of them do and the zoos take care of their animals. Animals in zoos are NOT kept in small cages, if they are ever in a small cage it is because they need to be tranquilized so they can be given medical attention or for checkups. There are far more advantages to having zoos than there are disadvantages, zoos are a good way for us to help protect the animals that we share this planet with.

Ryan Marshall

English student said...

I think putting anyone or anything in captivity/behind bars, for no reason is very cruel. Yet I do love going to the zoo.When you look into the eye's of the animals, they look sad. They've taken them out of their habitat,freedom, and put them in a place that doesn't give them any room to be them. Yes I feel that the zoo's have saved some of our endangered species from being killed, but at the same time, the animals are dying from being isolated to a same area. As for the advantages and disadvantages, I feel it is equal. Latonya

English student said...

I have never been to a zoo but I don't believe they are bad for animals, of course they all have the potential to be dangerous but they really comes down to who is running the zoo. I feel like they do take good care of a lot of the animals there and actually do give these animals a good home.

Alec Pettyjohn

English student said...

I think that there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages to zoos. Some take in injured animals from the wild and help them adapt. In some ways they are better off in a zoo. Also it puts so many different animals in some spot that we can learn from better, and see how they differ from on another. But then again you are taking them out of their environment. Some animals need to be able to be free and run or do whatever in an open space. Some think it does more harm than good. I don’t really go to the zoo a lot but when I did go I didn’t see any problems.

Caitlin Wakefield

English student said...

I think that it is tortur for the harmless animals to be behing bars at our zooos but the ones that are harmful no I don't think that it is torture at all because they can hurt someone. Animals are starter than some people think honestly I think that they feel punished in some kind of way being behind bars and not being free. And I believe if being in the zoo and the people that work for the zoo aren't hurting the animals then it's okay with me. I use to love going to the zoo I wouldn't mind taking my little sister and my nephew. I think the zoo is a good place for animals to be it's a good envirnonment.


English student said...

With the way I see it I think animals at the zoo are being abused. They are out of their own environment and thrown into a cage where they can't live their own lives. They are made for a show to us as humans which is completely wrong. Animals need to be cared for and shown affection. An animal trapped in a cage its whole life doesn't get cared for and the affection it needs from the visitors at the zoo or even the people who work there. I can see it in a a way that i may be saving animals who could be endangered soon but i think at some point they should be able to have a free life in a save environment that is watched by zookeepers but still in some type of wild life where they came from in the first place.

Shelby F

English student said...

I honestly, don't have a strong opinion on this one, one way or the other. I feel putting animals behind bars is yes cruel indeed but, also could save them from being killed in their own habitat. I also look at it from the people prospective, this is a money maker and now a days money is crucial. As selfish as that may sound, zoos bring in millions of dollars a year and with that said I feel zoos can be a good thing and a bad thing its just the way you look at it.\

Abbie Magrini