Sunday, April 24, 2011





English student said...

I don't think I would ever consider international adoption. Me and my brother were both adopted, and because of that I am partial to United States adoptions. I understand that there are a lot of kids in other countries that need to be adopted, but there are a lot of kids here too. My adoptive parents love me and my brother both just like we are their own children. Some parents are uncomfortable with adopting children when they already have their own, and that is understandable to an extent. If the adopted child is older when he/she is adopted, then the adjustment could sometimes be hazardous to the other child because of emotional issues with the adopted child. Not all adopted children have emotional issues, but depending on where they come from and what they've been through, it's entirely possible.
Allison P

English student said...

I think that if I were ever to adopt a child, it would be a child from the United States, not because of race but because there are so many children that need a home in our own country. If I did adopt a child, I would love them unconditionally as if they were my own. I think people who adopt children love them just as their own children even if they already have other children that they conceived. If I were to adopt a child internationally, I would want them to know where they came from if they were mature and comfortable enough with it but I would not want to upset them by forcing them to do something.
Morgan Russian

English student said...

If I was in the position to and had the financial support, I think i would international adopt. I would adopt, because i feel that every child should have a good place to live. Yes I would, because I would treat the child as if it was one of my own. Already having a child would have some influence on my decision. I feel that I would still adopt a child if needed. I don't know where I would choose from I would just let God send me a sign. I think the child would adapt to the culture that is getting raised in but if the child wanted to learn more about its own culture Im open to let them do what ever.


English student said...

I personally would probably just stay within the US if I were going to adopt children. It is cheaper to stay within the states and because Americans always come first. I do not have a problem with it though because a couple in my community did a international adoption and the child fit right into the family. If you saw them you would not think anything difference in the family. I did not know he was adopted for years.

Clayton B. (11:00)

English student said...

I feel international adoption is a good thing. You hear about it mostly with famous actors and actresses but I feel that they choose to adopt these kids because they want to give kids that may be unfortunate a better, fresh start at life. I would definitly adopt because my mom and aunt were adopted and it doesn't change how you love for a child. Blood isn't the only way you can love and care for a child that isn't related to you by blood. The only thing taht would bother me is that it doesn't have your genetics and look similar to you but in many cases you want to adopt because you have a genetic disorder taht you wouldn't want your child to be born with, so it can go either way. If I had to adopt it would be from the U.S. because I would assume that's easier but i would proballly adopt from africa because some areas in afrioca are in very bad conditions. I would not immerse the child in there culture, because they are my child and they are living in the U.S. and it's a completely different lifestyle here.
-Jake Rone-

English student said...

I believe International adoption is a great thing, but adoption of children from ones own country should be first. There are alot of children in the USA who need homes and parents so why go to other countries when you could help your own nation. If I was unable to bear children I would for sure adopt but from my own country.

Shannon Adams

English student said...

I belive that international addoption is a very great thing, but I agree with Shannon Adams that the addoption of ones own country should come first. There are very many children here in our own country that need a loving home home to be raised in. I think that adoption is a second chance for children and that wether it is international or just in the US it is a wonderful thing.

English student said...

Tyler Farmer (11:00)

English student said...

I think that I would consider adopting. I have two very good friends that were adopted, and I believe that reguardless of if they are your blood or not you will begin to love the child like your own. Overtime especially because of the love that you feel with the child. I feel that if your are going to adopt you should get a child while they are at a very young age. Some problems that you could run into may be a difference on how the child was raised and how you want to raise them. Also if they are young they will learn to grow with you and become attached like a young child should.

Josh Witt (11:00)

English student said...

I really don't have much of an opinion on international adoption. I guess the idea behind it is commendable. I would not have a problem with adopting a child (or children) from another country. I think that a person is a person no matter where they are from. I would show them just as much love as I would show a blood relation. I would also still adopt if I had children of my own. I think that the most likely places where I would adopt would be the most impoverished countries. I guess I would adopt a child from there because those would be the places that had the greatest need. I would do my best to immerse the child in his/her culture as well as American culture.

Eldridge (11:00)

English student said...

I think International adoption is a good thing. From the country I am there is a lot of children that are suffer from hunger and were not able to have education. Most of them are living in the streets. Some foundations were trying to help them by providing foods and other necessities but those foundations are not enough because there are only a few donations per week. A girl I met from my high school was of the same race as me I wouldn't have known that she was adopted if she hasn't told me. She shared that she was really thankful of her moo who adopted her because if it wasn't for her she wouldn't have the good education she's having and she wouldn't have a family that she can call her own.

If I were to adopt I would make sure I can provide them financially and love them equally as I would love my own children because it might cause them jealousy and would act rebelliously.

Samantha E.(11:00)

English student said...

I think people who adopt do love the children as if they had given birth to them. I think people who are wanting a newborn or infant will look overseas because the wait in the U.S. is so long. I do believe that the adoptive parents should teach the children about the culture they were born in. Doing so would make the child a better rounded person.
Peg (1:00)

English student said...

I think international adoption is a very good thing. It gives children who are less fortunate a better home and a family they can live with and love. I could see myself adopting if in the future i for some reason could not conceive a child. I do think i could love an adopted child as much as i would love my own. I do not think having a child of my own would influence my view of adoption. If i would adopt i would most likely adopt from within the US because there are so many children that need to be loved and have a safe home.

Brett Scott (11:00)

English student said...

I would not have a problem with adopting a child from another country. I would want to adopt a child from the United States first because we need to help out our own country in order for it to improve as well. There are so many children without homes in families in the why not give them a chance to see the our country is not all bad.

Darci (11:00)

English student said...

Personally I would adopt within the US, I certainly don't have a problem with international adoption, every child needs a home regardless what race they are. If I were to adopt a child I would love them like they were my own, because they would be my own, maybe not blood related, but never the less he/she is my child. If I had children of my own and decided to adopt it would influence my decision because depending on the age of my current child, it would be a lot harder on him/her if they were older and I decided to add a brother or sister into the picture, they may not accept them as part of the family and outcast them, but if mine was younger than it would be easier because then they would grow up together. I would adopt from the US because its a lot faster and easier to adopt here and if I did adopt from a different place in the world and if they grew up and were curious about their culture I certainly wouldn't stand in the way of that. I'd want to know if I were in their shoes.

~Lauren (11:00)

English student said...

I would consider international adoption. I feel that every child deserves the right to be loved. I would like to adopt a child from a country in Europe. While I would not care about the skin color of the child, I feel that he himself would feel more accepted in society if he could match the appearance of his family. However, if I got a child of a different ethnicity, I would love him the same and provide him with a loving and happy home.

Landon W 11:00

English student said...

The only reason why i would adopt a child is if i wasn’t able to have my own. I also believe it up to the individual on whether or not to adopt internationally. If i were to adopt then yes, i would love them as if they were my own. If you don’t think you would be able to then you shouldn’t even think about adoption. Adoption is just as big as a decision as having your own baby, and unless you are ready and fully committed you shouldn’t adopt. No i don’t believe that having my own child would make me think twice about adoption, if that is what i wanted to do then it wouldn’t matter if he wasn’t conceived by me or not. If i was to adopt internationally i don’t believe i would raise them in his or her culture, if you wanted them to be brought up in their culture you shouldn’t adopt them and take them away from their own culture. Later on in life i would let them choose whether or not they wanted to learn more about their culture.

Alex K

English student said...

I think its a great idea to an extent. It all depends on the age of the child. my best friend's family adopted a baby boy from Guam. the baby boy was a bit hard to adjust to but now is the heart of the family. than the same family ended up adopting a kid from china. the boy was about 8 years old so it was really hard for him to adjust to life in america. it was so bad to the point where it was ripping the family apart. the family than had to send him to another family. so it all depends on the age of the child. the younger it is the easier but the older it is it might be a bit hard.
Rocky V

English student said...

I'm all for international adoption. I feel as though it shouldn't matter where you adopt, as long as your saving a child's life with love. I would of course love them as they were my own because that is one of the main reasons to adopt.. To give a child love and care that they need. If I had a child already and wanted another child, yes I would still adopt.

Jenny (11:00)