Friday, April 18, 2008

Violent Crimes in School

Over the past few decades, more and more instances of violence in schools are showing up in the media. Is there any way to prevent this violence from happening? What are some logical ways to stop the violence? What is provoking the people into doing these acts? Should security in all schools be increased because of it? Should schools increase awareness about this topic to students?
Thanks for your comments!
Jason Brown (12:00)


Anonymous said...

I think that there are ways to reduce the violence and detect it earlier, but there is no way to stop it 100%. Some logical ways to prevent these shootings and other forms of violence are to have metal detectors by all the school entrances, to take verbal threats and suspicious behavior more seriously, and to have counseling services more readily available for those kids that need it. I think we can't eliminate it because some of these students are psychologically ill and have some sick thoughts and obsessions in their mind, and it's these thoughts that provoke them to do it. We can't control or know how every student thinks, so sometimes it's impossible to predict or prevent. I think that it would be a good idea to have metal detectors in all schools because it is the most logical way to reduce violence by preventing kids from bringing in weapons. Other than that, security as a whole shouldn't be increased because most schools have security guards or cops anyway that are there to help. Schools should raise awareness, especially to list some warning signs or tendencies that school shooters usually have so that students can aid in the detection and prevention of future shootings or violent acts.

Anonymous said...

I don't think violence can ever be prevented. However I do believe it is possible to slow the acts of violence down. The only logical that I can think of is to install metal detectors in schools and take threats more seriously. I think the main reason why people are being provoked is mainly due to bullying. I think some people feel the only way for them to get their points across is by using guns. I don't think Security in schools should be increased, I just think the security should pay close attention to the situations.

English student said...

The school violence isn't anything knew.This stuff has happened for along time; years ago in Russia and in this country.A lot of these kids are the kids that get picked onand some what desencitized.They play violant games and watch messed up movies.The kids may have problems that need the help of a shrink or some other kind of head doctor.The parents need to talk more and spend more time doing things with the kids.Security should be stepped up some.The security that is in place now needs to do a better job.Schools should talk about it some' but they don't need to blow it out of the water.

Douglas Olinger

English student said...

I think people are overreacting. Violence isn't so bad as long as no one gets hurt.

--James Burke

English student said...

Violence is becoming a huge issue in schools today. In my high school we had two shooting threats, and ammo was found in the gym. This sent our school into a media frenzy, and a complete lock down. The media I believe is partly to blam for this. Kids want their ten minutes of fame, and when something like this happends they sure do get it. Look at all of the mass shooting that we have had in the past 10 years. We know more about the shooter and his life, then we know about the victims. THe media doesn't show how sick these people really are, all the media wants to know is all about this person's life and past and family. So kids see this and want that to be them to. I belive that every school should have at least one cop there at all times. This just makes since and I belive that it would help in stopping the threats of violence. I also belive that schools should offer a class on how to fight back, if an attack did occur. I belive that they should teach students and teachers what to do if an attacker entered the room with a gun, and how to take down that gunman.
-Emily Stege

English student said...

I agree that their is way to much violence going on in schools and i do believe that their are some ways to reduce it. We can get more security in the schools, like camera and actual police man. When schools do that they make students think twice about what they are doing. but to really reduce the violence in schools people have to teach students at a young age. Parents need to make sure their children are acting civil at home and at school and teachers should increase the awareness in their classrooms. Unfortunately their is probably no way to completely eliminate violence anywhere in the world, but i do believe that their is a lot of ways to reduce violence.

Omar Al-Chaar (12:00)

Anonymous said...

There is no way to stop violence 100% but I think there are ways to decrease it. I think alot of the violence in schools is due to the voilence on TV. I dont think that tv stations should quit airing these programs but I do think that parents should monitor what their children watch more closely. I also think that some of these people who are causing violence at schools have something psychologically wrong with them. That is a little harder to take care of because no one knows exactly what others are thinking. I do think that if you notice someone acting strange you might talk to someone about it and maybe get that person some help before it gets out of hand.

Anonymous said...

There's no sure-fire way to prevent violence in schools from actually occuring, mostly because there's almost no way to tell when or even if someone is going to pass their breaking point and go on a killing spree. You can make it harder to pull off (e.g. metal detectors, therapists trying to spot kids at risk), but that really only delays the chance that something will happen, since if they're determined to go through with it, they will find a way to make it happen.

There's no real way to know what causes people to commit these atrocities, they could just be that screwed up, they could have been bullied relentlessly, they could have done it for attention, it could be any combination of really minor and stupid reasons. Security probably should be increased to a point where it becomes difficult for would-be shooters to pull off, but not to the level of cops in every hall.

English student said...

I think that there are ways to reduce the amount of violence in schools but no one really knows th right way of how to go about cracking down on those that bring the violence into the schools. Some of the ways to help stop the violence would be to keep a more watchful eye on all of the students, maybe put in some metal detectors and let the students know of ways to help stop the violence. Violence is something that can or will never end but there are ways that it can be slowed down.

English student said...

I think that violence is in creasing in our schools, because Americans are not lessening to the youth. They are view by some as stupid, different, or something less then the person doing the judging. Violence can be put under control in many ways, but not all the way are ethical and take away from the rights of the people. An example would be if everyone were treated like a prisoner. This means that everyone would be in shackles, color coded, and escorted every were they go. This way of solving the problem would take away from the right of the people. Another way to help the problem would be to have more police around. This would be a show of force, which might make someone think before they do something violent. My final way to help the problem would be to make everyone attend go to a therapist. The therapist would have to evaluate everyone and based on the opinion of the therapist the student would be allow in or not in the school. I think all of the example would cost a lot of money; this might make it very difficult to go to school, because the cost might be too high. Of the three examples, which I gave the second one is the best in my opinion. The schools should increase the awareness of this topic to the students.

From Steve Gratkins (9:00 a.m.)

Anonymous said...

i agree that more measures have to be taken to prevent school violence. but i believe it all starts at home, a child's strange behavior has to be taken seriously. the depressed behavior of kids could be an indication of a bigger problem. the teachers are also responsible to a lesser degree to indicate this same problem. i think that secrity in schools will not stop any problems, the officers cannot watch every thing at every time. the only logical solution catch the problem early.

English student said...

I really don't think there is a way to stop the violence in schools. We all need to be aware of the people around us and report anything suspicious we see or hear. The government is already trying to reduce violence by trying to regulate gun laws weather that will go through or not who knows? Logical ways to stop the violence would be reporting anything you find that is important as well as stepping up things on the security side. The people doing these types of things have some sort of mental issue i think, probably something that could be assessed but instead they act out for attention and do what they do. it is all very unfortunate. I think they do what they do to get a point across of to get attention. I think security should maybe increased but mainly to over see things that are going on and monitoring everyones behavior as well as to have a lot of safety precautions. School should most definitely increase awareness. Even though everyone already knows about school violence it does not hurt to discuss it and have safety plans.

Michelle Carr

Anonymous said...

I think that there are ways to prevent violence in schools from happening. Schools should make counseling more available and inform students about violence and make sure that they know they can go speak with a counselor if they are having any problems. I think that security should be increased in schools that are populated with gangs and that every school should have a cop present throughout the day. I also think that teachers should stop turning their heads the other way when they see students being harassed and become more involved. Many of the reasons there have been so many shootings is because of mental disorders and students being teased and harassed. It should be everyones responsibility to report anyone or anything that may be a threat. If this problem worsens I think that students should have a mandatory mental health screening upon entering high school.

English student said...



Anonymous said...

I think there is more violence, because people can get almost any type of weapon they want on the internet with no questions asked. One reason people are more violent is the people were not taught good values and how to respond to conflicts. Provoking people is probably the biggest reason for all the violence. The only way to stop the violence is to get these people treatment before they do something they are going to regret the rest of their lives.You can increase security, but they always seem to find ways around it. Increasing the awareness would probably be a good topic, but you would need to identify all the signs of someone that is about to reach the breaking point.

English student said...

I feel like there are not many ways to prevent violence fom happening? I think that students should be able to talk to a councelor when needed. I think teachers should report any sudden changes in behavior from a student. I feel like life can get overly stressful, and that could be a big issue on what is provoking people into doing these acts. I feel that security should be increased. Students need to know what to do if a shooting accured. The Schools need to have a plan and be aware at all times.

Kristen Duitsman (12:00)

English student said...

I do not think there is a way to stop violence from happening in schools, but there is a way to reduce it. There should be role models teaching kids at a young age that violence is not right and not a way to answer to problems. Stop the bullying and get kids to communicate better at a young age. Don't let any child get left out on anything because that is a way they will feel isolated. There has to be kids making fun of others as well as bullying. Kids are putting others down and thats what provokes them to use violence. There should be security in all schools incase of emergency. Schools should definately increase this topic when teaching.
Jennifer Woodward (12:00)

English student said...

I don't think there is a way to stop violence from happening but there are ways to reducing violence from happening. I think is schools stepped up the security and if the school got a tip on any type of violence even if it's something minor to quickly response to it. Then once something happens they should use that as an example so others can see the consequence of it. I also think if the school know that someone has a mental problem and think they will cause troubles/violence that they should check it out and get attention to the child before it's to late. We are surrounded by violence all around us how do we not expect some children to be influenced by that , I mean our own country is at war and is in a violent war. Kids will pick up anything.

Cesar (9:00)

English student said...

I do not think there is any way to ever stop violence, other then not making guns completely, but that is never going to happen. The only way I can think to help prevent it in schools is by putting metal detectors in them at all the entrances, and also by taking threats more seriously. I think bullying and being made to feel like an out cast is what mainly provokes the people in school shootings. YES I do think the awareness of this topic should be increased to students. because I don’t think people take it as serious as they should, and they think it would never happen to them.

Kristine D'Urso

Anonymous said...

There really is no way to prevent it. School could get better security, but I dont think that would really stop this from happening. I think that the reason it happens so much is because of bullying, or the way people are labeled as being freaks, or not being popular.

English student said...

I dont think there is any way to prevent it. They could get metal detectors but if they do that the kid wont come to school and just wait for everyone to get out and walk out the school. Its really no way you can sense a kid would do something like this because there are many kids that are just quiet and keep to themselves and then out of no where they do things like VT or columbine. I think kids would think twice about doing things like that if they had officers patroling the building with firearms on them. That might be the only way.

Justin Peacock 1:00