Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Edwidge's question on Homeless People

Estimates of the number of people without homes in the United States vary from 230,000 to 3 million, including between 50,000 and 500,000 children. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development estimated in 1999 that "there are at least 600,000 homeless men, women, and children in the United States on any given night," adding that roughly one-third of this population is composed of families with children.

What is your opinion on the homelessness issue? Should people support homeless people? How do you know if a person is really homeless or not?Do you give money to homeless people? Why or why not? What can be done about the problem of so many people in this country, including families and children, having no where to live?

The passage at the top is from the site below. Please read more about homelessness before you respond, if you have the time.


English student said...

I personally almost never see homeless people. sometimes i'll see one by the ramps at 74 and prospect, but i never know if they're really homeless or not. there are places they can go to be taken care of or find work, all they have to do is find a police station.

English student said...

Debra Porter:

I feel that if someone is homeless, it is their own fault, and either they are just too mental to know what the do to help themselves, or they just don't care and except people to feel sorry for them. I myself have never helped out a homeless person. I think that someone wants to help a homelss person, it's their decision. The reason I dont give anyone my money, is you really DONT know if they're homeless or not. I've heard stories of a homeless man in Urbana that is homeless, but has loads of money, so how is he really homeless? And how do we know that all homeless people aren't like this? We don't, thats just it. It really doesn't bother me how many people are homeless or not, it doesn't affect me, so I could care less. It's their own fault they are like that, and I'm not going to try and help someone that could have easily helped themselves to not get into that situation.

English student said...

From Jan Baker:

My mother taught me at a very young age to do unto others as I would have them do unto me. I think that we all have gotten ourselves into situations in where we need help and I persnally am thankful for the times people have helped me. Homelessness is a very sad situation. People often don't see homelessness because it is easier to ignore than acknowledge the problems that lead to people homlessness.

I persnally could very easily be homeless today. I was the victim of physical abuse in my marriage. I could not afford to live on my own with out my husbands financial support. Fortunaely I had family members willing to help me. A lot of people don't have family support or friend networks. Today, I have a house to live in - but only because I bought a dump of house with very cheap payments (all i can afford). Fortunately again, my family and friends donated their time and carpentry talents to make it a nice, liveable place for my kids and myself.

People are homeless for many different situations.

Usually it is a result of lack of resources in our society to deal with certain situations. Health costs are outrageous. Adequate Housing costs are expensive. People suffer from all kinds of mental problems that they do not have the resources to get the proper treatment they need.

I don't think it is our job to judge why a person is homeless. Instead we should be more concerned how we can help the person find the help and resources they need. I do believe that giving a homeless person food and water is much better than money, because money often times only helps feed an addiction. But, i will never forget the time my daughter had five dollars in her pocket and started bawling when I drove past a person on the side of the road. We had to turn around to take her money back to him. Seeing the look of satisfaction and hope in her eyes reminded me of the reason we exist on earth - to help each other - to love each other no matter what - unconditionally. I could go on and on. I hope I have made sense. I just didn't want this to be too long.

English student said...

What I would like to know is how come that the estimated number of homeless people in the United States varies so much? 230,000 people to 3 million people is a huge jump. Anyway I have sympathy for those who are homeless who have put forth a good effort to get a job and who have tried to advance in society but haven't caught a break. As for people who are just homeless there are way to many examples were it's just lazyness and they feel to sorry for themselves and they don't put forth the effort to get a job. The one I can't stand is when people who are homeless can't get the "right" job. If I didn't have money and I needed money you bet I'd get my ass out there to find me a job. Even if it's a low paying job. People should only give money to the homeless if they have seen that individual has put forth an effor to advance in society and hasn't caught a break. Other than that I wouldn't touch the issue.

Dan Berger

English student said...

Homeless people really only come into the media when a crisis occurs. With hurricane Katrina, everyone knew about the disaster so much of America tried to help in some way. I truely believe that most people just arent aware of the homeless people around in thier community. I dont think it is because they are cold hearted and just dont care.

I know that the last time I saw a homeless person was a few years ago. My heart aches when i am forced to drive by. My parents and my boyfriend wont allow me to stop and help out some stranger just because you dont know who the weirdo's are.

If someone is homeless however, i know there are plenty of places to find food and shelter in the bigger towns. Even in smaller towns, if they would go to any church, they usually wont be turned down.

Homeless people may have pride issues and not want to go somewhere for help, feeling like begging on the streets is still them doing something. I really feel like they should swallow thier pride and get some help, or go get a low paying job.

Bridgette Overmyer

English student said...

My heart goes out to all of the homeless people. I couldn't imagine ever being in that situation. it's by the grace of god that i am not in that situation. I personally have not really run across to many homeless people. I think that it makes it that much easier for me to give when I have the chance. However I would like to see just once a person holding a sign for resources like directions or a ride to a shelter, unemployment offices, and other reasources that could attempt that to help them get on their feet. i find it easier to help someone who is trying to help themselves.

More importantly, I feel that with all the money that is in the U.S. homelessness and poverty should not be an issue here.

Richauna Williams

English student said...

I think that society has a moral obligation to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves. Of course, most would say that this is naive. But perhaps a little bit of compassion and empathy would go a long way toward better our nation. A lot of homeless people are mentally ill. I think that they ought to get free help and medication to help them so that they do not endanger themselves by wandering the streets, and possibly being taken advantage of, hurt, or even killed. Also, many homeless people are Vietnam Vets. Is this how we give thanks to the people who serve our country? Many of them are mentally ill, suffer from post traumatic stress disorder, suffer from injuries sustained during the war, and feel unwanted and hopeless. Some are single parents with kids, which is a crying shame. But, as I've posted in other comments, it takes two to make a kid, and two should have to take care of that kid. There should be stiffer child support laws. Also, many homeless people are alcoholics and drug addicts. Is it OK to just let them wander the streets in their intoxication? Many of them will freeze to death over the winter, from passing out in the cold, and never even know what happened to them. You may think "So what. They did it to themselves." However, did you ever stop to think that this person probably has a family? A mom, dad, sister, brother, husband, wife, kids, etc.? What if it were your relative? Would you change your mind then? Something needs to be done to give these people a hand up. No. They need something else even more than that -- they need HOPE.

Stacie Carlson

English student said...

I think the number of homeless people is at a rediculous amount. There is way too much homelessness for such a wealthy country. In other countries that are so poor, there is somewhat an excuse for high numbers, but why the US? I think people should support homeless people to a point. Helping them to much will cause them to be dependent on helpers and never strive for a better life. There is no way to know if a person is homeless or not these days. I see articles in the papers about people panhandling money on the streets, then they drive off in their brand new cadillacs. There is soo much fraud with this, that it is hard to know who to help. I do not help homeless people. I never really have the opportunity to help homeless people. I am rarely in an area where I see a homeless person. It has probably been over a year since I have seen one. If the opportunity came up, I may help a bit, but just to get them by for a little bit. I believe there is a lot to be done about homeless people's situation. I know there are homeless shelters and what sort, but there needs to be more than that. There needs to be job programs and other programs to help get people off the street. We have the resources to do it, we just need to get it organized and get it done.

English student said...
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English student said...

From Barb Beals:

Homelessness is usually caused by several factors coming together at a very inopportune time. Lets say the combination of a mental illness with losing their job. Any combination of circumstances could lead all of us into homelessness. How many families live paycheck to paycheck? I think maybe 60% of families do; with this in mind how long would it take before they became homeless? What if there were an illness in the family and one of the parents couldn't work? 75% of homeless people have low paying jobs, so it's not like they are just deadbeats. The Department of Housing and Urban development should do more to prevent homelessness. There is so much excessive spending in government that we could build a house for each homeless family in the US. Look at what happened with Hurricaine Catrina those people all had homes that were destroyed, and they couldn't afford to rebuild. They were mostly all poor to begin with and now have nothing. It can happen to any of us, and we should all be thankful when we turn off our light and snuggle up in the big clean comfortable bed we have with lots of covers.

English student said...

From Stephanie Einck

I feel very bad for those who are homeless. Especially when it is during the winter and they are proabably freezing to death. But you never really know for sure if they are homeless or not. They could be pretending to get money to be used for drugs or alcohol. I can never really tell, i see them on the streets holding signs, but that doesnt mean anything. I am not sure how you would really tell if they are homeless unless you stop and talk with them. I know some of my friends talked to a homeless man, and he said he really had a lot of money but was saving it all for his daughters college tuition and sold everything for her.

I dont give money to homeless people, for one because i dont know if they really are homeless, and two because i dont know what they would be using the money for. They could say they would be using it for food, when really they could just go and buy drugs or alcohol. I think the homeless people should go to the shelters and get cleaned up and talk to someone at the shelter and try and find a job. There are plenty of jobs in the world and they should want to get out there and find themselves one so they are able to afford a house and food.

English student said...

I think that people who are homeless either got messed up on drugs or too lazy to go out and get a job. I think people should not support homeless people, i think this because can prevent yourself from being homeless. People hire people for help. Being anything will prevent you from being homeless. I do not think that people should support homeless people, if you see them on the streets and they ask you for money, i don't think you should because they are either going to use it for drugs or alcohol besides food or whatever. Know a days, you have no idea if they are homeless because of the makeup now, and that people just like to get free stuff off of people so that they don't have to work. You seriously have no idea if they are homeless now or not. You i guess just have to trust them if you do like giving them money. I do NOT give money to the homeless. When you are walking in Atlanta the most horrible place for homeless people, they only stop the people that look nice (basically the people who have money) that pretty much tells you there that you shouldn't give them money. I think that to provent homless people employers need to give people jobs no matter what their experience, looks, color, race, or anything like that is. Everyone can admitt employers are very judgemental. They only hire people who has good looks and a lot of experience, well how is people suppose to get experience if they aren't the best looking or something like that. I think that is a way you can prevent homeless people, by actually letting them have a chance to work, and if they don't work out, you can always fire them.


English student said...

There are many shelters for homeless people. I don't know if they are full, and that is why there are people living in boxes on the streets, or maybe it is just a preference. I have given a homeless person money or food before. You can just tell when a person needs that kind of help. I usually give help to the people that don't ask for it. There is something about the people that hang out on the side of the road that have signs asking for money because they have cancer, or they are pregnant. I saw that the other day, there were two people on the same road, about 50 feet from each other. I thought to myself, they are probably married, and have a decent home somewhere, and that guys leg is just tucked in to his pant to make it look like it is missing. I could be completely wrong, but I actually read an article in a magazine about those kind of people, most of them are scam artists, and make about 600-1000 dollars a week. Thats a lot more than I make, so why should I help them out? Anyway I like giving money to homeless people when I have money to spare, it makes me feel good that I helped someone in need, and I would want someone to help me out if I was ever in need. I don't think that all homeless people are just lazy, maybe they just hit a rough spot in their life and trying to get through it.
Caitlin Parker

English student said...

The homeless situaton is sad and unfortunate. Every homeless person will have a different reason for being homeless, so to try and find a fix will be impossible. I think each situation needs to be addresses individually. I believe everyone should at least try to do a little something, be it a couple bucks or a bottle of water, anything can help. Even though I beleive most homless situations can be resolved by using the resouces out there that are availabe, some people more than like have some sort of mental illness that prevents them from thinking clearly. I think pride also has a thing to do with why so many people refuse to use resouces to their advantage, because people in general dont like to admitt that they need help, so that probably plays a part, because they want to prove that they can overcome their situation without any help.

Ben Rogers

English student said...

I am amazed at how high the number of homeless people has risen in this country. I certainly have sympathy for the homeless people who go out and try to get a job and get their life started back up, but i don't really bother with the one's who just sit in front of stores asking people for money as they go in and out, because they aren't doing anything to help themselves except become more dependent on others. Speaking of others, i always wonder at what age or time in a homeless persons life did they become out on the streets. They have to have had some friends or relatives along the way that could help them get on their feet. I have heard a lot of stories about homeless people around town, and even had small talk with one of them and he was a very nice person and seemed happy with his situation at that point. It bothers me that we have this many homeless people, but the blame get go to much further than the people who are in that situation. If i was able to help a lot of even just one homeless person finacially, i would, but i'm not in a position where i can do that.
Luke Brown