Monday, April 10, 2006

Austin's Question

Do video games and music cause violence?? PLEASE REPLY!!
Thanks, Austin Denault


English student said...

I think that the video games and music are not responsible for people acting violently. If a non-violent person is playing video games or listening to what would be considered violent music that would not cause them to all of a sudden become a violent person. People that already have a tendency to be violent may enjoy playing these agmes and listening to that type of music because those are the types of things they like. I think that parents should dtop blaming the video games and music for their childrens problems and start looking at themselves. If you put your kid at a young age infront of a violent vieo game and don't explain to them that violence is bad then they are not going to know the difference between right and wrong. It's important that parents play the leading role in bringing their children up right, but I also think that some kids are just born with violent tendancies, whether it be from a chemical imbalance or some other mental problem. I don't think that the video games and music would turn a decent human being into a violent person.
Kendle Sherry

English student said...

While there is an unmistakable positive correalation between people who watch violence on TV or play violent video games and people who display violent behavior, The jury is still out on whether the relationship is cause and effect.
Personaly I think if you're influenced by anything that is fantasy to the point of suffering real consequences for your actions there is most likely something in your personality that made you predisposed toward this behavior in the first place.
Matt D.

English student said...

NO!!! soo many people think that all of these things cause violence but i completely disagree with this idea. people have brains to make choices and i think that if someone has the intelligence to listen to explicit lyrics and watch people get blown to hell, then they should have the intelligence to decide to obey the law and not kill someone or beat them up. the phrase guns dont kill people, people do is completely correct!!! a finger has to pull the trigger, the fist has to be thrown with force, the mouth has to speak the words. point blank, all of these things need to be initiated by the brain, and people choose to do the things that they do, not a movie or song.

benjamin mckenna

English student said...

I don't think that video games and music cause violence. The population of video games and music has expanded over the years. People that have the ability to be evil or violence will become those things with or without video games or music.Teenagers have problem there is no doubt about that. Problems with parents, teachers, friends,ect. but just because a teen show a bit of anger or frustration society needs to understand that haveing feeling good or bad it ok. Society needs to stop blaming video games or music. Have you ever heard the saying,"when you point a finger 3 fingers are pointing right back at you." That saying applies to socity. Society is so quick with the finger. Society has been quick with blamming other things, than admitting that we sometimes need to understand that teens need to talk about their feeling and that parents need to stand up and listen to their children. It also seems that parents are using video games as a form of baby-sitting. With parents doing this, parents have no reason to be upset with their children playing video games.If you are going to force something on your children you can't be pissed when they start to enjoy it.Rachel Kirby

English student said...

I don't think video games or music causes violence. Maybe some of the lyics might make people crazy, but those people are looking for something to believe in anyway.

David S.

English student said...

Do I think music/video games/movies cause violence? No. I do think they can put some stupid ideas in some already screwed up minds, but the cause of the stupidity is inherent in the individual, not in the media to which he/she is exposed. An example is that lame movie in which two thrill seeking idiots laid down on the double yellow line between two lanes of traffic: I believe the metally challenged individuals that died as the result of emulating this retarded behavior would have found some other humorous way of extracting themselves from the gene pool had they not gone to see that paticular movie. If anything, a rational person may find violent movies/games/music as an outlet for aggressive tendancies rather than a catalyst for agressive behavior. Ultimately, the individual is solely responsible for the stimulus that he/she exposes him/herself to and the actions that may come as the result.

James Koltz

English student said...

I think that certain video games and music can encourage violence. If you are exposed to something for soo long it starts to rub off on you by taking root in your mind, then eventually reaches the heart, and then you act on it. So it is very important that we as parents monitor what our children are exposed to through video games, music, tv etc.

Beverly Burnside

English student said...

No i don't think games or music cause violence. I believe its all the parent's fault and how and where they raise their kids. Kids know right from wrong, and if they play a violent game or listen to violent music, they know its wrong. I say this because i play a ton of violent games,Halo, counter strike, F.E.A.R, and other first person shooters as well as fantasy RPG's, but i don't go around picking fights with people afterwards. It doesnt make me want to. in fact just the opposite i find all types of games as a big stress reliever.
-Richard Hon

English student said...

I don't think music has anything to do with violence but I do think that video games can contribute to a kid's violent behavior. I don't think video games really have an affect on teenagers, but younger kids are still in the "monkey see, monkey do" stage of life. If they are playing video games like Mortal Combat, then they are probably play fighting with their friends as well. I don't think it takes long for them to realize that they can use this fighting on others in order to get what they want.

Good Luck,
Valerie Myers

English student said...
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English student said...

i don't think that they have to do with the violence. ya some games are pretty ruff such as grand theft auto. i think all this is coming out b/c like a year ago a 13 year old shot a cop and said he saw it happen on grand theft auto. but the thing is that kid was messed up in the head. i think alot of the violence comes from the parents and there town or city they live in.
craig acree

English student said...

Video game can cause some violence i believe. video games and music and create some image in your head and mess with your head. Like little kids who pay with teen video game get very excited with they play. Since they are so small they still don't know what can hurt someone and what can. They start to make wrestling moves on their sisters or brother that can hurt them. Kids are kids and they don't still don't know the difference. Music is the same way. Some people use different music for the way they feel. Sometime music and feeling collide and can cause someone to start killing people or go faster.

English student said...

I think people are just looking for something to complain about when it comes to this subject. I don't see how a song, movie, videogame,etc. could make you harm someone. Its just a videogame. Im sure people that go out and hurt people and blame it on a movie or videogame, would have ended up doing it anyway in the future. If a parent feels that a videogame or movie isn't right for there child to watch or play, then dont let them watch it in the first place so when they end up blowing up the office at the age of 30 you cant blame it on a movie that they watched. Someone that would harm someone over any of these forms of entertainment has a mental problem.
Jeff Still

English student said...

I don't think so. I think if someone has enough rage and hate to hurt or kill someone they possessed that way before they started playing a game. And maybe if a person suffers from that anger they can release it durring a game rather than on a real person.

English student said...

I thnk that in no way does music and video games make people act violently. People make their own decisions and should be held accountable for their actions.

jamell b