1. Do you think the homeless situation will ever end? If so, how will it be solved?
2. Do you think that by giving a homeless person a place to live is all that is needed? If you do, then why? or if you don't, why?
3. How do you think the government should begin attacking the homeless situation?
Linda H.(noon)
I dont think the homeless situation will ever end. Its been going on for decades and its not something they can just put to a halt any time soon. I dont think giving a homeless person a place to live really helps them at all. Not trying to be rude but their homeless for a reason, so how would they be able to pay for a place to live if they can't even get a job. And they would just be forced to be kicked out of that house to and end up back on the streets where they were before. I think to help the homeless situation we need to try to be able to get more jobs even if it doesnt pay much. They need better ways for people to get off their feet and try to help them be able to support themselves or trying to support their families.Its not a simple thing to get rid of but trying to make more jobs out there for people will slowly help the situation of people being homeless in my opinion.
Brandan McDaniel
We've had homeless people, unfortunately since the beginning of time, and if these countries across the world haven't done nothing about solving this problem by now, I don't feel they ever will; they simply don't care that much.No just giving them a place to live isn't all they need, they need jobs to take care of themselves, buy food , pay rent, and so forth. The government can build more housing just for them to live. Latonya
I’m sorry, but in today’s society, if you are homeless, you are choosing to be that way. There is plenty of support available; you just have to be willing to take it. Our left winged government have tools in place to facilitate the help that homeless individuals receive. I honestly believe that some people choose to be homeless. There are plenty of shelters and support paths that a homeless person may utilize to get back on their feet, which leads me to believe that it’s more a psychological problem.
A good majority of homelessness is caused by drug abuse, and I believe these are the individuals that actually need help. It is extremely hard to beat an addiction and I can see why the support mechanisms would be ignored. These people need counseling and therapy in order to be integrated back into society. I know on a personal note that if I was made homeless I would be sleeping in a shelter, claiming benefits and trying my best to get a job. Quite frankly if you don’t choose that path as a homeless person (mental health issues aside), then you deserve to be sleeping on the streets.
Zach Daniels
This such a serious problem, no I don't think the government is really actively helping. I don't think the situation is going to get any better soon. The economy is still so bad, i don't understand why if the government says that they have created more jobs so many people are still out of work, and out of a home. In some cases giving a person a home is all they need. But in others there are other issues that need to be addressed so they can survive, and not be homeless again. I don't know how the government can be more effective.
Well it depends on why they are homeless. If they are homeless due to unfortunate events such as the inability to obtain an education due to low income or the government kicked them out because the senate was trying to post yet another stupid bill forcing people to pay taxes on a war that alot of people don't agree on then I will merely suggest helping them in some manner. Then I understand but if they are homeless due to laziness and without a single care in the world then I will merely let them deal with it. It is their lives, they deal with it, not me.
Most big cities do have shelters for the homeless. They even have places where they can eat. But the biggest problem in the US is all the government spending. The government needs to quit growing and make policies that would let the private sector start hiring again. That would help get rid of the homeless, and help our economy in the long run.
Shane Rasor 1000
Well as far as a whole i don't think the homeless situation will ever end. I feel like some people are homeless and its out of their hands but very few. Most people are homeless because they have become use to this lazy lifestyle and they think or believe things will just be handed to them. I work very hard because i know thats how i will have nice things in life my parents have shown me and demonstrated how hard work pays off. I really don't think the government can do to much more than they do now or that we can ask them to their just helping disable more and more people by allowing them to be this way and helping support their bad habits!
Matthew W (Noon)
The homeless situation is something too big to just wipe out. I don't believe that there is a sure way to end it. I think that giving a homeless person a place to live might help some people. Some people that you give a home will take that and use that help to the fullest to get a footing and try to get out of their situation, but I think that some might take the housing and just misuse the opportunity, and they would end up back on the streets eventually.
The government could do many different things to try and help the homeless, but in the end, I don't think that there is anyway to completely end homelessness. It is too large and too difficult of a problem to end entirely.
comment from 12:48: Kevin
I don’t see the homeless situation ever ending. There is nothing the government can actually to just completely stop it. I feel like if you’re homeless then somehow you put yourself in that situation. I don’t think by giving them a place to stay will help because they wouldn’t be able to afford anything for themselves. And therefore they would get kicked out and be back on the streets. I mean I feel bad when I see someone homeless but you don’t know if that’s the life they chose or not. And if you give them money how do you know that they are actually going to use that for a good deed. I think that there should be more help or steps in order to help them get on their feet and help their families. And I’m sure if there were more available jobs out there, there may be less people on the streets.
Caitlin Wakefield
I don't think the homeless situation will ever end. I just don't think it can be ever stop because some people are just to lazy get a job and also the government doesn't have enough job created by people give them all jobs. I don't think just giving a homeless person a place to live is all that is needed because they can do something to product to help the society out. I think government should be attacking the homeless situation by trying to keep open homeless shelter but since the economy is so bad, those homeless shelters are not getting funded by them since their isn't any money.
Kyle Ogle (Noon)
I do not feel it will ever end until people and the ecoomy change a lot of things. People need to learn to become workers and work hard. The economy needs to stop worrying about replacing jobs with technology and focus on smaller buisnesses. If you provide shelter for the homeless they should try to work and save money to ghet on their feet so they can provide for themselves. The government could do a lot of things to help. But the government being the government it will never happen. It is up to the people not the government if you ever want anything to be changed.
Ian 10:00
I don’t think the homeless situation will ever end, because there will always be those people that exploit and take advantage of others. Just giving someone a place to stay doesn’t make things completely better. They need jobs and a way to support themselves if they are ever going to stop being homeless. The government needs to find ways of bring jobs back from overseas. They need to stop getting all of our products from other countries and star manufacturing things here in the US and by doing so will create jobs.
Ryan M.
I think that homeless situations are never going to end. I believe that because people are not helping there selves out. I agree with everything Caitlin said. I feel that if you do give them a place to live how are they suppose to afford it if they have no job. It is hard to see homeless on the side of the road but then you think to yourself. Is that what they choose, did they screw up in life, but could have made things better and chose not to. I want to give them money but then I think how will they spend this. The last thing I want them spending it on alcohol or drugs. I would rather them spend it on something useful and that could help them but, I just don't know. The government on the other hand is out the question I think they could do a lot to help the homeless but never will.
I really do not ever seeing the homeless situation endings. All over the world, there are different homeless situations. A home is not all that they need to make it better. They need to get stable on their feet by help and not using it on their addictions, but not always is it addiction. The government should start with the biggest cities they know that have the homeless. Help them rehabilitate their lives. This could take forever but it might be the only shot to help the homeless.
Alexis H (noon)
i dont see homelessness ever ending. its been going on for what... forever now..and it is still happening. UNFORTUNATELY, i dont think that jus giving them some place to stay will be the solution. they will need some help with other issues that they have going on in their life. they will need a job, they will need to know how to interact with those around them, it would just be a lot of other things that they need other than shelter. i never understood how the governement could pay out all this money for t.v shows, commercials, and all this other nonsense, when our people are living on the streets. it makes absolutely no sense. they are not doing everything that they can to stop it.
Kiara D
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