One heated ethical topic is if it's okay to make clones. They started out with cloning one sheep. It was a success. The problem was that groups of people felt as though it was scientists trying to play God, and they didn't like that too much. As of now, there have been no humans cloned.
What I would like to know is your opinion on five questions:
(1) Do you think it's ethical that we clone humans?
(2) What do you think would be the primary benefits and main drawbacks of cloning humans? That is, what could we use them for?
(3) If we do use human clones, do you think they would think the same as their actual human counterpart . . . such as, if Hitler or Osama bin Laden was cloned, would they try to take over the world and cause terror?
(4) Would the life of a human clone be less valuable than a human life? (Would it be murder to kill a clone?)
(5) Would you want to accept organs from clones if the organs kept you alive?
Thank you for your opinion!
Alex Powers