Hi. Thanks for your help. My question involves one extra step but shouldn't take more than 10 or 15 minutes to answer. Thank you for taking the time.
When you hear that someone belongs to the Church of Satan, what associations do you have or opinions do you form of this person? What do you base these opinions and associations on? Based on what you know, do you understand Satan as necessarily evil or as a negative force? If so, why is that? Do you think that Satanism is significantly different from Christianity? If so, in what major ways?
After responding to those questions, will you please visit this web site and then return here to answer two more questions. Thank you. http://www.satanicchurch.com/content/9-sins.aspx
Now that you've looked at or read the nine Satanic sins, have you changed your ideas about Satanism at all? Is there anything you've read that makes Satanism look attractive or at least a little less scary?
Thank you for your comments!
Drew (night class)